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Recorder's Report Of The City Of Ann Arbor

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1882. Dr. To Auiount on hand as per Report of January 31st, 1882 983 6 Feb 1, To Treasurer's Duplícate Receipt. 160 00 Oct 1, To Fines damage to Lamps 6 00 Oct. 23, To Approprlation 6,000 00 17,139 69 1882. Cr. Feb. 2, By Warrants 5 256 82 Marcll 6, " 622 05 April 6, " 285 60 May 1, " 848 19 June 5, " 93 85 July 8, " 197 80 August 7, " 599 30 8ep. 5, " 220 23 Oct. 2, " 620 37 Nov. 6, " 781 01 Dec 4, " 1.569 36 1883. Jan. 8, " 194 83 1 6,079 40 Balance on hand t 1,060 29 OICNFRAT. STRFKT FTTKT). 1882. Dr. To Aiuount on hand as per Report of January 31, 18S2.... S 1,102 00 Octo'r 23, To Appropriation.... 2,000 00 3,102 Oo 1882. Cr. March 6, By Warrant t . 1 IS March 24, " 7 94 March 24, " 3 00 AprU 6. " 44 72 June 5, " 247 10 July 3, " 213 11 August 7, " 629 04 Sep. 5, " 645 50 Oct. X " WO 44 Nov. 6, " 819 98 Dec. 4, " 54 40 1 2,736 36 Balance on hand $ 365 64 FIRST WARD FUND. 1882. Dr. To Ainount on hand as per Report of January 31st, 1842, f 849 15 Octob'r 23, To Appropriation... 1,000 00 1,849 16 1882. Cr. June 5, By Warrants t 287 80 July 3, " 274 85 August 7, " 188 44 Sep. 5, ' 91 40 Oct. 2, " 172 20 Nov. 6, " 78 63 Dec. 4, " 30 15 1 1,067 97 Balance on hand t 781 18 SECOND WARD FUND. 1882. Dr. To Amount on hand as per Report January 31st, 1882 S 497 80 Octo'r 23, To Appropriatioii.... 1,000 00 - S 1,497 80 1882. Cr. April 6, By Warrants f 17 25 April 12, " 9 30 June 5, " 10 19 July 3, " 54 61 August 7, ' 127 23 Sep. 6. " 90 77 Oct, 2, " 89 76 Nov. 6, " 26 63 Dec. 4, " 25 14 $ 450 87 Balance on hand $ 1,016 93 THIRD WARD FUND. 1882. Dr. To Amount on hand as per Report of January 31st, 1882, 8 1C4 48 October 23, To Appropriation... 1,000 00 1,104 48 18R2. Cr. March 6, By Warrants S 3 75 April 6, " 1 57 June 5, " 16 50 July S, " 447 13 August 7, " 120 18 Sep. 6, " 149 13 Oct 2, " 39 00 Nov. 6, " 67 8 Dec. 4, " 4 72 1883. Jan. 8, " 1 00 S 8&0 61 Balance on hand S 253 87 FOURTH WARD FUND. 1882. Dr. To amount on hand as per report of January 3in. 1882 J 260 51 Feb. 6, Transfer from Contingent Fund 400 00 Oct. 23, To Appropriation... 1,000 00 f 1,660 51 1882. Cr. Feb. 6, By Warrants f 5 80 Maich 6, " 410 83 April 6, " 79 73 May 1, " 8 25 June 5. " 24 88 July 3, " 50 35 August 7, " 610 99 Sep. 5, " 158 95 Oct. 2, " 12 14 Nov. 6, " 11 50 Dec. 4, " 17 11 1883. an. 8, " 1 35 g 1,891 g3 Balance on hand 8 268 68 FIFTH WARD FUND. 1882. Dr. To amount on hand as per report of January 31st. 1882 S 165 29 October 23, To appropriation... 300 00 S 465 29 1882. Cr. Feb. 6, By Warrant t 5 66 farch 8, " 2 51 April 6, " ... 1 50 une 5, " 1 00 uly 8, " 10 80 ep. 5, " 2Ï 75 Oct. 2, " 30 45 Nov. 6, ' 84 50 Dec. 4, " 11 75 1883. an. 8, " 6 50 $ 128 41 Balance on hand f 336 88 8IXTH WARD FUND. 1882. Dr. o amount on hand as per report of January 31, 1882 f SI 7 99 ctober 23, To appropriation... 500 00 1 817 99 1882. Cr. March 6, By Warrants t 10 80 une 5, " 249 94 uly 3, " 177 50 ugust7, ' 47 06 Nov. 6, " 328 27 Dec. 4, " 4 81 an. 8, " 9 10 f 827 47 Overdraft t 48 CEMETERY FUND. 1882 Dr. o amount on hand as per report of January 31, 188? t 89 97 o sale of Iota 20 00 1 59 97 1882. Cr. peb. 6- By warrants f 5 25 May 1- By warrants. 24 00 ug.7- By warranta. 9 50 38 75 Balance on hand ( 21 22 FIREMEN'S FUND. 1882 Dr. o appropriation „.. f 676 25 une 5 - By warrants 585 00 Balance on hand f 91 25 ENGINE HOUSE FUND. 1882. Dr. et. 28- To appropriation „..$10,000 00 ov. 6- To transfer from Contingent fund 4,000 00 14,000 00 1882. Cr. fov. 6- By warrants $ 3,940 35 )ec. 4- By warrants 3,056 00 an. 31, 1883- By transfer to Contingent fund 4,000 00 10,996 3b Balance on hand 13,003 65 SIXTH WARD ENGINE HOUSE FUND. Dr. o appropriation 800 00 CONTINGENT FUND. 1882. Dr. o amount on hand as per report of January 31, 1882 $ 3,225 86 aren 31- To licenses. 80 00 May 7- To liquor tax 8,073 45 May 20- To B. F. Granger 10 00 May 20- To E. K. Frueauff. 17 et. 31- To A. W. Porter 38 49 et. 31- To C. Millman 9 39 et. 31- To J. S. Nowland 8 54 ov. 6- " 17 44 ec. 2- " 6 00 1883. an. 5- To liquor tax 676 42 an. 5- To J.B. Nowland Ï2 75 an. 29- To A. W. Porter 214 38 an. 29- To J. 8. No#land 17 20 an. 31- To transfer from Engine House fund 4,000 00 an. 31- To licenses 78 50 1882. Cr. reb. 6- By warrants S 294 01 eb. 6- By transfer to Fouith Ward fund 400 00 Mareh 6 - By warrants 351 79 pril 6, " 382 85 May 1, ' S57 45 une 5, " 760 00 uly 3, ' 628 55 ug. 7, " 842 66 ept. 5, " 295 41 et. 2. " 641 66 ov. 6- By transfer to Engine House fund 4,000 00 ov. 6 - By warrants 289 92 )ec. 4- By warrant. 549 89 an. 8, 1883- By warrants 484 26 10,278 34 Balance on hand 8 6,201 25 Respectfully submitted. MYRON H. FRENCH, Recorder. Every life has treasures of -whioh thers kiiow nothing, and often when east suspected can bring forth thingg e-w and old. Hl luok comes by pouuds and goea away by ounces. Dr. Benson'a Skin Cure consista of interual and esternal treatment at the same time, and it makes the skin white, soft and smooth. It contains no poisonous drugs. One dollar at druggists. Bunning water carries no poison. Messrs. Coleman, Son & Fisher, Ealamazoo, Mich., say: '-We are confident that Brown's Iron Bitters has merit." Absurdities are ridioulous or repugnant to us inversely as we are acoustomed to them. " By asking too much we may lose the little we had before." Kidney - Wort asks nothing but a fair trial. This given it fears no loss of faith in its virtues. A lady writes f rom Oregon: "For thirty years I have been afflicted with kidneycomplaints. Two packages of KidneyWort have done me more good than all the medicine and doctors I have had before. I believe it is a Bure cure." It is a eymptom of a diseased mind when it desires intoxicante instead of wholesome ailment. The Diamond Dyes for family use have no equals. All popular coloro easily dyed, fast and beautiful. Ten cents a packaire. Unjustifiable detraotion always proves the weakness of the party that employs it. We all know that water never runs up hill ; that kisses taste better than they look, and are better after dark; that it ia better to be right than to be left ; that those who take Dr. Jones' Eed Oiover Tonio never have dyspepsia, costiveness, bad breath, piles, pimples, agüe and malarial diseases, poor appetite, low spirits, headache or diseases of kidneys or bladder. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. Perpetual watchfulnesa is the only firuarantv of nrfiflint, nnrif.v rA ofmal v -- - tf - - - ■ ■■ - -- - - v J m vy ft. JJU1 joy. I had severe attaclfa of gravel and kidney trouble ; was unable to get a medicine or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters, and they eured me in a short time. - A Dütinguühed Laieyer of Wayne county, N. Y. Sympathy is the balm of friendship and the strongest bond in Jife. Grigg's Gltcebinb Salve.- The best on earth can truly be said of Grigg's Glyoerine Salve, which is a sure cure for outs, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will posrhvely cure piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satïsfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. The ezercise of faith and mercy is sure to repay the merciful. Ptles - A Positive Cube.- A certain, safe and speedy cure for this disease has been discovered. A single application of Dr. Deming's Wonderful Eemedy will convince the patiënt of its miraculous power of healing. With the first application suffering is practically at an end, and the sufferer is well started on the VS h II fi y. af v v llhlüt il _ 1 _ 1 Til "1 'ou j ïouuveiy. r or saie uy riDerbacn & Son. Virtue is essential to wisdom- vice is essential to folly. Bucklen's Árnica Salve.- The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure burns, bruises, cuts, ulcere, Balt rheum, fever sores, cancers, piles, chilblains, coma, tetter, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. Guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. Twenty-nve cents per box. For sale by H. J. Brown & Co. An upright conscience will never justify an evil practico. A Positive Cube.- A certain, safe and speedy cure for this disease has been discovered. A single application of Dr. Deming's Wonderful Bemedy will convince the patiënt of its miraculous power of healing. With the flrBt application suffering is prnctically at an end, and the Bufferer is well started on the road to recovery. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Intregrity is a lofty virtue, honored by all men. He that etays in the valley will not get over the hill.


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