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Election Of Officers

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Thero will be a meeting of the Ann Arbor Sporting Club, for the election o officers, on the second Monday in Feb ruary, 1883, at 7:30, at P. Winegar' office, in Ann Arbor. Albright Gwinner, A. H. Winslow, Christ. Fritz, Adolph HoffHtettei Thos. F. Leonard, Oscar Werner, Philip Winegar, M. Winegar. Sam. Gregory, Warren E. Walker Ann Abbob, Jan. 9, 1883. . Lockwood saya that a oocktail befor breakfeast is an "early settler." Grioo's Glycerine Salve.- The bes on which can truly be said of Grigg's Gly cerine Salve, which is a sure cure fo cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, anc all other sores. Will positiyely cur piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Sal isfaction guaranteed or money refundet Only 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. A galled horse does not care to b curried. Ely's Okeam Balm reduces inilam mation. Sores in the nanal passages ar healed in a few days. Catarrhal head ache is dissipated; senses of smell, tast and hearing are rewtorcd. Price 50 ets Apply into nostrils with little flnger. ONLY TWO BOTTLES. Messrs. Johnson, Holloway & Co wholesale druggiwts, of Plnladelphia, Pa rotinpt fliiif arrrïi tiiiii nern a man tlomTi handed them a dollar, with a request to send a good eatarrh eure to two arin ofticere in Arizona. Recently the sani gentleman told them that both the offi cers and the wife of Gen. John C. Free mont, governor of Arizona, has been cured of catarrh by the two bottles o Ely's Cream Balm. Dolls fo'r little girls--dolmHnR for th big sister. BucHUPABiA. - Jsffw, quiok, complete cure in four days - urinary affections smarting, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupabia. One dollar at druggists Michigan depot, Jamen E. Davis & Co. Detroit, Mich. The butcher kncwB liow to moke a little go a great weighs. "A doubtful friend ia worse than a certain enemy," and, vice versa, a certain friend is inflnitely better than a d ubt ful enemy. Thus Kiduey-Wort is an in oomparable better friend to the human race than the whole catalogue full o doubtful nostrums. It is an unfailing remedy for that tormenting disease - piles. It moves the boweh gently ant freely, and thus remo i es the cause. Do not fail to try it faithfully - either in dry or liquid form. There is no excuse for snoring when twelve clothespins can be bought for one cent. Hop Bitters Co., Toronto: I have been sick for the past six years, suffering from dispepsia ana general weasness. i nave used thiee bottles of Hop Bitters, anc they have done wouders for me. I am well and able to work, and eat and sleep well. I can not say loo rauch for Hop Bitters. Simoñ Robbins. A Philadelphia paper saya that ooffee is a failure in Ceylon. That acounts for the pecuhr flavor of the "ooffee" we get at our boardiug house. l)on't wear dingy or faded thing! when the ten cent Diamond Dye wü mke them good as new. Try pop corn for nausea. Mr. Nelson Tower, Mendon, ÜVÍich. says: "I have good reports f rom Brown'f Iron Bitters, and it gives the best oi satisfaction." Try eranberries for malaria. A Happv Mat. - T h uva linen n RiiffnrAr from blind piles íor tweiity years. During that time I tried every known remedy, receiving none but temporary relief. Ten years ago Prof. Goss of Pbiladelphia, used the knife upon me, which for two years seemed to have cured me, but eighi years since it returned, suffering at times excruciating pain. Six weeks ago I commenced using Dr. Deming's New Discovery, with marvelous results. For the past four weeks I have not suffered al alL My advice to all sufferers from piles is, use Deming's Discovery and be happy, as I W. H. Thomas, 201 East Washington street, Indianapolis. For sale by Eberbach & Son. A dying miser, turning to the wateher at his bedside, asked: "How much do theygiveyou a night?" "Two dollars and a half," was the reply. "Well, you needn't come any more; Iean'tstand any gum like that'' - and he didn't. We all believe that it is a long lane that has no turning; tbat many a shaft at random sent finds a mark the archer little meant ; that no remedy sold will cure coughs, colds, croup, whooping ooughs. and all throat and lung troublee so quickly and permanently as Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, that our druggists, Eberbach & Son, is very generousto gire trial bottles of free of charge. He who is guilty believes that all men speak ill of him. "Your Skin Cure is superexcellent. It is fast curing my daughter's riug-worm, which had spread all over her body." - Mrs. E. L. D. Merriam, Blue Hill, Mass. Druggists keep it ; $1 per package. An old ox makes a straight furrow., All persons engaged in the manufacture or use of tobáceo, when nerves are iffected thereby, will find a cure in I)r. E. C. West's Nerve and Bram Treatment. Sold at Brown & Co.'s drug store. He is the world's master who despises it - its slave who prizes it. Wobthy of Praisb. - As a rule we do not recommend Patent Medicines but when we know of one that really is a public benefactor, and does postively jure, then we consider it our duty to inpart that information to all. Electric Bitters are tiuly a most valuable medicine, and will surely cure Bihousness, Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Corupluints, even when all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and can i'reely recommend them ;o all. - Exch. Sold at fiftv cents n hotlle jy Brown & Co. Try a sunbath for rheumatism. A Reiort of Cleiik of Circuit üouht. - Clerk's Office, Johnson Co., End.- Mr. A. Kiefer: During the spring and summer niy wife wa a great sufferer 'rom dyspepbia and indigestión, caused 3j a torpid liver. About a month ago she aegan usinc; your Taxarine, and the first ;wo doses gave her bo much relief that she continued the use of it until two bot:les had been taken; and I take pleasure in aayin? that hev health is entirely restored. Youre, etc., Isaac M. Thompson, Dlerk Circuit Court. For sale by Eberjach & Son. Fifty students admitted to the bar ast evening. Nothing so simple and perfect for coloring as Diamond Dyc. For carpet rags, setter and cheaper than any other dye. The best five cent oigar in the city at Preston', opposite the post-office.


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