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R. G. Peters, of Mamstee, has built qaite a town of bis own at East Lake on ac oount of hi extensive mili and palt blocks. He owns ovr 100 of isa dl Hites tbere. iie knows pereonally every one of tb 500 or jnotv men in h!s empVy, and can cali eaoh one nf tlioin by name. His salt block will ultimate]7 have a capacity of l.dUO harrols a day. A bear and two cuba wereseen with ia a uiile aud a bait of Tal well. Clare couui qoleüj b'l(jin tbemseives to blaokberrieitrom a paieh ssbete a family of piokers Wen ilso husy. Bay City officers think they have a ilueto the clotbiDg thieves of laot spring, aart nuve üou to tbe eouthern part of the sïaU . .fier certatn men whe are selling ciothiux very chenj.. Alvin Finch is unable to furnish tiondsmen for üquor selling, and will therfore üive up running the Graenbnsb, Alcona county, hote!. Grand Rápida' panel and veneer works will oost $25,000, and be finlshed In twn raonths. During his 15 years' collectorship at Graud EUyidi, S. S. Bülny tarned over to tbe governmaiit Vl,97d,95i 46. Lewis Hart's partly finished dwelling at Grand Bapids burnod recsntly; loss l,560, insurance 1,080. Kalkaska, Kalkaska county, is seeking Bcorporation aa a village. Four Kalamazoo horses sold for 11,800 and shipped to Buflalo. The team of Thos. Underwood, livinsrfoar miles from Adrián, ran away, and in some way the neck-yoke was driven into one of the horsee, killing him instantly. "The body of Richard Egan has been fouud in Manistee riïer. Bgan was intoxicatsd when last seen nlive. A burglar entered the residence of L. B. Damon, a merchant of Adrián, and took a gold watch valued at $25", aleo some change. Damon whifethe burglar was in the room, and a túsale ensued ia jrbich the burglar escapsd. It is tbought ttiat a band of barglars ari now operatiug ia that section. PortlaBd i now free from small-pox aud business looking up; have been 8D cases in all in Ionia connty and 10 deaths; Orange townBhip now has only one or two case?, and Berlín three new ones. Henry Smith, farmer, while going to Grand Rapids with a load of produce, was tbrown from the wagon and so injured that he died;JeaveB a widowed mother. Fre3. Reed, WestOooper, Kalaraazoo county, went in bathing while perepirinff, and has not been able to walk for several weeks iu consfQBence. Louis "White, team ster at Chapin mine, Menominee county, bad Ma back bruksn by.a runaway team; his lifois dos pairad of. Eight chareoal kilns building at Searp, Osceolaeounty, with capacity of 13,00'J eords a year. Benjamin Gardner, aged 90, Mexican war veteran, Dalton, Muskegon county, died recently. Mrs, Sullivan, formerly Miss Maggie BuchanaD, of Detroit, ís eaid to havo been the örBt woman who made jiurnalism a profession aad begin as a man would have done, by loiDg th work at tlie offla iostnad of at ber home. Se bsn on the Obicaeo liinee, and hart aroom to hereulf. Eev. Daniel Ide, fatlier of City Marshal Ide, Coldwatur, and for 40 yeare apreacher in the M. E. ehurch, ditd of paralysis, kcently, aged 93 years. William Parr, a wealtby farmer reBidiati afiont three miles south of Charlotte, committed suicide last week. Cause of th act unknown. Pete Cevalia, charged with the murder of youDg H hv, ana wbo was in jiil at Linsin?, Bucoeeded in oscaping by diggio? n hole throngh the iron floor of bis cell. A reward of f100 la offered by Sheriff Cali for Mb recapture. He s of sallow complexión, has íjray eyee, is 29 yeara oíd, weighs 135 pounde, Í3 five feet five inches tall, and is miserable looking generally. Two traína on the Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw railroad collidetl uear Jackson . A special freieht and an lncoming freight rnet on a single track; but the en infiera saw the danger and revorsei in tiae to prevent a eerious accidert. Tlie engines wre iDJured soinewhat, and four cara of the inconiinB train were plled on each othtr. OUs Hidden, tiia fireman of the mcoming traic, was iDJured, his foot be ing crashed betwesn the platforms of the cab and tender. The body of Rev. J. B. Logan, colored, who was drowned in Pugslej'8 lak?, has been recovered. A big day's work wa3 doue on the Au SaWe river one day last week by Capt. uwen and a crew of nine men. Three hundredand twenty-one thousaud f eet of knar tlmber was taken from the pockots, secarely rafted with chain and dsllverod to Ih tui{. The Eepublican eocgressional convention for the sevfnih district washsld at Port Hnron, full delegations bíing present. The Hon. John T. Rich was rcnominated unaniranuslj'. At the Eapublican convention, Piw Paw, for the LOiniuatiün or a candidaíe froiu the first repreeentative legislativo district of Vaa Buren county, Rob9rt L. Warren, editor and proprietor of the Decatur Republican, was nominated. Off Thuuder Bay light house, last week, the maehinery of the Canadian propeller Gleiifialas became dieabled, and the lifeeaving crew went to her asBistancn, stayiai; by her all night. Tte life-boat' went lo Alpena foraid, and the tug Golden E igle lef i to take the G etifialas to Alpena forrepaiM. She was laden with rallroad iron. O. G. Whitiüore & Co., have transferrea the base of their lumber busi ese, with capital of L2,000,000 frnm Chicago to Cadillac. It is said that the new Neebish channel U well matked with buoys and targots,and has a good 17 feet of water all the way. A dkpatch announcea that John Hnig oí lialesbtirg, L!., formeily oí Adrián was killed rewntly ou ho Cnicago, Buriingtou & Qalncy railroad in a colirios. Henig was a. kaowa ia ihul Bectioa and was a pioiuisioK youug man. The badly decompoaed body of a man has been found on ttie lake shorn three miiee abave Fort Giatiot. A. Port Huroa jusiice impanelled a jury and a verJict was returned setting forth that the cause of deatu Was uukiiowu There were no marks of violenco upon his body, and nearly all tho flesh had f al lea f rom his face. A linen bandkerchief willi the initialg "C. Q." inaiked in on corcer wa found in h'ra coat pocket. The Michigan team at Crendrnore are Ketting in good work on tho practico range. They scored 908 points recently, which ip aboye the winning scores of the two years paal. Teter Pott3, a poor farmer living nar Brnnsnn, had nis entire erop of wheat de9troyed by fire, caused by two smali boys and a box f matclifs. A driveway is to be laid out around Pine grove park, Port Huroc. It will bo 45 test Wido, tbree-fi.urihs ofa mite long, anrf will he paid for by private eubscripliona. Bgeman's store at Clio was robbed last week of abotit 3300 worth of eilke, gloves, baoti, ibaWb etc. The Osceola county fair will be held at Evart, Oct. 4, 5 aud 6. There is a good pramiijm üBt and weli arranged programma. There are many cotnplaints about the imperfect mail arrangements to and from Cheboyaan and St Ignace. There are over 1,600 children of scliool age in Alptni, and about 750 ot tnem ara ia the schools. Levi Clark, an oíd settler of Farwell, die.l receptly. He was 78 joars oíd and a vetetan müon. Rev. George Kansom begins his ninetfen ysax a3 pastor of the Muir Presbyterian chureh. G. R. & I. road settlea suit of Mra. öeo. Haram, Fife Lake, for injurio?, by paying $1,000. L. H. Colton's night blooming cereus at Ionia, has blossoiaed 11 times in two weeks. A large number of residences are being buiit í.t Bay City, costing $5,000 to f 6,000 eacb. The grape erop on the islands of Lake Erle is an unusually large one tbie yeur. Ship. ping has commenced.


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