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Additional local on second page. Bain nearly every day. Coup's circus is coming. Peaches 20 cents a basket. Democratie city caucus next Monday For county treasurer Adam D. Seyler. Company A are in camp near Brighton. Alfred Thomas is cooking for oompauy A. President Angelí has gone to the soa shore. B. F. Watts, the jeweler, speut Sunday in Flint. Peaches in large quantities are rotting on the trees. The funeral of John Carrington was held Sunday. Miss E. E. Bower, of Detroit, is home on a brief visit. Capt. Allen had his head quatera at the St. James hotel. Geo. Wanty of Grand Rápida, is visitiug his old home. The prohibition club meet Friday evening at Cropsey's hall. The loss to the T. A. A. & G. T. E. B. by the freshet is heavy. T. B. Goodspeed has been a resident of Superior for 53 years. Mrs. A. L. Noble and children are visiting friends in Albion N. Y. Patrick Martin left for New York city Monday to visit his sisters. Martrn Clark is a candidate for reelection to the office of coroner. Miss Maggie Donovan has returned f rom her Lake Superior trip. There was a hot time at the republican county convention Saturday. The hose boys are putting in good time practicing for the tournament. The reform club will give an excursión to Lansing on the 16th instant. They have commenced putting on the new tin roof on the court house. N. P. Hill and Jas. O. Smith are talk. ing of going to Indian territory. A cali for the democratie ward caucuea will be found on the second page. No trains were run over the Toledo road to South Lyon until Monday. Edward Duffy has sold out his interest in the grocery business in Detroit. Geo. Kingsley of Palo, Kansas, is visiting his sisfcer, Mrs. Chas. Chapín. The vote on accepting the plans of Scott & Co., of Detroit, stood 5 to 1. The greenbacks will hold their county convention at the court house to-day. It cost the state $41.55 to hold the inquest on the body of G,eo. L. Palmer. Dr. Orman Jenkins has moved his dental rooms over Andrews' book store. Douglas Beahan has been taken to Ionia where he will remain for 15 montlis. M. Fleming is closing out the balance of his household goods in the old Earl block. Judge Harriman was in Ypsilanti Tuesday examining into an insane case. Lewis W. James has sold to Wm. D. Meed 80 acres of land in Lodi for $3,300. It is estimated that at least one-half of tho wheat erop in this county is ruined. The Beethoven Gesangverien society ia in Bay City attending the Sanengerfest. Mrs. E. Tood and Miss Carrie Noyes are visiting Mrs. Mate Clark in Hamburg. The trial of criminal cases will probably commence in the circuit court next week. Several military companies met here yesterday on their way to the encampment. The residence of Miss Kearney has been rented by the Methodists for a parsonage. The resignation of alderman Childs of the sixth ward, has been accepted by the council. Friday night B. A. Beal had the old hand engine pumping the water from his postoffice. Emanuel E. Henriques of Marshalltown, Iowa, is risiting his sister, Mrs. Crawford. Please remember that we send The Demoorat until January 1, 1883, on trial for 50 cents. Geo. Maynard, of Washington, D. C, was in the city the first of the week visiting old friends. Another harvest dance will be given at the Whitmore Lake houes on the evening oo Aug. 18. Mrs. John Muehlig has returned from Manchester where she has been viaitinj,' for a few weeks. The Misses Gilbert are spending their vacation with their aunt, Mrs. Barker, at Whitmore Lake. The democratie electora of the townhip of Northfield will be held at Walsh's corners, Aug. 15. Would it not be a good idea for the city to purchase the mili race from Swathel, Kyer & Peterson? Chas. Edwards, company bugler, was unable to go to camp on account of business engagements. Henry Matthews sustained loai of $100 in consequence of the ñood and the Dean Bros. alike sum. It was Douglas Beahan who was senenced last week, and not Douglas Bycraft aa the item read. Geo. N. Gilbert is spending his vacation at Glena Falls, N. Y., with his brothers Frnk and Charles. The friends of Jas. McMahon are talkin him up for proaecuting attorney on the republiean ticket. Wm. Oampion and Chas. Hatch have charge of the reform club tent, which is pitohed at Island Lake. In July policeman Potter mado 11 arrests-fees, 838.23. Polioemaa Millman, six arresta -fees, $23.23. Mrs. Snsaunah Smith, mother of Mrs. Graff of the second ward, bas returned to her home in Ontario. The candidates for county drain commissioner are J. J. Parshall of this town and Geo. Cook of Sharon. The first story of the new postoffiee building is up. The contractors are more than rushing things. The Pittsfield township democratie cniicus will be held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the town hall. Chas. Gilbert, forrnerly a resident of this place, is superintendent of a shirt factory at Glens Falls, N. Y. Theodore Sweet is the father of a cing baby boy. The little fellow made his appearance Friday night. Joe T. Jacobs is goingtoputin a plaieglass front in his store on the corner of Main and Washington streets. We are indebted to Hngh O'Kane for a basket of choice peaches. The boys in the office pronounce them foine. Argument for a new trial in the Bycraft case will be made to-day by the defendant's attorney, A. J. Sawyer. It is 10 miles shorter to Lansing via Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk road than by the Michigan Central road. E. B. Pond went to Coldwater Monday with two little children who were sent to the school there by Judge Harriman. Democrats should not forget the ward caucuses next Monday evening to nomínate delegates to the county convention. Island Lake, where the Michigan state troops are now ericamped, is a beautiful sheet of water, and the lake abounda in fish. J. D. Baldwin oneof the hea viest peach growera in this county, will lose one-half of his erop on acejunt of the peaches rotting. John Carrington, engineer at the laboratory, died Thursday, August 3d, of lead poisoning, aged 62 years and 19 days. Winans & Stafford have rented the store so long occupied by O. Boylan, and it is to be fitted np with a plate-glass front. The telephone exchange has now 67 subscribers - two added lately, Brown & Co., on State street and Baxter's livery stable. It is thought by coroner Clark to be a little singular that the body of Geo. L. Palmer should be spirited away so mysteriously. Notwithstanding certain republicana in this city put in their best licks against A. J. Sawyer he had a small majority in the convention. There seems to be great demand for houses just now. A large number of strangers are coming here to make this their home. Many farmers in this county refused ;o pay decent wages and as a result in many instances they have lost their entire erop of wheat. It is estimated that not over two thirds of the wheat erop in this county has been secured, and some farmers put the amount at one-half. Geo. LaMotte says he will give $5 for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who tore down the stand inEront of his grocery store. F. E. Winegar, son r f Ju6tice Winegar has fallen heir to a snug little sum by the death of his aunt, Mrs. C. Mapes who died in Brighton recently. Col. Joseph U. Crawford left for New York Monday to meet Misses Kebecca and 3arah Henriques who have been in Europe for the past 15 months. Henry Binder has receivet! another car load of lager, and the way it goes off this warm weather is a caution. He also sells it by the bottle or case. The excursión of the reform club to Lansing on the 16th inst. will be over the M. C. B. R. It is expected that a large number of persons will go from here. The sample trunk filled with tobáceo which was stolen from a traveling agent some weeks ago, was found last Friday by Martin Seabolt in a manure heap back of his laundry. The members of the council were eaeh presented Monday evening with a beautifully bound book compiled by the city attorney. It was the charter and ordinances of the city. To-day Joe T. Jacobs, the well kno am clothier, presenta to the readers of The Dbmockat a change of advertisement. Persons desiring any thing in his line should give him a cali. Eecorder French had his orders, amounting to nearly 200, all written out by Tuesday noon. He had business in Toledo the same night which probably caused him to hurry np. At 3 o'cloek Saturday afternoon the democratie electora of this township are requeated to meet at the court house for the purpose of electing three delegates to the county convention. C. S. Buckingham, lit '75, general patent attorney for the Western Union telegraph company, and Geo. Canfield late of the Toledo Sunday Journal were visiting f riends in the city Tuesday. Unlesa the street committee cause obstraction to be placed on either side of the bridge partially washed away on Felch street, some one is Hable to drive down the embankment and get killed. Zenus Sweet, for many years a resident of this place, and the -well-known busman, has gone to Ionia where he will engage in the livery business with S. G. Smith of Brighton. May success attend them. Frank Goodale owner of the Delhi flouring mili is putting in a new water wheel and making other repairs at an expense of about $1,000. Sol Armstrong and J. O. Smith of this place are doing the work. Who will be the democratie nominee in tliis congressionul district is a qnestion that we hear frequently asked. And it is one hard to answer as no name has yet been mentioned as far as we have been able to learn. E. 8. Manly and nine other property owners have petitioned the city fathers for a street lamp to be erected on Traver