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The newa fiomEgypt isnitas&urinK. Syojptoins of another uiidsing n Alexandria have cauBd the guarda to b doubled. Decldedly warllke preparatiocfl are being continuad on the part of England and fc'iance, nnd Italy seeniB to intond havluj; a hand Id the fmcan The court of iniuiry inU the cause of the riots, deslring, on reasouable croando of suspiCÍOD, to Bearch the housea of tl,ree Effjrptiau ofücers for property stolen on tlmt occasion, tho SBCretary of war dBClares lm cnnnot permit sucli an insult to ai in y officerp. A meuiber of Parliament from Ireland says: Home Hule, I take it, is not far off. E?ery where in English society wo find growing up the conviction thnt a l'arliinient in er cannot manage the affaire of the peopte of reland, and indeed that the present centralizd system of dolng business in Westminster, of nunaRing tDere all the local affaire of Englaud reland, Sootland and Wales, Is of necessity a ailute. Qo where you will Ia Eugland, yon ind the miuds of ÊaRlish people awnke to the inportance of this question of Home Rule. All the bank in Alexandria have bien transferedto the deck of vessels ia the harbor na a raio prevails on sbore. Lord Salisbury says üugland will not recode from lts demand for Arabi'a removal. There are 32 men-otvar in he Uarbor, and the Itaüan fleet is orulsinc wlthtn easy distance. It is stated tbat Francs wlllcooperatewith England in armed iulerventton and wlll send 10,000 men. ermany iaa appealod to the porte to Bend troops to B?ypt in anticipation of the deciaiona of the conference. The inforraatlon from Egypt in to liie effect that foreijtuers in Alexandria daro net appenr in the stieetp, but are compelled to une cíese carrlageajyheneTer tbey go nywhore. HackB which formerly were for hlre at nne franc an hour now briDR $25. Tu lant clauee of the rH jbbíod bilí was acled on the Bi itish House if V, nimons Ha'ur. d-.iy evenlns;. This result was rcacbod r.fldr a contlnuous stsslon of 82 hourp, save n brief Interval Friday night, and only wilh greatdiffl ciilty and In tlio fac of determined oppofition. Oq account of their 'Meliberately planned obstruotlon of the basioesa of the House," tho followiug Xrieh members were suspended and compelled towltlidraw: Messrs. Bi(?gar, Cul lan, Cummlfif, DllloD.Healy.Leamj', McCarlhy Mamm, MetRer, T. V. O'Oonnor, ü'Püimell, Pamell, Power, Eedmom!, Sextnn and Snllivwi.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat