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The annual meeting of the state horticultural society will occur in the city of Flint Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 4, 5 and 6, in acceptance of an Invitation tendered by the Geneeeo coimty hortF cultural Bociety. Ex-county auditor Alexander Blue, on of the oliest residente of Livonia, died saddenly at hls home at that place recently, 11b wife arose at the nsual bour, rhen be apDeared to be in eood heath. A short time er she went to cali him to breakfast, bnt ound iiiin dead. Tbe deceased waa about 70 years old. He was elected auditor in 1859, and bad nlsoilled the position of eupemsoi; f bis township. He leaves a w'dow andfamly of grown cbildren. F. Tracy, of Pittsford, had $100 tolen from bis home while be was at work on bis farm last week. Hls hlred man, namd Smitb, could not be found after the robery, and it is tbougtit be was tbe tbief . The "Western Michigan Bee Keepers' esociation will held its second annual meetug ia Sapei7isors' hall, in the city of Grand fiapids, Nov. 29 and 30. M. Campbell and Wm. Judson are bont to sbip 4,000 ebeep from Chelsea to Tpxb. If they have good luck they will clear 8,000 by the ttansaction. While marching in the demonstraon proceesion, Port Huron, Wildman Mills f Croswell, was struck on the bead by a stone irown by soma unknown malicious peron. The wonnd is painful bnt not dangerus. Master Ilarry Knapp, san of the late A. S. Enapp, of South Lyon, has been ill tor some time with icflammation and euppura ion of his rigbt lung. A few days ago Drs. Brncker, of Soath LyoD, and Ellis, of Detroit, pened bis cliest and removed abont a pint of matter Ibe boy is recov6ring from the opertion and doing well. : Burglars have been prowling about 'ort Huron for some time and several hoases ave been nntered bat nothing ver; valuablo tolen. Geo. King;, oí Emmet, bas been arested on suepicioD, and articies stolen from ie Gallagher house f ound in his pofgession. One night last week when the turntey at the Jacksen eounty Jail went to lock up is prieoneis he found faight of his charge had ecaped. Two of them were darkies in for etty cfEínsesand the other slx were men lound over on vanons charges. These six were Wm. Ghandler, Theo. Pixley, Cbas, Eddy nd Wm. Chapman, alleged burglarfsnd harlts Dale and John Lacey, alleged larcenets. They had sawed off a lock leading to tb. j luBh room and removed the ventilator grate, . The Michigan Legislatura. The following list of State Legisla;ors is made up from latest returns, t will be noticed that several chauges ïave occurred in counties where reports at flrst indicated the election oí ther men: THE SKNATE. Dist. Rp. Dist. Fasion 2 John tíreusel. 1 Jas W Komeyn 6 Brackley Sbaw 8 James Hueston 8 Charles Auslin 4 C H Bichmond 9 E L Koon 5 John Strong OOI Fast 7 Michael Stioemaker 1 L A Dancan 18 H F Penninertou 2 C J Monroe 14 H H Jennison 8 3 W McMahon 15 John M Norton 9 öeorge E Taylor 16 J Manwarring 21 J WBelknap 17 Justin B Whitinf 22 James W Hine 20 A T Frisbie 24 J W Hance 23 James Roost 5 A. T Blisg 80 J H Eichardson 26 Shubael T White 27 Fitch Phelps. 28 Arebibald Buttars. , 29 FOGullifer. 31 Henrv W Seymour. 