street, at the crossing of tlie T., A. A. & G. T. R. R., in the fifth ward. Referred to general fund comraittee. Caroline Grahl, a Germán girl 18 years of age, who had been working for W. A. Yeckley in the town of Ypsilanti, suicided last week by jumping into the Huron river. The girl's father ia a farmer and lives in Sumpter, on the farm of one Fletcher. As the 2()th Michigan regiment is to hold their reunión on Oct. 11, our citizens should respond liberally when called upon by the various committee to aid the old member8 living in this city, as they wish to make their 17th annual reunión h grand success. The following are the expeuditnres for the month of July : Cemetery fund, $9.50; contingent, $842.55; general street, 629.84; first ward, $188.44; second, 8127.23; third, $120.18; fourth, 8610.99; sixth, $47.06; general fund, $599.26total amonnt, $3,175.09. Enterprise: We learn that some practical joker ha sent the armless wooden ndian that was once sed for a cigar sign in this village, by expresa to Capt. Allen, the reeently appointed Michigan Indian agent, with the information that the indian needs immediate attention. This city was again visited Tuesday afternoon by one of thé heaviest rain stormB known in years. It was accompanied with considerable hail. The glitters were too small to carry off the water which overflowed the streets. The storm passed over a large portion of the county- According to chief Nowland's report, the city was enriched jnst $5.17, the amount received for his making arrests in July. During the month he paid out on orders on the contingent fund, $95.38: First ward, $11.28; second, $3.17; third, $22.83; fourth, $51.85; fifth, $4.63; sixth, $1.61. The body of Geo. L. Palmer was kept until Saturday afternoon when uüdertaler Muehlig was instructed to place the Dody in a coffin and put it in his store louse back of his building. It was af;erwards spirited away. Mr. Muehlig says he does not know what became of it. Who does? Recorders report of the finances of the city: General fund, overdraft, $970.62; contingent, amourit on hand, $8,124.55; general street, $585; first ward, $337; second, $405.45; third, overdraft, $364.47; fourth ward, on hand, $80.72; fifth, $143.83; sixth, overdraft, $120.25; cemeery fund, on hand, $10.72; fireman's und, $91.25. The council has been requested by a arge number of petitioners to cause the culverts on Allen's creek where the creek crosses William and Liberty streets and Miller avenue, to be enlarged. The peitioners also state the damage along said creek during the recent heavy rains s estimated at $5,000. Keferred to the treet committee. On Thursday evening a prohibition club was organized at Cropsey's hall, on Washington street. The following officers were elected: President, O. K. L. Orozier; vice president. Newton Sheldon; secretary, D. J. Fisher; treasurer, Henry Richards. Although claiming to belong o the prohibition party they do not iledge themselves to the prohibition party. Gus Grody, a fieet runner, was pracing with the protection hose company L'hursday night. When the boys reached the engine house, Grody feil to the ground. He was carried on a stretcher to ;he St. James hotel and a doctor summoned who remained with him until morning. For a time it was thought that ie could not live, but he managed to rail through. Enterprise : The wool market has been quite lively during the week, although prices have not advanced. Henry Kirchïofer has bought within ten days about Í6.000 pounds, including some large clips, imong which were L. D. Watkin's 4,000 ounds, Lambert Dresselhaus 2,003 ounds, Geo. Heimerdinger 2,900 pounds, John Schlicht 1,600 pounds, John Landwehr 1,105 pounds, John Horning 1,169 jounds. At the council meeting Monday evenng the majority report of the committee on the new engine house, who accepted he plans of Scott & Co., was adopted. Chief engineer Seabolt was in favor of accepting Arthur Marshall's plan. He whooped it up to the council in a lively speech. There was considerable sparring all around. Mr. Marshall also had his say, and why his plan was better than some others. Joe T. Jacobs defended lis position. He said he had gone according to his best judgment and what ie thought was for the best interests of the city. It looks as if the excursión to Lansing on the 16th instant, via the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk road, was going o take the cake over all the other excursions of the season. Everything is being done to make it as pleasant as possible or the excursionists. A sufficient numer of cars will be provided so that all will have plenty of room. There will be no change of cars on this route. Tickets br the round trip only $1.25. Children 55 cents. Tickets for sale at C. Bliss & Son's jewelery store. Train leavea at 8:10 a. m. Observer: Wheat in this section is a very heavy erop, and of course there are some "heavy" wheat stories. One man said the shocks stood so thick in his field hat it was impossible to drive through with a wagon: but Har number two happened to hear it, and not being inclined ;o get scooped on so small a thing ás a wheat yarn, said: "I had a field so heavy that there wasn't room to set up the bundies, so I hired five acres of my neighaor's adjoining field to set it up on." Liar No. 1 had no more to say. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine. The number for September abounds with pleasant, edifying and intoresting reading, and is, as usual, profusely illustrated. The editor, Eev. Mr. Talmage, bas an admirable article entitled " The Horse and his Rider," finely illuatrated; and The Home Pulpit contains one of his eloquent and characteristic sermons, "What are our Departed Friends Doing Now?" "The Disciples of Menno Simon," will be read with great interest. Marión Harland continúes her highly interesting serial, "A GoodFellow"; and besides the other admirable serial " Weighed and Wanting," there are short stories, sketches, essays, etc., by popular writers; some very excellent poems, several of them beatitifully illustrated; and a large, interesting and Lnstruotive miacellany. The 2üth Miohigan infantry is to hold their 17th annual reunión in this city, Wednesday, Octobcr 11 th. Preparations are now being made for tlie occasion. The following committees have been appointed. The Executive cornmitteo is composed of all members of the regiment residing in and about the city. Decorating committee, H. Moore, Joseph Prico, John Maroney, E. S. Manly, Conrad Noli, N. D. Gates. Printing committee, J. B. Saunders, S. Fairchild. Soliciting oommittee, members of the regiment reBiding ia the city and vicinity. Music committee, Frank and Jerome Minnis, and G. M. Monroe. Beception committee, G. M. Monroe, J. V. Johnson, J. Maroney, Chas. Minnis, J. Brockaw, C. Noli, W. W. Bliss. On refreshments, E. H. Hudson, S. Fairchild. On toasts, Monroe, Fairehild, Gates, and Saunders. A meeting is to be held in S. Fairchild's office at 8 o'clock Satnrday cvening, in the coin"t honse basement, where the members of the regiment are requested to meet, as business of importance will come up for consideration. Saline Observcr: A terrible rain storm passed northwest of thia place Wednesday evening. The river was higher tlian any time last spring. Klein' mill-dam was washed out in frwü places, causing a considerable loss. The east embankment of the bridge just below the dam, was albo badly washed out. Fields of grain on the river bottoms were swept away; treea and logs came rloating down the river like so many straws, causing people to think a second ilood was coming. Travel was greatly impeded by bridges being swept away, and wash-outs in the roads. It must have been one of the heaviest rains ever experienced in this section, and we expect to hear of greater damage, in the country futher north-west. A farmer northwest of this place informs us the the stoam, did a vast amount of damage in his section. The rain poured in torrents for over three hours. The rise of water was so sudden that many sheep and cattle which wère grazing on the flats, were with difficulty rescued, and in several cases drowned. Fields of oats and com were entirely destroyed and miles of fence and nunierous bridges swept away. The loss will be thousands of dollars. A 20-years old girl named Maggie McDonald arrived in Detroit from Ann Arbor yesterday and applied at the office of the poor commissioner for assistance to get to Buffalo, N. Y., from whence she hailed. She told Secetary Dwyer that some weeks ago a sister living at Chicago sent for her to come to that city, and that in response to her summons she leffc Buffalo for the west. She had not been in Chicago long before her siutar's treatment changed towards har and che wished to return to Buffalo. She had no money and her sister refused to supply her with the wherewithal to purcliane tickets for home, and after enduring illtreatment for some time longer determined to walk that distance. She left Chicago on foot two weeks ago last Sunday and reached Ann Arbor yesterday morning, after a long, weary and evenetf ui tramp. The authorities at Ann Arbor beard her story and furnished her transportation to this city, from whence she will be forwarded on to Buffalo. The girl was questioned about her journey by secretary Dwyer, and told a straightforward story, which was not shaken by cross questioning. On the way, she says, she encountered numberless trampa but managed to avoid them by seeking refuge in the uearest farm-house until they had passed. The girl, says the secreto ry, is possessed of indomitable pluck and endurance, and if her story is truc deserves great credit.- [Post and Tribune.


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