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The School Board

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Alet Tueáday evening and there was a lurgc amount of busiuess doue. The finauce corumittee presented a nuruber of bilis, whieh were allowed. Auton Eisele beiug the lowest bidder was awarded the contract of laying a walk six feet wide of Amherst stone, froin State treet lo the out houses on the north aud south sidcs of thu buildiof?. The matter of erectiug au observatory for the use cf Uiose scholars sludyiug astrouomy, was lelt with the commiiteo ou buildiuga ud grounds. The commitlee was also authorized to invesligate relutive to purchasing seata aud desks for the high school buildïujj. The erectiou of a school buililiug in the sixth ward was deferred uuiil ifici the annual meeting iu September. The committee on teachers aud lext books maiie thu lollovving report which was adopted : man school. Superintendent, W. 8. Ferry, $3,000; principal hurk ehool, Juiison U. Patiengül, ll,tíOÜ; higher matheuiatics and phj-siCB, H. JS. C'üute, $1,400; Lucy A. Uuitteuden, Uermau and Eugüsli literature, $800; Prof. Douglas, teacüer pf eloculion and Eoglish, ?íl,000; Allen B. l'ond, Lutin, $80U; Levi ü. Wines, algebra and astronumy, $ÖOU; Auna McDonald, natural sciences, $400; Adelme B. Ladd, arithnietic and history, $400. COMMUnciAL DBFABTHBBT. Benj. E. Nictiols, principal, penmauship, üookkcepingaudpolitical economy, $1,000; lmogene Ü. Koyce, assistaut, $400. OliAMMAIt DKl'ABTMBST. Clara E. (Jonover, principal, $4.50; Abbie E. l'ond; $435. FIRST WARD. Ruthctte Kerr, principal, $450; Nettic Alies, $300; Nettie Ames, $350; EmilyJ. Eidridge, $350; Eslelle G. Mozart, $350; Maggie McDsvitt, $375. SECOND WAHD. Miuy Mullholland, principal, $450; Susie Spoor, $350; Frank B. Larned, $350; Emelie F. Lutz, f350; Ella S. Wright, $350; Emily Gundert, 860. ÏHIBD TARD. Marión Brown, principal, $375; Joephine Armstrong, $350; Alice Lovejoy, $325. KOURTH WARD. Kmelia F. Kerr, principal, $450: Eliza Ladd, $450; Cornelia EL Corselius, $350; Lulu CJoodricli, $350; Lizzie G.Cooper, $350. FIFTH WARD. Emma E. Baufield, principal, 1350; Lida Caufield, $350; Mattie Goodale, $350. srKCIAL TKACHEHi. Alvin Wilsty, inusic, $500; Maltie Biirry, drawing, one-half term, $200; lilinuian, Miss 8perry, $100 per year. The übrary to }e kept open three hours per diiy during school year, and one hour per weck during vacation. ; It is unclerstood tbat all salaries as , above are for ful! time except when otherwihe uoted, aud the comniittee recomnieud tbat all aubstitutes and temporary teachers be ernployed by and held responsible to the board, and that all absences of teachers be deducted trom tbeir time, and pro rata from their salaries, unless such absences are authorized or approved by the superintendent. The committee also recommend that Proís. Perry aud Chute be aulhorized to introduce Pecks Natural Philoophy, in place of a text book on that subject now used, provided they can raake satisfaetorj ternis therefor with the publishers. Prof. Perry, J. G. Patteneill and Allen G. Pond. instructor in Latin, having reported iu writing that in their opin.on the introduction of Harkness in the place of Allen and Qreenough's Latin grammar, would conduse to the interest of the school, the committee referred the matter to the board for its action. The board also graduated the following cluss who will receive diplomas : CLASSIC AL, COURSK. tí. G. Andrus, E. ö. Browning, W. W. Campbell, Nettie C. Daniels, E. F. Detnmon, J. L. Duffy, Wm. M. Giller, F. I. Meuir, J. F.jMoDowall, Mary Paddelford, H. G. Prettyraan, D. H. Ramsdell, Orla B. Taylor, S. B. Todd, Belmout Waples. latín coursk. Alice A. Cochran, Anna L. Campbell, Aggie J. Calven, Lucy R. Colé, Nettie C. Daniels, P. S. Fox, Flora Goodale, Fanny L. Gwinner, Fannie G. Kahn, R. L. Mauon, Helen O. Osgood, Rolla E. Roe, Josephine A. Ratlibone, Jessie C. 8hattuck, A.,R. Waite, May Whedon. ENGLISH COURSK. Currie W. Frazer, H. C. Fanchcr, A. F. McEwan, Sarán J. O&borne, Hattie M. Placeway, T. A. Pool. SCI5NTIFIC COURSK. Wm. Bullard, Lillie Baesgler, Celia Burke, Mary Clime, Flora N. Carrington, Orpha A. Calkins, Carne W. Frtzer, Ada Ferguson, L. W. Goddard, Eva N. Hallock, W. W. Harris, H. G. Hetzter, W. F. Jackman, Adda C. Jewell, Lillian G. Stager, E. W. Sprague, F. W. Stevens, F.C. Sinith, C. H. Traill, Mark William. COMMBKCIAL COURSE. R. R. Buchoz, Frederick Houghton, Wm. G. Humphrey, Orlin B. Jaycox, B. V. McLaren, R. A. Lulz.


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