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Estáte of Ilirum Árnold. OTATE OF MrCHIQAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. At a si-ssiim of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday. the 16th day of August n the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty two. Present William 0. Harriman.Judee of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Hiram Arnold, deceased. Noah W. Cheever and Edward Treadwell, the special administratora of said estáte, come into court and represent that they are now prepared to render their flnai account as such special administrators. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Saturday, the 9th day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be as!Ngned for examining and alowing such account, andthat the devisees. legates and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appeur at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not beallowed: Andit is further ordered. that said administrators give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof . by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arbur Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of' hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. Q, Doty. Probate Register. ('ommissioiK'rs' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, KJ The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate court for said County, Commission ers toreceive,examineandadjust all claims and demande of all persons against the estáte of Rachel Dal, late of said county deceased, here by give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Credl tors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the office of Philip Wingar. in the eity of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Tkuroday the lOth day of NoTmber, and on Friday the 16th day of February next, at ten o'clock i. m. of each of said daya, to receive, examine and adjusi said elaims. Dated August 16, 1883. PHILIF WINEOAK, ELIUtf K POND. Commissioners. Lone Star Bakery ! Warm Meals and Lunches A. T ALLHOTJRS. AIsü constantly on haDd a uhoice stook of Pancy Crackers, Cakes, for Parties aud Wcddings furniahed on short notice. Confectioneried and all kinds of Fruit in their season. Bread, Cakea, aud Pies constantly on hand. Clioice Tobacco and Cigars, Canned Fruit and Light Gioceries. Highest Cash Price Paid for FARMER'S PRODUCE. Cali and see me. No. 12 Opera House Block. GEO. E. LaMOTTE, Proprietor. Toledo and Pnt-in-Bay Steamer Line. THE ELEGANT S rEAMER CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE! E, McNEiLY, Mastkb, Will run daily rturing the season of 1882, as followg Leaves Tole to for Put-in-Bay (exeept Satui-days, Sundaysand Thursdays), 8:15 a m ; returns 7 p. m. llaves every Suiiday for Put-inBay 9 i. m. ; returns 8 p. m. Leaves Saturdays at 1U:I a. m. ; returns 7:30 p. m. Leaves for Detroit every Thursdoy 8 a. m. ; returns fc p. u. Fare for round trip, same day. $!; one way 75 cents (,'onnects at Put in-Bay with steamers for Sandusky, Kelly's Island. Cleveland and Detroit Bapgage checfced through. Every VVednesday and Pridav after July 18 the trip to Put-in-Bay will be eztended to Lakeside, and duriiig the Camp Meeting from August 3dtill 14th, the Waite will run through daily. All return trips to Toledo will be in time to connect with evening railroad trains lea ving the city. Special rates given to large excursión parties. Address, CHAS. WEST, Sec'y A, E. St. Bt. Co. O. H. Coy, Agent. JUST RECEIVED FROM THE Niágara Falls Brewing: Co, Of Niágara Falls, New York, Best Lapr Ever manufacturad in the United States. Par superior to either Cincinnati or MilwiuikeeBcer. You will fiud tuis beer ALWAYS ON DRAUCHT - AT- HENKY BINDER'8 NO. 50 SOUTH MAIN STREET. This Celebrated Laeer also for Sale by the Bottle or Case. Call and test it and satisfy yourself. Respectfully, HENRY BINDER. Watches and Jewelry ! J. Halïer & Son, 46 South Main Street, Dealers in the Leadina AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Gold and Silver Cases, in Stem and Key Winding, Manufactured by the Leading Watch Companies. GOLD WATCH CflAINS ! Of Standard Quahty and Various Patterns. A Laiir-j and Complete Assortment of Lace Pins, Ear Riñes, Bracelets Finger Rings, And Studs. Sílísr Plateó Ware, From the Most Reliable Manufacturera at Bottom Prices. The Repairing of Fine Watches is in Charge of Competent and Sküled Workraen. at Fair Prices. GENUINE MILWAÏÏKÉff i ra ? hl5. BH ii 7 SI si IF 5& i Hl LAGER BEER DEPOT. 