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In the Senate, Mr. Morgan called up hla resolutiou for a cominittee of itw atigatiou into to labir strikes, their causes and riinedy, the committee to Bit during v-eatlon, to visit dif lerent places, to stnd for persona and papers, to examine persons under oatb, etc The discussion developed a general unanlmily of sentiment in favor of the early passage of the resolution. Coneideration was then resumed of the House bill to enable national bankiug associaticms to extend their corporate existence. The Bection before the Senate was the one autuorizlog the issue of gold certificatM The pending amendment, to allow silver certifícales as well as new gold certificates to be counted by national banks as part of their law ful reserve and to be used in eettlement of clearing heuse balances, was adopted without debate. Amendments were proposed, and discu6Sf d until tha hour of adjournment. In the House, Mr. Burrows in tbe chair, a resolution was adopted requesting the Sent ate to return the iininigraüon bill to the House. The bill as passed charges the cost of returning paupers, criajinalp, etc, to tbe nation to which the; belong, while the subaütute charges it to the steamship companie8 bringlng them over. Oa motion of Mr McCoid, a bill was paased anthorizing the Rock Island & Southwestern Bailroad Ooinpauy to construct a bridge across ihe Miseissippl River at New Boston, Hl. The Houae then ittto committee of tbe whole, Mr. Camp ia the Chsdr, on tlia biU to reduce internal revenue tsxatlon. A large number of amendments were submitted and read for iinformation. June 22.- The Sánate confirmed the sppoint ments of the President for the Utah Cominiaeion. Sunate bilí grantiag the Missistippi, Albuquerque & Ínter Oceau Railway Conipany tbe right of way through Iadian Territory was passed. The House bill to enaWe national banks to continue tiicir corporate existence came up, and various amendments were proposed and discusBed, and the bill fiaally passed, 84 to 13. The house commiftee oa patente agreed to re;ort favorably a bill reorganizing the patent cffice, increasing the coinmissioner's salary from $4,500 to $6,000 and those of bis subor.iinatss from 15 to 50 percent. It alsi createB the office of deputy principal examiners, 2tf of them at 2,100 each per year. The senate has passed a bill to extend tbe White house by erecting another building of the saine kízs and similar in architoctural lorm, in the lear of the prestnt building, at a cost of SOO.OUO, the two to be connected by a broad passage, to accommotlate state gatherings. June 23.- Ia the senate Mr.Frye, called up the rule recently reported by him from the committee on rules allowing tbe president pro tem. of the seuate wheu temporarily absent to desígnate in writing a senator to perform the duties of the chair for the day and shall otherwise order. This subject, after occupyingthe time allotted for morning business was referred with amendmente to tha committee on rules for f urther consideration. The house tben went into committee and resumed consideration of the bill to reduce iiternal reveuue taxation, it beiug agreed that fíeneral debate thereon should close at 3 o'clock at whiuh hour euiogies on the Ufe and ctiaracter oí the late, Thos. Allen should be delivered. June 26.- The Senate has tabtëd temporarily the house resolutioa for the adjournmnt of congresa on the lOth próximo. The matter of campaign asseesments, or requests for contributions from goverament employee, was the priucipal topic of discussion in the senate, Theactionalready taken by the Bepublican congreseional campaign committee is violently denounced by Demócrata. In the House an end of debate on the bill for the reductlon of internal revenue taxation has baen reacoed. Tha greater part of the sesslon was devoted to the concluding discussion. The bill as it now BtandB provides for the aboütion of the stamp tax on bank checkfl, drafts, orders and vouchers and of the tax on bank capital and deposite, and makes changes in the taxes on cigars, cigarets, etc. The passage of the bill in this f orín is expected. June 27. -The Senate in the mornin g hour took up the Legislativo, fixecutive and Judicial Appropiïatton bill. Tbe Senate committee amendments lncrease the aggregate expenditures for salaries of offlcers and employés of the Senate f37,000. Tho Senate, after disposing of sixtyeight of the 116 pages of the bill, informally laid it aside until to-morrow. In the House, a resolution was cflered In the contested eloction cace of Strobach va Herbert, Second District of Alabama, granting leave to wltbdraw bis contest without prrjudice. AIso, a report was submitted in the con. tested election case of Smith vs. Shelley.Fourth District of Alabama, accempanied by a resolution dcciaring the seat vacant Laid over. The House passed without división the bill to regúlate immigration as agreed by the Oom mittee on Gommerce, and tben proceeded to the consideration of the bill to reduce internal revenue taxation. The bill was discuesed by Messrs. Springer, Dunnell, Eelley and Kanon, and then passed 127 to 80. The more important amendments to tbe Bank Charter hill were coacurred in, except that relative to gold oertifi&itea. The Senate amendments to tbe bill in relation to the Japanese indemnity fond were non-concurred in. Mr. Burrows BUbmitted the conference report on the Consular and Diplomatic Approprlation bill, and it wa9 agreed to. The bill as final ly agreed to, appropriates $571,200 more than as it orlginally passed tbe House.


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