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Lone Star Bakery -A-xxd. GEOCEEY ! WARM MEALS AND LUNCHES. A. T -A. L L H O TJ K S . Also constautly on lmnd i clinicu stock of Faney Crackers, Cakes, for Partías aud Weddings furnislied on short noiice. Coofeclionenes and all kinds of Fruit in Iheir season. Bread, Cakes, and Pies constantly on hand. Choice Tobacco and Cigars, Canned Fruit aud Light Groceries. Highest Cash Pricc Paid tor FARMER'S PRODUCE. Cali and see me. No. 12 Opera House Block. GEO. E. LAMOTTE, Proprietoi. Loose's Extract Red Clover Blossom THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrotula in all its forma,' Cáncer, Salt. Rheimi Erysipelas. Rheumatism, all Moo'i aid Skin distases, and regulates the Bowels. 11 per pint bottle. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pile Remedy. Certain, Sppedy, Cheap. H)OSE'S Red Clover l'ills cure Dvspepsia, Indigestión and Constipation. They act on the liver and kidneys. In boxes of 1 puls, 3'c, 5 boxes$l. For sale by C E. Holmes and Eberbach & Son. Send for circular. HENRY MATTHEWS, Has" the pleasure to infnrm the public tliat he it reaay to receiye them iu hisnewbriuk MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wiU be flrst-class, and At Roasonabie Ratos. He returns nis sincere thankg fco all his oíd customers for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all newr customers K) his new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing t csnlarce his alieady growiug business. JACKSON F1RE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - IDIR-A-IUST TILE. All our Drain THe are made of Fire Clay, are of umutual strength and Ught weiyht. wbich ma torially reduces the breakage and expense of transportation. The dttctiing f or thls class of tiling is less expen sive, as they do not require to be laid belowfrost but only deep enough to escape the plow. Whiléthisis more economical it also aids obtainingia better "f all" or grade to the drain. A f uil assortment of all sizes, for sale la sm qnantities, or car load lot?, at tho FEEDON LÜI1BER YARD. JAS. TOLBKRT. Agen. "Tile, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To the Editor of The Vhicayo Tribune. Dwioht, 111., March 16.- One of the strongest and mt convincing facts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Agricultmal Department of Illinois. Itisthis: ACREAGE. Acreage in corn in Livingston County, 1881 2 ,597 Acreage in corn in Logan County, 18S1. . 140,859 Livingston over Logan 127,738 YIELD. Yield of corn in Livingston County.1881. .6,983,522 Yield of corn in Logan County, 138Ü 5,070,984 Livingston over Logan 1,902,598 In other words. Logan County has raised near ly as mueh corn on 140,859 acres as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in another form, the farmers in Livingston County have been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acrefge of land (868,597), and have raised but a very small percentage of inervase of corn over their brethern in Logan County. who only had to plow 140,859 acres. Let us give it anotlier twist! A A farmer who has his land well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just aboul as mucn corn as the man who plows 1H0 and takes all the risks of drouth and much bes ides. It is not fair, then, to conclude that the greatest labor-saving machine to-day of the age is the tiledrain? From the same souree of information ] gather the following as regards the progresa of tile-drainage in these twocountics: Total number of feet laid in Livingston Countyupto 11 1,140,793 Total number of feet laid in Logan Countyupto 1881 3,989,469 This table proves beyond al) theory that owing to the f ree use of tile that one county has been able to produce nearly au much corn on 140.00Í acres of land as another county has producec upon 268,000 acres, which is nearly doublé, and the beauty of the whole is that it was done with half the work 1 Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Providence should lengthen out the spin of our day until we saw Illinois thoroughly tile-drained whre would be put the corn that this State would produce, and wnat would we do with our "silver dollars?" Samuel T. K. Vrimf. FRED SORO, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, VARNISBES BRUSIIES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Paiuters' Suppliea of the Best Quahtv SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Ist ANN ARBOR. - MICMIQAB Gooflyear's New Drng Store The Old Grenville Stand, ' No. 5 South Main St. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH:! Prescriptions Compounded D:iy and Night. Piireliasetl the Livciy Statole ofH.Kitï-edjjO on West .A.1111 strect I am prepnred to fm-nisli tlie FINBST EIGS IN THE CITY I altso nu a HACK AND BUS LINE! CriARCES REASONABLE. Telephonic Communication with the Barn. CILL SNOW. ______________ I j 18 A SURE CURE I for all diseases of the Kidneys and I ' LIVER It has pccíflc action on tlúa most Important j j organ, enabling lt to throw off torpidíty and i 1 inaction, stimulating tho healthy Becretion of 1 the Bile, and by keeping the bowelfl in free I condition, effecting its regular discharge. _ All _ I QVÍ „ I f yon aresiiffcrinff f rom á IVICHCiIICIb malaria, have the chilla, 3 are bilioua, dyapeptic, or constipated, Kidney7 Wort wlll surely relieve and qulckly cure. , I In the Spring to cleanse the Byatem, e very o tío should tak o a thorough eourse of it. 8OLP BY DRUCC1STS. Prlcejl. $ _-B_ o _ = : _ i JK9WVH__M______ 2 ' HM ti s____-= 8 3 . -i H ï í 3 IB - , fQL_l:MBi__-.. ?gg5_______ gë ii___iè__-ji s EBERBAOH& SON. DeRlers in Drugs, Medicines Andaflnelotof French Hair Brushes - ANTr - En_;lsh Tooth Brushes We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricos. STUDEITT S Are cordially invited to examine our stock as quality and prices. EBERBACH „SON. i 6_ JLJ_JL_mhJ1-kJw Mi"___K__ad PRINCÍPAUUNÉ And aU.rjTtKST line to St. Joseph poiuts in lowBÍJftj'Atchlsoii, Topeta, Denl Nebraska, Missouri. KaniLÖfeLson, Dallas, Gal sas, New Mexico, Arízona, Mouveston, tana and Texas. CHICAGrO " Tï"1113 Iï"'n has notmperfor fur Alber 1 feIca, Minneapolis and St. l'üul Unirersal-" Nmlonally rop'Ued a ly conceded to .ïöfe-boiuK the Grea be the bost equipped 5ÍJfír,roiiqhCa Railroad In the World for f ""J Lino all classes of trave]. """ ' KANSAS CITY v . AU conneetion8 made Tl r SsCfV In Union XílV 4VDepotí. siyr Through NjvSV WfX Try llTickets vía tliisST V1 anci you w" Celebrated Ltne foPSXVOjv flml travellng a sale at all offices InSjOjS. luxury, inalrad th L". S.'í VVJySv uf a da Canada. sZCWsS All w eumíort V VVMnforiiiatlonSj VVSVCÍVabout Iiates offfjyS. yr}S Farí"' slt'Tl"ír Cars, ?Jv v f S Pfc . rh'' viii by X . T. ) POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, 36. Vice ITes'tit Oen'! Manmjer, Gen. Pass. Ajf., Chicairo. 111. Chicato. 1 11 "GENUINE MÏLWMJKÉf o -í ö LAGER BEER DEPOl. 75,000 Bottles Sold per Year. fllA WEEK. $12 a day at home easilj J made. Cost'y outats free. Address Trur A Co.. Augusta , Maine. PUriDCCT D1RI CC F"' Ir"""'J Afents LHLArLo I blDLt!j:,(Mii!,,.(.ioti'" trfrtur.. Both Venion. NfwTr.t.mrnl AI'VÏTC WAOTj;] Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. Notice is hereby given, thai by an order of the Probate ( ourt for the County of Washenaw, macle on the 4th day of November, A. D. 882, aix months from that date were allowed for reditors to present their claims against the esate of Catberine Wilmot, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court , at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examiuation and allowanue, on or before the Fourth day of May uext, and hat such claims will be heard before said Court, on Monday the Kifih day of rebruary and on Friday the Fourth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. November 4, A. D. 1H82. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, Judge of Probate. Cbancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN.- The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, inCancery Mary J. Murray and Letitia K Walker, complainants, vs. James McMahon, Fannie McMahon md Jerush P. Noble, defendants. In pursuance andby virtue of a decree of sa d court made and entered in the above entltled cause on the tenth day of October, A. D.. 18IS. Notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public aiictionor vendue.on Saturday the 30th day of December, A. D. 188?, at two o'clock in aftei noon at tlie east front do rof the cjurt house, in the ity of Ann Arbor, uounty of Washtenaw, and St'teor Michigan, the following described real estáte, beiug the same mentioned and described in said decree. to-wit: Being lots one and six in block twonorth of Huron street, range flfteen east, and lots four and seventeen, in block three, north of range flfteen east; also the undivided lialf of lots flve, six, seven, eight, thirteen, fourteen , flfteen and sixteen. in block three north f Huron street, range fif teen east : also the undivided half of lots ten, twelve, thirteen. fourteen and flfteen, in block two north of Huron street, range flfteen east according to the plat of Ingalls addition to the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county Michigan. Dated Ann Arbor, November 13th. A. D. 1882. PAT1UCK McKENAN. Circuit Court Cumniisioner, WashtenawCounty, Michigan. L. F. WADE, Solicitor for Complainant. Estáte of Joseph R. Frisbie. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw,holden at the probate office ui tlie city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday. the lfth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and eightytwo. Present William D. Harriman, Judge of ProIu 'the matter of the estáte of Joseph R. Frisbie deceased. , .„ , On reading and flling the petition, duly venfled of Delphine J. Frisbie praying that she may be appotnted administratrix of said estáte. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the llth day of Df csmber next, at ten o'cloek m the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause il any there be.why theprayer of said petitionei should not be granted : And it is f urther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons in terested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The, Ann Arhin Demncrat, a newspaper printed and circulating In said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. R HARRIMAN_ (A true copy.) Judge uf Probate, WH. G. Dott. Probate Register. 3 0 s o = g (8 H Ö 5 -g i 2? Watches and Jewelry ! J. I Sra, 46 South Main Street, Dealers in the Leading AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Gold and Silver Cases, in Stem and Key Winding, Manufacturad by the Leading Watch Companies. GOLD WATCH CHAINS ! Of Standard (uality and Various Patterna. A Lartre and -.Complete Assortment of Lace Pins, Ear Rinas, BraceletsFinger Rings, And Studs. Silvsr Plalfifl Ware From the Most Reliable Manufacturéis at Bottom Prices. The Repaiiïug of Fine Wntchcs is in Charge of Competent and Sküled Workmen, at Fair Prioes. ffC In ffiRP1" day at home. Samples 4)0 10 4U worth$5free. Address Stinson & Co.. Portland Maine. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class oí MmM In the City at Prices to Suit the Times Ground Floor Gallery. COODRICH BUOCK, East Side of the NEW COTJRT HOÜSi;. Get Yqui Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE ACENT No 4 South Main St., Aun A.rbof. The. oldest ageney in the city. Established a qimrter of a eentury ago. Rf presenting the folfeKT.Trê I 7,0.000 Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y. 4,ao, ,206 tïiasara Ins. Co., of N.Y., V Girardlns. Co., of Pblla.. J-'S Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford, 1.419,522 Commercial Union of Lon.lon, 12.000,000 Manhattan Ins. Co., of N. ., 6o2,117 KW Rates low. Losse liberally adjust" ed and oromptly paid. C. H. Millen. "rINSEY &. SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stook of everything n the Grocery Line. Tpbs, Coü'cps !t rl Sugars, In large amounts. and at OsisItL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The larse invoice of tkas they Buy and Sell. is good prüof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thev Roast ttieir own Crtlces pvery week, and none hut prime articles are used. Tlieir Bakery tnrns out exc.-llent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. C p p a week in your own town. Terms aiid 85 J)DD outfits free. Address II. Hallett & Co., portland, Main C. E. HOLMES, Proprietoi of the City Drug Store ! Haslhechoicest lot of i-erfl-mes aml the Laegest Stock of Pure Drugs! In the city. Also everythidg in the TO1 let and fakcy eooDS line. at pricea Uwer than anywhere clse. Prescriplions Carefully Compounded. No. 18 Cnok Hotel Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. $500 REVWRD. We will pay the above reward forany rase o C Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión. 'Vnstipation or fjwtiveness we cannot c ire with WeBfs Vegetable Liver Mis, when t he directdons are strictly complied with. Thej a i e purely vegetable, and never fail to give satfsfaction Sugar coated. Largeboxes contamine-' Pilis 25 ente. For sale by all Drugg sts. Be ware of eounterfeits and imitations 1 In' Benuine manufactured only by Jobn C,V. est & Co., -Tbe Pili Makers." 181 and 183 W. Madlson Bt , Chic-aEO Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on r5ceipt of a 3 cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH! Dr E C West's Merve and Brain Treatment, aspéciflc for Hystera. Dizziness, ConTUlBiona. Nervous Headache, Mental Depression ut Memory Spermatorrhoea. Impotency, Invciui fary Emissfons, Premature Olí Age,. . -ausi-d by over-exertion, self-abuse, or overindulKeiire which lead to mtaery, deeay and deatl ( .,- box will cure recent cases. Each box oonta, on mouth 's treatment. One dollar a box o. six boxes f orrtve dollars: sent by mail poatpaid o,f receipt of prioe. We guarantee six boxea to cure anv oase With each order receivcd bv u f, " ix to accompanied with flve dollars, we wi I send the purchaaer our written guarantee return the money if the treatment does nol effect a cure. Guarantees issued by Bron Co., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Artar. Mich. John C. West & Co., sole propnetors. 181 and 188 V. Madison St.. Chicaeo. 111. Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteT HAVE a complete compilation of the Offleml 1 Records of Washtenaw County to date inelu ding all TaxTitles. Executions.any tacumbrance oñ Rea Estáte, that is of Record in the Bestotora office is shown by my books Office, in the office of the' secretary of the Washtenaw mutual msurance co.npan. n the basement of the cour houe. C. H. MANI.Y, Ann Arbor, Mick


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