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One voice all over the land goea up froni mothers, tuut saya, "My daughters ure su feeble aud sad, with no strength, all out of breath and life at the least exertion. What can we do for them ?" The Huswer ia aimple and f uil of hope. One to four weeka" use of Hop Bittert will make them healthv, roay, aprightly aud cheerful. Wliere there ii money, there'a the devil ; but where there'a none, a greater .ril "The best advic may come too late." Said a sufl'erer from kidney troubles, wüeii askeato try Wort, 'Til try it, but it will be my last doae." The man got wel! and is now reoommending the roruedy to all suiferere. In thia oase good advise carne juat in time to save ihe man. Eevenge dwells only ia little minds. Faut, brillisut nd f&ghionable are th Diainond Dye colora. One package will color one to four pounds of goods. Ten couti for any color. Unbridled passion aweapi all befor i ike a whirlwind. "Kough on Rats."- Th thing Desire found at last. Ask Druggkts for "Lioiw on Kats." It clears out rats, niice roaches, üies, bed-buga lúe boze. One oan not drink and whintle at th game time. Old and young, male and female, fin a sure cure for all nervous arl'ectioni in Dr. E. C. West'a Nerve and Bruin ïreat tnent. A cure guaranteed. idold a Brown & Go.'a drug store. He who is under cover when it ruin is a great fooi not to stay there. Tkstimont fbom thi Pbsss.- To tho afflicted with lung troubl, hear what W D. Wikon, of the Ottawa (111.) Time saya : "After being disabled three uioiitli with a cough and lung trouble, often pitting blood, can testify that I ani oured permauently by the ue of Dr. Bigelow' fositive Cure." A free trial bottle can be Lad at JSberbak& Bon' drug atore. Wise lads and old fools wer never good for anything. Skinnt Men.- Wells' Health Benewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility aud weakness of the generative f uuctiou. fcl. at druggists. Mich. Depot, JAMKS E DA Vliá & Co., Detroit, Mich. He who slanders hl neighbor makes a rod for himself. Bdchupabia.- New, quick, complete cure in four days- unnary aüectiong, sniarting, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupabia. One dollar at drugg st. Michigan depot, James E. Davin & Co., Detroit, Mich. Who would rflirard uil tlim, wm placently must wink at a great many. Perfect Success.- Those two word have a raat meaningr when fully compre hended. A perfect suooesa oan be truth fully applied to Dr. Jone' Bed Ciov Touic, which cur.g dyspepaia, biliou uess, costiveness, all diseusea of the kid ueys, liver aud bladder. It ia a perfec touic and blood purifler; it kaeps th Bkin clear aud brijfht, drive away pim pies, and makeei the general health eicel lent. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. Good drink drirei out bad thoughts. Fbke op Cost.- All pereon wiiliinif ;p test the merits of a great remedy- one ;hat will positively cure consumptfon ooughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, or any affection of the throat and lunes- are requeated to cali at Brown & Co.'s drug store and et a trial bottle of Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, free oi cot, which will show you what a reif ulnr He who abuses others must not be particular about the angwer he gets. FORTUNES FOR FaBMEKS AND MkCHANcs.- Thousands of dollars can be saved jy using proper judgement in taking care of the health of yourself and family. f you are bilious, have sallow complexon, poor appetite, low and depressed pirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and proure a bottle of those wonderful Electric iitters,which never fail tooure, and that or the trifling gum of flfty cents.- ute. Sold at Brown & Co.'s It is pleasant driving when there is no ear ot upsetting. A Happt Man.- I have been a sufferer 'rom blind piles for twenty years. Duing that time I tried every known remey, receivins none but temporary relief. Ten years ago Prof. Goss of Philadelphia, sed the knife upon me, which for two ears seemed to have cured me, but eight ears since it returned, sufFering at times xcruciating pain. Sil weeks ago I menced using Dr. Deming's New Discovery, witli marvelous resulta. For the ast four weeks I have not suffered at 11. My adyice to all suflerers from pues s, use Deming's Disoovery and be happy s I ain.- W. H. Thomas, 261 East Washngton street, Indianapolis. For sale by Sberbach & Son. All are not hunterathat blow th horn. What the Ministeb Sats.- Mr. A. Kiefer- My dear sir: I have been afflioted for the laat four years with derangement of the liver, causing dyspepein, headache, nausea, and general derangement of the whole system. I have tried a great many preparation, but found no relief until I tried one bottle of your Taxarine which has permanently cured me. I also found it to be good for the agüe, I commend it to all who suffer with derangement of the liver. Very tmly yours, Rev. Thomas Whitlock. For sale by Eberbach & Son. An honest man is none the worse cause a dog barks at mm. A Report of Clebjc of Circuit Court.- Clerk's Offioe, Johnson Co., Ind. - Mr. A. Kiefer: During the spring and summer my wife was a great sufferer from dyspepsia and indigestión, cftused by a torpid liver. About a month ago she began using your Taxarine, and the first two doses gave her so much relief that she oontinued the use of it until two bottles had been taken; and I take pleasure in sayin? that her health is entirely restored. Yours, etc., Isaac M. Thompson, Clerk Circuit Court. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Follow the perfections of yonr enemiei rather than the errors of your friends. Buoklin's Árnica Salve.- The best salve in the world for cute, bruises.soree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction in every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Ebberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. He who swears, plainly tells us his bare word is not o be taken. UKiGG s uircEBiNE Sai,vb.- The best on whieh can truly be aaid of Grigg1 Glycerine Salve, which is a snre cure for cuts, bruisen, acalda, burns, wounda, and all other aorea. Will pouitively cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptiona. Satiafaction guaranteed or money refunded Only 25 centa. For sale by Eberbach Son. Pry not into other'a secret, and kêëp your own. Dr. O. W. Benson' Celery and Camornile Pilla are prepared expreasly to our and will cure headache of all kindi, neuralgia, nervousness and dyipepsia Proved and endorsed by all pliyiician. ' A vicioua colt may wake a good home


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