The Small Pox Is Raging In Baltimore

Owisra tu erop failuros there j ditst rcss in I reland. Ges. Shekman says that, under no oireumstanees, will be be n candidate for the praeidency. _ Geeenback, Republioau, and (a few) Democratie politioians are criticising and " jawing" öov. liegole about the appointmcnts he has made. How could the old man be expected to satis! y the appetites of a oountless drove of political cwine with a limited quautity of swill V Lbgislation "to prevent loss of life by tire" ma y now be expected from all the sitting State legislaturas. Legklation to enf oroe legislation already had would be moro to the [Mar■liiette Mining JonrnaL Now that the llegister has enlarged, and Ferry ha gone to that bourne from whenoe 110 disreputable politician returns, it will bo in order for Bobs Beal to "cali" Di. Frothingham and "raise him out of bis boots." The Courier should come out in octavo forra, with an enlarged cut of the new post-offiee ; and, as its proprietor is a ohildless niillionaire, he can afford to reduce the subseription prico to tifty cents, or give it away. Speakixq of the governing of New York City, the American Kegister says : The estirnated eost of goveminp New York City for the year involves thirtyone million dollars. When the sums exacted by state and federal taxation are added it will be discovered that each man, woman and child of wretchedly goverened Gotham must pay sixty dollars per annum for the privilege of breathing the air of heaven on Manhatten Island. We publish, in another oolumn, the prospectus of the New York Mercury for 1883. The Mercury ia one of the oldest and best literary papers in the Empire City, and, like good wine, it improves Tvith age. It contains fifty-six columns of entertaining readiug matter, made up xt first-class romances, the beat original sketches to be found anywhere ; wit and humor, the latest fashions, inimitable table talk, a correct mirror of the amusement world, and all the features of a reflued family newspaper. Bead prospectus, send for sample copy, and judge for yourselves. m ■ i ■■ When Emperor William of Germany contributed so handsomely out of his private purso to the nssistance of the flood suíferers, he remarked, "It is intolerable to think of huudreds suffering from cold and hunger while I am sitting in a comfortable room." Just consider this sentiment, expressed by a hardy old ■wamor, and then cast your eyes across the Eiiglish channel to where a softhearted woman reigns in contentment, without even a thought for the povertystricken creatures who suffer in poor, pillaged Ireland. -i i It niay interest the tax-burdened artisan to learn that the -ways and means committee has determined to remove the dnties on skeletons, ornaments for ladies' bonnets, unrnanufactured teeth, vellum for binding poetical editions, orange wood canes, umbrella handles, and sol sticks; ebony, mahoony, rosewood, satimvood, and other lumber used in the oonstruction of ornamental cabinet and artistic furniture, and on sundry other articles which grace the cottages and tenenients of the poor. Potatoes, however, are still taxed at fifteen cents per bnshel, rice at doublé its value, worsted blouses at seventy-flve cents on the dollar, and sugar over two cents per potind. Still we have a great many mechanics and laboring men in our midst who vote the Kepublican ticket. - - - - ■
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat