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Scarlet fever in Dexter. It snowed a httle Monday. Louis W. Wade is in Boston. D. F. Flynu contiue quite sick. (io to the opera house Saturday even ing. A freo trade party is to be organizec here. Monday was the flrst cold day of the season. Rev. Jolin New man preached in Saline Sunday. There are about sixty stockholdors ol the new bank. A. J. Sutlierland is again ín th insurance business. Will G. Terry of Washington, D. 0, ifl home on a visit. Jake Dingler is dungerously ill with llack scarlet f ever. E. N. Gilbert wears a very broad smile over his re-election. Mrs. Marnal Kraus, of Lodi, aged 81 years, died Sunday. C. 8. Gregory is having an addition built on to his house. Col. Eldredge is to be cougratulated on his magnificent run. Beer is said to have flowed freely in Dexter on election daj'. Mrs. E. Marble, of Marshall, has been visiting friends in tho city. Ir is said that the late Mrs. Chas. Hauser had her life insured. The new mili of Ailes & Almendinger "trill soon be in running order. Since the election it ia hard to find a republican who voted his ticket. "Be-gol-y, but that's bo" muttered JerMne af ter the storm had passed. Paddy Eyan wears the samo plug hut that he wore nearly 50 years ago. Miss Ella Black of Hastingi, will Rpend the winter with Mrs. W. Stimson. Messrs. Taylor and Wagner are the managers oí the star lecture course. The First National bank is heated with steam from Hutzel fe Co's store. Frank Bancroft is the popular dispenser of beverages at the St. James bar. Mrs. Will Stimson after four weeks vigit abroad returned Mouday evening. The democratie majorities in this oounty run all the way from 79 to 1,130. Joseph Biecheler, a Germán stone masón, died Wednesday evening of consumtion. The entertainment of Bell's Brilliants at the opera house last week was rather stale. The prohibitionists refuse to be forted over the defeut of Gov. St. John, of Kansas. Clifton Hand of Ypsilanti, feil from the Preöbyterian parsonage and was severely injuced, A. P. McAntiiuï, vrith Theodora Taylor for the past six months, lias gone to Madison, Wisconsin. Bishop Wilson, of Ottawa, Canada, preaohed at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Fred H. Belser will be the next deputy county treasurer unlesa Jake Knapp changes his mind. Just think of it, oíd Washtenaw gires Begole, for governor, 1,149 majority, and Col. Eldredge 787. Mrs. Clancy has been inaking repairs to her house on the corner of Catherine and Second streets. Archibald Scott, of Dexter, father-ialaw of A. R. Beal, was killed by the care Monday afternoon. Eobt. Poster living near Chebea, lost a valuable horse last week. Cause of death, too much corn. Harvy Fellows, who has been orazy as a loon for the past three weeks, has been committed to Pontiac. O. L. Matthews was recently called home to Whitestown, Pa., on account of .the death of his mothei-. Albert Blaess of Lodi, and H. Kitredge of this place, are sporting in thé northem part of the stato. W. H. Potter was broujflit hom last week iu a very bad eouditioi). Ha ha leen sick for some moutha. James A. Ooyle, a well kuowii Aun Arbor boy, is now city editor of the Battle Creek Daily Kepublicau. ïhe Thanksgriving proclainatiou of Got. Bell, of New Hampshire, contains but 30 words, the ehorteet on record. Don't fail to atteud the entertainment at the opera house Saturday evening. It is one of the best shows of the season. We would like to get 20 copies of the Ann Arbor Register of the date of Oct. i for which we pilll pay 10 cents each. Julius Caesar Burro ws, who had a plurality of 6,672 two years ago, but who is now left in the lurrfi, is seriously ill. Chas. Graham, porter at the St. .Turnea hotel, while handling a 900 pound tronk Monday, had his left index fineer badly lacera ted. E. H. Branch, of Brooklyn, N. Y., a brother of M. D. L. Branch, of this city, has been re-elected trustee for thref. years of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. L. D. Smith of tbe department of medicine and sursrery, class of '83, died Haturday of hemorrhage of the hings. He was married only a few weeks ago. S. G. Miller is the boss fisherman. ün ïnday and Saturday of last week he caught with a liook and line nearly 400 pounds of black bass, pickerel and pike. Nathan Hickey, of Pontiae, a "fly" aalesman bas been in the city some days selling a patent wagon spring, said to bo the finest and most desirable ever facturad. David Kells, the man who flred a revolver at Harnion Allen, of Milán, has been arrested and is now boarding with sheriff Wallace, charged witb assult with intent to murder. Hon. Abion "W. Tourgee will lecture at the opera house Dec. 9. Eev. T. De Witt Talmage, Kev. Joseph Cook, and John B. Gough, have also been engaged, but the dates have not yet been fixed. Mr. Glass, of Buffalo, one of the best zither pkyers in this countrv. was in th city Sunday the guest of Oscar Wehner. The -whole city club was present at Mr. Wehner's, and all enjoyed themselves imrnensely. The M. C. station at this city was opened Nov. lst as a regular fast freight through billing point. Freight to aud from Ann Arbor to the east will be billed at through rates which are much lowor than thoee heretofore in effect. Prof. R. L. Cumnock, of Kortliewestern university appears at university hall tonight. Prof. Ouranock is uiiiverwallj cknowledged as being the most ihor oughly cultured and effoctive liKinorons and dramatic reader before the public. Chief Nowland informed a Democbai repoiter Monday evening that he hat made no startling disco ;ry, as was alleged in a city paper. The article, like many others that have appeared from time to time, was manufacturad out o; whole cloth. James B. Richardson, who resides on Bristol street Ann Arbor, has been a resident of that city for forty years, anc though nearly 80 years of age, he works every day, making barrels. He is on of the liveliest old gentlemen in the city. - Free Press. Bob. McKinney, the notorious crook, and pal of Sophie Lyons, has been given 4 years and 7 months in state prison, by recorder Swift, of Detroit, for reoeiving property. McKinney was a former wellknown ocial of Bay City and he defraudd that city out of severnl thousand dollar. The Boston Temple Glee Club consisting of the well-known Temple Male Quartette, and the two celebrated New England prima donnas, Miss Gertrude Franklin,soprano,Miss Florence Holmes, contralto, supported by Miss Marie Heimlicher, pianiste, will give nn unusually fine programme at univeraity hall Friday evening, Nov. 23th. Mr. Stofflet, of the firm of Stofflet & Adams, who keep a mamrncth bazaar in ike Cook Block, Ann Arbor, was in town Tuesday making arrangements to open a jranch bazaar here; and it is definitly settled that they will soon put in a full stock in their liue, in the store at present occupied by Mrs. Black as a candy and tobáceo store. - Dexter Sun. Maffit & Bartholemew's majestic reviyal of the original Ravel Pantomimes will be given at the opera house on Tuesday evening, Nov. 21. Magnificent costumes, jrand scenery and the most expensive artista are a few of the special features of this eompany, which has been on the road for years.and have brought up their performance to apoint of almost absolute erfection. Dr. Phil Porter, of Detroit, one month ago, successfully operated upon the person of Mrs. Hiokie, removing a larga fibroid tumor, together with the utrus and ovariee. From the variety of these operations, and the fatal results that usually 'ollow, we chronicle with pleasure the act that Mrs. Hickie is rapidly convaelsng. It seems it is not necessnry for all the afliicted to come to Ann Arbor for reatment. Dr. Peter P. Gillmartiu. of Detroiüias commenced a libel suit against the Aun Arbor Eegister Printing and Publishing 3ompany, and Dr. Donald Maclean. Damages are laid nt $50,000. The Deroit Eveuing News says: The suit ia ased on an article which waa published in the Ann Arbor Register of Octob'T 4, stating that Dr. Gilmartin was forced to admit, when a witness in Mrs. Hayes' malpractice euit against Dr. Maolean, hat he knew nothing of anatomy and had no knowledge of the very alphabet of all surgical and medical scienoe. The rticle also made severe charges against the other physicians who testifiéd as exerts for Mrs. Hayes, and it is not unlikely that they may also institute libel suiis an account thereof. The new Unitarian church is to be dedcated next Tuesday evening, Nov. 21. The following ministers are expected to e present to take part in the dedication: ïev. Grindall Keynolds, of Boston; Rev. T. L. Hosmer, of Cleveland; Rev. J. L. Jones, of Chicago; Kev. T. A. Forbush, of Detroit, and others. The dedication will befollowed by the autumnal meeting of the Michigan unitarian Conference, asting through Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 22, and 23. There will be f orenoon, afternoon and evening meetings ut fcfie church each day, wbile there vill . bepitpein andaddresses on various topics, liberal ministers in the state and outsidf . and discussions of ome of the most im; portant and Uring of the religious subjects of the time. The public are ionted to all meetings of day and evening. MalHt t Bartholoinew's excellent pan; tomiue coaipany will appear at Hill's I opora house Tuesday evening, Nov. 21, i in "Flick and Flock." !The Buffalo j Commercial Advertiser says: "Flick and Flock" proved a startliiij? triek panto mine, in -n-hich the veterans Bartholo; mmv and Mafflit appetired to advantsge. ; The ballet, led by M'lle Engènie j Jim una ca. 11e Aclle lUartinetti, waH rood, and the lirst named premiere will compare favorably with the fsmoufl Bonfanti. The athletic pertormanoe of the netti family, Paulina, Gnbrilli, Julien j and Albert, was both vondcrfnl and gTaceful. The entertaiimaent eonoluded with Kavel's pantomime "Mons. I lemeanx," whioh brönht out the full ! strenpth of the companv ,nml in -n-hiHi ' Albert Murtiriettt ;is l!o.uinrl was very olever. The December number of Frank Lealir's Surnïay Magazine is full of delightful cntertaining and edifying reading-, indeed, it would be Jiard to fiml prouped within two covers more varicd, interesting Hiid generally instnictive matter. The editor, the Rev. Dr. Talmage, haa some peculiarly interest ing 'Easayg on Timely Topics," and a sermón in the hom pulpit, "Forward." There are sotne studies in the Acts of the Apostles, gronped under the heading "International Lessons for 1883," -whieh every one may profltably study. There are stones, sketches, essays, poems, etc., by Marión Harland, Harriet Iryiny, George McDonald, LL. D., Miehael Munkacsy, Professor Deny, Myrtia Lockett, M. V. Moore, and otlier writerg of celebrity. Ainong the other prominent features of the niunber are "International SnndnySchool Lessons for 1883," "Wit, Wisdoin and Pathos of Cüildhood," lïhymes and j Rhythnis for the Little Folk," "Drift of ' Religious Comment," "Editorial Commnts," etc, together with beautiful illuKtrations, niottoes, etc. The )rice of a number is 25 cents, or $3 a year. Post ' free. Mrs. Fkank LksiíIB, 53, 55, and 57 Park Place, Nw York City. Torento Globe :- Mr. Wm. Stafford j made bis appearance recently before an audience to whom he was wliollv un. I known; but succeeded in producing an iinpression more favorable than many otlier artista in the same line who have visited Toronto with representations al ready made. fhere was alarge audience present an it was appreciative to the ex tent of ealling Mr. Stafford before the ourtain. ïhe recipiënt of this compli ment eertainly deserved it. His Shyloek oan searcely be termed the equal of the best impemoiuitions of that eharactei witnessed in this city, but there was some originality in the delineation which recommended in a eomparison with others. His eloeution was at all times clear though his voioe was frequently in a monotone, but his highly expreasive anc features were ever iu sympathy with the feelings the words expressed His gesticulation was sometimes írant, bnt this ís a pardonablè' fault, one that never can be conspicuous, in an imporsonation of Shylock. Mr. Stafford' ability was inore than clearly made evident in the trial scène. Here the passions of hate and despair required the strongest, clearest delineation, and Mr. Stafford was so completely succpshful that a spectator while feeling intense repungence at one moment townrds the vengeful money-lender, in the nest wns moved to pity his iitter misery. Mr. Stafford was frequently applauded and fuii-ly won every demonstration of approval which marked his progresa tlirougli hi8 put. The support, generally, -,v;is good


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat