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This Year's Potato Crop Is Estimated At

This Year's Potato Crop Is Estimated At image
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160.000.UOO bushels, or 45,000,000 bushels more thaii last year. ■ m+m- Thk Republioan press are "tixing-up" a slate (or (íov. Befóle, but we guess the "old womau" will keep house to suit herself. Arthck is "firing out" some of the thieving fang that "put him in." When thievea fall nut honest men g(t their ilues. Since the November elections two Conressmen elect have died, and a third, (Orth, of Indiana), i believed to be fatally il],- [Saline Demoerat. And he ought to follow suit, because he never held an honest trumj). HuBBKLL sayti that Ferry is a deadweigbt on the Republloan party of Michigan. He mijfht truthfully add that the Republican party is a drad-weight to the industrial clusses of the whole country, speaking from a "voluntary assessment" point of the political programme. The ways and means cemmittee of the house, and the iinance committee of the senate, are getting very generous. They propose to let us traffic in glue and beeswax, without affiixing a revenue stamp to the surfaee thereof. Cause - Complexión of recent election. Pendleton has opened his civil service reform battery on that hydra-headed Kepublican "god and morality thing" called "the administration," and when the first shot strikes the target he will flnd Secor Eobeson & Co. securely intrenched behind twenty-years' stealidgs, with the most expensive (paper) navy in the world to back them. Almost all of the largest and most prominent tobáceo manufacturera in the country are either shut down entirely or running on half time on account of the proposed reduction in the tax. What the manufacturera seem to want is to let the tax alone as the retail dealers will not buy to anyextent. Tobacco is a luxury, and those who use it are the ones who pays the revenue. There are hundreds of other things that are taxed unjustly, among which are the actual necessaries of life. and it is about time that conpress turned itsattention toreducing the tax on these and leave that of tobacoo alone. - -B_i . AccoBDiNG to the report of Indian Commissioner Price there are, all told, 262,336 Indiana in the United States, of whom 77,808 reside within the limits of the Indian territory. The five civilized tribes- the Cherokeea, Creeks, Chickasaws, Choetaws and Seminóles- constitute ahout one-fourth of the Indian population. The commÍ3sioner strongly recommends the return of the Nez Perces, who are dying off rapidly in the Indian country, to their home in Idaho territory. Mr. Perry Beimont tells the New York Herald that, in his opinión, legitímate trade and enterprise are greatly oppressed by taxati, m, and therefore his sympathies are with the anti-monopolists. In this connection he pointe to the fact that the democrats of New York, since 1874, have constantly attempted to subject corporations tothe rigidscrutiny of State authorities. He thinks that sueh a tariff as the genuine protectionists demand is clearly outside the constitution. I n the United States Senate, on the 9th inst, Dan. Voorheea, of Indiana, said: " The power of money and corporations was manifest in many ways, and was now throwing itself against the ballot-box ; and no evil of the present time was so menacing to the liberties of the people as the amount of money raised to infiuence the recent election. It was admitted that, during the Garneld eampaign, that 8400,000 were expended by the Republicana in Indiana." The democratie party to-day presents a front unbroken by internal biekerings or jealousies. For twenty years, with but a single exception, (and upon that occasion it was wronged of the prize it had fairly won), it has suffered defeat after defeat, until it seemed as though victory had forever taken its departure ; but it has passed through the trying ordeal, and comes forth with renewed vigor, to battle for the rights of the people ; and it has shaken off the men who, by their personal dishonesty, have cast odium upon it. The following States are shown, by the census bulletin, to have over 8100,000,000 invested in manufacturing industries: New York, $514,000,000; Ponnsylvania, $474,000,000; Massachusetts, $303,000,000; Ohio, $188,000,000; Illinois, $140,000,000; Oonnecticut, $120,000,000; and New Jersey, $106,000,000. The total amount invested in manufacturing in,dustry in the United States is $2,790,223,506; the value of the product, $5,309,667,706; the wages paid, $947,918,674, or, as shown in a recent number of the Farmers' Eeview, less than twenty per cent. of the total value of the product. The conflict between Jay Gould (by many supposed to be the richest man in the world) and Bennett, (owner of the New York Herald), will surely be moet ruinous to one or the other- perhaps to both. Gould buys newspapers, but these are impotent when arrayed againat the ubiquitouB Herald and its countless allies. It is a con lest rather between brute force (money) and moral power. The pre6S of the country, to the extent that is not bougbt up by Gonld, will adhere, it seems, to Bennett. - [American Register. Let not the Register borrow trouble. Gould is too wealthy and too shrewd to lose any more than he can afford. James Gordon Bennett is too brainy and too well entrenched to be injured au iota by Jay Gould, who is not worth money enough to even worry Bennett. The New York Herald is too absolutely independent of any influenee or power that Jay Gould can bring to warrant the intimation that there can be any possible danger to him. Bennett is backed by moral streDgth and public sentiment, and he has a fortune and brains equal to tlie eraergcncy in a oontest with Jay Gould. We rather admire the brilliancy and keennesa of Gould, but he never can cope with Mr. Bennett, whom we regard as a man of superior character, brond views, large heart, and possesting a spirit of public enterprise and loyalty to the people that niakes him, to-day, a leading man in the nation. He has wealth to back him and knows how to utilizo it. - [Adrián Presa. ■ I ■ Swindlers Abboad. - If any one has representad that we are in any way interested in any bogus bitters or stuff, with the word "hops" in the name, cheating honest folks, or tbat we will pay any of their debts.they are frauda and iwindlers, and the victims should punish them. We deal in a ad pay only the bilis for the genuine Hop Bitters, the purest and best medicine on earth. Hop Bitters MancFACTDEINO Co. As she coineth down the aisle, Now the mald will wear a smairie Full of glee ; Knowing well her new fall taisle Is way up in point of staisle , And will raise the otherg' baUle A degree. " RorraH on Rats." - Ths thing Desired found at last. Ask Druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rat, mioe, roachen, nies, bed-bugs 15c boxes. Temperance lessoD : Last week a gentleman, viewing the St. Patriok' procession in New York, overheard a footman say : " Be dad ! the whisky sellers roides the horses, but the whisky drinkers goes a-fut." A New Dr. Deming Pile Ointment, the discovery of a physioian of wide reputation, who has achieved the greatest success, the most eonspicuoua distinction, and the highest honors in his profession, is a sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles. A single box has been known to cure the most obstinate case, and thousands who have used this great remedy attest its efficacy. For sale by Eberbach fe Son. There was an old man who said. " I Am inventing an rondad pie, To be sold in each depot, Ata rate very cheap, oh ! Ishall reaily be rich, by-and-by." What the Minister Sats.- Mr. A. Kiefer- My dear sir: I have been afflioted for the last four years with derangement of the liver, causing dyspepsia, headache, nausea, and general derangement of the whole system. I have tried a great many preparation, but found no relief until I tried one bottle of your Taxarine which has permanently cured me. I also found it to be goodfor the agüe. I commend it to all who suffer with derangement of the liver. Very truly yours, Rev. Thomas Whitlock. For sale by Eberbach fc Son. A Chicago man who was sleeping with a brace of revolvers under his pillow was robbed the other night. He has thrown his revolvers down a well and married a woman who snores. Skinnt Men.- Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the generativo functions. $1. at druggists. Mich. Depot, JAMES E. DA VIS & Co., Detroit, Mich. There are two ways of befng happy - we may either diminish our wanta or augment our means. The result is the same ; and it is for eaoh man to decide for himself, and to do that which may happen to be the easieat. BuoKiiiN's Aknica Salve.- The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises,sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaotion in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Ebberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. Liter-ary prosperity : The Chicago people say, talk as you may of culture, the product of their "pens" amounts tomore than the income of all the authors of New England. Pig thing. Grigg's Gltoerink Salve.- The best on which can truly be said of Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a gure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. In the excavations at Heroulaneum, grain has been found oharred at the time the city was destroyed- 1,800 yearg ago- yet so perfectly preserved that the different kinds are easily distinguished. Persons recovering from wasting diseases, such as malarial, fever, eet., will be greatly benefited by the use of Brown'a Iron Bitters, a true tonic. A couple have married after a courtship of twelve years, during whioh tim the bride's father put seven set of hingei on the front gate. In countries where malaria ia prevalent, or where the climate is subjeot to sudden changes, should be found in every house Brown's Iron Bitters. General Springer is fiahing down in Florida with eminent success. He just baits with his signature, and the fiah that can distinguían it from the wriggleiest kind of a worm haB to be an expert of many years standing. Get Rich.- When hops are $1.25 pr pound, as now, an acre will yield 81,000 profit, and yet the best family medicine on earth (Hop Bitters) contains the same quantity of hops, and are sold at the same price, fixed years ago, although hops are twenty times higher than then. Raise hops - get rich in pocket. Use Hop Bitters, and get rich in health. Every man is fond of striking the nail on the head, but when it happens to be a finger nail the enthusiasm, in the iaajority of case, become wild and inooherent. Old and young male or female, find a sure cure for all nerve and brain affections in Dr. C. E. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. A cure guaranteed. Sold at Brown & Co.'s. A little boy, whosa impecunious parents are always moving from one house to another, was asked by the Sundayschool teacher: "Why did the Israelite move out of Egypt?" "Because they couldn't pay their rent," wa the reply. A Genebal Stampede.- Never tm such a rush made for any drug store as is now Eberbach & Son's for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. AU persons afflicted with asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, severe coughs, or any affection of the throat and lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at the above drug store. A good deed is ne er lost ; he who shows courtesy gains friendship. and he who plants kindness gather love. Tbue to her Trust.- Too muen cannot be said of the ever faithful wife and mother, constantly watching and caring for her dear ones, never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease, and the system should have a thorough cleansing, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood purified, malarial poison exterminated, she must know that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world, and only costs fifty cents. Sold by Eberbach & Son " The difference between marriage and hanging," said an old bachelor, " is that in the former a man's troubles commence, while in the latter they end."


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