75,000 Bottles Sold per Year. PRINCIPAÚLINE """■"JjjThc SHOIÏTEST, yUlcKKST and And alPvg-REST llno to Juscph, polnts In Iowa-Atcdlson, Topcka, DenlNebraska,Misaourl,Kau@7aon, Dallas, Galsas, New Mexico, Arlzona, SIuuCiVjg-veBton, tana anti Texas. """Öf?"" O EI O5lC-O ss11NQNiNNlThIs Koute lias no superior f or Albert TTnivi-ZoTTtJ"'' MInncapoliP nnd St. Paul. be the best equPPí!Í"iíhIrl:(1Ghr Rallroaii In the World furSTï 9i f. all elan.' uf Irnvel. ZiT""!!! KANSAS CITY . Al] eonneetlons made O y VX In Union yíííXV' Through NTN. SfkFS fcTrytt. Tickets vla thlOr )y and Vin, will Celcbrated Line forVYOsX' find traveilng a sale at all offices inSjOjv luxury, hu:ead tta U. S. "nd V"NjÖS. uf ;' lliCanada.jA A1i%w lo.ntort. y!ViitKmt Batía ofsCyív'Sx. V BUwphm Ciir, sffA4 X_ "r ele eh M--fn lv ori v.-n l.y XJ y T. i POTTER. PEHcEVAL LOvVELL, Sá Vice Pres't tfe fíenU Mnnayer, (Jen. Iis -iu'. dileavo, 111. Chlcuüo.ill. Sheriff's Sale. TOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facías, issued out of the circuit eourt, forthe countyof Washtenaw. in favor of Elvira M. Dale against thegoodsand chattels and real estáte of Delevan K Doan, in said eounty, to me direeted and delivered. I did on the 2bth day of July, A. U. 1882, lttvy upoti and take all the right, title and interest of the said Delevan E. Doun in and to the following described real estáte, that is to say, all that certain piece or parcelof land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, described as commencing in the north line of section thirty-two (32), at the south west corner of landowned by A. H. Markham, thence west on the ?ection line twenty-eight rods to the south west corner of land of Delevan E. Doan theuce north to the south line of lot flfteen (15), in Maynard's second additiun. thence east to thé south east ;corner of lot seven [71, in said addition, thence south to said MarKhani's land, thence west to the north west corner of said Markhara's land. thenee south to the place of be Alsolot eight [8]. block seven [7], soutli of Huron street. range one and two east. W. y. Maynard's second addition to the city of Ann Arbor. Also the west half of lot seven, [1], in said Maynard's second addition, all in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, all of wnich I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, at the north front door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, that being the place of holding the circuit court for said county, on the sixteenth day of September, A. D. 188, next, at eleven o'iiock in the forenoon of that day. Dated, this second day of August, A. D. 1882 EDWIN W. WALLACE, Sheriff, J Willard Babditt, l laintiff 's Attorney. Estáte of Himm Arnold. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. O sa. At a session of the probate court, for the county of Washtenaw, holde at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Weduesday. the I6th day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, William D. Harrinian, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hiram Arnold, deceased. Noah W. Cheever and Edward Treadwell, executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into court and re presentí th at they are now prepared to render their flrst ac count as such eacecutors. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Saturday. the ítth day of September next at ten o clock in the forenoou, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devigees, legatees and heirs at Jaw of said deceased, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of A mi Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said acoount should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said exeeutors give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the The Ann Arbor Democrat a newspaper printed and circulatiug in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of heat ing. WILUAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Jude-e of Probate, Wm. O. Doty Probate Register. The Circuit Coiirt for Washtenaw County, in Chancery. Sophla E. Squires, Oomplainant, ) VS. V Homer Squires, Defendant. ) IT appearing satisfactorily by affldavit to me that the defendant, Homer Squires. is a non resident of this state and reside in the stat o Wiscunsin, on