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John r,ain?, nremm and ex eugineer, company No. 3, Detroit, diertol qaick conBumptlon. Ho was a skilltul and ever faithful meinber of the department. His eicknees oommoDced wilh a cold taken before.but increased atth firo or Horace Turner, last winter, when he stood at the dook exponed, and refused to leave Uis post. Addison Mandall ha8 resigned the clerkslnp of the Unilod States circuit court at Detroi. and Walter S. Harsha has been appointed uia Buccossor. Two men at tlie mili of Stokes. Nelson & Secor, at Manistee, lately cut in one day, on ♦ ,i,nhl Wop.k Challonei'a machines, 000 Bíar and six incü tshiu?les, all of which were packed. Xhe Boynton & Akely uingle mili oí Grana Haven, bouned by the Q. H. Lamber Company was dostroyed by fire. The loss on the mili and machinery is 125,000, and th iosurance is but $251.000. Some 210 men and boy are tlnown out of employment Tho eompauy will at ouce rehuild. At the trial of implemeató at the late trial fair In rand R-xpicls, the improved Rix flpira spring harrow, madu at Kalamazoo, took n' Ib'ram B. Petere, an old resident and pioneer f Ltmawee county, feil doad on the street in Adrián. He was 81 years old. The state and tournraent, opened atJaenon Wedu63day, 13 bands mnking their appearnce and wituessed by a crowd of 10,000 poctators. THE STATE PIONEEBS. The Michigan State Pioneer Association held ita SHhnnnuiI meeting at Lanfsing, J. J. Holmes, L'ies dent in the cbair. Mrs. Tenny read her Sth annunl report. Forly uew meraber have been adied the vast year, aud several ñames were rocöived at the moetinff. The áeaths were reported by counties, and the numbir was luijfo. Touohitig memorial?, aceompanied by appreciitive remsvka, were read of the late l'reaident Taypaa ana Gov. J. 3, Bagley. About 200 ladioB and gentlemen were present Welnesday evening. Col. George W. Lsey Indian aeut for the stato of Mlohigan, wbo for soine time bas been an ittwlid, died at his residence in Ypsilanti i hatada; inomlng. He was a nativa of Chenango Co , N. Y., bnt carne to Livingston Co., Mtch., ui L838. He bad the position of quartermaater in the anuy throughont the war. Rome 200 Irishineu aod Polanders, oa their arr'val at !!ay City, Thureday, from rallroaa work up nortb, got toto a flght, flourishmg kuives aud i volvere, but rwtrictiDg theu wounds to battered headn and bruised bodies. Mrs. Byer, 08 years old, was killed by a ram peat hor resideneo ia üvid, Brnch Co. She was found witb her ekul! brokn on both eides, one Ie breken, and back and hip badly braised. The f ouith ward BChool house at Maniatee, a hbw building whieh cost 16,000, caught Cre from a furnace Wednesday night, and was burned Ia aehes . Partially inBured . Kifty man have been discharged froui the M. 0. locoinoüve 8liops in Jackeor, to reduce expenses. Four new cases of BUiallpox are developed at Grand Ripide, inaK'.ng nine in all. At the band tournainent at Jaekson Thursa tbc contist comnienced with the third lass bands, Portland City taking the firet prizo, f 10; (Jhelsea the secono, a suvm "" In the sacond class contest, the first prize, $80, was taken to Battle Creek, and the second, f70, to AlbioD. In the first class, the Detroit Opera House band took the first prize, $150, and Boob' Jackson band, the eecond, f90. Ia ttie f ree for all content, Baos, of JackBOE, won the prize, S200, over W. C. Crjant, of Chicago. By the wind and UaU storm of Thuraday, at B;ij City, the Bmoke-staokB of McKwen Bros. aurt Bouaa Bros. saw mille, Hall'd shiügle mili, and the Atlantic Salt Company were blown iown, together with the towera of the latter. E-ist Saglnaw U to bae a new bauk, tbe Hoini National, for wbicb capital stock bas beeo Bubseribed to the amount of $200,000. Also, ehe b conslderlag plan tor a now opera Lousp, to cost f35,000. As Lena Shepberd aud Kate Derby were croeuiug lh rallroad tracx at Mechanic street, Jackeoa, tU exprtsi froia (jrand Rapids stiuck theii), instactiy killiDg Miss Sliepherd autl InJuriDg M;sb Derby. Tbe horse also was killed, aud tbe bugpy ruioed. The schooner Fortana Trial was capsized off Saugatuck, but her erew were reecued. She will be a total wreek, probablj . Robt. St6V9iiaon, ineuiber of the Legislatura from Delta and Menomine, died from burns received at tha burning ot the Van Schaick mili. Kev. tí. P. Scbitky, pastor of SU Mark's chureb, P w Paw, received a etroke of apoplexy Thursday, but hopea are entertained that he may recover. Frank E.Tuthil!, of Detroit, has been arrested at St. Johns for taking policies in the Union Mutual Life and Accident Association, after he had been discharged from the agency. Lieut, C B. Salterbee, 4thartillery, isdesignated as inBttuotor in military science at the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake, reliaving Lveut Cecil. John TibbettB, the boy who murdered Ferbacb, at Ked Eye, Minn., incited thereto by reading llish novéis and a desire for notoriety, was taken from jail by 20 men and hung. The Union printere in the government printing cffice threaten to strike unless they eet an increase of from 40 to 60 cents an hour for work aíter niidnight; while the act of 1877 forbids the public printer from paying inore than öO cents per thousand eins and 40 cents an hour for time work. The HHledale boat crew champions of American amateur oarsmanehip, sailed from Pniladelphia for Eagland on the lOtb, on the Btearner Penneylvania. The members of the Sophomore"class of the Cniversity of Michigan will enact the "Adalpbï" of Terrence in the original Latia in University Hall on Saturday evening June 17. The play has not before been produced in this country. Ooeof themen whomTibbitts murdeied at Perham, Minn., was a brother of Sheriff Washngton, of Bay County, who aleo witnessedthe yncüing of Tibbitts for the crime. The McUraw saw mili and galt block, near üay City, sold recently for f350,000, íb un by threo owerful enginee, and several smalier ones, and has one live gang of 33 saws, one Btablmg gang with 16 saws on each side, and two 72 inch circulara, with machinery to make pickete, latb, barrels &c, and a big planning mili attaclied. Masked robbers entered the house of Dr. Brown of Mt. Clemens and demanded his money. He gave them his small pocket book cont.iining f 13, but coneealed a larger one with a greater amount, and they did not get t. 'i'hey also roused up his son-in-law, but as he had but $5 tbey Int him keep it. i'orepaugb put up bis big tent in Dowagiac last Sunday and invited the church to hold a unión service therein, which was accepted, and the iargest worshipping audience was gathered ever assembled there. The body of Charles McOloekey was found almost a uiile from West Branch, with his tliroat cut. It is supposed to be a case of suicide, as ho bas long been subject to fits of insanity. Albert Wiesand, f ormerly bookkeeper at East Saginaw, was arrested at Port Huron, charged with mieappropriating his employer's funds. The train on the Jackson. Laneing t Saginaw road ran over an old man lying on the track at Swan Creek bridge, severing his head from his body and rolling it through the bridge into the stream. Hugh S. Peoples,charged with the murderof M&rtha Whitla, was arraigned for trial on Monday before a jury selected the provlons week. Samuel R. Biüings has been nomlnatcd for postmaster at Marquette. A fire broke out ia Dowagiau Tuesday morning and consumed a whole block oí buildings, all wooden, but the Bepublican office. They include the large f uruiture stare of H. Higelo w, the fine f eed and sale atables of H. J. Hendry, Mrs. Reshore'B grocery, tbe city hotel, engine honB8, city ja, Gebhard's saloon, Powell's blacksmith shop, A. Smlth'.paiQt íhop.Lacy's eider factory, Mrs. Compton'a store and ing, togetber with a number of smaller buildings. The losses are heavy. Jessie W. Burnet of Pontiac was f ound dead on the back steps of Mrs. S. E. Broughton's store The last neen allTe he was intoxicated . The jury's terdict was -'death by strangulaUon." . . , A mlning company has been orifamzed at Grand Kapids with a eapltal itockof 600,00( called the Muskerfon Mining Company, thoug the stock is owned principally by Grand Itapid capiUllsts, and the business office of tbe coia panymlocated in that city. The company aiiaes are ia Marqaette connty.


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