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LonáúQ papers state Ibat Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Will iara Harcoatt have been warned that at a recent Iiish ineetiag in London the hope was expressed that Mr. Gladstone would be assassiuated next, and this expression received load and significant applauae. Arabi Bey is employing every meaos to secure co-operation o( the Bedoulns oí Alexandria. The Khedive drove out without an armed guard toda; and afterwards held a crowded reception. Arabi Bay kissed the Kbedive's band and professed himself the Khedive's most huinble slave, but directly afterward set in circulation a petition denouncing the Kbedive. Russia will support the policy pursued by England and France, both countries are ordering more war vessels to Ak'xandiia. Brody has sent a deputation to Vïenna to urge the Kinperor to fix npoa another town as a rendezvous of Jewish refugees f rum Bussia. Gladstone says the EaglishRovarnmentinnst support the Kbedive. It is said f5,000 soldiere are at work erecting (ortiQcations at Alexandria. In the flrst week of June 1500 Jews left Bra dy tor America. An invitation to conslder the Egyptian question has been received by the Austrian government. Gen. UaribaUi died on the evening oí Jane 2J. A previous dispatch said the General was lying very 111 wlth bronchitis at Gaprera, hls condltlon was precarloua and that all the mem berg of hls family in Rome and Genoa had lef t for hls bedside. Arabi Pasha bas a letter from tho Porte waruing blm that he is held responslble for the preservation of order and for the safety of European residente. Arabi Pasha assares his friends he is perfoctly secare wlth the Saltan and can prove that his condnct tliroughout the crisis has been warranted and authorized by documenta in his possesslon. Arabi Pasha has issaed a circular to consnlB repeating his assarances that European residents are safe. Gen. Garibaldi's will orders that his body be crernated and the ashes preserved in a porpbyry urn near the tomb of bis dead child at Caprera. He intrusts the execation of his wishes to hls wife. The Irish reeidents of Liverpool will make a dmonstration in honor of Davitt on Taesday. Davitt and Billón willsail for New York Thnrsday. It is reported Ali Sadek, Minister of Finance Egypt, has become insane, owing to fear oi vlolence from his colleagues. A conference of the powers on the Egyptmn question will probably assemble on Tueeday ia Berlin. Hon. Sir Charles Hall, Londen, bas been seixed witti paralysis and has resigned the office of Vice-Chancellor. The municipal council of Rome ask for the heart of Garibaldi that it niay be deposited in the Pantheon witti the remains of King Víctor Emanuei. The remains of Garibaldi are announcedto be cremated on Wedaesdsy. A revolt in India by Khona?, an aboriginal tribe, resultB in tho morder of 400 persons and the robbing of tbe treasury of Bbownatatna. The Italian chamber of depnties proposes to pay the widow and cblldien oí Garibaldi a pension of about 12,000 each. Victor Hugo is raising money in Paria to aseet Russian Jws to emigrate to America. A diapatcb trom London etates that the shareholdera of the Grand Trunk and Great Western conBolidation will receive contingent Bhares entitling theni to all surplus earnlnus ever the guaranteed three per cent. Jobn Bright, in a recent speech at Birmingham.favorably noticed the growtn of litera ture ia America, and reoommended the study of the American poets and Bancroft's history of the United States. Bsiïgais were pirked up by the Berlin police during the past year, aggregating 82,931 persons viz; 30,046 men 1,822 woman.aml 1,003 children under 12 years of a?e.


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Ann Arbor Democrat