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Bwell young men are remindecl that a pea-jaoket and bean-pole legs do not harmonize. Qkiog's Glycerine Salte.- The best on which can truly be said of Grigg's Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction gnaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. For Rale by Eberbach & Son. A man with a cold in his head does not need a prayer-rug to bring him to his sneeze. Gbavb Kobbebs,- Of all classes of people the professional grave robbers are the most despised. He robs us of our dear friends íor a few dollars. How different is this new grave robber, Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, which robs graves of thousands of consumptives. ïhis uuequalled remedy for cougns, colds and consumption.whoopingcough, croup and all throat and lung diseases, subdues and conquere these troubles speedily and fafely and thoroughly. Trial bottles free, of Eberbach & Son. We sneer at the Siamese for worshiping the elephant ; but just think of the money that is paid in this country annually just to see it. I. Shipp Speaks Of His Wifb- Indianapolis, Ind.:Mr. A. Kiefer- Sir: My wife lias for several years been a great sufferer from periodical attacks of Neuralgia in the head. Several of the most eminent physioians has been called iipon to treat her, but they could only giv temporary relief. About two years ago she commenced using the Taraxine, and I am gratifled to say, since then she has had no recurrence of those terrible pains. I attribute her restoration to health entirely to the use of ïaraxine, and in conclusión wiúd say to all who suffer that excruciating of all pains, to give Taraxine a trial. Truly, etc. I. Shipp. For Bale by Ebertajh & Son. The Eureka (Nev.) Leader says: "The been iocated on Prospect mountain- they lay side by side." p "A fair outside is but a poor substituía for inward worth." Good liealth inwardly, of the bowels, liver and kidneys, is sure to secure a fair outside, the glow of health on the cheek and vigor in the frarne. For this. use Kidney-Wort and nothing else " Xo, indeed," said the widow, "I shall not marry Mr. Thug. He wants me without encumbrances. At any rate, he gave my boy a toy pistol yesterday." A Positive Cube. - A oertain, iafe and ipeedy cure for this disease has been discovered. A single application of Dr. Deming's Wonderful Remedy will convmce the patiënt of its miraculous power of healing. With the first application suffering is prnctically at an end, and the sufierer is well started on the road to recovery. For sale by Eberbach & Son. A man who crossed the Atlantic for the flrst time said he did not think he was mucli of a sailor at starting, but when he was one day out he feit as if lie could have up the anchor. Don't wear dingy or faded thingg when the ten cent Diamond Dye will make them good as new. That young lady who made seven hundred words out of " conservatory," last fall, has run away from home. Her mother wanted her to make three loaves of bread out of "Üour." Ely's Okeam Balm reduces inrlammation. Sores in the nasal passages are healed in a few days. Catarrbal headache is dissipated; ttenses of smell, taste and hearing are restorcd. Price 50 ets. Apply into nostrils with little finger. ONLT TWO BOTTLES. Messrs. Johnson, Holloway & Co., wholesale druggists, of Philadelphia, Pa. report that some time ago a gentleman handed them a dollar, with a request to send a good catarrh cure to two army officers in Arizona. Kecently the same gentleman told them that both the officers and the wife of Gen. John C. Freemont, governor of Arizona, has been cured of catarrh by the two' bottles of Ely's Cream Balm. The eyes believe themselves; the ears, other people. Hysteria, Dizziness, Fits (or Falling Sickness), Insanity, Diseased Brain and Enfeebled Mind cured by Dr. C. E. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. Sold at Brown & Co.'s drug store. The most disorderly student make tne most pious preaciiers. Mesara. Falfree & Livingston, West Branch, Mich., say : " Brown's Iron Bitters gives good satisfaction." "How old is that dog?" was asked of a colored man. " Ef he lives ter see de fifth ob naixt June, salí, he will be de oldest dog on de plantashun." And if be dont live till then - " " He'll be dead, sah." Buchcpabia. - New, quick, complete cure in four days - urinary aflfections, smarting, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupabia. One dollar at druggists. Michigan depot, James E. Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.


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