motion of E. D. Kinne, solicitor for the coinplainant: It is ordered that the said defendant, Homer Squires, cause his appearance 1u this cause to be entered within four mouths trom the date of this order, and that in case o his appearance he cause his answer to the rom plainant'8 bill to be flled andacopy thereof to be served on complainant's solicitor within twenty days after service of a copy of said bill and no tice of thU order, and in default thereof that the said bill be taken as confassed by the said Homer Squires. And it is further ordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a notice of this order to be puohshed in the Ann ArboiDemo chat, a newspaper printed in said county, and the said pubhcation be continued in said paper at least once in each week for six suceessive weeks, or tnat she cause a copy of said order to be personally served on the said defendant Ho raer Squires, at least twenty days before time herein presoribed t'or his appearance 'Jated. August 1, 1S82. c. JoauN, Circuit JudgH of said Circuit Court. Edwahd D. Kin.S'k, Solicitor for Complainant. Mortgage Sale. I EFAULT having been made in the conditions LJ of a oertaln mortgage executed by Ohauncy J-i. Miüen and Sarah M Milieu, his wife, to Sumiic Hutchinson, now üeceased, dated theseconddaj uï March, A. L. 1874, and recoi-ded in the office of the register of Deeds for the courty of Washtenaw. and state of Michigan , ou the secoud day of March, A. L. 1874, in Liber 49 of mortgagea, on page 52ti, by which said default the power oi sale coutained in said mortgage lias become operalive, and 110 proceedings haviig been instituted in law or equity torecover the debt aecured by said mortgage, or any part theieof. and the suiu ui eighteen thousand and two hundied doiiars being now claimed to be due on aid mortgage. Notice threfore isherebv given tliat said niurtgage will be fureciosed, by a sale of the muftaged preniises ïherein described. or some part thereof, viz: All those ci'iiain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in tlic city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtehaw, and state of Michigan, and described as follows. towit: Being lots nunibered live [5), six ['ij, nine Ll, ten [10J,. eleven 1.11], twelve [l] and thirteen 113J. according to aplutof "Picnic Grove, made by W. Wicks, and recorded in the Register's of - flee of the county of Washtenaw, July 5th, 1869, in Líber 45 of Deeds, on page 368. Also another piece or parcel of land, beginning at the southeast corner of the east half of the south-west quarter of section No. twentyeight, in township number two [2], south of range six (61 east, and running thence north on the center line of said section, six chains and flfty links; thence north f orty four degrees, thirty' minutes, west three chains andñfty links; thence south to a point on the south line of said section two chains and flfty links west, to the place of beginning; thence east on the south line of said section, two chains and flfty links, to the place of beginning, situated in the city of Ann Arbor, and containing two acres, be the_ same more or less. at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front ("oorof the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, [that being the place of holding the circuit court for said county], on the twenty-ninth day of September. A. D., 1862, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, Dated June 30, 1882. ELIZABËTH HUTCIIIN?ON. EDWIN PACKAKD and CHARLJSS L. F1NKE, Executors of the last will and testament of Samuel Hutchinson, deceased. J. F. Lüwkkncï, Att'y for Executors of Samuel Hutchinson. . . - A - _ - Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certainindentureof mortgage executed by Earl S. Taylor andCatherineTaylor, his wife, to Eliza North, bearing date the twenty-Bixth day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and recorded in the office of the register of deed for the county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, in Liber 51. of mortgages, on page 671 ( on the twelfth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy six, by which de fa uit the power of sale contained in said mortgage has becoine operative, and no suit or proceeding at law or in chancery having been instituted io recover the amount due on said mortgage, or the note accompanying the same; and there being now claimed to be duejon