A Speech Which Every Congressman Could Understand

" Mr. Speaker, saiu Air. JJroauhead, oí Missouri, "the condition of the country at the present time may well cause alarm to the minds and hearts of all patriotic citizens. For twenty odd years the Demooratic party has been sitting at the national table, taking part in the national game, and doing what, sir ? Putting up its 'ante' and its 'blind,' and oocasionally making a 'jack-pot,' but never raking in a single ' pot' - not a 'pot,' sir ; not one. In 5876, Mr. Speak er, we drew to a pair of aces and got two more. With this remarkable and almos invincible hand we called our eorrup and unprincipled opponents, and wha did thev do, sir ? Did they lay down their hand and acknowledge defeat? No Bir. They called for arbitration, packec the board of arbitrators against us, am decided that we had rung in a 'cold deck on them, and that our hand of four ace was to be counted as only two aces [Groans on the Democratie side.] Anc bo, sir, we had to lay down four aces to their three miserable duces, which, a this house well knows, is no hand at all [Laughter on the Kepublican side.] Oh yes, sir, and I trembled for my oountry while this arbitration went on. It wa vident to me from the beginning tha the Radical conspirators would eithe rule out two of our aces or rob the dec' on theirownbehalf and claim a sequenc flush, which, according to the constitu tion of the United States and the recon struction laws of a nsurping congress can not possibly be beaten. [ApplauB from the Deniociats and a ery of 'We'! have that next time.'] Yes, eir, I hop i ad believe, as my esteemed friend from Kontucky says, that we will have a se qnenoe flush, ace high, next time. [Re neved applause from the Democrats. I only trust that there will then be 'jack-pot' on the table, and that th Republicana will stand ' pat ' on fours yea, sir, heaven grant that it may be on four aces. Wé"ll raise them every tim until we mako them lay down thei hand, while we take in the pile. ÍGrea applause on the Democratie side.] Anc now, having said this much, by way o warning rather than intimidation, pass." [Applause.] The Canadian parliament assemble n the 8th of February. With the giantic speeches of our representativos at VaHbington and those of the Canadian I. l'.'s at Ottawa, both soaringr into ce at the same time, some terrible neteorological phenomena may possibly taitle the inhabitaut of this lower phere. The new year has started out most inuspiciously, both in the old world and u the new ; a terible wave of calamity, re and accident bas swept over the 'hole world. The daily prees has been lied with startling tales of alinost uurecedented loss of lifo and property by ire, by accident, by crime. In Europe, Trance has been thrown into mouminu y the loss of two of her greatest men ; lussia has had a terrible holocaust, in which over two hundred human beings erished ; Germany and Austria are deastated by unprecedented floods, bringng misery, ruin and death to thousands f the pesantry; England has had fatal ires in tenement liouses. Steamships ave collided and sunk, mines have aved in; the calendara of orirne in New York, in Texas and the -west have been uil of murders and the like. A New York paper is nuthority for the statement that more men have been shot and killed in the United StateB, since January lst, than feil in the whole Epyptian war, for success in which Oen. Wolseley ïas been lionized by all Great Britain, levated to the peerage, and voted a l?rant of $250,000. Then, to cap all, ,here has been a series of terrible flres, n whieh many persons lost their livea. ?ruly, it is a terrible hst.- i
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat