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rarnell a reception at Cork was lukewarm, comparcd with the euthusiasm exhibited on the occasion of bis visit a year ago. All the politica] prisoners at Damletta have been reloased. It is semi-oflicially announced that the Chinese have evacuated Tonquin in pursuanee of orders from Pekin, and that the relations between Franco and China are excellent. Blemarck suffers greatly from neuralgia. Gambetta has again been eonflned to bed. He now suffers with intestinal troubles. Great anxiety is feit. Ten illicit distileries have been seized in the Atlanta (fia.) district, aleo 14,000 gallens of low wiiu's and whlskey. The conveyance of Deputy Marshal Fitzsiinii'.nns was cut to piecea bv tho enragcd dístfllers and their friends. Bich Irish farmers ure threatened with conaplracies among their laborera if tliey withhold support from the land league. Fire at Grand Forke, Dakota, destroyed 8100,000 worth of property, ineluding many of the principal business nobses. .' Enormous quantities of silvev dollars are being put in clrculatlon. The 5,000,000 in tha New Orleans mint u the beginning of tlie vear la redueed to 800,000. Pirikeye is prevalent at Ottawa Ont. Twelve Enropeuns were maeeacred during an outbreak attonaant apon the funeral of a native chief at Lagos, on the est coast of África. Republique Francaiae continúes to bitterlv attack England and predici Lord Dufferin'é [airare mlus cffort to satiBiactoruy gettle Egypti:u affairs. lt i.-; beücved in (crinan ollicial piróles that the publieity recently glven the reriewal of the Germán alliimce wlll result in sending BiMimrck's ,Min llrvhcrt on secret inission to irnua. "t Iloply ]K)st:il ciinls llave ln'cn prepara] and are aboul to be issucd for usein tlic Dominion. Parnoll éstlmaíes that $15,000,000 arreáis oí rent will lie wipcil mil I iy the arreara of rent act, IJe declare bknselí opposed to any attempt by Uie government to lamí Irisli emigrante Ín a íopciess aml pennllesa condttion on 1 lie Bhotsfi OÍ America. A man p,iviii}í lus name as George Coleman swindlcs hicilv nattonal bank of Dallas, Tex., out of $6,100 and escapes. All polltlcal prleonera are belng released by the Egyptian government. Trenos ha ik. ex-president of thePaimnui bank; Isdead, teavfnga fortune of $10.000,000, It is rcported that active fighting continúes in the Transvaal, owing to opêrations of Boer torees against Cnlel Mapoch. The porte has notified foreign ambassadors of lts intention to cxpel from Turkey correspondents found to be guilty of sending false news. Col. Ross, of the governor genera]' bodyguard, kas made charges against Maj. Gen. Luard, head renter of the Dominion militia and the matter isiikelytobcventilatcd in parlia' mcnt. The South Chicago rolling milis wlll probably resume work early in January. The immense erop of apples and peaches in lexas has given a boom in the apple brandv business, and it is said nearlv 250 distilleries have been licensed in the state. Twenty-two vessels wreeked in Green Bay, N. F., by wind and 6now storm the heaviest in 50 vears. The Washington eitizens' eommittee is piling up cvidencc daily to prove that the detective foree of the District bas been in colusión with thieves. gingham milis have quietly submitted to a reduetion of wagcs. The ezar's contemplated Europeau tour will be deferral until next autumn, when he will travel as the crowned ezar of all the Russias, the coronation being fixed for the beginninc of eumraer. 6 Toronto is preparing to celébrate the city's semi-centennial in 1884 with a grand iolifleation to last four days. Mrs . P. S. Breckenridge has just taken out naturahzation papers atPittsburgh, Pa Thi6 ïseaidto be the flrst instanee of the kind in the history of the United States. It is believed that hostile Zulu chiefs wil] rpeist the attempt to reinstate Cetewayo in his overeigntyinZuzuland. TheGolossays Russia desires to niaintain cordial relations with Germany, but eannot alow offlcious Germán papers to misinterpret her íeclings. l The North Germán Gazette eays the recent warhke preparations of Russia and Germán; are simply measures of precaution. Ï. B. Gardner, lumberman, once a very vvcalthy and extensive dealer, has failed at Chicago; liabilitles $0,000. The assets, if properly liaudled, will be suflicient to pay all claims, (ardner is owuer of the Pensaukee mili property. The French goverment will demand a credit of 11,000,000 francs for the Tonquin expedition. The greeuback national eonvention, 22 states represented, decided at St. Louis to continue the present organization. The Montreal chief of pólice lias reeeired notice from Scotland Yard of a great diamond robbery at London and offering a reward of f2,500 for the capture of the thief. The iron manufacturers in the states east of the Alleghenies, ivhile not approving nll the changos proposcd by the tariff commissíon, believes that in the main euch reductions will not paralyze the industries tobe effected by them.


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