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Theatre to-night at the opera house. F. Fred Schlanderer lias an ad in today's paper. Win. Herz lias the job of painting the Duffy block. They have oommenced tearing down the old engine house. J. L. Briggs, one of the boys, has been visiting his old home. Miss Minnie Fleming is spending a few days in the country. Charles Woodward can hereafter be found at the Cook house. Michigan state fair September 18, 19, '20, 21 and 22 at Jackson. The Chelsea Herald is 12 years old, and it is as lively as ever. Frank Beahan is in the regular armyHe is now on the frontier. Thomas F. Bonner, of Au Sauble, has been visiting his old home. Jndge Lawrence had six chickens stolen one night last week. John Sweet will take a number of eoops of chickens to the state fair. Andrew Muehlig has gone to Beed City to engage in the hardware business. Mrs. A. B. Hall and daughter are visiting Mrs. McDowell, in Cincinnati. Wm. Turner for threatening to shoot his wife was arrestad and jailed Sunday. E. Duffy will open the Duffy block in a short time with a general stock of goods. The Democbet nntil after the campaign for 25 cents, anywhere in the county. The funeral of Willis Thompson, son of ex-Alderman Thompson, was held Monday. The book entitled "Michigan in the War" will not be ready for distribution before next month. The cistern back of the Courier feil in Saturdav, and it will cost R. A. Beal $150 lo make a new one. The Hon. Geo. Bemick, member of the legislature, has been visiting for a few days J. F. Lawrence. Last week 156,000 pounds of peaehes were shipped from tliis city by the American express company. Two dollars and twenty-five cents pays for a round trip ticket and admission to the tri-state fair at Toledo. The Meteors to-night, one of the finest and best organizations on the road, will appear at the opera house. Ned Gott, of Detroit, was in the city over Sunday. He carne up to attend the fnneral of his nncle, J. N. Gott. Ann Arbor lodge, A. O. U. W., cleared $50 from their picnic Thursday last. The Germán band furnished the rausic. Timothy E. Tarsney, the democratie nominee for attorney general, is a gradúate of the law department, class of '72. Half fare to Jackson during the state fair. Tickets on sale over the M. C. R E. Sept. 18-22, and good to return on the 23d. George Whitnoy, whoáe father at one time owned the old saw mili, was in the city Thursday on a visit after 11 years' absence. L. Knapp, arrested and (tenteneed to Ionia for 90 days, gave bail for his good appearance. Sureties, M. Steeb and G. F. Lutz. Miss Maggie Donovan has had on exhibition for some days at Stofflet & Adam's bazaar handsome specimens of wax work. The Mastodon minstrels gave an entertainment last evening to a fair-sized audience. But theii a nigger show usually draws well. Gen. C. Powell Adams, father of Will C. Adams, and one of the editors of the Hastings, Minn., Únion, has been nomiinated for congress. Duane B. Doty, snperintendent for the Pullman company, was in the city the last of the week attending the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Doty. Dexter Sun: At the annual election of school officers all the old officers were elected except L. W. Briggs, C. S. Gregory being ehosen in his stead. Some one attempted to steal chickens last Thursday night belonging to George L. Loomis, but George heard the racket and emptied the con ten ts of his gun into the would-be thief. John Flagen and Frank Sharpy were arrested Saturday by Deputy Sheriffs Warren and Clarken on the charge of knocking down John Dolan, of Dexter, and taking $100. Examination before Justice Crane, of Dexter, Sept. 19. The Steinfield Bros. have rented the store formerly occupied by Little Mack and will reopen the place in a few days with a large stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods. They will also conduct a merchant tailoring department. As soon as the Duffy block is put in shape E. Duffy will open the corner store with a large stock of goods. He will leave for New York the last of the week to purchase his stock, and then look out for a tumble in prices when he opens up again. Officers elect of St. Lawrence society: Vice presidents, Thos. Clarken and Henry Farmer; secretarles, C. P. Cary and Wm. Caspary; treasurer, A. Bisele; trustees, John Flynn, E. Duffy and P. O'Brien. Rev. Fr. Fierele is president ex ofücio. Commercial: The building operations are nioving along nicely. Mr. Cornwell's is nearing the roof. The rafters and gable ends of the Baptist chnrch are goiug up. The M. E. chnrch all complete and not excelled in the state. All is lovely. Did the republicau party at the state convention denounoe the harbor steal? Not much. The party had eight congressmen and two senators voting f or the big steal, and is renominating them as fast as conventions can be called. - [Adrián Press. The Hon. David H. Jerome has a good deal to do to make up for his boorish, snobbish treatment of the Michigan militia at Yorktown. If a voter in the militia gives the oíd aristocrat a vote this fall, he will answer for a natural euriosity.- [Adrián Press. Bishop Paine, of Florida, declines to prosecute the Florida railroad company for ejecting him from a car on account of color, and the money contributed by oolored churches of the north for such prosecution will be handed over to the widow of old John Brown. "Tuesday was one of the greatest musical days ever witnessed in London. The tournament was opened both days by the female band, who delighted the thousands who listened to them." And this is the band who will furnish music at our county fair. Come one, come everybody. A. A. Tuttle and P. M. Edwards purchased about 2,000 barrels of apples last Saturday, for D. Henning. Among those purchased by Mr. Tuttle the orchard of Joseph Ceas, formerly owned by Shuble Lewis, furnishes about 300 barrels. Several other orchards furnish from 200 to 300.- [Leader. The funeral of John N. Gott, Sunday, was one of the largest held in this city in years. He was buried with masonic honors, Sir Knights and Masons being present from Detroit, Dexter, South Lyon, Chelsea, and Ypsilanti. Company A also turned out and preceded by the city band followed the remains to the grave. Monroe Democrat: Brother Pattison of the Ypsilanti Commercial says when [ie arrived in Adrián (one of the kicking ten from Washtenaw) he stole away from ais associates and spent an hour in the Baptist prayer meeting. He is probably ihe only man in the crowd that ever hought of such a thing - and perhaps the only one that needed it. The 300 inhabitants of Sherwood, in Branch county, have been all cut up for flve months with sympathy for a lady who had a tumor that was supposed to be endangering her life. All the neighboring physicians exhausted their skill, and an Ann Arbor faculty .doctor bas looked into the matter $40 worth. Saturday last the tumor removed itself -it's a boy. - [Port Huron Telegraph. Observer: Another "link" has been added to the great Vanderbilt system of railroads, and this time Saline may receive a little benefit in the way of convenience, for, althouifh no intelligence bearing upon the point has been received from headquarters, Dame Rumor says it is more than probable that there will soon be at least two passenger trains each way a day run between Ypsilanti and Fort Wayne, Ind. Let us hope it may be so, and patiently await the needed change. The new purchase is that of the Fort Wayne and Jackson railroad. One of the chief attractions at the fair to be held here Sept. 26-29 is the youug ladies' cornet band of Caro. The Flint Journal says: "During the f air the ladies cornet band, of Caro, played upon the fair grounds and greatly delighted all who heard them. The young ladies have gained the good will of our citizens during the few days they have been among us, not only for their skill as playera but their lady-like behavior and modest derneanor." From the London, Ont., Advertiser: "The thirteen young lady performers who are now the guests of the city, are still only school girls, but very few of them exceeding the age of 18 years, and two of them being under the age of 14. All daughters of the best families of Caro, Mich." Manchester Enterprise: Twenty years ago when S. H. Perkins owned and wa living vhere the Presbyterian parsonage now stands, his niece, Miss Mattie Per; kins, lost a gold ring which could not ba found, even by the most vigorous searching. A few years ago Rev. E. P. Goodrich, while occupying the parsonage, found a ring, but at the time the loss of Miss Perkins was not remembered. Kecently when her brother George Perkins, of Ohio, was visiting here, the circumstance was recalled and a discussion followed, which resulted in sending Mr. Goodrich the lady's address and in his forwarding the ring to her for inspection. She recognized it, and will probably try to make up for twenty years of lost time by wearing it continually. Wednesday evening, as the family of A. J. Gale, of Superior, were retiring, they discovered their barn was burning, fire coming from the upper part over the hay loff. By the time the live stock had been rescued the fire had progressed so far that nothing else could be saved. With the barn were burned 40 toni of hay, 16 acres of wheat, and all the farm marchinery, wagons, etc, contained in it, involving a losa of about $1,500. The insurance was: Personal, $1,500 (which includes the live stock saved); on barn, $400. After the fire, buggy tracks approaching the barn from the road, and the fact that neighbors saw two men driving rapidly north from the scène, caused a suspicion that they had done the deed. Saturday mornin? further sensation was caused by the discovery of human remains in the ruins, and the excited minds of the neighbors vary between the suspicion that murder has been conifiSitted or that a tramp accidentally fired his stolen couch. Mr. Gale lives on an east and west road, and the men spoken of drove east about 80 rods to a road running north, followed that a mile and half, then returned half a mile and drove west toward Frain's Lake on a road running parallel to that on whioh the barn was burning. As the house is back from, and the barn was near, the road, nothing is improbable in either theory, although the early hour, 8 o'clock,ivould bear against the first. About 20 minutes before Gale's son had shut and locked the barn, but when he went to put out the fire he found the doors open. No one known of is missing. Free Press.


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