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The New Discoveby. - Dr. Deining' Pile Ointment, the diseovery of a physioian of wide reputation, who lias acliieved the greatest success, the most conspicuous distinction and the highest honors in his profession, is a sube cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles. A single box has frequently been known to cure the most obstinate case, and thousands who have used the great remedy attest its efficacy. For sale ly Eberbach & Sou. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought.happiness follows like a shadow that never leaves him. A Voice from the Pbess. - I take this opportunity to lcar testimony to the efficacy of "Hop Bitters." Expecting to flnd theni nauseous and bitter and composed of bad whisky, we were agreeably surprised at their mild taste, just like a cup of tea. A Mrs. Oresswell and a Mrs. Connor, friends, have likewise tried, and pronounee them the best medicine they have ever taken for building up strength and toning up the system. I was troubled with costiveness, headache and want of appetite. My ailments are uow all gone. I have a yearly contract with a doctor to look after the health of rayself and f amily but I need him not now. S. GhjIjIland, People's Advocate, Pittsburg, Pa., July 25, 1878. The bachelor has the misfortune that no one tells him his faults to his face; but this good fortune the married man has. Don't die in the House. - Ask druggist for " Bough on liats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermin, rlies. ants. insects. 15c. ter box. Flowers that come from a loved hand ire more prized than diamonds. Catabbh of the Bladder. - Stinging, iinartinfr, irritation of the urinary paslages, diseased discharges, cured by Buihupabia. $1, at druggists. Mioh. Deïot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. We blush by excusing our faults, but e always blush ai our blunders. Gbiqg's QiiTOEEiNE Salve. - The best in which can truly be said of Grigg's Glyserine Salve, which is a sure cure for suts, bruisen, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. For snlc by Eberbach & Son. Passionate persons are like men who stand upon there hends; they see all things the wrong way. Beain and Nebve. - Wells' Health Benewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, 5rc, ijl, at druggists. Mich. depot, James E. Davis fc Co., Detroit, Mich. "To blush is human; to havo check is divine," is the way the new Chicago comic paper Choek, flxes on the old ayiiiK for its own use as a motto. An invaluable strengthe.ner for the nerves, muscles, and digestive organs, producing strength and appetite, is Brown's Iron Bitters. John Brown is to have a monument. So is George Wasnington, when they get done. "Necessity is the mother of invention." Diseaaes of the liver, kidneys and bowels brought iorth that sovereign remedy Kidney-Wort, whieh is nature's normal curativo for all those dire oomplaints. Iu oither liquid ov dry form it is a perfect remedy for those terrible diseases that I cause bo many deaths. We miglit as well havo do opportunities as uot to uae the ones that we have. A good Baptist clergyman of Bergan, N. T., a strong temperance man, suflered ■with kidney trouble, neui-al{,úa and neBB almost to blindnows, over twq oars . atter he was told that Hop Bittovs wouhl cure him, because he was nfraid of Bñd prejudiced against "Bitters." Kince bis cure he says none need tetó bat trust in Hop Bitters. Nature has given us t,vo ears and but one tongue, in order tluit wc muy rapeat just one-half we henr. London is oomplaining of homelew ats left to wonder about the et reets, 'hile their ovnen are out of the city. liailen of Dick Whitinijtoii, oaD snch hingu be? Haster: "Whnt does Oondillac say bout brutal iu tlvo acale pi beinK?" Icholar: -'He says a brute is nn iinperBct animal." "And what is man?" "Man j 9 a -perfect brute." Carolino's wife goes out to work. The 'ther day as she reproaohed him foi Rfitinn so late, he replied, "Ah, madam, T leep very slowly, and I need, in conso[uenoe, muoh more time for repose than ron." The folly of others is ever most ridicuous to those who are themselves most bolish. yrhe Metcors to-night ut the opera ïouse.J BROWN'S IRON BITTERS willcure dyspepsia.heartburn, malaria, kidney disease, Hver complaint, and other wasting diseases. BROWN'S ROM BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the system; cures weakness, lack of energy, etc. Try a bottle. BROWN'S RON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that does not color the teeth, and will