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The grange picnic under the auspices of the state grange is in progress at the grounds of the Central Michigan agricultural society at Lansing with a fair attendance. Phineas Pearl, one of the flrst settlers of St. Joseph county, died suddenly at his residence in Benton township, wüere he had lived neai ly 50 jears. Ha was 90 years old, and held a number of prominent portions in the early days of the county. The liealth officer of Portland, writes concernlDg the small-pox in that place: "We have had in all only three caseB so far.ef which two cases are all well. One new casa carne down last woek, wbich Is of a mild form. We do not thick that wa nava any more cases, and people can come and go with perfect eafety." In the contests f er the state flremen's tournament prizes, In the etaamer contest, the Eaton Bapids compacy won firct prize and Charlotte was second. In tha hand englne contests Marshall was Grst and St. Louis secDd. Át the üreraen's touraament at Charoíte, Charles Patnam, a MarBhall lawyer, had hls pocket ptcked of $500; Dauid Snydei oí Charlotte lost $5; a inember oL Young America hoso company cf Battle Creeklosta pold watch, and a rnember of the Eaton Rapids hook and ladder cotopany lost $15. John Gall, a mechanic in tho Michigan Central rallroad shops, Jackson, was found dead on the rlver bank in the rear of a salocn on East Min street. His neck waB broken and his head buried in the mud, and the body bore the appnaranc of havíng fallen off the platform of the saloon eom time in'.tbe night. A. jury vras impanneled and an inqoest is in progrtBS. Gall leaves a "wife an1 four children Mrs. Thomas Knowlan of Dover, Lena wee county, goes into court with her face all jammed up, and charges her daughter with having crnelly pounded hef. She is 65 years old and is ratuer used to it, as her husband was In the habit of pounding her occaelonally. Uitbel Ball, aged eight years, is at Port Huron, where ehe says she was desetted by her párente, who wera on their way from Innwcod, Oat., to Milford, in this state. She told a sorry story of abuse, and her person showed evidence of bad usage. She is in charge of the pólice at Port Hurou . Al. Huil, oí Vermontville, was kaocked down by two thusts who attempted to go through hisclothes in search ior propt rty. Hesucceeded in recovering hiinselt in timo to return the fight, and got away with all his money and some bruises. Geo. Haddock, a wealthy citizen of Battle Creek, was fatally injured fcy beiDg truck by a Michigan Central railroad train while walking on the track the other dar. Burglars drilled the safe in the store of Warren Kiinble, dsaler ia agricultural implemflüt", M'inchiwter, and got $100. No clue. Thora is talk of eatablishioe a flsh hatcheryat Alpena. A man giving his name a3 George Graham has been arrestsd at Bay Cify on a cbarge of passing coanterfeit mcmey. As Willie Cole, an employé at Califfs sblngle miil at HaniBon, wastrying to put on i belt wliüa the macuinery was In motion, UIs left arm was tora from lts eockst. His ca=e is critical. A Grand Rapids youug man is alleguil to havo forge-1 hia mother's ñama lo a inottgage, raising money thsreon, cnskipped Postmaster Ben'edict, of Clayton, Lenawee county, has résigned, and one Kesler has been recommended for bia place. Uackson Voorheis, the Davisburg maa whoee repreeentallons against a New ïork state fitm of fruit tree dealsrs led to a suHagainst hitn lor damagss, 'm now püblicly invitlng paople to coine and inspect tho Irees about wbich the trouble arcse. S. M.Sackett, allonroadruggist, feil from a wsgon and was seriously injured, S. G.rattison, the model1 farmer of Calhoun county, dled last week nged 71 yeai?. Beveral years ago hls farm in Marengo township was adjadged one of the model farma In the state, Burglars opened n window at the resldence of Vm . Orocker, Charlotte, and with a hook fisbed out his trousers and took f 16 in inoney, a revolver and a vvatch and cbain. Other atteinpti! at, othei houses weie made, but without succesB. Burglars broke into William Charles' fumiture store at Flint and üriüed opea his Bafe, but only got f 49 in money and a watch. A. revolver was found In the stor8 where fhey lostit. ïlie tng Leviathan succeeded in releasing the Bchooner Barbailan from Bsaver Island, recently The schooaei's stern is In bad shape, aud one pump ia lupufficiant to keep her free and be eafe. One hundred tong of iron ore were taken off wlth a üghter. ïho Leviathan towa her to her destioation. Saturday night burglars drilled and blew open the saté in the MecoBtn flouring mili andobtained abent $100. Sumner B.uetow has aleo been robbed oí a valuable phaetornd S. C. Hodskey oí a singlo harne6a. A baby boy two years oíd was f atally calded at Lakeside recently by falliug into a abof hotBoapendB. John T. Durand, the olde3b resident )t JacksoB, died recently, aged 75 yeare. He eavesawife, one son named Charles and a laughter, Mrs. Mary Green. The Grand Eaplds & Indiana railroad jotnpany have decided to buüd a new freight house at Kalamazoo. Mrs. Garlield, mother of the lateprasidenN and her daughter, Mtb. M. G. Larabec, and Master Harry Gaifield, arrived Ín ürand Rápida from Ohlo, and went to Jametstown to viBit relalives. Four prisoner3overpowered the turnkey of the Bay cöunty iU recently, They were Dan Connore and Ibeot Prry, alleged thieves; Ed Johnsoc in lor" talaé preteases; and Geo. Graham, a countarfeiter. In the case of Johnnie Grant, tbe boy ■who was Bhot throiigh the brain while sitting in a neigUbor's doorwBy at Bay City afewdays ago, the coronet's jury attrlbute hls f)at,h tn Mrs. Rivard. The theory is tbat b!p ihot at him, supposing he was a lád rismeJ (íobIíd, as there was a feud between tho (jloslins and EiTards. The Korristown Herald says: ;' We havo reccived a story cntitled 'A Davk Deed,' vhich is respectfully declined. The fiist chapter opeus witb. ' It is midnigbt." That is all right. It is often miduight- at least seven times a week ; but the author forgot to add " and silence brooded over tlie city.'1 This is a fatal oveisight. Silence always brood over a city vrhen it is inidnight, in Works of fiction- but nowhere else. We can't print a story in -wbich süejcc doesn't brood at midniglit' Satire is a greatcr enemy to Mendship than is auger.


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