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The steainer Peruvi&D has juBt been towed into Quebec after ono of tLe most dangerous passages on record. She was 26 day s at sea, mach of the time imprisoned in iee fields and driftlnghelplesBly with a broken screw. She was caoght in the ice off Cape Ba; May 7, and received no relief tlll the 18th. The ice was in chunks about SO feet square. She had about 800 passengere on board, who euiïereil greatly froin lack of food and fuel. Biscuits were ordered to be served out only every other morning. Disaatrous resulta are inevitable in Egypt from the absence of administrativo government, neglect ot all precautions for insuring water for crops and the absence of labor Ingto conscription. The nntives entreat the protection ot the British Consul General against soldlery, atating that their villages are becoming deserted throngh fear. The English and FrencU declare their lotention of preserving order. M. Blohter, editor of a workmen's socialist paper Vienna, has been convioted of treasonable utterances and sentenced to 12 year' imprisonment at hard labor. The Analo-French lnterferance la displeay ng to theEgyptian ministry and the president of theCouncil of Minister has sent the following note to the Khedive: "ïonr acceptance of the ultimatism is contrary to the unanimous nceofyour Ministers. As the admisaion of interyention ot foreign powers is nn iafringement of the rights ol the SultaD, we tender our resignations." The Khedive acoepted the resignatione. The Brltish and Frenen Consuli-öeneral have called on Arabi Bey and declare that they hold hlm pereonally responsible tor the maintooance of public security. Tho Khedive has Í68ued a proclamation to the provincial authorities enjoining them to nse especial vigilance for maintainiag public sscurity. The Khedive anuounced in a proclamation to the army that he personally assuraes command. Whereupon he recelved a telegram from the military inanders at Alejandría in whloh they declare they will not recognize auybody but Arabi Bey, and demandhis reinstatement within twelve hours. Af ter the expiration of that timo, they gayvthey will not be responBiblafor the maintenanco of order, and serlous trouble is imminent. The czar of Russia contemplates making an announcement of his purpose to lnstitute on the day of his coronation various reforme desired by his psopW, he ascrlbes the postponement of hls coronation for one year to "the ] lmpoesibillty of completing preparatlons earlier. The Khedive ha consented to reiuntate the rebellious Arabi Bey ae minister of war. I now appeare that the porte has been playing a doublé part, openly encouraging the khedive but secretly countenandng the action of the arroyGennany ie diettrbjd becinse two United 8tat8 warBhips hav baen ordered to Eyptlan waters. Arabi Bay states that he and the khcdive havo agieed to leave the settlement oí all disputed (luestions to the sultan. BritiBh leaidentstf Alexandrlahaveapyealcd to thtir consul for protcction.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat