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No wonder the country editor said he was puzzled in looking at ladies' hair to teil whieh was switch. Btjcklin's Aiïnioa Salve .--The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises,sores, ulcere, salt rheum, feyer sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaraiiteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Ebberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. A French commission has reported in favor of prohibiting the sale of absinthe in that country. Gbigg's Glycerine Salve. - The best on which can truly be said of Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure fox cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satlsfaction guaianteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. For sale by Ëberbach & Son. A World Wants Proof.- "The proof of the pudding is the eating thereof," and not in chewing the string which tied the bag. Therefore, take Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic. It cures all blood disorders, torpid liver, sick headache, cositiveness, and all diseases of the urinary organs. The best apjietizer and tonic known. Sold by Ëberbach & Son. Fifty oentR per bottle. Por one dime get a package of Diamond Dyes at the druggisfs. They color anything the simplest and most desirable colore. Tlie latest problem for civil engineers is to mako one of the keys of a piano fit in the lock of a canal. All persons wishing to test tlie merits of a great remedy - one that will positively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, BroDchitis, or any affection of the throat or lungs - are requested to cali nt Brown & Oo.'s drug 6tore and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Disco very for Consumption f ree of cost, which will show you whatfl regular one dollar-size bottle will do. Dr. C. E. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment is a never failing cure for Nervous Neuralgia, Nervous Headache, Overworked Brain, etc. Sold at Brown & Co.'s drug store. An American recently returned from Europe and assured a friend that he had brought home a most remarkable puppy- in f act he asserts that_ it is from the breed of the dogs of Ven ice. Given up by Doctors. - "Is it possiWe that Mr. Godfrsy is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy?" "I assure you that it is trne that he is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said he must dve!" Wel-a-day! ïhat's remarkable! I will go this day and get some for my poor George I know hops are good." "Why do women so often wander aimlessly in the murky solitudes of the dead past, brooding over days forever gone?" asks a corresDondent. This is indeed a difficult question to answer. There are no dry goods stores in the dead past. The Keystone of Health. - How can you expect to feel well, or even enjoy liíe when you go about with a hacking oough? The fooi, in bis wisdom, saya there is no cure for it, but the wise man hies him to Eberbach & Son's drug store and gets a bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, and nt once gets well. A trial bottle costs nothm. Liver diseases, headache, and oonstipation, caused by bad digestión, quickly cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. Washington letter carriers are using trycicles. These vehicles are a little hard on the teeth the of honest watch dog, but the cariers get around faster. "Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your om." Take warning in time. Avoid quack nostrnms by which thousands annually perish. Use only such remedies as are demonstrated above suspicion, foremost among which is Kidney-Wort. For torpid liver, bowels and kidneys, no other remedy equals it. It is sold in both dry and liquid form by all druggiste. Business Locáis. Seventy-five barrels of pure eider vinegar for sale at J. Hoffstetter's, 34 South Main street. This vinegar is from bíx to eight years old and will be sold by the gallon or barrel. J. Hoffstetter. Ladies' I have all the Latest Styles in Hair Goods, and the Greateat Vanety of Waves. The Thompson, Broadway, Pinafore, Lotta, Pin-Perfection, Doublé Ooquette, Neok Curls and Switches. I have all the Novelties in Ornamente, Coraline Bands, Coraline Hair Pins in Fanoy Colors, Blond Hair Pins, Invisible Steel Pointed Hair Pins, Bubber Hair Pins, Crimping Pins. French Perfumed Bandoline Powder, etc., etc., Thos. Matthews pays cash for chickens dead or alive. His place of business is on Huron street, oppositethe newengine house. If yon want a flne liorse and carriage ejo to Gilí Snow, who has purchased Kitredge's livery barn. Satisfaction guaranteed in Cutting and Fitting at Mrs. Wm. Ball's, North Main street. A New Roller Kink - Mr. Wood of Detroit has bought out Sheehau's Roller Rink and rented the new Armory Hall and will add a hundred pairs of new Skates and open the new Rink Tuesday night, Nov. 28. The rink will be under the management of Mr. Lovett, a gentleman of several years experience in the rink business. They intend to give a series of first olass entertainments during the season snd will give elegant prizes eacli month. The Rink will be 3onducted and managed throughout in a first class manner and all good people are cordially invited to attend. Ladies ! Come early and see the Daisy, Pin-Perfection, and Lotta Waves. No lady goes away without buying some one of them. Mrs. Fitch always gives Batisfaction. Fotjnd- West of the city, a package of small valué. The owner can have the same by calling at Theodore Taylor's store, identifying it and paying for adtisements. Rigs to rent cheap at Gill Snow's barn. A Good Offeb.- The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company has just issued an illustrated treatise, 'The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the Six Great States. The book is beautifully printed and numerous engravings of high merit adorn its pages. Any one sending their name and address with two three-cent postage stamps will receive a copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Illinois. Coraline Bands are all the rage. Mrs. Fitch has them in Red, Yellow, White, etc. Ladies wanting work done can do better by goiag to Mrs. Wm. Ball's than anywhere else. Fine work can always be seen at her rooms. Fittfng Cloaks a speciality. The emegrant, tourist, or traveler bound for the productive mines and fertile praries of the Great Southwest is unanimous in selecting the route via Chicago. Implict confidenee is placed in the Kansas City pioneer line, composed of the C, B. &'Q. and Old Reliable Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroads. Through fast trains are run by this Line and the equipment is unsurpassed. The latest styles of Cloaks and Dresses can be seen at Mrs. Wm. Ball's, Main street. J. R. Sage has made arrangements with Jno. Moore for all music ordered from him, to be delivered at bis store. Parties can get the same from calling. We cali the attention of the ladies to MrB. Fitch's city items in this issue. A hack in readiness at all hours at Snow's livery stable. Charges reasonable. Dry goods boxes for sale cheap at No. 9 South Main street. Every lady finds just what she wants at my store, No. 7. Huron street, where every thing in Hair Goods can be found to Buit the most fastidious. Imus pays cash for live chickens. Important to Traveiers. - Special Inducements are offered you by the Burlington Boute. It will pay you to read their advertisement found elsewhere in this issue. For the latest Noveltieg in Hair Ping cali at Mrs. Fitch's No. 7. Huron street. O. L. MATTHEWSAttornoy at Lawand Notary Public Itetü Kstalc, Inmiranee and Loan Agency. Deeds, mortgages and other papers carefully drawn. Have houses and lots for sale or rent, or to exchange (or farm property, also farms for sale. Property looked arter by the year.taxes paid insurance attended to. aiid rents colleeted at reasonable rates. Have city property that pan be bought on long time so that a small sum added to what you now pay out for rents will secure you a home of your own. I represent the Northwestern National Inr.urance eompany, and the Mechanica and Traders of N. Y. Losses vill be promptly adjusted and paid. Money to loan at six (6) per cent. Office over Rinsey &"Seabolt's store, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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