32 Jama? Moret-r. Itapub ïan?, 19; Fusioniste, 13. THE HOÜSB. iijpub causin roman: Fusionlsts in italic; Woikingisen's in sinall caps. Allegan Coanty- J W Garveünk, Francis uooiimau. Alpena- G J Eóbinton. Berrien- Jwrence O Fyfe, Wm A Keith. Btj- HM Wright, N C'ark. Barry - l J W heuler. Branch- Dr J H Bennett, E Heinsbaugli. Calfioun- 8 F Soyder, N. J. Keleey. Csm- B Dickson Clintoü- Wm H Rose, F Woeker. Delta- Wm Colwell. Eaton- Tyler Huil, Luman Shepard. Kinmet- Israel Canhy. Genessee- Sainner Howard, Hanry 13. Diller. Grand Traverse- D. Viüton. iratiot- A. B. Darragh. HillBdale- Nathan Alvord, G. WUlis. Huron- Oün Penerra. HougbtOD- S D. North. Ingham- F. L. Dodge, J. louia- A Milán Wulett, F. Vitt, Iobco - 0. Palmar. Isabslla- Huury WoGdrnff. Jaekson- P. Hankard, A N. Hmee. Kalamazo- Pyton Bauuey. Cfta. Bcowd, Kent- G. W. TTiompêon, JU. A. fieicner, u. C. Train, A. A. Wilson. Lapeer- (ieo. D ivenport, A. WilUarmi. Leelanaw - R. Knight. Lenawee- Ueo. Howell, D. A. Bixby, J. VV. Harkaess LinnKBton- Geo Coleman. Macomb -J M. Gleaton, Alex Grant Maniütse- R lt Blaeker. Marqaette - Jolin Quincy Adama . Masón B P Bisbop. Menominee - Eltaba Morcnui. Midland- J Van Kleck. Monroe- Burton Parke-, Wm A Frnch. MoDtca m- S P Youngs, Staliiam W LaDu. Muskegon- E W Oonk, C P Beed. Newayero- - Stone. üakland- Chae Baldwin, Wm E Carpenter. ceana- Jas E White. yn onigon- -John G McKernan. OsceO11 - K Broox Martin. Ottawa -John B Perham, Coruelius Van "ságinaw- Benard, K B Phinney, J G Rummel,JMn':Usie. Sanilao-J Wixsoi), JLeitch. nii „ JP IJ TAttAf f. Vrt.n. JtAtJJtAM. St Clair- Henry Meyers, Bd Vmcnt, Wm. St Joaeph- J W Eentley, Joseph Johnton. Tusóla- E B H y C P Black. Van Buten- B L Warren, H H Howard. Washtenaw- C S Gregory, Edwwrd King. Wayne- First- G H Hopkins.Eobsrt Bolger, Oonrad BttiDBer, Walter H Ooots, Lyman J. Brant, John, Deolin, OM N Cate. 2it- UW Biopeüe. %&-Geo Tinham. ilh-MHEUit. ■Wexford- J Bonnell. Bepubllcans,62; Fusión, 37; Workingmen'a, 1. State Boakd of Health.- The ninth annual report of the state board of health of Michigan is now being issued. It is for the year ending Sept30, 1881, and comprises 468 pages with an alphabetical index of 34 pages. It ia printed and bound in the uniform style of preceding volumes, contains the reports of the doings of the board, and the proceedings of the sanitary conventiona held in Flint and Battle ifreek. Dr. H. B. Baker, the able seoretary, has beatowed much labor and carvi on the compilation aad printing of tie report. Eeferring to the sanitary rv'ports, the Therapeutic Gazette, publishv'id at Detroit, aays "it is a wonder they axe as correctas they are. Had the state a good medical law, deflning who should be physicians ani surgeons there might toe a nearer approximation to a proper diagnosis of prevaihng dis eases, and more proper measurea could be taken for tlieirdistinction. Besides were physiciaiis eompensated for theii labor in making tnee reporta for the public benefit (as they ought to be), more interest and care would be taken to have them correct, and henee of a greater value to the community." Morloy on Michigan. Under the title of "A Wondertul State," the Buffalo North and South, a paper espeoially devoted to immigiation and the development of the resources of the south, publishes an article by Col. Morley, the commissioner of immigration, giving a most satisfactory exhibit of the advantaees offered by Michigan to immigrants, which are summed up as folio ws: With all the advantages of a healthy climate, a fertile soil, easy accesa to home and foreign markets, extraordinaiy facilities of transportation, a settled society, a generous school sjtem, established institutions, freedom from debt, and a low rate of taxation, there are in the state several millions of acres of unoccupied farmiug lands, suitable to alinost e very variety, of husbandry and within reach of moderate means.


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