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New York Mercnry for 1883. Fully eqnipped with tliefinest printing machinery iu the world, capable of working off 30,000 copies per hour, the New Yokk MeboüBT will enter upon its FOBrT-FIFTII VOLUME, commencing January, G, 1883, with a determination to more than ever ment the liberal patronage which has marked iti fiftríwr for npnrlv lmlf a íATitnrv_ Ar. ' om lui ucaiij nuil a ii.mui;. ï.1.rangements have been consuminated, both at home and in Europe, to secure for the ensuing year many sterling novelties to increase the already incomparable rariety of literary attraotions which have always made the New York Mercury a welcome guest in every home circle. REDUCED BATES OF SCBSCEIPTIOS. But in order to enhance the already wide-spreadcircwlationof the New York Mercdrt, the proprietor has determined J to reduce the annual subscription rate for 1883 from 3.00 to $2.50 per annum, thus making it the largest, handsomest, choapest and best family paper in the United States. Each subscriber will get 1,800 SQUARE INCHES OF BEADING MATTER vi ijiiijn a i la.m x vía V'--'1 ' comprismg more than 15,000 lines of ohoice literature in each issue - nearly equaling the oontents 'of a 35-cent magazine. The New York Mercury wiü be mailed, postage free, for six months, for $1.25, or three months for 75 cents. Sample copies sent when requested. Address Wm. OacIDwblií, Proprietor, jzo-ii] ixo. ó jr-arK ow, isew lorK uwy. ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Year Ending December 31st, 1882, or THE COSDITIOS AND AFTAIIIS OF TH WASHTENAW Hntnal Fire Insnrasce Co., Located at Aun Arbor; orga.niT.ed under the laws of the State uf Michigan, aod doine busiaess in the county of Washtenaw. in said State. HENRY D. PLAIT, President. STEPHEN FAIRCHILD. fiecretary. MEMBERSHIPH. Number of members Dec. 31, of previousyear 2,060 Number of membera added during the preaent year l'(3 Total 2,188 Deduct numljer members withdrawn duriiiK the year, and oancled UIOS 11} lCa.fUIl UI SttlO UI ULIlt'I ISt. J"-l Number of membersnonrbelonging to company 2,080 RMKS. A moiin t ofproperty at risk Uec. 31 of previoas year$(. 135,530 (0 Anioimt of rmka added during present var 324,780 00 Total Í4.46O.3Í0 00 Dediiet risks canceled, withdrawnorterminated 354,7'3O 0C Net amount now at risk bjcompany J4.10580 00 RKSOUBCES. Amount of premium or deposit note now in foree- tmnf. Amount of cash premiums (or assessments) actually on hand 884 XI Amount of outstanding assesments not canceled 170 15 ature ana auiount oí au otner resouroes, vut: Capital Htock of the eonipany 4,105,580 0C Total reiources $l,10fi,H0 42 LIABIMTIE8. Claims for losses due and payable.. . 415 12 Claims for losse? Dot matured - none. Claim for losses resisied ï.'ilM fi'i Nature and aiuount of all other claims viï: T. B. Uoodspeed estáte, forser rices as director 83 00 Borrowed money 4,450 00 Total liabilltles s Ö.291 77 INCOME. AmouDt of premium on deposit notes taken during the year - nove. Amount of cash premiums rocelTed during the year 3 03 Amount collected on assessninnts whifih wr 1pti1 riug the present year $7,!H)5 91 Ou special asse&sment for D. W. Potter 0 12 8,36 06 Amount collected this year on asaesament whieh wasleTied in prior yrs. 100 40 Amount receired trom membership or f ee ] .V 75 Araount received f rom percentage on increased or decreasea insurauce. In No. 3. Amount receivei f rom cash balance of previout year 198 31 Income from all other sources, viz: - On canceled policies 129 62 Borrowed money $10,400 00 Hefunded 8 00 10.409 00 1 uiai nicunie lor uiti car 9 iw.oiö 10 EXPENDITURES. Amount paid for loases during year, lof which $lt0iy.l5 occured iu prior years) 11.1S2 95 t Amount of alary and f ees paíd to officers and directora, us per items iuScheduleA 1,550 7-1 tAmount of all other expenditures during the year, as per Schedule B,. 6,494 20 Cash on hand to balance 384 27 Total expenditures during the year $ 19.618 16 tsCHKDULK A. For balance of pay for 1881. H. D. Ptstt. director 81 82 E. A. Nordman, director 41) 8ü Stephen Fairchild, director and sec'y S50 Ou John J. RobUon, ex -director 56 58 H, M. Mowry, ex-director 105 03 A. Crittenden, assistant 1800 James McMahon, assistant 10 00 (J. H. Wln3, assistant 10 00 John ( 'ojk, assistant 1 33 J S Hendersun, assistant 36 01 J. W. Wing, assistant ai 34 T. B, (ioodspeed, assistant m 00 For 1882. H.D. Platt, director and president. .. 131 93 Stephen Fairchild, director and sec'y 500 00 Horatio Buroh, director 67 00 V i NnniBian Hirt-i'tmFM Hl) John J. Kobison, ex-director 23 85 J. W. wing, assistant 64 08 C. H, Wines, assistant 23 00 A Crlttenden, assistant 18 50 H. M, Mowry, assistant t 00 Total Scheflule A ■ $1,558 74 JSCHEDULE B. Refunded 12 02 8tationery 7 16 Printing 48 75 Incidental penses 8 83 Postag 48 55 Commission to receivers . 51 10 Help in office 22 L0 Interest !4 14 Kent of office 206 00 Furnituro 5 10 Borrowed nioney 5,950 Ou ToHl ScUeduleB $6.494 80 MISOELLANEOCS QUBSTIONS. 1. How many assessmonts have been made during the j-ear? Ana. One. 2. What is the amount of all the a&sessraenM made during the yearr Ans. (8,522 21. 3. What 1 the rate per cent. of such asse?smentsonthepropertyinsured AnB. 00.28 prcent. 4. What is the rate per cent of such assessmonts on the premium or depogit noten? Ans. per cent. 5. What amount was re-assessed for assessmenta that were not paid? Ans, . 6. What amount of lossen are allowed to accumulate befnre au assessmeut is leried? Ana. All for one year. 7. Does the company, in makiug an aaseasment, provide thercin for any surplus fund over the actual loases accrued? If so, huw miuh ? Ana. Eitimated incidental expenses for the coming year. 8. What proportion of the actual loss sustained by a policy holder does the companvjiav' Ans Twothird. 8TATE OF MICHIGAN, i Coumty or Wahhtehaw. i " Henry D. I'latt, President, and Stephen Fairchild, Seeretary of said eompany. do, and each for himself doth depone and say, that they hare read the foregoing statement, and know the contenta thereor, and that they have good reason belieTe, and do bellere, said statement to be tnt. HENP.Y D. PLATT, President. STEPHEN FAIRCHILU, Secretary. aworn ana suDscnoea nerore me. at Ann Arbor in said State and county, thls 15th day of .Ja n u ary, A. I). IR". C. II. MANI.Y, Notary Public, Washtenaw coúnty, Mleh. Ilinsol 11 Ildii Notice. 1HE PARTNERSHIP heretofore (ing un. der the flrm name of Stofflet tt Adams is this day (January 10, 188.%) dissolved, by mutual consent. The debts of the flrm, up to the date of the disaolution, will be assumed by F. Stoffllet who willretnain to carry on the business at the old stand. F. KTOFFLET Jan 3fi-4t W. 1). ADAMS. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte. IHAVÏ a complete compilation of the Offlcial Records of Washtenaw County to date. inclu dinr all TaxTttles, Ezecutiona, any incumbrance on Real Estat, that is of Record in the Register office, is shown by my books Office, in the ofllce of the neeretary of the Washtenaw mutual insurane company. in the basement of the o houwt. C. H. MANLY, Ann Arbor. Mtch tü trt fXl per II at Samples Í0 10 iU$5free. Address Stinson k Co.. Portland Hum. (CC ' week in your own Terms and $5 JDD outnta fr. Addree H. Hallett Co Portland Main STRONG F ACTS A great many people are aslcing what particular troubles Brown's Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paralysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Consnmption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. lts wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and enriches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880. My health was much snattered by Rheumatism whcn I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to attend to my daily Household duties. I am now using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to all. I cannot sav loo ninrh in nraici of it. Airs. Mak y E. Brashear, 173 Prestmaii st. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va.', 1881. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completcly. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. KvLE MONTACUS. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa. Dec. 3, 1S81. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advisedtotry Brown's Iron Bitters. I have used two bottles and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mrs. Jen.nie Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. HAS BEEN PROVED „ The SUREST CURE for " I KIDNEY DISEASES. l Does a lamo back or diaordered urine indi cate that you are a victim ? THEN DO NOT ' C "ITTISTT A 11BP nt. nnnn gístg recommend it) and it will speedily t_ w como the diseaso and restore hcalthy action. O C I offlOfi For complainta peculiar . L kalll C3 ■ to jour ei, Buch a pain J and weaknesses, Wort is unsurpassed, ■ 5 as ít -will act promptly and safely . EitherSex. Incontinenee, retention ofurine, o " brick duatorropy deposita, and dull dragglng C O paina, all speedily yield to ita curative power. 2 SOIiD BT r.T. DUTJGGIST3. Prlee 1. Hop Bitters are the Purest and Best Bitters Ever Made. They are compounded from Hopa, Malt, Buchu, Mandrake and Dandelion, - the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world, and eontain all the best and most curative properties of all other remedies, being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver liegulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can DOflrtihlv Inrtcr ptHs+, -wllirp t.lïpno "RifföT-a are used, o varied and perfect are their opera tions. They giye new life and vigor to the aged and inflrm. To all whose employruents cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who require au appetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment íb, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may eave your life. Hundreds have been saved by so doing. $500 will be paid for a case they will uot cure or help. Do not suffer or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made ; the "Invalid's Friend and Hope," and no person or family should be without them. Try the Bitters to-day. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stook of Crocery Line. Tcas( Ooiïecs aud SujL-;i i-w. In large atnounts. and at CasItL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of tas they Buy and Sell, js Rood proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast thelr own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery tnrns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. $500 RFWWT We will pny the above reward f or any case of Liver Cumplaiut, Dyspepsia, Siok Ileadache, Indigestión, 'jonstipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West 's Vegetable Liver Pilla, when the direetions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfacción. Sugar coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pilis, 25 cents. For sale by all Drugg sts. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by John C, West & Co., "The Pili Makers," 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on rceipt of a 'i cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, I8pecittc for Hyster'a, Dizziness, Convulsions, fervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss ot Hemory SperniatorrhoRa. Impoteney, Invulunary Emissions, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over indulgence, which lead to misery, deeay and death. One box will cure rece it cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One Hollar a hor or six boxes for five dollars: sent hy mail postpaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received bv us or pix boxes, acconipanied wlth five dollars, we will seud the purchaser our written guarantee o return the nioney if the treatment does not effect a cure. Ciuarantees issued by Brown & Co., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor. Mich. lohn C. West A Co., sole proprietors. 181 and 18H W. Madisou St.. Chieaeo. 1U. ; HENRY MAHHEUrS, las the pleasure to inform the public that heii ready to receiTe them in liia new brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOÜSÏ. Everything in hi line wiU be first-claw. nd At Reasonable Rates. Re returns bis sincere rhanlts to all hls old cus omers for their generous patronage, and cordi Lly invites them, and all oeff cugtomers to big ew quarters, whore he hopea bv fair dealine ta óiAttrg hi lreadr icrowinjc buuaea


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Ann Arbor Democrat