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Aodallah rasha, who so obstiuately held out against the British in the Fort of Damietta, has met wlth trouble in his owa camp. He summoned his black regiment and said he expected them to fight lili ths last. He daelaied üiat Arabi had turned traitor and flec?, but Kafr-el Dwar was raakiug a heroio restetance. The soldiere afkwl wby they ehould rBk their livás for Arsf! and Abdellah. The latter replied that they wpre nol fighting for him but for their relieion, their country, tbeir caliph. They slwuld be ready, he eaiü, to die as he was. Tho eoldlera replied: "Then die;" and shot him throngh the Btomaeh. He is reported not killed, and bas dispatchtd his wllllngness to garrender. SAFE AT MOECOW. The czar of Russia arrived safely at Moscow on the 20tb. CONTRADICTED. Later uews from Egypt virtually contradiotB that Abdellah Pasha is willing to surrender. He was still holding Damietta on the 22d and was preparing to move on Cairo. The report seems to havo been started so he could gain time to Btrengthen his position. The Brittsh will move on his works and demolieh them if resisted. ABABI'S STEAL. About L200,000 sterling were taken from ths Treasury by Arabi Pasha; L18,000 was dlseovered at the War Office. Déficits are probable also in the Department of the Int rior. SUBRENDERED. The Fort of Damietta is in the hands of the BritiBh. WILL "O1VE IN" BÏOAUSB THEÏ HAVE TO. A Paris dispatch to the London Times sajs certain directora of ths Saez Canal havo taken alarm at the view expressed by the Titnis in an article on the Suez Canal. In order to dispel any anxiety in regard to $Lnglaad startinfj a second cana), they seem injltned to effect an understanding which woald give Eogland f all satisfaclion and perfect security for the fature, whiie guarding the general interests at stako. This will probabiy be the way in wblch the cana! queation will besettled. DEPOSED. It is officially announced from Jeddah that the Grand Shereef of Mecca has beeu deposed and Iinprieoaed at Talffe, where Midhat Pasha was prlsoner. Abdallab Erlcaun bas been named Grand Shereef. He is a brother to the Shereef murdsred scme time ago as supposed by orders trein the Sultan beoause he wis favorable to the Britlsb. ARABl'S PLAN. Arabi Pasha says the best thing the Eogiish ííould do for Eeypt would be ta send all notables and other leadlng men coonected with the re')elHon out of the conntry. If they do nat do si vengeance will surely be wrecked upon them after their departnre. THE CHIEF BEBEL SOBBT. Seeing the manner in which the BritbU treat their pilsoners and wounded, Arabi says they are a gro3t people and that he Is heartily sorry he fought them. He asserts that he never thought tho Eaglisb would send a large army to assist the khedive, and so was led into the war. He denies tbat he had any communication with the sultan during tho war. TO BETrRE. Mr. Dillon will be compelled to leave parliamenton account cf ill health. DAVITT'S SCHEME. A scheme is propounded by Davitt for the forination of a gigantio organization whose leading objaate will be improveirent of thesociaJ and political condition of tha Irish and the prérestion of emigrallon byobtainini? profitalla csipioyment for laborera and evicted teuants. The schone was diecussed at a convention of Irish n'stloDalists. Parnell refuses !o Banction ibe project, on the groand tbat the fontiation of euch an organization would bfi impossiblauDder tho existing coerción wK EgaD, DüIod, Bronnnr, and Kittle, are discussing Ihe subjact.


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