said mortgage and note the sura of aeven thousand nine hundred and eightynine dollars and six cents ($7,989.06.) Notice. therefore, is hereby given, that said mortgage wiU be foreclosed on Saturday, the f ourth day of .i-iiiiici , . n iv, hl ini u ciuun iu nie iuib noon of said day, at the south iront door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor. in said countv of Washtenaw, (said court house being the place for holding the circuit court for said county), by the sale at public auctiou, to the highe t bidder, of the premises described insaiit mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage with reasonable costs and expenses, whieh mortgaged premises are described in said mortgage as follows: AH those certaín pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in the township of Lo di, in the county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, and being the east half of the northeast quarter of section number twenty-two (88), the west ha:f of the west half of the north-west quarter, the north half of the east half of the west half of the north-west quarter, and the north half of the west half of the east half of the north-west quarter, of section number fcwentythree (23), in township three (3), south of range ilve east, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, more or less, in said county. ELIZA NORTH, Mo.-tgagee. E, D. Kinne, Attorney for Mortgagee. Dated, August 7, 1882. TOLEDO, ANN ARBOK & GRAND TRÜNK RAILKOAD. Taking effect Sunday, March 12, 1888. Trains run by Columbua time. 3loing North. Golng South. ïxp'ss I Mail. ! STATIONS. Mail. Exp's P.I. l.I I P. H. A. M. tS.lO t8.15: Toledo t 5.40 +9.45 5. !8 8. 18 North Toledo... . +5.37 9.4S 5.85 8.27 Detroit Junction . 5.25 9.33 5.35 8.35 I Hawthorn 5. 18 9.25 5.45 8.45 Samaría 5.12 9.15 K.00 9.00Lulu 5.00 9.00 .05 9.05 Monroe Juiietion 4.' 8 8.41 6.15 1 9.15Dundee 4 45 8.30 .26 9.87 Azalia 4.30 1 8.18 .39 9.40 Milan 4.15 1 8.05 6.45 9.47 Nora 4.08 7.55 a.52 9.53 Urania +4.02 +7.48 7.03 10.05 Pittsfield 3.52 7.38 7.15 10.20 AnnArbor.. .. +3,40 +7.25 7.35 0.45 Lelands 3.2 7-45 10.57 Wordens 3.15 I 6.00 +1 1.15 South Lyon +2.55 .... The local freight north leaves this city at 5 ] m.; Lelands, 5.40; Wordens. 6 o'clocfc and a rives in Soutk Lyon ut 6.30. The same trai leaves South Lyon at 7.05 a. m. ; Wordens, 7.25 Lelands, 7.35; and arrivés in this city at L.30. H. W. ASHLJOY Gen'l Superintendent I' AKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN J RAILWAY. YPB1LANTI BUANCH- LANS1NQ DIVrSION. GOING WESÏT I.KAVK. MAIL. Ypsilanti 7 00 a. m. 9 15 a. m Pittsfield Junction 7 40 a. m. 9 34 a. m Saijne 8 27 a. m. t 45 a. m Bridgewater 9 15a.m. lOU'ia. m. Manchester 10 23 a. m. 10 23 a. m. Watkine 10 55 a. m. 10 38 a. m. Brooklyn 1140 a. m. 10 55 a. m. Hillsdale 3 25p. m. 18 05 p. m. Banken 3 50 d. m. 12 20 p. m QOING EAST. I.EAVK. HAIL. Bankers 8 00 p. m. 3 10 p. m Hillsdale 8 30 p. m. 3 25 p. m Brooklyn 1 00 p. m. 4 27 p. m. Watkins 1 50 p. m. 4 42 p. m. Manchester 2 50 p. m. A 55 p. m. Bridgewater 8 25 p. m. 5 13 p. m. Saline 4 10p.m. 5 29 p m. Pittsfleld Junction 4 40 p. m. 5 39 p. m. Ypsilanti 5 15 p. m. 5 55 p. m. Way Freight goes west Monday, Wednesday and Friday east, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. W. H. CANNIFF, SuDerintendent. Oon. W. Híll, Tictet Agent. W. H. H. BOYLAN & CO., Hom, Sip ui Frescoe Painters ! DECORATORS & PAPER HANGERS. Work guaraureed and neatly executed by oxperie:ned bands. Ni boys employed. No. 16 South Main Street, Second Floor. ff TT A WEEK. $13 a dav at home easily J I made. Costly outlta rree. Address True L Co., Augusta, Maine. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stock of everything in t lie Crocery Line. Toasf Coftbes and Siig-ar-s, ín large amounts. and at Caslb. Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large involce of teas they Buy and Sell. is Kood proof that in Quality and Price they Glve Bargains. They Roast their om Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeiy tnrns out exe-llent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and se them. HENRY MATTHEWS, Hasj the pleasure to inform the pubuc that he i ready to receiTe them in bisiiew brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOE EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in hU Une wiil be flrst-class. and At Reasonable Ratos. He returns his sincere thanks to all hls oíd cus. tornera for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and atl newr customers to hii new quarters, where lie hopea by fair dealing t.i nlurKe his airead y srowinc business. BAILBOADS. V1CHIQAN CENTKAL BAILHOAuV TIME TABLE. MAY 14tli 1882. OO1NB WiT ï Iï S-ï 3 '■■ 3 &I II fl II fl _?