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% HAS BEEN PROVEO „ The SUREÍJT CURE for IKIDNEY D1SEASES. Ioealamfl back or diBordored urine n cata that you are a victim ? THJSN DO NOT "O E KESITATEj uso Kidney -Wort at onoe, jg prista reoommend it) and it will s peedily ,_ come the diaease and restore hcalthy aotlon. q O of{AC FoF compialnta peculiar C LClUlvOi to your oei, Buoh. as pain -I andweakneBses,KÍdney-"Wortifluiiaurpassod, t aa it will act promptly aud safely. L mtherSex. Incontlnenoe, retention of urine, brick dunt or ropy deposita, and dull dragpinf C O paias, all speedily yield to its curativa powtr. 2 BOIiD BY ALL DSPQOI3T3. PrlI. QB VST SC o, -" ' g __aM ■ - ' S 0 : T9S5 viiriiinimrfif?Sg ■ = EBËRBACH&SOfT Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND Ene;llsh Tooth Brushes We cali special attention to our atocle of Chemical Glass-vvare, Apparatus AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list priecs. STTTHDEISTTiS Are cordially invtted to examine our stock as quality and prices. EBERBACH A SON. PRINCIPAL UNE 14'1C WWOIïTKST, gi'ïfKKST and And allpï}EST line to St. Jowph, poiniB in IowaTSái1?SlfcAtcliiaon. Topeka, DeniNcbraska.MIsaotirl.KiInisoa, 1 'Hilas, Gftlsaa, New Mexico, Ariztma, Mou'Nveijiüa, tana and Texas. ff" O K I C? A 2V O Í5ü1'8 Route has no superior for Albert ,. , """""L "SLca, Minncapolil and St. Paul. U111'1'61??? NMiunslly reputed m ly concuded to sTOÍís l,eln tlic r.ral be a. best equipped,1 l'g) Kallruad in the World fur -A Tv " i n all clnsar of travel. -O "-" KANSAS CITY k All cotmectlona mads L r sCfvV In Union SsfiFs N%iXBell. stèSs Throiigh WX WiN TiTlt, Tickets vla thiïST Van(l Tou wl" Celebrated Line fuSX'TOÍ önd travel ing a íaleat all oITict-s inCS?"yyv. l"-11' intd th I". S. al"V'1VySv du' Canada. ZfW AllVVSv ■"""■ SlJS Fh''c' SIIM'Pinif iz'i v T. J POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL. Sr: l'ic Pres't i Grn'l JTanager, Gen. Iam. Ati., ChicuKii. 111. ChicHK. HL GENUINE MILWAUKEE aHNUilLB ■ O iH ■Bi;! ';j ;-'vitm r I I L ■■■ LAGER BEERSDEP01. 75,000 Bottles Sold per Year. tC _ COfi lBr daY at Sample J0 TO 4)ZU woith JfSfree. Adilre68 Stinion fe Co., Portland Maine. j H E A PEST BI BLES iwiurinu.Tnaói fiVl bslnm. olh Y.rtkm. Nw Ti.Um.nt A (jrjjlfj UfiKTEJ Notice to Creditors. iTATK OK MICHIGAN, CountTOf Washtenaw, O sk Vit ir s hrrnb.T iren. that br n order i)f til Probate ( ourt for the County of Wnsh(■,■, male on the 4th day of November, A. 1) IM2, sij nmnt.hs from that dat were allowedfoi i -rtititor to present thoir claims against th M' tat of ( 'a t hri ik Wilmot, late of aaid county, I c-ased, and that all creditor of said deceaserl are required to present their Haima to said i bate Court, at the Probat Office in tu city of Ann Arbor, for eianiination and allowanee. on or lwfore th Fourth day of May next. aud that buco claims wil) be heard before naid Oourt, on Monday the Kif th day of Kebruary and ou Kriday the Kourth day of May nxt, at tn o'clock in the furenoxn of each of aaid days. Dated, Ann Arbor. November 4, A. D. 1HBJ. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, .ludiré of Probate. haurt rj Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN.- The Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenaw, In Chanvery Marv J. Murray and Letitia IC. Walker, complainants, ra. James McMahon, Fannie McMuhon and Jeruah P. Noble, defendants. In pursuance and by virtue of a decree of a ei court made and enterad iu the above entitled cause on th tenth day of October, A. D., 1HSÍ. lotice il hereby given that I ghall sell at public auction or vendue , on 8aturday tb .KKh day of December, A. V. 1882, at two o'clock In afternoon at the eaat front door of the court houae, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Waahtenaw, and 8t ate of Michigan, tbe following descrlbed real estat, Beiug the ame mentloned and deacribed in aaid decree, to-wlt: Being iuU oné and aix ia block two north of Huron atreet, range flfteen eaat, and Iota four and sevnten, in block three, north of range fifteen eaat; also the uudtvided half of Iota flre, aix, Beren, eight, thirteen, four teen, flfteen and sixteen. in block three north f Huron street, range fifteen east; also the undiTided half of Iota ten, twelve, thirteen, fourteeu and fifteen, ín block two north of Huron street, range fifteen eaat according to the plat of Ingalla addition to the city of Ann Arbor, Waahtenaw county Michigan. Dated Ann Arbor, Norember 13th, A. D. 1882. PATKICK MoKKRNAN. Circuit Court Cummissioner, Washtenaw County, Michigan L. F. WADK. Bolicitor for Complainanl. Estáte of Joseph I!. Frisbie. QTATI OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteaaw, O m. At a seaaion of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the lf th day of November in the year on thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present William D. Harriman, Judg of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Joseph B Frisbie deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly verifled of Delpuine J. Frisbi praying that ahe may be appotnted adminigtratrix of said estáte. Thereupon, it is ordered, that triday, the 15th day of Decembr naxt, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assigned for the hearing of aid petition and that the heirs at law of aaid deceased, and all other persons interesled in said eutat, are required to appear at a seasion of aaid court, then to be holdeu at the prubate ofüce, in th city of Aan Arbor, in said couuty, and show causa if any there be.wby the prayer of aaid petitioner Hhouid not begrauted: And it is further ordered. tliatsaidpetitioner give notie to the persons intereeted iu naid estáte, of the pendency of saitl putitiou and the hearing thereot, by causing a coy of tuis order to be published in The .tin Aroui Demtjcrat, newspaper printed and circuiating in said couuty three suceeasive weeks preriou to aaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judg jt ProbaU, Wi. G. Dott. Probat Rwtster. fstate r Josephine lUg-lcj. TATKOFMIHIÖAN, (Jounty of Wanhtenaw O (is At a sessiou of the probate court for the couuty of Washtenaw, holden al the probate of tice, iíi the city of Ann Arbor, ou iuaday, the 2Xtli ilay of November, in the year on thousand eight humlred and eighty-two. ïTeseiit, William I. Harriman, Judge of Prolu'ihe matter of theeatateor Josephin Bagley deceased. On readinï and tllling the petition duly verified of Sarah bagley praying that adniinistratiou of aaid estáte may be graiited to herself or som other suitable person. Thereupou it is ordered, that Saturday, th ard day of December next, at ten o'clock in th forenoou be assigned for the hearing of sai petition, and that the heira-at-law of aaic deceased, and all other persons intersted in aaic estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probat office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caus if any there be, why the prayer of the petitloner ühould not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner gire notie to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing cuus ing a copy of this order to be published in tha 1 Akbok Dïmockat, a newspaper printed and cir culated in said County, three succwxtTe weeks previous to said day ot hearing, WILLIAM l. HARRIMAN. A true copy . Judg of FrobaM. William O. Dott. Probat Retrster. Estáte of tteorgianna Irnold. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of waahtenaw Ö ss At a session of the probate court for th county of Washtenaw, holden at the ufflce.Mn th city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesuay the 28th day of NoTember In the year on thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, William D. Harriman, judge of prolii'nthe matter of th estáte of Gorgianna Arnold, deceased. , __. ... On reading and flling the petiüon duly Terlfled of Eugene B. Arnold. praying that administraron of aaid estáte may be granted to himaelf or some other suitable person. Thereupon, It is ordered, that Saturday, the twentythird day of December next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asslgned tor th hearing of said petition, and that the heirsat law of said deceased and all other persons interested iu said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of th petitioner snould not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of thiB order to be published in Tht Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county .three succetaire weeks preYious to said day of hearing. ''■ WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Piobat. Wm. O. Dott. Probate Register. Estáte of Johii McGulnnega. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wshtnaw as. At a session of the probata court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probat office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday the Ü4th day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty two. Present, William D Harriman. Judge of ProIn the matter of th eBtate of John McGuinneaa deceased. George C Page the administrator of Kaid estáte, comes into court and representa that h ia now prepared to rendar bis final account as such administrator, Thereupon, it is ordered that Saturday, th 33rd day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowingsuch account, and that the heira t-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested ia said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probat omce inthe city of Ann Arbor, in said county and show cause if any there be, why the aaid account should not b allowid: And. it is further ordered, that said administrator give notice to th persons interested in said estáte, of the nendeney of said account, and the hearing thereof, by caus inr a copy of this order to be published In Ii Ann Arbor Detruyerat, a newspaper printed and cireulated in said county.three tucceasive weeks previous to said day of hearing. __r„ „ WILLIAM ü. HARRIMAN, (A true copy . ) Judge of Probate. William G. Dott. Probate Reeister. Watches and Jewelry'! J. Wk Sou, 46 South Main Street, Dealers in the Lr&diuï AMERICAN WATCHES I In Gold and Silver Cases, in Stem and Key Wiuding, aMÁ ed by the Leading Watch Companies. GOLD WATCH CHAINS ! Of Standard Quiility and Various Patterns. A Larire and Complete Assortment of Lace Pins, Ear Rines, BraceletsFinger Rings, And Studs. SilFBr Platüil Ware i'rora the Most Reliable Mamifacturers at Jottom Prices. The Repairing of Ftn iV'atches is in Charge of Competent and Sküled Workmeu. at Fair Price. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte. IU A VE a complete compilation of th Official Records of Washtenaw County to date, inelu ine all Tax Tilles, Executloas, any incumbrance ii Real Eatat, that is of Record in the Registers fftee is shown by my books. Ome, in the office f the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual insurnre company. in the basement of tke cour Suí. C. H. ÍANLY, Aun Arbor, Miek p f a wek in your own town. Tarma and $6 O kbu outflts fra. Addresa H. Cm., 2 Plrtland, Ualx Sam. B. Revenaugn Ia dow t&king the Best Class oi PMopaplis lu the City at Prices to Suit the Times liround Floor Galleo . GOODRICH BLOCK, Kast 81de of the IVETW COUBT HOUSE. Get Youi Property Insured By C. H. M1LLEN, INSURANCE AGENT No 4 Souiu Maiu öt„ Ann Arbor. The oldest attency iu the city. Kstablistied a quarter of a century ago. Representiugthe following flrst-class cumpa nies: Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.. $ 7.000.000 Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y 4,207,206 NiagRr Ins. Co., of N. Y.. 1,735,563 Girard lus. Co., of Phil.. 1.183.486 Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford, 1,419,522 Commercial üuion of London, 12.000,00( Manhattiin lus. Co., of N. Y., 052,117 GF" Rates low. Losse liberally adjust" ed and promptly paid. C. H. Millen. S S .6 lÊïïi - 0 H U g GS g A Z j = i2 I _O) 11)1 WEEK. $12 a day at hom ïhbüjil L raad. Cotly ontát tw. AddrenTrur r . AucusU.lfalB. C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor of Ihe City Drug Store ! Has the cboicest lot of PERFUMBS and Ihe Laegest Stock of Pure Drugs! In the city. Alsn everythuig in tbe v r1BT and fancy uoüDsi link. at pr!i- iower than anywbere else. Prescriptions Carefully Compound' I. No. 13 pook Hotel Block, A.nn Arbi r, Michigan. $500 REVMRD. We will par the above reward foraiiv cuse oí Liver Complaint, Dyspvpsin, Sick lleadache. Indigestión. 'Jonstipation or Cogtiveness we c:uiimt cure with West s Vegetable Liver PMs, when tindirectionsarestrictly ei n lietl itb. 'I 'L-. are purely vegetable, and uever ff il to give satisfaction Sugar coated. Largetoxe containinft 80 Pilis, 25 cents. Forsnlelj i il Dmgg rt. !;■- ware of counterfeits and imitatie). Tlie genuine manufactured only by Jol D I '. West & ('"., "The Pili Makere," 181 and 183 V. Hadison Si. Chicwo. 'Free trial iiai'l.-apc sent ljy mail prfpaid on receipt of a 3 cent i-tanip. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr E C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, aspeciflc for Hystera Dizziness, ConVulsioua, Nervous Headache, Mental Dopreadon, Eoss "1 Memory üpermatorrheea. lmpotency, Iir. tary Kmiesions, Premature (.Ui Age, anseü iy ovcr-eiertion, self abuse, or over indi)gence, which lead to misery, deoay and dpaih. One box will cure recent cases. Eaih box contáis one month's treatment. One dollar a box or ■ii boxesforlive dollars: sem by mail imsliinid on receipt of price. We guaraotee rixDoxea to cure any case With eacb order received bv usi for lx boxes, accompa. ied with (ive dollars, we will send the jmrehaser our written guarantee to return the money if t!ie tiealinent does not effect a cure. Guarantees lamed ly Brown Co., sole authorized Agts. for Aun Arbor. Mich. Tohn C. Wet& t'o., sole propriètore. )S1 p.:: I8Ü W. Madison St.. Chica co, 01. mNSEY &l SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have ou banda complete stock of evoi-ythmL in tilt? Grocery Line. T(nsf Cofl'ees ïi1 Snan, In large amoimte, and at Casli Prices And can sell at Low Figures. l'he large involce of teas they Buy snd 811. ta good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. riiey Roast their own rffM every week. and none but prime articles are uaed. nieir Baken' tnrns ont ero .'Hen t Bread, C and Cracker. Cali and sea thein. O. U. MAT THEWStorneyratUawand Notary Public Real Estáte. Inmrance and Lan Agaten. üoe.l, mortpagei and other parers caroftilly Irawn Have houses and lots for solt' or rent, ir to exehange for farm property. also farms br sale Property looked after by the yenr.taxes iaid inauranee attended to. and reotg collected it reasonable rates. Have city property that -an be hought on long time so that a small sim: idded to what rou now pay out for rents will lecure you a home of your own. I represent me ■Jorthwestern hatlonai Inr.urance cmpny, and he Mecha lea and Traders . f N . Y U mem w Hl e promptly adjusted and pald. Money to loan ''offlee'oTe'r IMnsey & Seabolfs store, Ann Arlor, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat