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lihoa. ia coming at the opera house, on Saturday evening, Dej. 16, and of eourse the house will be filled by an elegant audience. Elhea íh i jjreat favorito here, and will fnvofiiH with Shakspeare's exquirite pliiy of "Muoh Ado Aboitt Nothintr." The Columbus Timee saysof Rhea: Bhea has come and eonqurered, and her sifrnal Tiótory was 'won last nipht, wben slic essayed fy Lady Disdain in "Much Ado About Notbinjf." Those who have witnessed her portrayals will perohanoe agree (hat higli comodv is the realm where she holda linnest way, and that tliis Shakesperian orention is her pite ás remátanos. Her race ia marvelous, and linements of the face are rnrely no mobile. HATS. HATS. HATS. HATS. HATS. CAPS. CAPS. CAPS. CAPS. CAPS. Aud everyíbing in tbu Gent's FiriisMi Line í E.JJINSIS NO. 9 NORTII MAIN STKEET, Tim Doors fmtn ilu1 Opera Houxe, M, TIES, TIES, TIES. I Havo Replenished My Stock and Would Like to I Have Everybody Cali and Examinemy Goocls and Prices E J. JOHNSON. VI IClIiOAN CENTRAL RAIMtOAD. TUCE TABLE, MAY lith 1882. BOINU f. I fid Á ! Ï-- I „ .: ■ a a , 'i - a. Jt as I f l.w I .-M r üfl i cu . m.ia.m. r. m. r.M. r.x, p.h. i)ctrn1i I.v 7.00 9.: B.55 4.05I 8.00I 9.80 ;.. . June 7.l Ü.55 6.10 4.SW 8.15 10.10 Vaiie ,íun ... 7.53; W.29 8 -l.Hi 8.46; 1040 isilMnti B.Í8I 18481 7 06 5.05; 9.08 11.1)8 Anu Arbur H.46 U.00 V.L'tl 5. 2a i 9. 11.17 Doxicr B.liSJ I 7.481 5.3!t 9.44 Obelsea H.ÜSi W.Uó 5Ja [u.ou Gr ,s Lak.: M.60 8.:tó .18 10.801 r. h i a. m Jucksun Ar. 10.10 9.H0 1105 Jackson Lv. 10 2U 12.15 %& A. M. I 12.45 Aibion 11.04 12.50 _ 1.40 11.55 1JH i, - rabal! 11.50 1.91 _ 8. 05 i 12.20 1.43 p. m. y .1 Bittlt Cretk....i 12.1) 1.55 8.4(1 12. 4' 2.0; a. m. üiksbnrs 12.58 a. m.I 9.16 Knlnmazoo 1.13 2.:h 4.80 9.35 1 1.35 2.47 Luwtoii 1.63! 5.!Í5 á.l.t Decstur i 0 5.4;! a..2 Dowaginc 2.aí) li.07 8B7 .... Miles 2.B5 4.0-í 6.50 :,Y1 4.15 Buclianan S.OH 7.02 3A2 ... Oake.... S.88 7.87 4.12 New Bnfialo... 8JSS 4.52 7.40 4.33 Mich. City 4.ij 5.1N 8.08 6.08 6.18 Uke 5.13 6.02 8.54 5.51 S.18 Kenoiiiüton 6.00 .50 8.45 ... . B.40 7.11 Chicago rA 6.80 7.40 10.8: 7.80 8.C9 soma kapi. AT,. - „! j S 1. M ií íe lí. Ü A. M. A. M. P. W r. M. T. M. Jbiueo Lv. 6.45 9.00 3.40 5 15 9.1C KeneïnctOD 7.85 9.50 4.30 .05 10.01 Uke 8.17 10.27 5.15 6.50 10.10 Mlch. City H.Ofil 11.18 .00 7.38 11.33 New Bufl'ulo... 9.27 11.33 8.2.5 11.86 rhree Oaks 9 42 6.40 t I A. X. Buchanan 10.10 p. w. T.Cfi Nllcs 10.25 12.18 7.3Í 9.00 12.45 Oowasiac 11.53 i 8.1)6 1.12 Decatur 11.18 I 8.33 1.:;; Uwton 11.36! I 8.531 a. m.I Kobimiizoo 12.18 1.381 9.30 .50 lu.25! 2.-!i Baleubur? 12.M5I I - 5T 7.081 1 .... Battle Treek... 1.031 S.16 " 7.38 1 II.O81 3.20 P. M. O. I MHrshall 1.30 3.0" -=,5 8 Wi 11.33! í.4f A.lbion 2.13 3.21 --=- 8.321 11.5 LIS I A.M. I A.. j Jackson Ar. 3.05 tacknon Lv. 3.09 4.a', 7.03 9.301 12.10 5.00 3ra8Lake 3.8 7.28 8.50 5.25 üheliea. 