_ w[ Ja ?fi sa_ _a_ A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. p.M. P.M. Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.35 5.f.5 4.05 8.00 9.50 U. T. June 7.15 9.55 6.lo 1.20 8.15 10.10 Wavne June... 7.53 10.29. 6 42. 4.4Hi 8 45' 10 40 Ypsllautl 8.3 10 48 7.051 5.0 9 08lll.'2 AunArbor N.45I 11 00 7.241 5.221 9.25 11.17 Dexter 9.08 7 48 5.39 9.44 ChlMa 9.35 8.0j' 5.52 lo 00 . . . Gr,. I alie 9.50 8.32 6 12] lO.Sü' P. v. I a. M Jsckeon Ar. 10.10 9.00 1105 Jicksnn Lv. 10.20 13.15 ti.55 a.m i 12.45 Alblon 11.04 12.50 7.40 11.55' 1.22 wumnall 11.50 1.3(. _ g 8.05 12.S0 1 41 P. M. BattleCreck...., 12.19 15". ? 8.40 12.47 2.07 ' A M GalfBbarg 12.53 a. . 9.15 Kalamazoo l.iS 2.36 4.50 9.:i5 1.35 2.47 Lawton 1.52 5.25 4.13 Decatui 8.07 5.42 2.32 Uowatiac 2.29 6.07 3 57 . Nllea 2.55 4.04 B.50 3 37 4.15 Biieliauan 3.08 7. 02 1 3.42 rhrec Oat.... 3.38 7.37 4.12 ' New Buttiilu... 3.53 4.52 7.40 4.35 Mich. City 4.2.1 5.18 8.08 5 03 5 28 Uke 5.13 B.Oi 8.54; 5.51 6.18 KensiiiKton 6.01) .50 9.45 6.40 7.U Chicago rA 6.50 7.40 10.:i5 7.30 S.CO HOINS Siai, . ëê i STATIONS. d „S „-f Sï S L_ fa. ?i Í. j. A H. A. M. P. M P. M. P. M. JhKUKO L. 6 45 9 00 3.40 5 15 9.1C üuntiuKlon 7.35 9.50 4.30 6.05 10.UC Uke 8.17 10.2T 5.1Í .50 10.40 Mlch. City 9.03 11.13 6.00i 7.38 11.88 New Búllalo... 9 27 U.33 6.25 11.55 Three Oaks 9 42 6.4o I A. H. Bnchanan 10.10 r.jr. 7.06 Nile #).2 12.18 7.:j? 9.00 12.45 Dowairiac 11.68 HM 1.12 Decutur 11.18 8.: 1.3" Uwtoi._ 11.81 1 8.531 a.m Kalamazoo 12.12 1.381 9.30 t.50 10.25 2.30 JaleBliurg 12.ÜÍ I 5" 7.08 Battle Creek... 1.0 S.IbIj" 7.38 11.08 3.20 r. m. "o. Marohall 1.80 8.0 sL 8 06111.33 8.-K Albion Í.13 3.21 -ï-=- 8.32 11.S5 4.1S a.m. A. . ackoon Ar. 3.05 . ackson Lv. 3.09 4.05 7.05 9.S0 12.40 5.00 3raaaLaUe 3.32 7.38 .5O 5.25 Jhelsea 3.58 7.5ÍI lu.OT 5.50 Dexter 4.15 1 8.U8 10.19 1 6.05 Ann Arbor 4 37 5.071 8.25 1034 í.04 ü.25 rpllantl 4.55 0.231 8 43 10.48 Ï.2W 6.41 (Favne June... 5.20 5.4s 9.08 11.0S 2.41 7.05 3. T. June ti.UO 6.15 9.451 11 3-ï 3.20 7.45 Detroit Ar. 6.15 6.30 10.001 1 1 .50 1 3.3.5 8.00 The New York Express, s fast train leaves Chingo at 3.30 in the ahernoon and makes the folJlwinjf stops, Michigan City, 5,30; NileM, 6.27; Kalmazoo 7.40; Battle Creek, 8. 16; Jackson 9 28; nn Arbor, 10 26; Vpsilantl, 10.41 ; Q T Juncon, 11.25: arriving: in Detroit at 10.40 P. M. Snnday excepted. ÍSaturday fc Sunday excepted )aily. KNBT C. WlSTWOBTH, (H. B. LïDYARD, O. P. dt 'J. A., GMcago. Otn'l Manager, Detroit C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor of the City Drug Store ! Has thechoicest lot of perfumes and the Laegest Stock of Pure Drugs I In the city. Also everythidg in the toiI.KT and FANCY (JOODS LINE, at piïi.CS '.ower Iban anywhere else. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. No. 12 Conk Hotel Block, Aon Arlxir, Michigan. Get ïoni Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT No 4 Soutb Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Eatablished a quarter of a century ago. Representing the following flrst-class companies: Home lus. Co., of N. Y., $ 7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y. 4,207,306 Niágara Ins. Co., of N. Y., 1,735,563 Girard Ins. Co., of Phila.. 1.132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford, 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London, 12,000,000 Manhattan Ins. Co., of N. Y., 652,117 tW Rates low. Losse liberally adjusted and promptly paid. C. H. Millen. FRED SORG, Dealer ia PAINTSJLSJAENISffi BRUSHES, WINDOW QLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Qualitv SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington ís: ANN ARBOR. - MICMIQA ébêrbach&sön; Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And afine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. Wecall special attention toour stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A ful! Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS Atjlist prieos. STTT3DDB35rT S Are cordlally inrlted to examine our stock as juality and prices. EBERBACH & SON.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat