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Boti the senate and tho house adjourned UDtil Thursday 6tb. In the matter of paymentof arfield'a sick6bb and funeral experjees, It ia piopoeed by be senate to limit the compensotiun for medcal services to $25,000 and tbs otber awartís o $5'. 600, aud to rtstrict tbe time for he consideration of all claims to the present ear. Steamer Scioto Sunk. GBEAT LOS3 OF IIFB. The Ohio river steamer Scioto witb 500 passengers collided with John Lomas half a mile froni Miugo Junotlen. Ih Scioto was goiug up the river uader a fnll bead of steam iud the pilot whistled for the ohannel but owinit to soine mi underetandiug both took ihe saaie sid, the Lomas Btriking the Seioto and sinking ber in three minutes froui the time of the colliaion. 1 he scènes on the Scioto wc re heartrendiDg, but the Lomas only sligbtly disabled went to work at once to save those on board the unfortanate boat. The first reports t Iobs of lite stattd least were drowned, but it is hoped this uuaiber is less as uiany resaved, whosunames wereunknown: The ;ist of missing are as follows: Wellsville John Stevenson, aied 25 years: David Fago, 21 year; Bulle Brandon, Sallie Kiddy, E.P. Smitb, wife and two children, Willie Ewing, Charlas DavidsoD, 12 years oíd, Joaeph Conner, 31. East Liverpool, Irene Farmer, Clt Thompson, 19 years, Lincoln Thompson, 25, Ancle Bootb, Carrie BeardmaD, M. E. Estin aud wife, Willie Parmll, John Christy, John Tomlinfeon, Jacob öiDson and wife, Dr. Swvenaon and three meB, uamed respectivel Kennett. Woods andBurke. Lew flarper of Wellsville was fatally hurt. Many thiDk the list of tbe loet is more likely to be swelled than diminished . When the steam er is raised many more bodies will be recovered. The body of Guiteau has been quietly moved in the dead of nigbt 10 tliearmy nw dioal muse uin, Washington . The docWrs at the musenm 8!y that the body will be carerully dissected and the ekeietou aftarwards rresorvnd and placed ou exlubition at the museum building. Fire ia repmted in Joht;son & Arneson's furniturr f.íctory Chicago, 1o?b 9u,üOU; Ever 8 n'ö Bhoe factory South A.bington, Mass., Irms 50,000; at 49 Federal St. Boston, loss 50,KX); f. Parnffiue caudleworks, New York.loss 2ü0,000. Ia the burning of Hoffmans paper mili OregoD, N. Y. three men lont their Uves. A tornado struck Columbas, Kais.,WedneBday night. Troes and buildings were demoliehrd and two men killed. í he probabhity is that the freight handleis' strike will b compounded within a weck or ten daye, Roscoe Conkling, attorney for the N. Y. Central and Loomis attorney for the ErieaBkadjournmentof the argument ia the uit of merchante to compeljthe railroadB to livergoods. Boats, cannon and grappliDg hooks are brought iuto requisition in th& Sciota disaster which wasoneof the most fatal on record, l'he death roll alieady toote up 75. lhe boat will probably be raisedto-day (7th). Thomas Edgar, accountant of the Back of Toronto, ha3 absüonded with about $f,OOU. VV. H. Smitb, teller of the Bank of Rochester, N. Y. while visiting in the west saddenly rti8appeared and no trace of him leads to fear thr.t he has been murdered and robbad. as he had considerable inoney with Mm. A band of train robbers, operatin? along the line of the Iron Mouotain railroad,has been broken up by the captare of some of ita meinbsrs at Poplar Bluff , UissoarL iDCorporaurs r,f tbe G afleid ïnonuinent association have ctioaen trustees, öov. Chas. Foster of Otiio beiug chairmaa. Funds contributed to date, #120,0G0. The number of bodifs recoTred froin the Scioto disaster make it evident that a tinndred or more perished. Be,v. W. J. Spauüh haviag RorrecUd some young Iudians iu sclioul cear McAllister, Ind. fer., lDCOired tïieir hatrei. As a result, ht wasfound muidinred, evidence Ehowing a de, u-rmiiied reeistaoce. Win. T. Y.iung's planing mili, New York, burned at $40,000 lose. Eügineer Melville telegrapha for pertnlssion to come home. He has had enough Arctic experience. Aflüirs in the Jlassachnsetts state prison are uüseitled. The prisoners are rebellious for not bñng allowed two hours holiday liberty on the Fourth, and declare they will continue riot out until their request ís grantsd. They opunly affiim intention to kill Warden Eurlp. Sixty and more are on a diet oí bread and water with more rigorous discipline. The Albemarie Fertilizar Company, New York, puspends lt was iacorporatod 1880 with 42,500,000 capital. R. S. Montgomerx, Presideot of the Sbelbyville,Tenn.,caünnal bank, arrestad for swind ling a St. Louis firtn out oí 10,000 has eurrenrtered himselt and given baü ia the Bum ol 2,500. Judge Harían of Chicago, decides the city bae the riht to close the bridges and cause vessels to lay up for an hour every ïnorniug and evening. The effect of the decisión is to put a stop to the great annoyance of swinging bridaes at the two burtest perioda of the day. Emory A. Storrs goeB to Europti as counsel or the. American cittle Bhippers and to mitígate the pre judice of JSumpean laws againat American beef atid the export trade. President Arthur, S creiarj Fixlinghuysen and Gen. (irant have given biin a rousing send off. It is stated that over balf the deputy ü. S. marshals in Texas will ba arrested on a charge of f raud against the government. It is alleged that a big system o" fraud bas been discovered at Austin and Dallas. Tba deputien are charged with collectiug lai ge excessn8 on mileage ana or collecting for guards for pruouers, whea as a rule no guards have been employed. Tbere is now auoiber American and European cable compaoy. The wbisky ring is making immense efforts to revive the bill exteading the bouded period for whisky. Elwin Cowlesof the Cleveland Leader has sued the Pn y Press for $25,000, for publishing Bishop Gilmour's letter. A libel has been fiied in the Dnited States district court, Wöeeling, to compel the own ers of the steamer Scioto, suuk at Mingo J unction on the 4th of July, to forfeit $3,150 for carrying a greater number of passengers than authorized by her papers. The Dnited States statute provide that a steamer carryiug a number of passengers in excess of that allowed by the inspector shall forfeit the passage tnoney and $10 for each passenger in excess, half of whicb forfit goes to the informant. It 's under this section that the suit is brought. The large oil painting of President Garfield used in the house of representativas on the occasion of the memorial services has been hung in the main hall of the executive mansión. The painting of Mrs. R. B. Hayes, pre6ented by the temperance people, has been assigned a permanent place on tht wall of the green parlor in the White House. Mnffatt's confectionery store in New leans was distroyed by fir and several adjniaing business houses damaged at a loss of $50,000. Tbre coDfidence men, Seeley, Howard and Johnston, who are charged with swindling pirtiesin western cities, Detroit inoluded, are undar arrest at Pittsburg. Senator Beek proposes that after Jannary 1, 1883, dutiB on importe b subjctd to 10 per Bfthb discount and aftr July 1, 1888, to a fnrtber discount of 10 per cent. State Senator R. A. Horr of Ohlo has jast been nonüuated for congress. He is a twin brother ef Congressman Horr of Michigan, whom he inuch ivsemblea.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat