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(Jold the weather. Winter has set in. Dangerous- coasting. Busy - the coal wagons. Getting uhorter - the day. Plenty this shows. Sleighing inakes business lively. The star leeture course is a good one. "Old Probabilitie" prophecies a colc winter. War -in the new lodge of good templara. Our post office does au immense business. Sleighing the rirst of the y par -on Sunday. Greorge Eenwick of Salem was in tha city Monday. The lndies' library in boiug well patronized. Justice Breiman had s slauder snit yesterday. A law student Monday broke through while skating on the dam. E. B. Gidley who has been seriunsly 11 witli blood poisoning is improving. A horge attached to a sleigh on Huron ?treet ran off on Monday ; nobody hurt. Mr. Hobson will drill a class in fencing it McMahon's hall. The funeral of the lateMrs. J. D. Irish 11 be held Sunday at 2 o'eloek. Twenty-two unelaimed letters in the post-office. Nearly ninety-flve dollars was expended for the poor of the city last month. Justice Breeman has sent Geo. Bober! to jail for twenty days. Twelve persons were arrested during the month of November. SplendiJ weather tor cual and wooi dealer. Ths steamer bas been put in Sorg's hop on Washington street. Mrs. J. D. Iriili died Saturday, after a ihort illness. Mrs. J. J. Reed, of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). Hiscock. Out of sixty-seven ohancery cases commenced this ourrent year, forty-four were for divorce. J.W. Keating, foreman of the Register affloe, bas been afflicted with the niumpg for a week or more. Phillip Stimson has accepted a position in nis father's store. Phil will make a good clerk. Judge Tourgeo had a small liouse on Saturday evening. He is not a silvertongued orator. Albert Gray of Ypsilanti bas been spending a few days in tho city with hi s sister of Packard street. Jlany students more than usual are going home this year to gpend the days. E. K. Frueauíf has boufjht a house on Liberty street and will move into it soon. Thos. Geer of Salem started for Misoui Wednesday morning to look after his farm in Eolls county, near Hannibal. The insurance'companieg have adj usted the loss in the Redmond house, on Washington street. The Lever lecture course i a good one, and is no less good because it is cheap aud in reach of the poor. The two ladies of the senior law class tried their moot court case before a large crowd, and did well. The annual eleetion of officers in Wushtenaw Ghapter, E.A. II., occurs Monday Tening, Deo. 18. Fraternity Lodge, F. & A. M. elect officers Dec. 20, and Golden Rule lodge the '21st inst. O. O. Sorg will furniïh one set of 5,000 panes of gluss in the now library building. The opera house was fairly occuplöd Tuesday night, to witness Ranch 10, the best bilí of the present season. Skating is now the u biggest thing on ice," and is the rage with the boy, both large and small. The sweetost-toned sleigh belle of the eason is the voice of the girl occupying the same seat in the cutter. Oft in the chilly night is heard bhe jingle of the merry sleigh bell, and the lads and lasses are correspondingly happy. Farmers are now disposing of their erop of stove wood, at prices that deplete the pockets of impecunious purehasers. Miss Maggie Donoran has been visiting her brother, E. Donovan, in Chicago, for a few days. Mrs. Youmans, of Canada, addressed a large audience in the opera house Sunday afternoon, on the subject of temperance. Three sticks of crooked wood make one cord ; one cord of wood is the price of four year's subscription. It's cheaper to freeze to death. The "Spanish students" are booked for January 13th at university hall. They come from the university of Madrid, Spain. A farmer left his team stand all day on one of our streets without food or water last week. He ought to have been arrested for cruelty to animáis. Mr. Ed. Donovan, of Chicago, aud Míbb Annie B. Gutridge, of Hillsboro.O., were married last week. The groom is the son of P. Donovan, of the fifth ward. The Wheeling and Lake Erie R. K. throufh their agent wlio h here is offeríiií; excursión tickets to student to af twri oents prr miln. It oonnecta with the ent ut OiTvills and MasnloB Ohio. The ïuduaeiuent of the opern Iioubp reoeiveda dispatoh thia mornin$f nnnouncinif t)ie illnoss of Annie Grnham of the Logion of Honor company, aul oonsequently must ciincel the dato next week. They will pluy luter in the season. The Ypsilanti Sentinel saya that a party of huntern shot a deer near Moore's mili, last Moi)day. Every fellow in Aun Arbor has a "pet dear" that "don't hv to" bc shot for an interviow. Sheenan & Co. utilize Bill Johnaoo as au advertisemeut. They dress him in a variegated suit o( underwear, labeled as below cost, and insstruct him to parade the prominent pavements of our winterbeleaguered city. "Go to Dakota!" saya the land speculator. See you in the pickling-vat first. It takes our surplus hard earnings to buy suflBcient underwear to keep up a kealthy circulation in Michigan. A man who has an appetite for n colder climate tluin this is a live piece of pork. A little feminine gender, of the Indian variety, named Hattie Shop-pa-ne-ganee the fourteen-year-old daughter of a wellknow (Indian) hvinter of Montmoreney county, recently took a canoe, chased two big deer out in Little Twin lake and shot them. Smart girl - the bang of her gun brought down better game Hian banging her hair. They who were fortúnate enough to be 0:1 hand when the box-sheet was opened for Rhea have reason to congratúlate themselves. In two honre and a half the parquette was sold, and the rest are aeing taken very rapidly. It now looks ag though the entire house would be sold jefore the curtain rises, and standing room be at a premium. A horoe and outter, the property of our wstmaster, daahed past the western front of the court house, Wednesday evening, and distributed the " male matter," a )adly f rightened boy, in front of the new post office building. The horse kept on lis nigkt toward the village of Ypsilanti. f thia is what they oall "expediting the males" wc prefer to be a private pedesnan. A modern enterprise worthy of the comniendation and the patronage of the itizcns of Washtenaw county has just ieen oompleted by Edward Duffy in the hape of a costly Gas Engine, and other maohinery to be used for the roasting nd grinding of Coffees, Spices and th manufacture of Baking Powder.Extracts etc, all of which is hot in operation and well worthy of the inspection of everyone. The anmial meetiugof the Washtenaw county agricultural and horticultural society will be held at the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, on ïuesday. December 19, at 10 a. in., for the purpose of electing officers of the society for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly and lawfully come before it. Business of vital importance to the prosperity of the society will be brought up for considera tion at this meeting. Dont miss Friend and Foe next ïuesday night. The New York Tribune of Oct. 18thsays. It is refreshing, in these days of dramatic failures, to be able to record at least an occasional success,and it is with infinite pleasure we pen the triumph of the popular young Irish comedian, William J. Scanion, and Bartley Cambell's play of "Friend and Foe," now packing the spacious Windsor with deligMed audieuces. The Spanish Students will be at university hall January 13. This eompany ia oomposed of studenta of the university of Madrid, Spain. This fact will pack ;he hall with their brethren at tho university. They will appear in Spanish costume. Tho large houses that have greeted them everywhere, during the ast four years, prove that they are worthy of the press reoommendations hey hare received. Next Tuesday evening, Dee. 19th William J. Scanion with a strong company will present the great success, 'Friend and Foe" at the opera house, fhose who were fortúnate enough to secure standing room {at the presentaion of the play at Jackson during the state fair last fall say it is one of the iest plays they ever heard. Those who ïave heard Joe Emmet in Fritz will apreciate the force of the compliment of he critica and the beople that in artistic merit and popular artproval Scanion is a strong rival. Two men, Mooney and Selinker, employees of Eberbacli & Son, who wer Iriving into the city on the Whitniore Lake road were run into by the eastern xpresa Tuesdry evening at the rail road near the first bridge north of the city. lae men were badly injured, aud the horse, a high spirited animal, was killed outright. The men were taken to the ïospital where they still lie in a oritical ondition. Schlinker has hië right colar bone and left shoulder blade broken, nd -was a good deal bruised in other ways. Mooney was cut on the head and t is feared reoeived internal injuries. An old lady from Ypsilanti was in ;own Wednesday, enquiring about tlie orfeiture of a policy of insurance on her ïusband's life, upon which she hnd paid n premiums more than $300 during the ïst eight years. The policy become foreited because she did not pay up the )remium by Monday Dec. 12. Companes like that ought not to be patronized. jife insurance is a good thing, a somehini? every poor man who has a familv. ught to have, but great care should be xercised in selecting a company in which to insure. No man ought to py money to a company tliat will forfeit his olicy absolutely because of an unpaid remium. A company that dependa on ts forfeitures for a part of its srains ught not to be patronized. In this case ie company in question is ahead the mount named, and a needy family are out just that much. Such robbory ought not be allowedjand is not in aoine states, whero the laws only allow non-forfeitable policies to be issued. Do you want a snit of clothes or overcoats cheap? If so do not delay purohasing at Sheehan & Oo.'s, as they are closing out their entire stock of goods before Jan. lst, 1883, prior to removing from the city. We cal! the attention of the ladieB to Mrs. Fitch's city items in this issue.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat