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Detroit is preparing for a maírolficent gubcrn.itorial reception, to be given Mareh 30. John McCarty vho was iocketl up in the East Saginaw jail lor ilrunkenness, had $50 which escaped tlie scarehera. He was robbed in Jal] by James Annis and others, who paid their fines with McCart.v's momv audeseaped. Anuüs was arrested. At the camp oí Sroith Bros , of Bay City, on Houghton creek, uear West Brauch, David Small was instantly killed. He felled a tree, whlch struck an ailjateut beech that in the rebound broke off áud íell to tbe stump, by which Small stooJ, breaking his skull, neck and ahoulder. He was 23 yeaid oíd, unmarried, aud a son of the ligbthousè-keeper uine milea íroo) Kincardine. Grand Rapids will soon havo a milk condensiDg factory running in full blast. The state teachers' institute will be held at Battle Creek duringthe week beginning March 26. flenry White, lormerly superintendent of the Calhoun couutypoor house, died at Marshall recently from tho eilects of a fall ri'eeived last summer. lluskegon farmers are much intere3ted in the qnestion of a vegetable cannery at that place, and a coinmittee of two will vUH Baltimore and Wilmington tolnokinto tbe methods, etc. R, G. Peters attempted to draw a bollet welgüing nve tons acruss Jiauiítee i,aie. me Ice gave way and the boiler, valucd at L1,100 weut clown in tliirty fcet of water, taking witli it the sleigh anti one horse. The Bay City Council has ordcred the electrie lights on the streets of that City tinguishcd, as the}' are unsaÜBfactory. Dennis Wolvertou, a wcalthy and respueted pioneer of Genesee county. droppel dcad at hls home near ï'lint of dropsy of the hemt. IT was aged about T0. A proposod EpeUiuf; match ut liattl: Creck, between the lawyers and edltorn on one side and the school teachers on the other, haa been declared off, the teachers having backed out. A former resident of Adrián, just returncd l'rom the south, sas hu and anothcr Adrián citizen saw Capt. Edwin Iladley, the missing railroad attorney from St. Ignace, on the streets of New Orleana on the 5th Both are well acqualnted with Capt. Hadley and reeognized Mta, but he refuscd to return the rLeognitlon, Commencing Sundnv, Marcii IS, 18SÍ, the Irains of the Wahash, St. Louis & racifie R'y Company will depart from and arrive at their new union depot foot of Tn' sreet, one uiocK irorn ion sueei, uk tou, jiicu., wneiu every arrangement has been made tor the comfort and convenience of passcngera. The trato? wlll leave as follows, viz. : 7:20 a. nx, 5:2ï p. m. and 10 p. m., city time. Passengere desirtng informatlon should cali at the city tidrot oilfce 107 Jeiïerson ave., Detroit Mieh. P Thcre are indieationa ol scrlous troulile at Sault Ste. Marie on eccouut of tlie pestiU-ntiiU surface water which Í3 allowed to stuud all through the village. Tho-citizens havo rlsen en masse and demand its drainage, and tho Tillage fathera reply it will cost $20,000. Wheat throughout thxoughout tin; siate has been seriously injared by ice and snow. In some countie exposuro uas workect great harin. A man by the name of John McNamee was killed In a rolhvay in MeArthur, Smith & Co. 's lumber camp at Cheboygan. His body wasbadly mutilated. He was a eailor. Tho whereabouts of relativea unknown. The secretary of the bureau of imruigratlon bus received applicationa for Information frora an Ohlo and a Canadian colony who wiph to setllo in Presque Ialo county. Dr. S. W. Slcater, one of Charlotte's mott learned and rospected professional men, dled recently of congestión of the brain, aged 60 years. He had lived hore orer twenty years and was widely knon-n, being prominent in P'jlitics and religión. G-ratiot countv hüs f.ivnrfihle nrnfirwptn if good crops the coming 6easou. The fruit trees are looking good, considering the eevtrc ' ter, and the wfccat erop is favorable. John F. Grant, a highlv esteemed Citizen, f or 25 years bookkeeper lor Hannah, Lay & Co., of Traverse City, died a few days ago. He had been quite sick with scarlet fever but was couvalescing, when he iras suddenly taken with convulsiona and died in a fevr minutes. A boy aged 15, uamed William Keepler, employed in Pluiub's mili at Grand Rapids, temiinga fcuzz euw, waa etruck in the abdomen, and died trom the effects of hia injuries. Dr. David O. Farrand, one of the mO3t prominent, and widely known' physicians in Detroit, ! died in that city on the 18th inst., af ter a brief illnesa. Hls tllness did oot assume a dangerous phase until a few hours before hls death, sq that the blow feil upon hia friends and f amily with crushing force. Dr. Farrand was a man of brüliant attainments, and was regarded by the profession as a distinguished leader. Gilbert Warner, a pioneer of Adrián, ilied euddenly in that city a few daya ago. Chas. Andereon of Fort AVayne, Ind, 'm eported as having bought 2,600 acres of marsh land in Allegan county, near fhe C. & W. M. road whlchhewiil convert into a hanting preserve, especially for ducks. He Í3 now forrning a stock company and a club house will bo built. During the first half of thlg month 17 children were sent out f rom the state home at Coldwater, making 820 thus proyided for out of a total oí 1,288 recelved since tbe school opened. Some oí them flrst scnt cut are now niarried, whlle others are receiyiEg liberal educations. The school continúes fuli and more desire admls8ion than can be reeelved, wlnlethedeinand for tha cUlldren for adoption Ís lncreasing. Prof. Beal, of the agricultural college, advovates the paying hy faruiera oí their road t&x Ín money, and tnat the care of the roads be let out by regular contract. This Is the Ohlo idea and he saye ifc works well. By Increaaing t!ie tax, and levyiDK it on landa amt'.e or Uro back Srst class gravel roads are seeurcd. Grand Repids' Dakóta party wil] start on th 2öth, lts frelght train of 30 car?, ioaded wit household goods, etc, staitlns the day before There is said to be standing in the loive península 29,000,000,000 fcet of white plne, an in the upper península 0,000. 000, 000 of thi valuable eommoditj etill ranains. Muskecron lias a builüing boom. In Monroe eouuty tliey are burniogover th marshes so to cateli the muBkrats. By order of the Postmaster-ücucral, Jame Merritt & Co., of Piernón, Mich., are hereafter to be deDied the privilege of obtaining paynien for money orders or registercd letters, or o procuring money orders or registered letters Ihcir names have been put on the fraud lis on account of their having advertised to fur nish employment in a íactory to persons who legislativo Uecord. Senatb, March 15.- Petitlons were preeented from sixty citizens of Clinton county and from 250 citlzens of Kent connty, for the prevention of unjust discrlminations by railroads agalnat local freighta . . . .Billa were reporter!, either adversely or without rccommendation, and laid upon the table ag follows: Sonate blll 105, to cede cartaia Etate lamia, being part of the State Prison Iands, to the city of Jackson for a public street; öenate bill to establish the Michigan Weather Service ïlie goveruor by message elgniflcd hls approval of the bil] to Incorpórate 8t. Ignace. House.- Petitions were received for the establishment of a Board of Poor Comrnissioners in Wayne county ; íor a prohibitory araendment; against the extensión of time in which to complete the Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Kailroad auu against any change in the route of the same; for the abolition of the contract eystem In the state prisons ; íor a grant of ewamp Iands to improve the Elk River; for a grant of swamp landa for clearing aod deepeuing Thornapple River The uaíulcu uuiiutiiuiiö uiiiuiuiiousiv reporten aüversely to the claim of Peter Ifulvaney, who contests the seat of Stephen F. Snvder, ilcpresentative irom CalhoHn countj. The case was made the special order for Wednesday, March 27 The biU araending seetlons 4733 and 4764, cqmpiled laws, relativo to divorce, was lost on its ünal passage, yeaa 43, nays 37. The vote was reconsidered and the bill was rcferred back to the Committee on Judiciary The following meaaures weru acted upon and passed : Amendlng sections 1,724-35 complled laws, relative to public health ; amending act 243 oL 1831, relativeto highways; prohlbiting law partners of prosecuticg attorneys irom being engaged in the defense of persons whom the prosecuting attorncy lsrequired to prosecute; bill, authorizlng Bcrlin, Monroe Co., to borro 84,000 to build bridges; amendiug; act 147 of 1881, relativo to the tosane ; orgauizing Humboldt, Marquette Co.; orgauizing McMiUan, Chippewa Co authorizing the loan of tents to the Southwestern military associations ; reincorporating Cedar Springs ; for the coustmetion of sidewalks in "Grandport," Ecorse Townshtp: revi3ing charter of üraDd Rapids ; ameudiug act 164 oï 18S1 relativo to primary schools; authorizing Bay County to dónate the Third street bridge to Bay City; to prohibit eotdiing üsh with ucts at certain 6easous in Laku St. Clair ; amending the act oí 1875 relative to 1881, relative to Detroit House of Con-ecuon: Incorporatiiig Lakeside and Cqí3 City A resolution was olïered providlnp; for adiournraent April 21, and for fliud adjournment April 25. Thcsa rosolutions wi rn laid over uador the rules. SENA're, -March 10- Potltlons vere prescutod aaking that tho medical control of tlic ncv; Northern Asylum ior the Insaue be given to a homeopatbic physicinu On motlon of Seuator Blies the Govemor was rpquested to return the bill amendiug the charter of 8aginaw City. The bill was returned as requested, and trf.nsmitted to the House for action by that body .... The bilis prohiblting circuit court commissionera from allowiug iujunctiona vdthout notice to partios concerned, and theoneappropriating ïll.üOU for fuuntains for the capital grouudu, v.iin lost . . . .The bill rc-iucorporatlngBaginaw City. were received from the House with 9ST taiu amendmonts whieh werc cuncurred In and the bill cngrossed and eut to th,e Governor ior approval; The ïoHowing passed on third reading : " Reineorporating West Bay City ; incorperating Morley, llecosta Co. ; reineorporatingllarquetto; auiending act 9 ot 1882 ; for laying out u 8tate road in Grand Traversa CouDty ; for luylug out a State road In Leuawcc Couuty ; ruincoi poratiug Spring Lake; rcincorporatÍQíí Netruuuce ; uneiKimü act of Incorporation of Elmwood Cemetery ; organiziug McMillau, Chippewa Co. ; rganlzing Lakesidc, Muskegon Co. Hocse. - Petitions were reeeived for compulsory education of childreii : lor the repeal of act lOü, session laws of 18SÍ; for the passage of a co-operative labor law ; for the passage of Case bilis to amend act 156, laws of 1881 ; against the transfer of any eittings of the Iugham Circuit Court from Mason to Lansing ; for the Incorporation of Hesperia to Newaygo county; for prohibitory amendment Tüe govuruor announced hls approval and signature of the bilis to incorpórate Pinckney, and amend the game laws ; toattach Bradford township to Clam Union township, in Missaukee county ; to amund se"tion 1 chapter 4 of act 164 of the laws of 1881, relative to public instruction ; to incorpórate the village of llecosta in Mecosta couuty. The following bilis passed : Authorizing the Howell compUation of the general laws oí Michigan, to be recelved in evidence ; to revise and amend the charter of the City of Sagiaaw. Haviug been rcturned to the House from the Si'nate, the vote by whlch it menta were adopted, and the bill again was passed ; to auicnd act 178, 6ession laws oí 18S1, rulative to bringing suiís nainat insuranee corapanics; to araeud the act tneorporating tñe village of Portland in Ionia county ; to incorpórate the village oí Spring Lake and to repeal act 340 of 1889; to incorpórate the city of Menominee. Having been returned f rom "the Senate in accordanco witU requost, tbls blll rvas fimcndcd and ngain passed. Senatb, Marchl7 - Potltions wera peaeated for uniform ratea íor tho transport ation of fralghts onrailroads ia Michigan; for tlie stop'Edlssrimlnatioiis as.!i.nst local freights on Michigan railroads ; for tho suhmisslon ti tho peoplu of a conatltOUonal amendment prohibitingthe manufacturu and ealo of nloxicating llqaor Tho Governor coramunicated liis nniirfivnl nf thp. fnlïruvirtiv Spiint.p mrnMims: The Sagiiiftw Charter bill. 2. The Menomuieti Incorpora Uou bül. ;). The Bay City ïüird Streot Bridge bill. 4. Bil] to araend Bection 10 oí chapterSof act 2ü, public arts of ISS!. 5. Tü amend nections 4ii and 44 of chapter 46 of tbo comnlltd hivrs and t.o atU ft ccn' scetlon thercto.. . .The Scnate paseud the iollowlng bilis, p.fter whlch m adjournment wan ordcreu until Tuesdftv, the Ot'j : To organizo the ïowïisliip ol fiumboldt, Slarquctte Co., and to authorize said township to lic enac liav!;;re and pcddlers ; to incorpórate the vlllage of Palmer, in Marquette Co. ; to incorpórate thi; 'illn;f' OÏ New Búllalo, in Barrien Co. House- Tho House passed the jml, resolution to perciit tha goTernor to veto epeclflc ik'uis iu appropriation bilis Petitioiia wera pn ícnted asking that the medical control of tbc Northern Asylum be given to the homoopatbs ; for the appointment of a game and flan warden; ior the abolition of the contract systera in the state prison: for a law prohibiting manufacturo and sale of spirltuoua liquorc; for tlie lncorporation of trades uuions.... The House ttdjourncd untll the 2ütli. iioüSE, March 13.