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COOK IIOUSE AND ST. JAMES E II. HUDSON, Proprietor, . Newly Furnished. Ann Arbor. W. E. DEPEW, OF TÜENBULL & DEPEW, attomey at law, Room 3 Opera House Block, Ann Arbor, Jtich . W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Clothng store. Aun Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM CASPARY, T AKEEY AND CONFECTIONERY, " . 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchaut Tailor. shop over Win. AUaby's boot and shoesiore, AÏÏ work guaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Nos. 2 and 3 HUl's Operaouso, . O. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South Main Street, opposite the First National Bank Ann Arbor, Mich. THOS DALE, zhe Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleanei;,tliird door south of the Opera House. Samples of work an bc seen at the shop . Satisf aetion guaran tced. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMNTS and Gvestones mauufactured f rom ■lennessee and Itahan Marble and Scotch and American Oranite Shop or Detroit and Cathenne sts., Ann Arbor., Mich. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Spectaoles., Plated Ware, Gold Pens and iFine Jewelry. Special attentiou given to repairmg WatcKes and Jeweh-y. 46 South Main Street. Ann Arbor. " WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, SIQN, Ornamental and Fresco Pain ter. öilding, CalcinUning, Cllazing and Paper Hanging. AH work done u tlie Uest stylc awd warranted to irive satisf aetion. Shop, No. 4 West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DISPENSARY, Corner Huron and Fifth Stroets, Ann Arbor, Mieh. " e. c7franklin, m. d. Prof of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHIC! DEriRTMENT. Univeraity oL Michigan Rs - CUltiïD by hls lmproved raetliod. E. ï Todd Would cali tlio attention of her old Fatrons to tle tact that, having removed her Dressmaking Rooms over A. Wilsey's Music Store, she Is prepared todo all kinds of Dressand Cloak making In aU the latest Btyles. Perfect Fits (Juaraiiteed, Ohlidren'aelotUes a specialty. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. ÍOIANOS, ORQANS, SHEET MUSIC, Iimlruc1 Üon Books, VlolLn, Guitars, Flutes, &e., ïheap at Wilsey's Musie Kooms, eaat 8lde l'ubhc quaie, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largest and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into vStenaw Countv. VloUn and Glultar Strlngs a clalty N. B.-It wül bo to your iuter;t to Sx betore purchaslng anything in the Musio torn. 7" J. R. SAGE'S MUSIC STOEE is the chcapesfc place to buy Kanos, Katy Organs, Violins, Guitars. Banlog Tambourineit, Drums, Flfos, Flageolets, Ztiu'rs Accordeons, Piano Stools, Vlolin Boxes, tostruc'tion Books for all kinds of Instruments, Sheet Mnsic (new), Strings.oest quality, all kinds; Meuth Organs, Bridges, Bows, Keys and Kosin. Evrythlng in the music line f rom a Chickerlng Piano lo a Jew's Harp can be found at J. K. SAGE'S Music Store, Opera House Block, Ann Arbor. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, ilürgaiüzed 1869, under the General Banking Law 0I tiila state) has now, iududiug capital Stock, ele., etc., OTER $600,000 A&SHT8. Business men, Guardian, Trustees, Ladies and otilar persons wlll ünd thl bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at wlilcli to make Deposita and do buslnesp. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of 1 00 and upward, aecording to the rulea the bank, and interest eorapounded seini-aunu tUly. Money to Loan In Sums of $25 Socuicü by Unluoomberea Real Estáte and her good ecuritle. DiHÏGUTOKS- CkrUUan Maok, W. W. Wlnes sv. V. linjTluiiin, WiUlun Denble, K. A, Bea ; Oaalol HlLsok and W. B. ëiuitü. OÏTICEKS- ObrlBtlan Maok. PreBldenti W ff Winei, Yloe-feUen; C. B. Hlsoock, OMhler.


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