3 58 7.801 10.07 5.50 Oexter 4.15 1 8.03 I0.1M 8.05 .Aun Arbor 4 37 5.071 8 25 10.34 2.04 n.-S, rnstlanti... 4.55 5.23 8 -13 1 10.48 2.2W K.41 wa.Tim.Innc... 5.20 5.4-r 9.08 11. OS 2.44 7.05 j.T.Junc .00 0.151 0.48 11 86 3.20 7.46 Detroit Ar. (i. 15 fi.3H 10.00 11.5o 8.86 8.IH1 The New York Express, a fast train ltav" ( !h üago at 3.30 in the afternoon and tuakes 1h Toljiwing stops, Michigan City, 5,80; Nlles, H.'.'7; Knlimazoo 7.40; Battle Créele, 8.10: Jackson, .28; Aun Arbor, 10 Í8 V'philanti. in.41;. '1'. June tion, 11.35; arrivlnglnOetrolt al 10.40 I'. M. 'Muid ly exci!it('d. ÍSlturrtny HiuirtHy uicetltotl I-Daily. [Ienry C. Wetvoi;th, H. B. Lbdtabd, G. I'. ,(■ 7. (., dhicapo. Otn'l Uananer, Detroit TiOLEDO. ANN ARBOR & ;i;aN1 TRUNK RAILKOA1), Taking effect Sundar, November 1!', IHS-:. Traitis run by Columbus time. 3oing North. fíoiny: Sonth. ïxp'ggl Mail. STATIONS. Mail. Exp1! P. M I . M I'. M. A. M. tS.ÏO +M.35 Toledo t 5 10 + "5 8.Í8 H.(0 North Toledo... . ♦5.30 9.8a 3.32 N. ir Detroit Junction. 5.28 ♦8.40 8.57 I Hawthorn I 5.16 . 10 3. .Vi I B.06 I Samarla I 5.10 9.0B 4.0SI !!.! I l.ulu I I..V 8.47 l.oa ü.aii Monroe Junction 1 4.S1 K.41 4.17 .4O Dundee 4.4Ü 8 32 1.87 B.54 Azaha :. 1.27 8.2o l.ll i IftOa Milán lid 8.03 1.60 111.11 Nora 1.03 H.oO ♦ 1.59 10.1 Urania 8.57 '7 ;■ 5.10 10.S8 PittufleM ■'.. )7 7.42 5.8B 10.85 Ann Arbor .. .. t8,80 1, :;o 7.88 h.iMi Lelands "3 ik ;-l(i 11.06 Wordena 8.131 H1. 3") S.mtli Lyoa ... I-3JK) .... Theloral frelght northleavea thlscity m :. p. m.; Lelaadü, 6.40; Wordens. íi octoCK aiul ar rires 111 SiuiIIh l.yon t 6.80. Tho atne train Inaveti South Iiyon at 7.05 a. m.: ÜTordens, 7.S5, Lelainlg, 7.35; and arrivés in tliis city at M. II. v. A.SHLKY cn'l Kuperintendenr. IAKE 8HOEE MICHIGAN SOUTHERN i VHAIIAVAY. VPslI.ANTl BnAKCB- 1.AKS1NG !ivrs)í". GOINO WEST. imvi;, MAtL. Ypsílantl "00 a. ni. B 15 a ín Plttsfleld Junction 7 40a.ra. 9 34, m. 8 :.'7 n. 111. !i 15 a. m Brinco water 9 15a. ni, lOOÏa. m , Manchester 10 23 a. ni. 10 33 a. m. Watkinr 10 55 a. m. 10 38 a. m. Brooklyn 1140 a. m. 10 53 a. ni. ' HUlsdale 3!j6p. m. !2 05p. m. BinkPrs 3 50 l. ni. I2"2flp. m GOING EA8T. I.EAVK. MAtl,. Banken 1 00 p. ni. 3 10 p. m : HillsdalH 8 :fOp. ni. 3 25 p. m ■Brookivn 1 00 p. ni. 4 27 p. t. Watkina 1 50p. ni. 1 42 p. ni. ; Manchester ' 50 p. ni. ' 55 p. m. Brldgewater 8S5p. m. B18p. m. S.U.1NK I 10 p. III. SJtp 111. I l'ittslleld Junction I 10 p. 111. 5 39 p. m. j Ypsilanti 5 15 p. m. 5 55p. na, Way Kreijíht goea west Monday, Wedaeaday and Friday east, Tuewlav. Thiirsrta.y and Saiurday. W. H. fíANNlKK. Suoerintendent. Bon. W. TUi.t., Ticket Aent. Bhad! Rbadü Rkadü! ■-Evcvt Overcoat in my store to bo oloeed out b.v Jmiuary lst if poesible, and in ordor to do this I will have to out the prices awfull v, whicli I will do that 1 may not hnve au Overooat left by that time. Sale oommenced Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1881. in. T. Jacobs, the Clothier, '27 and '20 Main streef, Ann Arbor, Mich. X. lï. Sec our 25, 50 and 75c. Underwear. These are priceo to insure tho sale of car loads. Our Olovea and Mittens are 20 per cent. less than those f other dealers. DO YOU TAKE A COUNTY PAPER ? If uois nn! yon aro about toflubseribp tor eme w invite j-our attaotlou to the AI ÁRBOR DEMOCRÁT ! Aiui respectfully inform jou that St is the Peopie's Paper. IT PUBL1SHES FULL RBPOBTS OF ALL ntPOBtAWT ■:r,;.vr.sIn Washtenaw county. It givps a concias end intwresting sumnutry of TUK WORLD 'S NEWS, Poreign, American, Congressional. Western and Northern. It prints 1HK NEWS OF MICHIGAN, 3oiled down for brief reaflinf, and givee a. fu, synopsis of the doing ol' tile Li-tfiïlai u re, It chronicles ALL THE BAPPSSiyOS Of' AXX AHUoIJ, T)e county eat, givins: full and aconrata rt-pm-ts of Mi Circuit Oinrt, PoUtical Meef ing Farmi-s' Clubs, Univorsily and School Mattel-, Etc., Etc. IT IS FEABLXSS In its denunciación ot monopolios, s1t1 allothar burdansthat wsigh upon th PeopJe; anlh"w up all frauds resjardless of who it hits. It publishes A GOOD S10BT Ever.y week, and has interaatlns arttelu for ihi young. BT-f Price is %t. per Teta-, in Admmc., And ís resrarded by ita aubacriben as toovaluabls toloan; so don't try to bormw. W( invito voiir attention to som of the many romplünpntary UungstliatarebeitiKíiflidof Thb DikockTtIt evmces shrewdness, pusli n,l ability "- Lanttmg Jmirnal. "UismaldnKfrienda ev Tday. It ís a v11isír aUd reatUbl" -■"i. '"-Vnnti'ir mil ■Jwrrlntnrpr"u'"' lá'wat9 loc-,1 im,r oouBtir."-ISeuiníi Beralá. n.,i ít?fcBl!}rf lf "V a"d ♦.Ttwapliioally it 1 SÏS íhi. m "!? ':klnff ƒ i at er carne a v,tS ,DlCMOCillT aboundsln able and vigorous ed! olíais, a Sn,at Tariety of local Information 'THE DEMOCRÁT" UPuWlshed Every Thursdny JJornlng. PROPOSALS FOR FOOD Bealed proposals tor 150 cords ot-wood fonr feet long, young, green, good body nr straight hickory, hard maple and gecond growth white or ycllow upland oafe, in qnantitiea of not leas than ten corda will be reoeived by thenndersigned uutil the 30th of Deo1 1882, inclusive np to (i r. h. The wood to be dëliyered in the aext siity days aftor awarding the contract, nt the diíTerent solioo] houses in íiu-li qnantities ;ik directed. Theríghttd reject any and itll offerg isreserved. L. Gbünee. Treasurer. NTo. fi Sonth Miiin 8t., Anii A.rbor, Mich. -HTST KECEIVED FROM TIIE Niágara Falls Brewlug Cd. Of . .i-ara Falls, New York. Ita Best Lier Ever UMuuf-.ieliirud in t United States B"ar superior U either Ciucinnati or MilwaukeeBoor. Y nu wil] fiiiri üiis beer ALWAYS ON DRAUCMT - AT- HENRY BINDER'S Xo. 50 SOUTH MAIN STREET. This Clbratd Laffer also al by the Bottle or Case, ('ill ;iiil hst il and salisfy yourself Rtsspcclfully HENRY BINDER. 125.00 Rcward. The undersigaed uill pay twciityfivc dolhus reward l'n the arrest and conviction i tlie person or persons whd ore or nny bc guilty of malieroos Diischicf in tearing down the Opera House liill Boards, or effacing the biljs posted thereon. WM. M. WHITE. Kemember This. If yon u-e siek Hop Bitters will suivly aid Nature in making yon wel] when all elsc tails. If yon are costive or dyspeptic, or are suffering ft-om any other of tlie nnmeroiu diseases of the stomaoh or the bowels, it is your own fault if you remain i 11, for Hop Bitters are a sovereign remedy in ;ill snch complaints. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting 'Deatb this moment, and turn tor a cnre to i I uj Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible siekness, Nervousness, you will find a "BaLm of Gilead" h the une of Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident, of a miasmatic district, barricade your ystem the seourge of all oountries - malarial, epidemie, bilioUH and iutermittent fevers by tlie use of Hop Bitters. If you have. rongh, pimply or nallow skin, bad bieath, pains and aohes, and teel miserable geaerally, Hop Bitters wil] #ive you fair skin, rich blooil, and sweetent breath, health and comfort. In short they cnre all diseases of the stomach, Bqwels, Blood, Liver. Nérvea, Kidneye, Bright's Diaéase. $500mIlbe paid tor ii oase they will not cnre or help. That poor, bed-ridden, invalid wife, sister, mother or danghter, eau be made the pioture of health by a few bottles ol' Hop Bitters, oosting bnt a trille. "Will you let theui Buffer? cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF COMSTIPATSOW. ITo Otber CÜRPtac i eo pre valout hi thil á ■" try as ConstipnUon, and no rvufftylui evsr -■ J equUf)d the prlr-bratotl KMucy-Wort as a c fc OUTS Whatovev ÖW cauan, horevor obstmato Kt S the otse, thia romeiy will ovorcomeii. . W DIÉ FQ THI9 di.jiroBBii rlhtOi plaint ia verv aot to bo f omplicated withconatipatlon. Wort " (trcTithena the weakened parta and i Bïjctirea all kinds of Püog even whcu pliysiciano Ckond medioinea have before falTed. ) tyif you havo either of thesa troubln p frRICg SI. USE Druggists Sell OhJyBack! That 's a common expression and has a world of meaning. How much suffering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver complaint, consumption, cold, rheumatism,dyspepsia,overwork, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iron Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and making the blood pure and rich. Ym. P. Marshall, of I.ogansport, Indiana.writes: " My wife has for many years been troubled from pain in her had; and general debiüty incident to her sex. Shc has taken one bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters, and I can truthfully say that shc has been so much benelited that she pronounces it the only remedy of many medicines she has tried." Lcading physicians and clergymen use and recommend Brown's Iron Bitters. It has cured others , suffering as you are, and it will cure you. - - - - - - - i


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat