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A lively interest is being worked up by parties who propose to sink test wells for olí, out along the "utone road" thtee railfs west of Port Hurón. Four tbousand dollars wwre pnid for one pquaie acre, and ancthr large tract has ben bondfd. John W. Keisig, of Monroe, died recently aged 61 years. He was a prominent merchant and was state immigratiOE agent undor Gov. Baldwin's adminietration. T. P. Arden, while taking off a belt ra Cummer & Sons' mili at Cadillac, was oauïht by the wbeel, his right arm jrked from its sncket and three tibs fractured. R. "W. Gordon, superintendent of the White sewing machine company, did at HillsdalerfCently. His homo was at Angola. Between 1 and 'ó o'elock in the mornlus; burilara brote into the store and ble w open the saté of W. P. Nichole, the postofflse eweler of Dowa?iae, and robbed it of lts contente, consistipg of bout $225 in money ana many valuable gold and eilvnr watcbep. Th toes isa heavy oneta Mr. Nichols, who hart Just wcovered from tho efTwcts of a sioii ar ons he Bustained about three yjars ao. It was evidently the work of professionals. A liberal reward will be paid for tha racovery of tue ({oods. The entire loss will reach fully 1,500. A Ta was man has been arrested and fined f50 aod costs or 90 dsys in jail for telling ÜQuor. Theo. Pixley, one of the men who escaped from J acusón recently bas been rearreeted at Charlotte. Wm. Neinnouse, charged with murdöriD? bis wifp, has beea acquitted by a Kent couniy jury. A lnnatie confined in jail at Port Kuiou took ofí bis suspenderá and tried to hang anolher unfortunate who was ehut up with him. Tbe pnlice interfered. Charles Resford was badly injured about the baclf by a falling tree in tbe woods 70 miles aboye Saginaw and taïen to his home at Amadora the next morning. His injuries are not fata!. A farmer named Justice McKinney, living at Byror, was thrown from bis wagon wbile remming home f rom Grand Bipklp, and received injuries írom wbich he died the next morning. Thos. Fullor, 55 years old, was aecideniaily shut nflar Farwell ast wetk. Ar he was riding in a wigon a sudden Jolt cansed the eischarge of the gun and the load of ball and bucksiiot entered hia left bteasf, cauein a terrible if uot fatal wound. Hia home is üine miles eoatb of Ypsilanti. In 1878 M'ss E. B. Truesdall, a school teacher at Hincock, Uicb., applied for an inervase of sdary. It was refused and she took tl,000 ene had saved and went io F.irgo and invtsted her money in real eetate, and to day she is wonh $40,000. Two weeks' shipments of lumber fiom Oscoda to Au Sable aninurit to 12,38,0C0 f eet, aod for tho year to 168,633,000 f eet. It is estimated that there are 40,000 men in the Michigan piue foreets at woik. The Northwestern Lumberman avers that the Muskegon piue men nowadmii tnat enougn pice can be petten into Muekcgon waters to keep the milis running a dozen years lonsw. The American lumber company, of Murq ïette, calla for coatractors to some forward aad ifet S'.OOO.OOO feet of pine logs this winter. Ed Percival, a well known broom and bruh manufacturar of Port Hurnn, has iaveatad aal wili soia bagin the manufacture of am improvrtd brush for cleaning the iaBide of tuinblers, gobleta, cup?, pitoherp, etc. The foundry and machine shops of the Muskegon CDr workp, at Musbegor, buraed last week; loes $20,000, Thej will be rebuilt at once. The citizens of Mackinaw City have taken aclion to have that place incorporatei kb a vil lage. During tbe month of October 4,915 iimnigrams enUsred Ibe United States at Poit Hurou. A compaiiy known as the Detroit & Port Huron Oil coinpany ex operatiug in tbe oil field at Sarcia towiHhip, opposite Port Huron. John Sutier. of East Webster, N. Y., was killed uy a falíiuj? tras recently at Wel's, Stone & Co.'s camp, near Clare. Hls remains were taken home. Miss Mamie E. Wright, daughter of P. M. Wright, of Port Huron, died of coneumplion at Huntsville, Ala., where ebe went a few weeks ago. Her body will be brooght to Port Huron. Sbe was fmmerly a teacher in the asjium for Ibe deaf Ld dnmb at Flint, and yas a most estimible ïouce lady. Hugh Conklin, an attorney of Fowleryille, (lied recntly of tfpboid fever. He leavts a jouns wife. C. and E. Ten Eyck's shingle mili in Eaet Sügiuaw wan daniagtd by Gr recentiy te the exUint of il5,0U0, bfing oearly deetrojed Is was iQBurfd for $12,250. The mili had a capacity of 25,000,000 shinalea ptr year. On the landa of A. B. Long & Son, in Mecosta county, iu the town of Mlbroolf, the woikmeu, a few dajs agn, felled a pinttrf e frum whioh they cut BtveD logí, esch Bixtcen fcet long, and one fourtee n ft et lona: - makliig 150 feet m lsnetb of meicbautablf limlier, the emallfst log measuiing teu inchts in diamxterat the top end. The work of grading for the To'edo & Müwauk ie railroad basteen beeun betweeu Vlarshall and Ccrcsco. A large forcé of men will foou be put r.n and the work ruebed, A dwelling house owned by Mrs. Margaret iudersoD, in Flint, burned, with its conteots, recently. Loes $1,000, with do iasurance. The cauee of the fire in unkuown.


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