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COOK HOUSE AND Sï. JAMES EH. HUD8ON, Proprietor, . Newly ï'urnished. Ann Arbor. W. W. NICHOLS, DHKTAL OrriCS, OTer Joe T. Jacobi' Clothg ster. Ann Arbor, Mloh. WILLIAM CASPARY, D AKKRT AND OONrKCTIONBRT, IS Detroit Strot. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerehantT&ilor. ahop orr Wm. Allabr boot and lbo eiore. All work ruarantced or oo faarg. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, A TTOKNKY AT LAW. YOfflco, Kot. a and S HUl'i Opera House, Ann Arbor, Sluh. O. C. JENKINS, SUttajtOM liKNTIST. Rooou Ne. 10 Coutti Main Btieet, oppotlM the rtrit National Bank Ann Arbor, Mteh. rHOS DALE, Ue Profenlonal Dyr and Clothes Cleauer.ttürd itoor outh of ths Opera Hou. Sample of werk eau be een at the ahop. Saliofacnon (ruaran tod. ANTON EISELE, lAKil.SR IK MONUUtMTSand arareitones IJ nuinufaourad f rom luuuti and I tallan Xarbie and Sootoh ítnd Mnarioaii fíranílo Shop ftt. Detroit and Oalherine ta , Ann Arbor., JACOB HALLER &. SON, Di.LBR IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Speoiatui Plated Ware. Uold Feu and Fino JWlry. Bpselal atUntioa giren lo repairar ntkhei aad JwIrj. South Hala M-t. nn Arbor. WILLIASÍ HERZ, EOUÍB, SIQK, Ornaniintal aud I'rMoo i'aiu lar. dildini, Oalotmimaj. aiaiinr and Papar $iíS All rork dono la th best tyl and amatad lo eirssatraction. Ihop, No. 4 Woit Tfaahi&ftoB atraat, An:i A.rbor, Hlehifan. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Suaoauor to Stone & Parsons, O1TUM AND DI8PKN8ARY, Corner n mhiti;on and flftli StraoU, Ann Arbor, Mloh. E G. FRANK LIN, M. D. nrtf. of BURGERT, HOMÏOPATIHC DKÍ T ABTMBNT, Unirarally of MlnhijaE. Kaidanaa an4 oOaa 41 Liberty atreat. In. Franklin n aMead aurf ioaj oaaes hare, or by oonsulc tea iaállterent parta of ths tota. SPI HAL qüafÁiCHes a d nuroHMitrls iürlSD br bla inproTad mathod. Jtti-M. Jèü. Mi Todd Wuld all he attention of lier old Patrous to tbe Hat tóat. haring remored her Dreumaking Booms orr A. Wllsy' Muslo Store, she 1 prepared to do all kind of Dres and Cloalt making hl all Mi latsst styles. Perfect Fits Ouarantecd. Chliren' eloUie a peoiaH. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANO. OROANt, BHMT HUSTO, IuiitrucUon Book, VioEn, Quitan, ríate, Ac. , 4keap at WUeey'i Mtuie Roomi, aast ilde Public ■ure, Aun Arbor, MioWfao. The la: xeet and %Mt Heek of Musloal Qoods ver broucht isto washtaaaw Countr Tiollo and Quitar itrlogs a peelalw. N. B- It w'll b to jour ioterert to Al betor purchasüic anythlni; In the Musía The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, lOrcanixsd 1860, under the Oenoral Bankinr Law f (his state) has now, ineludiiig capital Stout. to , etc, orxR $soo,ooo Assicin. Buslnnse wen, Quardiani, Trustees, Iadise and oner perftoas wlll find this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at wuicti to make Deposita and do businesr. lutertst 8 Aliowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and upvvard, aocording to the rules Ik bank, and interest oompounded semi-aimu mrMonty to Loan In Sums of S28 SB.OOO, ieeured j L'alneamtwrad Real XiUW and har ■■ed eoumies. DIHKUTOK-hrliUan Maak, W. W. Wlae 'W. 1. Harriman, William Denble, K. A. Bea Banlcl Ulsoock and W. B. Cmlth OFJICICRg- OhrUUan Uov. pi-esldnt W V Wlnes, Vice Prelkn; C H. Hloock, Cattrier.


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Ann Arbor Democrat