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Andrew Wittig, an oíd man oí i i years, keeper of a Bmall grncery in East St. Louis, was brutal ly murdered at ac early trour tbeothermorning. It is not Imown exactly how the act was commlttea, but circumstancos show tliat tbe srooery was eatered between midnlght and daylight by bwglaie, and the eupposition is ILat tliat the ld mas. wbo retided ia the nppdr part of tbe building with hia family haard a noiae, pot op, went down staire, was assaiiltod by tbe robber and dragged into the adjoiuin alley. At allevanta, bis dead body, tbe skcll Emashed iu with bricks, was found there by his wife about 6 o'olock. A cluu points to a white man and a negro, who left for Cairo on the etuamer Continental early in tbe morning, as the marderere, and msasuros have been taken to hivo them arrosted at the f.rst poiat the Bteamer lande. A FIGHT AND A MORTAL WODND. John H. Johnstou, mayor of the city of Danvillo, Wast Va., Bhot John E. Hattber, lfit.9 cbief of polico, Lflicting what is believtd to be a mortal wound. The partita met casuaily iu tho evening aud Hatcher demandf d an apoiosry for a statement of Johnston that Hateher had r.ot accouuted for Cdcs he had coliec'tíd. Ths apolof y was refusád, a scuffl? ensued and Johnslon shnt Hatcher. Johnston surrendsied himself aud was adtnitted to ball for $5,000. MAINE ELEOTION EETUBNS. Unoffloial returns from the Maine lectioa indícate tUat Bobie'a piuralily will be 8,759. Tbe Bepubiican Cougressmen are all four electcd by nearly tb. ame plurality, a gain of t wo CongreEBiueD, or a net gaia of ont , allowing for one lost by tb new apportioninent. Tho returas for the Lf gislatare Bhow a net Bopubllc in gain of s:x Senators aud f ourteen Bip: er-entativeg, givin t the BepubliOans ninp m.-] .rity on j iut ballot.


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Ann Arbor Democrat