nut cause headache or constipation , as other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Lidies and all sufferers from neuralgia, hysteria, and kindred complaints, will find it without an equal. HAS BEEN PROVED 1 Tho SUREST CURE for 1 KIDNEY DISEASES. o jssrrsssiss kot i E HESITATE' u8 Kidney-Wort at once, B eiatreoomm8ndit)ndlt willapeedily k oome the duense nd restore healthy aotion. o . ■-: For oomplaints peculiar L LaUlvei toyour sox, suchas pain -1 "ndwekneoeni,Kidney-Wortiuilsurpa8SEd, . ï ss it wül Jt promptly and fely. . , Either Box. Incontinence, retention of urine, 2 brlokduatorropydepomts.anddun dragging = O pataa, all npeedily yield to ita ouraüvo power, i 4j. 8OLD BY Alili PBTTQOIST8. Prlca j DO YOU TAKE A COUNTY PAPER? ' ; If Bt. nd ycm are about to subscribe for on we invite jour attention to the MIS AMOR DEMflGMT ! And rospectfully inform you that i It is the People's Paper. IT PVBLISHES FULL RErORTS OF ALL IMPORTANT ITEBS In Washtenaw eounty. It gTs a eonclse nnd Intrregtlng lummtry of THE WORLD 'S NSW8, Btoren, American, Congressionul. Weatarn índ Northern. It print 2 HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, BoOsd down for brief readlnif, anii ETt a ful■TBOptU of the doings of the Legislatura, It chronicle ALL IH HAPPENINGS OFANNARBGB, Th countr aeat, giving full and nf curato report of the Circuit (Jourt, Politlcal Mnctings, Farmers Club, Uöireriily and School Mat ters, Eto., Etc. IT 18 FEARLESS In it danundatlon of monopolies, and all other burdenathat weigh upon theTeople; andsnoiw up all frauds regardlesa of wno it hit. K publlshe A GOOD S10RT ïTery week, and ha lntereatlng article for he rW(4 Friet is $1. Per Teer, ín Advantt, And is regarded by its suljscribers as too Taluabl toloan; so don't try to borrow. V in-rit your attention to ome of the many complimentary thingathatarebeingsaidof The Democrat' "It Tincas hrewdnes, push and ability."- Lamino Journal. 'It inmakinft friends evs -day. It is a wlW conducted and readable ,jmet:"-Pontiae BiK Poittr. "X ery enterprWne, wide-awake local jour nal, full of new taxa good sayings."- Qtnat (Flint) Democrat. "It ís a live, sptcy newspaper, and a Taluabl addltion to the joumaüstic list of Waihtenaw oountT."--2"ecunch Herald. 'Editorially, locally and typographieally it I on of the flnest lonking papers that ever carne toto thtaofflce."- Detroit Evening A'eics. "ftll Dkhoohát abounds in able and Tigorous editoMals, a great variety of local Information and intereatinfr eoueral news and miscellaneous matter."- Jackton Patrint. 'THE DEMOCRAT" ÏM Publi&hed ETery Thu redar Mornilic r . COnPer day at homo. Samples 43 10 4ZU worth$j free. Address Stiiison Si Co.. Port land, Maine. Lone Star Bakery WARM MEALS AND LUNCHES. .V T A. L L Iï O U K S . AIm) constantly on hand :i cholee stock of Faucy Crackers, Cakes, tot i'urties and Weddinga furuinhed on shori uoiicc. Confeetiemcriea and all kinds of Fruit in their soason. Bread, Cakes, and Pica conalantly on hand. Cholee Tobacco and Cigars, Caaaed Fruit aud Light Grocertes. HigbestCasb Frico I'aul tor FARMER'S PRODUCE. Cttll :inii Bee me. No. 13 Ope House QEO. %. LAMOTTB, Proprietor. Remcmber Tliis. If yon are sick Hop Bitters will anrely lid Nature in making you well when all ilse fails. I f you are ooetive or dyspeptio, or are luffering bom any otbcr of the uumerous liseases of the stomach or the bowels, it s your owri fault if yon remain il], for Hop Bitters are a Bovereign remedy in all sueh oomplaints. If you are wasting away with any form i :f Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, aiid turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible j ness, Nervonaness, you will flnd a "Balm [)f Gilead" in the use of Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident, of a miasma tic district, barricade your Fiystem against the scourpe of all counti-ies - malarial, epidemie, bilious and intermittent levers - by tbe nse of Hop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miaèrable gfeaerally, Hop Bittert will trive you fair wkin, rich blood, and Bweetest breath, health and comfort. ín shoit they cure all diseases of the stomaoh, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Diseasa S500 will be paid Tor a case tluy will not cure or help. That poor, bed-ridden, mvalid wife, sister, mother or daughter, can be made tl ie picture of health by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, oosting hut a trille. Will you let thera suffer? $500 REWARD. 'i' wil] pny tJie abovc rewaril foranv E of Liver Cutnplaint, Dyspepsla, Slck Beadache, Indigestión 'or.sti pation or Ostivenesswe cannot cure with Wet s Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the. direetions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and nevor fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes eontaining 30 Pilis 25 cents. For sale by all Drugg'Sts. Beware of oounterfeits and ünit&tlona. The genuine manufactnred only by John O, West & Co., 'The l'ill Makers," 181 and 183 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. I ïiekvs ïï . ' fcit, . b"ra1 :N HEALTH IS WEALTH! Dr. E. C. West's Xerve and Brain Treatment. i gpeciflc for Hystera. Dizziness, Couvulsions, Nervous Heaila:lie, Mental Deprendan, rxiss of Memory Sperinatorrhosa. Impotency, Involunary Emlasfon, Premature Oíd Age, caused by ver-exertion, sclfabuse, or over-indiilgence, wbich laad to inisary, decay and death. One' iox will cure recent cases. Each box contains int! month's treatmnnt. One dollar a box or six boxe for Hve dollars: sent by mail postpaul n receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With eacn order received bv us for six hoxes aceompanierl with flve dollars, we will sead tlie purchaser our written guarantee t.) return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guáranteos issued by Brown L Co., solé authori.ed Ages, for Ann Arbor. Mieh John C. West & Co., sole. proprletors, 181 and 188 W. Madison SI... Chicago. Loose's Extract Red Clover Blossom THE GKEAT BLOOD PURIF1ER. ■h - Curee ficrof ula in all Ita forma, ('ancor. Salt Bheum. Erysipolas. Rheuniatism, all Blood and Skin diseases, and regúlate the Bowels. $1 per P'lOOSES Red Clovar Pile Renu-dy. Ccrtain, Speedy, Cheap. . T LOOSE'K Ked Clover Pilis cure Uvspepsia, Indi-estion and Constiparon. Tliey act on the liver and kidneys. in boxea oí pills. 25c., o ''For sai e by C'. E. Holmes and Eherbach & Son. Send Lor circular. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Wiinufacturers of Stone Sewer Pipe - ANDDRAIK TILIE. UI our Drain Tile WB ma of Firo flay, ar of uBumial Btrength and UgM iivi„M. wUA terlally reduce the breakage and expense ot ' ' Th-Tm d,m"' tor thls class of tiling isless expen siveTas 1 hoy do nöt require to be laid below f rost. but only deep enoiigh to escape the plow. While thls is more economical 't also aid obtainingiabetter Tall" or grade to the dram. A full assortment of all wzes, for sala In sm quantltles, or car load tot, at tho HfflOII LÜIBBR YARD. JAS. TOLDERT, Aften. "Tilo, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." Tu the. FsliUn-tif Ï7ie Clricau Trilmne. Dwioht, 111., March 16.- One of the strongest and mjst c-omincing facts that I have yet seeu with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Agriuultural Department of Illinois, lt is this: ACREAOE. Acreage in corn in Livingston County, Iffèl oöl'i Acreage in 'coViiïn Logan County, 1881. . 140,859 Livingston over Logan 127,738 Yield of corn in Uvingrtpn"opunty,1881, ..M; Yield of corn in Logan Counly, 18b. .. ...5,070,i)--4 Livingston over Logan 1,9O,B98 In other words, Logan County has raised near lv as ranch corn on Ï4O,S5!I acres as Livingston ounty has on 888,897 BOTM. Put lt in another fonn the farmers in Livingston County have bpcn'obligedtoplownearly doublé the acreage of land (388,B97J, and have raised but a very smallpereeDtageot incnaaeot corn over their bretbern In Logan County, who only had to plow 140,859 acres. It us givc it anotber twist. A farmer who lias hls land well tilled need only werk eighlv acres of land and grow just about asmueftcorn as tbe man ivho plows 16(1 aud tafcesaUthertsfcgof drouth and muoh besides. Uta not fair, tlu-n. to conclude thal the greatest laborsaving machine to-day "f the age is the tiledrainï From the same source of Information 1 rather the foUowing as regard the progress of tUedrainage In Ehese two counttos: T..lalnuniber..f fcot laid in Livingston CountT unto 11 ■■ 1.140,798 Total numW of teet laid in Logan County upto 1881 B,989,4i Thistable provea beyondall thepry that owing to the f ree use of tile that one county bas been nblc to produce nearlya inuth corn on 14i'.oou acres of land as another county has produced upon 268,000 acre, whlch is nearly doublé, and tbebeauty of the whole is ihat it wa done with half the work! Jlr. Editor, suppose a kind Providenceshould lengthen out the spin of our days untU we saw Illinois thoroughly tile-draiiied, where would be put the corn that this State would produce, and.wbat would we do with our "silver dollara?" Samukl T. K. Triiii.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat