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A heavy freshot on Boaver Creek at Frenchburg, Ky„ caused water to run In the streete elght feet deep. Three buildings were swept away, and Mre. John Foï, Mrs. Byrne and two daugnters, and Rev. Watk'.ns and twodaughtera were drowned. Th postoffloe aed contents wero Bwept away. Scovilie pegan a f 50,000 libel Buit agaiust the Chicago Herald, but the aalt bas been dlamisaed and costs met. Cowboys mado an uusucoessful attempt to blow up tbe jail at Mount Grove, Mo. , to libérate their friende. In the melee another man, Jas. Burnc, was Bhot dead. Rsports from the Rsd River valley, thegreat spring wheat section of Dakota, show a prospect of 18,000,000 buehels of wheat, or doublé last year's erop. All root crops are also in good condition. Three St. Louii pólice comiaiesioners have resigned beeaoM Gov. Crittenden pardoned the gamblers who were recontly convictcd in that city. Careful slimaloii by Um authorilles place the Kansas wheat erop for 1882 at about 40,000,000 buobelB, several uüllions greater than for aDy year since the state was enttleil. The state board of agriculturo plnco the average yield at 20 bushsls to the acre. Railroad Diaaster Noar Long Branch. Tho K o'clock ftxpreps tmiu froin I t% lirancu to Nsw York, Thursday, plunged Inlo a braacu of the Slirewsbary, iiear lilltle Silver station, by whicl), as far rb reported, fuur persons were killed and many otUera Rericualy hurt. The train consistod of tix cnrs, four ordinary paseenp;er conchec, a smoking and parlor car, which left ttie rails and ran over the Me of tho bridge, tearinff tliam in piocoB, and when about in the conter, four passenger cars nd the smoker went down into the water with a terrible crash. The water was only our feet deep, and the cars landed on their idee. A ecene of horror was then nwealed. The cars were filled with passeugers, some were dead, others dying, and all summoned to rescue tuemselves or othere from the cene of disaster. Gen. Grant was palled from tbe smoking car, having euffered only a slightinury. Of thoee killed, or whose injurias soon resulted in deatb, were E. L. Bradley, produce dealer, New York: G.W. Demorest, provisión dealer, New York; Charlea M. Woodruff, of Newark, N. J, and James E. Mallory banker of New York. W. R. GarriRon, son ofdommodore Garrisou, had both lf ge broken.whicb, with other Injuries, render hiscass hopelesi. Geio. P. Blancbard, Vice President of the New York, Lake Erle nd Western roart, and Arthur L. Sawell, witli a hundred otheiv, were Rlijfbtly injured. (íen. Grant liad a sliglit liruise on the kaee. The cause of the terrible disaster was the changing of the track for the Moninoüth Park races. The frog at tho switch was notpropeiiy spiked, nud when it was struok by the eugine ït sprend the track andtorenp tht rails for over ICO fcot. While tho englne and forwnrd cars were piled up on tlie sido of the track, the nucceeding five cara plunged forward on the biidge and were precipitated into the water. Seats were thrown in all directlons nnd window glass flaw lnto a thousand .pieces. Tbo tbrae reur care had the ir trucks torn off by the string beam of the bridge. It was a case of inexcusable carelessneeson the part of those intrunted with the taBk of alletlui? the track. Yellow f(ver Rufferers avereporledjaboard of steamsiB enroute to New York and New Orleann, nvaua reporls 225 cases iu tho city with tendeucyof bcoininfr epidemie. Anaie Lowis Cary was uiarried in 1'ortlaufi, Me., on the 28tb, to 0 M. BAyinond of New York Oity, The Mlley bn, üfcasod ol Jauui Owmei's raurder, havo beeu doclared not Ruilty. No demonstraron wob uinde, and the parlies i in mediately left without speaking to any one. Walter BsOIey went with bis fatber to tbeTontine hotel, and James accompanied his uncleto Wiikesbarre, Pa. Blanche Douglass la the guost of the jailer. Walter Mallny sayB it will be the aim ol his life to aBceitaia how Jennie Crainr.r died, and prove beyoud a shiidow of doubt that the last time ue siw her alive was ThnrsJny inornin when Bhe left tlie Malley rfsidence with Blanche Douglass. Tlie Pwsídent has Bent in the name of Geu. Lew Wallace of indiana, tor re-appointmimt as minister to Ttirkey. Guiteau's body was buried in the jul at Washington Saturday afternoon. Blatrict Attorney Corkbill was sccused of ofticiouBness in connection with the fxecutiou, and efïorls are being made to secure bis removal. The doctot's say tbo conditiou of GulteRu'H braln was normal. Wm, R Garrison, son of Commodore Garríbod, iDjured in the Silvcr Preek railroad accident, died Saturday moniiug. The new Chicago directory contatos 180,000 naines, makinga population according to publlehed estimates of absut 580,000 in the city proper .The publishere' estioiates for 1880 was be'ow the census returns. The five Btory brown stone building on 4tb stieet, between Walnut and Cbestnut streBts, Phlladelphia, occupied t'y Thomas & Sonp, auction house, buined at a loes of $27C,000. The Piankington buildinfr, Milwaukee, Wis., buined at a loas of $97,000. On July first, abo, the Texas Pacific freigbt depot burned at Fort Wortb, at a loss of $150,000. A cycloue, Friday evening, struck Coalville. near Pittsburg, and deetroyed property to the extent of $ 75,000. Several lives were lost,. The path of the storm was a qnarter of a mile wide and ten miles long. The day before Central Iowa was vislted siiDilarly, the storm for the most part remainlng in the air above the tops of buildings. lts power was manifest, however, in n few,places where it dipped er.rthward.


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Ann Arbor Democrat