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COOK HUUöE AND ST. JAMES i; H HUDSO.N, l'roprietor, K . Newly Funuhhed. Ann Arbor. m _ - W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' ClothJig store Ann Arbor, Mieb. WILL1AM CASPARY, O AKER Y AMD CONFECTIOXERY, 38 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerchantTailor. shop over Wm. Allaby's boot and shoe store, All work guaranteed or no charge. john fTTTawrence, A TTOUNEY AT UW. Aofflce, Nos. S and 3 Hill's Opera House Ann Arbor, Mtcn. O. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South Main Street, oppo ite the First National Bant Ann Arbor, Mich. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Olcaner.third door south of the Opera House. Samples of work can beseen at the shop. Satisfaetion guaran ted. ANÏON EISELE, ËEALER IN HONUMWr8a5d Gravustones manufactured from 'ïiiinessoe and ltalian ■ble a id Scotch aud ine-rioan Granite Shop Oor Detroit and Oatherine sts., Ann Arbor., Mich. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEVLÉR IN WATCHE8, CLOCKS, Specta des Plated Ware. Gold Pens and Fino Jeiwelry. Special attention given to repairing iVdtoiies a;id Jewelry 46 South .Vlain Street. nn Arbor. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, SK5N, Ornamental and Fresco Pain ter. aildias. Calciinining, Glazingand Paper Hanging All work done in the best style and warraiited to eive satisfaetion Siiop, No. 4 West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DISPENSARY, Corner ashmxtun and Fifth Streets, Aun Arbor, Mich. E C. FRANK LIN, M. D. Prof of SURGEKY, HOMEOPATIIIO DEPARTMENT, University of Mijhigat. Residence and oIBce 41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklm will attend surgical cases here, or by consulta tion in different parts of the state. bPJJXAL on a a d DisevamiiES CUBED bv his irnproved method. 10. F. Totitl Would cali the attention of her old Patrons to the fact that, having removed her Dressmaking Rooms over A. Wilsey's Music Store, she i prepared to do all kinds of Dress and Cloak making In all the latest styles. Perfect Fits Guaranteed. Chiidren'selothes a speclalty. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, In.struction Books, Violina, Guitars, Flutes, &c, cheap at Wilsey's Musie Rooms, east side Public Square, Ann Arbor. Michigan. The largest and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brought into WahtenaiY Countv Violin and Quitar Strhigs a specialty. N. B.- It wll bc to jour interest to cali before purchasing anything in the Music line. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Oreanized lt#9, under the General Banking Law of this state; has now, including capital btock, etc., etc., OTER $300,000 A8SETS, Business men, Ouardians, Trustees, Ladies and ather persons wil! fintl this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at whichtomakeDepositsand do bustos?. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposiis Of $1-00 and upward, according to the rulos the bank, and interest compounded semi-annu allyMoney to Loan m Sums of 823 fö.OOO, Sacured by Unliicumkered ltejl Estáte and hoc good securit;ea. DIHBU'POR '- ' brihUan Maok, W. W. Wine W. 1). Harrtmac, Wiili.m Denbie, U. A. Bea Daniel Hisoock itud VV B. Sinitli OF lUtüKtS- Cbristian Mac . President; W W WIiibb. Vice l'rasiil ut; U. E. Hiscock, i alhier


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