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Michigan News

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Prof. Estabrook, of Olivct colloge, isconduetmg a series oí religious meetings at Hudoii. The big Martel furnaee at SI. Ignace hasgone out of biast for the season. That portion of the Muskegon car phops rccenily burned has been rebuilt. Two young ladies of Petosky were serionfdy njured by a eoaating accident a few dayó ag .. iViss Waldo had tó arm brota and reeeived ecvere bratses, and Miss Florence Alger was injured iuternally, remainlng uneonecious for Iti houra. Mr. and Mrs. Loreu Hcrrington, of Howell, eelebrated the 50th anniversary of theirweilding a few davs since. There were present their düldren," grandehildi-en and gre atgrandchildren A purse ol gold and various other ïpkens of affeetion were presented to the aged couple. Thp lnniher firm of üouseman. Wacni r & Towusend, of Grand Rapids, bas rccently parchased 4,000 acres of piue land near Duluth. The estimated stumpage of the traet is 35,000,000 feet, and the considertion was $40,000. The firm owns a tract of land near Hart, Oeeana county, witn a stumpage oí 5,000,000 feet, and have let the contract for cutting it to a gentleman who will build a band-saw mili. A Lansing dispateh to the Detroit Evening News says: There is not much qucstion that Gov. Begole hap selected Gen. Inue ior commissioner of railroads, and it is currently reported that Gen. II. House will suceeed Mr. Kow at coninnssioner of insurance. The fast mare "Minnie," ownrd uear Battle Creek, was stolen recently. Sue is valued at 81,500. The Michigan Central elevator and freight house at Decatur were partly burned uot loug ago. Wm. World, convicted of robbing the a grain house at Brockway Centre, of $130, bas Deen senteneed to two years at Ionia. Hcury Ash, of Iosco county, has with two asfistants killed 100 deer this year. The grist mili beloneing toJohn Snow of Coral, burned not long ago ; loss about $4,000; insured in the Ionia & Mcnitralm Mutual for $2,500. Incendiarisni is suspeeted, as there was no iire in the mili during the day. Mr Snow nad rented the mili and loses about $(100 worth uf grain, on whicli there was no insurauce. Most of the eustom grists were saved. ■Hiere are 4,543 miles of railroad in Michigan, 886 .stations or one to every 4.78 miles. Títere are 19, l(3ö persons einployed on these roads and their offices, etc. Some of the young carp distributed ' by the U. S. flsh comiñissiou in Lilis state wcre plunti d in St. Joseph eounty pond. Farmers vvho llave pouds can grow carp easily and profttably. Giles Smith fell in a flt on the railway track at Sanborn, on the Port Huron & Northwcstern railway, as a freight train was approaching ■ and waB run over, being horribly mangled. . The contract for publishing the supremo court reports of this state, has been s.warded to Richmond, Backus & Co., of Detroit. Hcnry Lusk, son of Augustus Lusk, of Eckford, Calhoun county, who left home 2-i years ago, since which time his friends have nerer heard from him, returncd very unexpectedly a few days ago. He haa bee in California and other parts of the far weet. ï The lake ehipments of iron ore f rom Michigan ports this year amounted to 2.810,511 tons or 5b5,4'24 above the last year's shipments. Every now and thên there is reccived by the congregational church society of East Saginaw, valuable gifts, accompanied solely by the legend "From mother, wife and I," and there is no eolutlon of who the charitable trio are. Joseph Arnold, of ncar Edrnore, used kerosene to build a tire in the stove. During his absence a few minutes later his little daughter, two years old, took up the can and began pouring oil on the flre. She was burned to dcath. As Conductor Harry McDonald was adjustiug a semaphore at the railway station at Ovid, he was struck by the lever of the and knocked from a high platform, his head being gashed badly, and he being rendered unconscious for several hours. The extensivo works of. the Saginaw barrel company in Saginaw City were destroyed by flre rei-i ntly. There was about $100,000 invested in the buildings and maehlnery, besides a considerable stoek on hand, and the 0,500,000 feet of lumberiutheyiirdwasvaluedinthe neighborhood of $100,000. The eomparative shipments of lumber in feet to Chicago t'rom the principal lake ports are : Muskegon, 41S,3ü7,Ü00; Grand Haven, 136,:i(il,000; White Lake, 108,337,000; Ludington, 111,726,000; Mauistee, 150,471,000; MÏnctninèe, 280,419.000; Cheboygan, 33,197,000; Alpina, 35,511,000. A sectlon hand namcd Fred Cumminski was instantly killed by the Jackson ex pn ss on the Michigan Central at a point aböut ouc mile west of the car shop at the Detroit Jufadtipn, The train was late. and running at the rate of 20 miles an hour. As it approaehcd, Cumminski and bis fellow laborers stepped olï the track. , and Euddenly Cumminski saw that he bad lefj one of his tools between the rails. He ran back to piek it up and was struck by the engine and burled from the track with a broken neck. The deceased was 42 years old, lived at the junction, and leaves a wife. He had been in tuis country two years. A young man named Davey feil into a renderiüg kettle at au Adrián pork-packlng house, and was severely eooked. Morley Elmor, of Big Rapids, 6 under arrest for havinp triid to kill'his father and mother.He sueeeeded in smashiug his father' s face with a Bledge hammer. The Alpena national bank, with a paid up capital of $100,000, has been organized. lts offleers are: President, Geo. L. Maltz; viee president, C. W. Rkhardson; eashicr, John C. Comfort; directors, Geo. L. Maltz, C. W. Richardson, W. H. Potter, F. W. Güehrist and H. D. Churchill. Sam. Smith, aged 92 years, whose home was about three miles from Boya] Oak, was found dead in bed rei'ently. His'head, arms and legs were badly bruised and, as it looked like a case of verv foul play, Coronel1 was notified and will hold an tnqnest. The case creates a frTeat deal of excitement. Farley Tubbs, formerly aniembcrof compauy twenty-Beventb Michigan iufantry, aud for about seven months a prisoner iñ southern military prisons during the late war, died Buddenly of congestión of theheartat hisrestdence near Collius, Ionia county. He leaves a large faniily of small children iu rather needy eireumstanees, but they will be cared for by hia Burviving uomradcs of the Union prisoners of war assoeiation. Between 1 and 3 o'elock in the raorning the safe in the oih'ce of the Michigan Centra! yards, one mile west of the Grand Trunk tion, Detroit, was blown open and robbea bj masked burglare. but they got only about. $50, and overlooked $70 anda ninnber oi ihecki aii'.oiiuting to $1,600. The projected fancy cardboard factory at Niles is now said to be provided ior by subseription and will be built. .. C. Kimball, Ilugli Park, Thos. Munroe, John Twant tnd F. i mms l:ivc bought the Mutfcegon BÉFeet f0wn.y for 3q000. Kalamazoo dealers last weck shippcd windmilis to Austria and Buenos Ayres. There is algo at Washington that camc f rom Kalamazoo. The frl.SX) liorse "Minnic" recently storen bom liattle treek has been recovered in Indiana. The thlef was also arrested. Joseph F. Hobbs, city editor of the Grand Raplds Entile, narrowly eeeaged deatb from aspbyxiatiou a few Jiij'B ago, the pipe oí his coal ïitove baving become dlsconuuctüil, The boiler of a hay press engine in Ingr-r-nll towuphip, Midland county, exploded, klllióg John Norton instant ly, fatal ly injuring Jesefi Keener, burning a barn and wrecking the hay press and engiue. E. V. Allis of Wiseíjnsin has begun 42 suits against Michigan mili men in the Uiiitrd States court at Grand RapUs. The eases CI■■ out of the use of a e.ertuiu saw ruil] appliance known as a "mili dog,' used in holding togs on the saw-carriage. A Noiy Braneli oltlie SI. C. The fietroit Evening News ol l)c. 6th., eontained the íollowing: "Manager Ledyard i ín Chicago. E. H. t'helps, eecretary to Manager Ledyard, and civil cngineer, rsturaed today after a week's absence looking over the ground betweeu Beaver Lalte and Alpina. where thc Michigan Central pvrpose building a branch road. The country to be penetrateü by this braneh was goic over ou íoot and in a wagon by EngineerThelps, and a line selccted On Monday a party will be tarted Lor tln prelimiuary survey, aml when this is fiiii.she the company will deeide deflnitely whethcr tht road will be built, and if it is there will be no delay in the work of couBtruction. Tlie lim will be about 75 mi' . long, and a valuablc íeeder for tlie Michigan Central, as valuablt lumber región between Beaver Lake and Al pena, and even bevond the latter poiut, will b tributary to it and give it abtindaut business. Hard fases. Twenty-Beyen prieoners were recently taken t Detroit f rom the Jndiaii territory tobe placed in the house of correcUon. Six of the nnmbcr only werc white, the other 21 being Indiam umi negros. Thgrar ïeatanoeö to terms from one ycar to lifc, and foi nearly every serious crime on the calendar. Thomas Buien, United States marshal for the western district of Arkansas, who with five guarís lironght the desperate lot from Fort Sinith, aays that while the trip was not in many respcets il pli a-ant one, and had its respmi-ibilii lea and dangers, be wan aecustomed to deolinff with hardencd crinunals and with the lire men he had with hini found 110 troyble in managing the 27 eonvicts. Belnre startins; the pnsouers were secnrely shaekled in pairs, the irons fastening them together at the wnsts and nnkles, and this unifovmrd lor their journey ït wasiiot muchofa jób for himself and assistants to sec that none oi' them got away. shal Boles éngaged meals tor Ins charges ny telegraphlng to the eating house atong tne route and they were serveil in the car wlthoul leaving their stats. The trip. afthongli the distancefrom Fort Smith to Detroit is L,00? miles, was imeveuttul, the prisouers knowlng irom the ürst that they were in the hauds of men wko wouldn't stand auy trifling. Tle turned them over to Capt. Nichol6on in good shape. The cost to the goverument tor fare, meals, marshal's fces and guards- in fict the expense per head for these prisouers f rum the Ml at Fort Smith to the house of correetiou was $45, which is the eheapest trip in Mr. Boles' experienee "These," saitl the marshal, "make 86 prisoners I liave delivcred to Captain Nieholson inceMay 1." He aceounted for the United States prisoners being brought from the far southwest to Detroit when there are more accessible prisons by the faet that the Detroit Hóueèöl eorn'elión enjoys the reputation of being the best regulated and most admirably condueted in the country. He added In behalf of western Kansas and the Indian territory that the great nnmber of desperate characters conTtoted and sent from there was not to be credited to.the population proper of the section. Many of the criminal class, of whom the prisoners lie delirered were rcpresentativi's. floated In with the rush of railroad laboren and eamp followers attracted by the rapid development of these épterprlses in the state and adjacent territory. __ A Bald-Headed Btgamist. Complaiut was made to Juste Clark, of Lansing, by Mrs. Alzada Raudall, who went there from "Xi-w Vork state within a few days, eharglng Lcvi Ramlall with bigamy. The oom' plaiuant alleges that ehe was married to defendaut at Haunibal, Óswègo county, New York, in O;i. lS7t, when sho was 15 ycars of age, and that they moved to Amherstburg,Ont., aud llved together as man and wife ior two years and a half, when, on account of Bickness, Bh went hack to lier parents in New ïorK, where Randall left her and carne to SÖchlgan. She says he has visited her from time to time and visited her in July last, remaiuiug with her two weeks. She also says she had two clnldren bv him, both boys, now five and three yi ars old, and that his long absence and apparent desertion led her to go to Lansing and hunt Mm up to see wnat üe wouiu uo cpwarun bujjporting these childreu. ÁrriVtng there she l'ound that. Raiidall is living with wife No. , jonsequently the action. Randall is"very reticent and will admit nothng only that he wül set up as a defeose that the itst rharriage wás inüftwïul. Wife No. 2 was formeriy Mrs. Carrie Moe. is a respcctablc wcmiau, and' has üved at the state eapital for a number of years. She admïts her marriage with Randall at Amherstburg in tlie spring of 1881, and says she did not know that Randall was the legal husband of the coraplainant, and is evidentiy entirely innoeent oí wrong, and has the sympathy of the public. Randall is a man of 68 winters, and both hls alleged wives are eomely, prepossessiug young women. He Is a member of the NortTi Lansing methodjet chureh, and his last wife is the organist. The ease will excite considerable interest, as it has severa! Side issues, and will undoubh'dly In ■ fouglit to the kuif e. as wife No. 1 means business and both are said to have means. Collccting Flsli Spftwn. The other evening a reporter of the Mining Journal called on B. F. ShaW, of whom mention wae made sume eeks ago as haviug come bere for the purposc 'of collecting flsh spawnjor the State of Iowa, He reporte having had success in his line ou our lake, his two eompanions having received their quota some time ago and departid. Mr. Öo&her lonk with hiin aliou 750 000 of lake trout and (iseoettes to be placed in Iowa lakes, and Mr. Weleuer 41)0,000 of the same species, to be distributcd in Kentueky and Massachusetts. Mr. Shaw states that he has now 500,000 lake trout and 150,000 ciseoettes here, besides 21:.iK)0 whitetish, of which lattcr he had collected -the first on that same day. He inli-ndsto secure 1,000,000 whiteiish beiore his drparture. which has been delayed both liy the [ateneas of the sjiawning of this flsh and by rough weather, when the ttshing tugfl were not able to go ou' About 4.000.000 gse w; ' ' .ave been colleetu when he has ftaished his labors here. - Afarqitetle Mining JoiinwJ. A Bose of "Horse Medicine," A eöuple of strangcrR came to Three Rivers the othcr day and Mred a rig and drive to take theni to Mareelhis. Tbeywcie stelling patent medicine r.nd wanted the drivor to hokl the torees whil they would visit the farmers "professioualiy" aud sell their wares. Wliile passing Jim Doehran's place in Fabius they spied Jim in the field, and one of theni juniped outto interview hini. He soon learned, however, that Jim didn't want any "luirse medicine,'' whereupón he took three litile boxes out of lus pocket and in one of theni placed some moncy. Then, with a "simple twist of the wrist," dropped them ou the ground and requested him to piek out tlie one with the money in it. Of eourse lie pieked it out. Then the bet of $20 cine that he could do it ftgatn, w hieli resultad in Jlr.Medieineinan poeketfag the money, biddiug Mr. C, gooil-day aud started in scarch of another nnoeent. It is the tliree-eard monte game, witli l.o:cs instead of cards.- Three Riven News DETROIT MABKETS. Wbcat-No. 1 . white $ 99%@ 1 00 Flour 4 75 O5 00 Cora 88 ■■% Oats 39%@ 42 ClovéñSeed, .bu 6 20 (A 6 2o Apples, t! bbl 2 7") (a; i 00 Dried Apples, -sj B 7J@ A Cranberríes, $ bu 5 00 @U 00 Buttcr, fH 27 @ 28 Eggs 26 @ 27 Dresacrt Chickeiis 12}í@ 18 DressedTvu-Kys lf @ 10 Cheeee 18 @ 15 Potat(x:6. W bu 55 @ 60 Honey... 19 @ 20 BííSib, picked 2 35 @ 2 40 Beins unjnck-l 1 50 g 1 90 Hav . ()l) @1300 Sfraw 0 Porte, mess ls 5!) 18 75 PotK; family 09 O19 50 Bei !. extra mesa 12 00 @12 50 Wnod. 1! i cii uiidMaplc ' 0' Wood, Maplc 8 00 Wood, llk-kory 8 00 Coal, Kgg...." 6 25 ïoat, Stove "o Coal, CLustnut 0 75


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