Butler On Massachusetts Schools

so-calleu liigüer eüucation is tiio pride and boast of the ancient Corumonwealth of Massachiisetts. But it appears the cominon schools are sadly neglected. Governor Butler, in his inaugural, severely criticised the school systeni, and pointed out, as evidence of its deficiency, the fact that the percentage of illiteracy in Iowa is less than in the Bay state. In the midst of their many line universities and academies the people pay little attention to the interniediate and primary schools, and they are regarded, apparently, as of little importance. President Chadbourne is in accord with üovernor Butler on this subject. He has recently declared that primary education in Massachiisetts is very deficiënt; that too small salarios are paid, and as a consequence in some localities inferior and uuiit teachers are often employed. The Boston Traveler calis npon the legislature to "speedily devise a remedy ' for "this serious defect in the much-vaunted educational system of our Commonwealth." Many people will be iaclined to wonder why it should have remained for Ben Butler, at this late day, to introduce educational reform in "eultured" Massachiisetts. Some will be encouragcd to think that the advaneed civilization of New England, whieh we hear about from time to time, is a good deal of a sham.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat