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Business Locáis. Por sale - Chesnut Mare, sound and ({entle, 7 years oíd, 13 North State Street. Seal Skin Caps - the flnest Christruns present out- at the Star Clothing House. Overcoat are being sold oheap enongh by A. L. Noble, at the Sfar, so thiit everybody can afford lo niaka a Ckristmus present. The handaomest Soarfs and Mufliera in the city at A. L. Noble's Stnr Clothing House. Silk Handkarchiefs, all styles, at A. L. Noble's Star Olothing House. When you are ready to buy that Christmu present look at Stimgon's Holiday Goods. We think Stimson has the finest display of Lamps and China in the city. Cali and ee them. Just you try Stimson 's Tea, at fifty cents per pound, and be convinsed that it beats them all. Fine Porcelain Ware at Stimson's. Stimson keeps Groceries, Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps, at prices to suit cash buyers. Try them. If you want a fine horse and carriage go to Gilí Snow, who has purchased Kitredge's livery barn. Seventy-five barrels of pure eider vinegar for sale at J. Hoffstetter's, 34 South Main street. This vinegar is from six to eight years old and will be sold by the gallon or barrel. .1. Hoitste-tter. Mrs. Miller who keepa the Diehl house onDetroit srteet would be pleased to have those in want of meals or an oyster stew, to give her a cali. Forty cordt of fine hickory wood for sale atthe niarket price. The wood will be delivered in flne oord lot. Cali at the Democrat office. Thos. Matthews pays cash for clnckens dead or alive. His place of business is on Huron street, oppositethe newengine house. Bigs to rent oheap at Gill Snow's barn. A Good Offer. - The Chicago, Burlington and Quiucy Bailroad Company has just issued an illustrated treatise, ■'The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the Six Great States. The book is beautifully printed and numerous engravings of high merit adora its pages. Any one sending their name and address with two three-eeut postage stampa will receive a copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General Passenger Agent, Cliioago, Illinois. The emegrant, tourist, or traveler bound for the productivo mines and fertile praries of the Great Southwest is unanimous in selecting the route via Chicago. Implict confidence is placed in the Kansas City pioneer line, composed of the C, B. & Q. and Old Rehable Hannibal and St. Joseph Bailroads. Through fast trains are run by this Line and the equipment is unsurpassed. Fob Sale - A farm of 60 acres. There ia a good house and barns on the premisea. The place is a mile and a half from the city. There is no better farm in the oounty for the number of acres. Jamer Hulbert. J. R. Sage has made arrangements with Jno. Moore for all music ordered from him, to be delivered at his store. Parties can get the same from calling. A hack in readiness at all hours at Snow's livery atable. Charges reasonable. Dry goods boxes for sale cheap at No. 9 South Main street. Imua pays cash for live chickena. Important to Tbavelbrs. - Special Inducemeuts are offered you by the Burlinoton Bouth. It will pay you to read their advertÍ8ement found elsewhere in this issue. A Sunday-school teacher read to his clans that the Ethiopian eunuch went on his way rejoicing after Philip had talked to him, and then asked, "Why did he rejoice '!" A boy anawered, " Because Philip was done a-teachin' him." For flve cents, Wells, Bichardson k Co., Burlington, Vt., will send colored samples of all colors of Diamond Dyea, with direotions. The man who never waiti for an invitation to make hirnself at home - the burglar. "Example ia better than preept." It ia well known that dyspepsia, billious attacks, headache and many other illa can only be oured by removing their oause. Kidney Wort has been proved to be the most effectual remedy for these, and for habitual costiveness, which so affeots millions of the American people. A fashion item say the belle of the period nawwears at her waist-belt a little musió box, faintly playing a single tune. The average American girl can put on enough airs without attaching a muiic box to her wait. Twenty-four beautiful colors of the Diamond Dyes, for ailk, wool, cotton, etc, 10 cents. A ohild can use with perfect success. ' Young man," said the master, " I alwayi eat the cheese rind." And the new apprentioe replied: "Just so; I am leaving it for you." "One man's meat is another man's poison." Kidney Wort expels the poisonous humor, The first thing to do in the spring is to clean house. For internal cleansing and renovating no other medicine is equal to Kidney Wort. In ither dry or liquid form it cures headache, bilious attacks, constipation and daranged kidneys. Wk all know that water never runs up hill ; that kiases taste better than they look, and are better after dark; that it ia better to be right than to be left ; that those who take Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonio never have dyspepsia, costiveness, bad breath, piles, pimples, agüe and malarial diseasea, poor appetite, low apirits, headache or diseases of kidneys or bladder. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. A lady, on being asked why she called hr two canaries Wheeler and WÜHon, replied: "Because neitheria a Singer." W all believe that it ia a long lane that has no turning; that many a shaft at random gent finds a mark the archer little meant ; that no remedy sold will cure oougha, oolds, oroup, whooping coughs. and all throat and lung troubles so quickly and permanently as Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, that our druggists, Eberbah ife Son, ia very generous to give trial bottles of free of charge. "Whatis the moon good for?" asked Prof. Miller. And the smart bad boy looked up from the bottom of the class nd said, "To rest the gas companies." When your wife's health is bad, when your children are sick, -vhen you feel worn out, use. Brown's Iron Bitters. Why can not an orphan pop oom ? Because he has no papa. Things advertised cheaper than ever are ever so cheap. Ladies' I have all the Latest Styles in Hair Goods, and the Greatest Variety of Waves. The Thompson, Broadway, Pinafore, Lotta, Pin-Perfection, Doublé Coquette, Neck Curls and Switcltes. I have all the Novelties in Ornaments, Coralino Bands, Coraliue Hair Pius in Fancy Colors, Blond Hair Pius, Invisible Steel Pointed Hair Pins, Bubber Hair Pins, Crimping Pins. Freneh Perfumed Bandolino Powder, etc., etc., Ladies ! Come early and see the Daisy, Pin-Perfection, and Lotta Waves. No lady goes away without buying some one of them. Mrs. Fitch always gives satisfaction. Coralino Bands are all the rage. Mrs. Fitch has them in Red, Yellow, White, etc Lone Star Bakery And GEOCEEY ! I WARM MEALS AND LUNCHES. .V T A L I„ M O U R S . Also constaotly oi. hand a i-lioico stock of Fancy Crackers. Cakes, for PurtlSS and Wedding furnislied on short notice. Confectioneriesi and all kinds of Fruit in their seiifon. Bread, Cakes, and l'its constantly on liaud. Cboice ToUacco and Cigurs, Cauned Fruit and Light tíioceries. Higliest Cash Price Pairi for FARNIER'S PRODUCE. Cali and see me. No. 12 üpern House Block. GEO. E LAMOTTB, Proprictor. Loose's Extract Red Clover Blossom THE GREAT BLOOD PURIF1EK. Cures Scrofula In all lts forms.ï Cáncer. Snit ; Rheum, Erysipelas. Rheuinatism. all Bloofl and j Skin diseases, and regulates the Bowels. $1 per ] pint hottle. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pile Remedy. CwUin, j Speedy. Cheap. LOOSE'S Red Clover Pilis curo Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constipstion. Thuy act on the liver and kidneys. In iK.xes of MS pills, 25c, 5 boxes Si. Fur aale by C. K. Holmes and Eberbach Son. Send for circular. HENRY MATTHEW87" Has' the pleasure to infnrm the public thnt heii ready to receire them in hisnev brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEON'ARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wiil be flrBt-class, and At Reasonabie Ratos. He returns nis sincere thanks to all hls old cuixmers for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invitus theni, and all new cust-omers to his nevr quarters, whero he hopes by fair clealing t" anlarge his already growing busmess JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-' JDJEUL.TJST TILE. All onr Drain Tile are made of Firo Clay, are of umwial strength and light wciQht. which ma terially reduces the breakage and eipene ol transportation. The ditching for this class of tilinRislessexpen aire, as they do not require to be laid belowfrost but only deep enough to escape the plow. While this is more cconomical it algo aids obtaining better 'f all" or gradeto the drain. A f uil assortment of all slzes, for sale ia uu quantities, or car load lots, at th FEEDON LÜIBEI YARD. JAS. TOLBKRT, Agnl. "Tile, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." ï'o Che Editor of ïlte Chmiyn Tribune. Dwioht, 111., March 16.- Oneof the strongest and m t convincing f acts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Agriuultural De]artment of Illinois. It ia this: ACREAOE. Acreage in corn in Livingston County, 1881 268,597 Acreage in corn in Logan County, 18-.1. . 140,859 Livingston over Logan 17,738 riKLD. Yield of corn inTavTïïgston County. 1881. .6,983,522 Yield of corn in Logan County, 1882 5.070,934 Livingston over Logan 1.903,598 In other words. Logan County has raised uear ly as much corn on 140,859 acres as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in another form, the farmers in Livingston County have been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (2f8,597), and have raised but a very siuall percentage of increase of corn over their brethern in Logan County, who only had to plow 140,89 acres. Let us give it anotlier twist: A A farmer who has his land well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about as much corn as the man who plows 160 and takes all the risks of drouth and much bef ides. It is uot fair, then, to conclude that the greatest labor-saving machine to-day of the age is the tiledrain? From the same source of informalion I gather the following as regards the progress of tile-drainage in these twocounties: Feet. Total number of f eet laid in Livingston County upto 181 , 1,140,793 Total number of feet laid in Logan County up to 1881 3,989.469 This table proves beyond all theory that owing to the f ree use of tile that one county has been able to produce nearly as much corn on 140.000 acres of land as another county has produced upon Si8, 000 acres, which is nearly doublé, and the beauty of the whole is that it was done with half the work! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Providence should lengtheri out the spin of our days until we saw lfliuois tnoroughlyl tile-drained, where would be put the corn that ttiis_ State would produce, and what would we do with our "Rilver dollars?" Samtel T. K. Pkime." FKED SORG, Dealer In PA1NTS, OILS JAIfflim BBU8HES, WINDOW GLASS, And .ll Patatera' Supplies of the Best Quahtv SHO? AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington üs ANN ARBOR. - MICMIQAN Gooflyear's New Drne StOTB The Old Crenville Stand, TT N öT 5 SoatlhT Máínrt. L EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH:! Prescriptions Compounded Day and Night. LIVERY STÁBLB ; -o- ( líit-'iii{j liirciliaisíítl tlie i Livcry SttlIe rotlgfo on AVost Amyi street I fum preintr-etl t, fm1nish ( Ik' i FINEST RIGS IN THE CIT7 I almo run a HACK AND BUS UNE! CHARGES REASONABLE. Telephonic Communication with )he Barn. ' CILL SNOW. 1


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Ann Arbor Democrat