- Ia th foreiiooa the Hoiieo wat without a speaker, a speaker pro tero, Lergoaut-at-Arms nnd First Aasistatit. At the hour for opening tiie session Mr. Whltfl was put Id the chair, and later, a cali of the House and a search for abseutees was ordered, the cecutlve olficer belng Sccond Aeslstant Sergeíint-at-Arms. A quorum haring lieon obt:üned, as above stated, the House fistnned to thc rnading ol the following petitious : For the submlsslon to th? people of a prohibitory comtltutlonal amendmeut; againet the subuiissiou to the people of a prohibitory constitutlonal aiueudlntint ; against certaín proposed ameudinents to the "charter of Port Hurón; against the removal of the Ingham Cirouit Court f rom Maeon to Lanslng ; for the passage of the CaEe bilis atnending the liquor laws; against an extensión of time in which to complete the Marquetle, Huron to Outonagon Eaüroad aud against a cbauge of the route of the same The eovernor commum'eated h!s approTal of the Wil to preserve thc Quanlcasse an Cheboyganning state ditch. . .The Hous spent some time In committeo ot the whole, during which time bilis were considerod and dlsposedof as follows: Authorialag the consolidation of ths Covenant Mutual Benefit Association of llichig:m and Illinois. Placed on the order of third roadlng; forblddlng the acceptanec acd usc of passes ou railroada by Icgislators, State oölccrs aud judges. Both bilis were killed by haviag all ftfter the enaetnir nlnnfiC fst.rirlrnr. nnt Sexate, March 20- After Vm usual order of business, bilis worc reported adversly as follows : To establish a departineiit of eclcotic medicine at the state nniversity i to amend constitutional provisions reiative to compensation and müeage of members of the legislature. Tablod ; to smeiid the act- 198 of 1881- relativo to the dog tax and the payment of damages foraheep killed. Tabled; to supply certain oiBcers with a treatise ofc tavnshlp officers. Tabled The bil! to incorpórate Alpena was rcturned to the House for further consideration by that body The bill to provide for the incorporation of inveötinent associations was killed, all after the enacting clanse being etricken out Tbe follofl-iug bilis passed : To orgatiize townehip of Varrcn in the county oí Antrim ; to miïlh'c T Trui tri ; ( nn cniinH' fr ah 1-inilil - bridge aero;s Portage lakc; to authorize tht repair of a bridge over the Menominee river ; ! to amend sccüons 4808, 1889 and 4400, C, L., reletivo to title to lands of Iicira of deceased persons ; to amend sectiotis 4, 11 and 10 of an act to establish a board of public works in the cityof Detroit - Fetitions were prcscnted for the amendment of acts 150 and 259, session laws of 1881, relativo to the regulation of the retail liquor trafile ; against the enactment of a prohibitory law ; for homeopathie medical control of the new Xorthern asjlum for the insane ; for the protection of forests and the encouragement of tree planting.... The goyernor announced his approval ot thebuildii g of a bridge over Huron river in Berlín township in Monroe county; and of authorizirg the Howell compilation to be recelveá and U8ed in evidence. Adjourned. House.- Adverse reporta werc made upon the following bilis and the bilis werc all laid on the table, viz. : To eompel raiiroad companiea to post echcdules or time tables and to proride a penalty for iailure to comply with the terms of the echedule; for agrant of Iand3 to construct a road in Missaukce and Crawford counties ; for an appropriation of swamp lands to widen and deepen the Thornapple river; for a grant of etate lands to makc a ditch in Saginaw and Shiawassee counties The following bilis were voted upon and passed: Amending chap. 53, C. L., relative to Uisorderly persons ; for protection of hotel keepers ; amending sec. 5070, C. L., relative to actions of trespass; for a penalty for obtaining money, raiiroad tickets or transportation by false pretenses; to profeet the riehts of laborers ; authorizing the Covenant mutual benc-flt association3 of Michigan and Illinois to consolídate ; amendiug sec. 27, act 2Ö8 of 1S77, relativc to bridgts across the Menominee river between Michigan and "Wiscon sin; amending sec. 4772, relat ive to evidence in divorce casss ; for the payment of fees to the county of Wayne in uuits before the circuit court; authorizing Garüeld, Newavgo county, ,o issue bonds to construct a bridge over the Muskegon river The speaker appointed as a special eominittee, to co-operate with the Senate committee in investigating the charges against the Flint institute, Messrs. Black Youngs and Dunstan Petitiona were receiyed for the submission of a prohibitory araendment ; aleo a protest against the same ; remonstrance against the passage of a bilí to créate a oor commission in Wayne county ; for the conrol of the northern asylura to begiven over to ,he homeopathists ; for amendments to the iquor law ; for the passage of a law iDakiní; reight rates uniform. -- Lovers of choico literatura have a treat in storo for them in the perusal of the April Century. Besides the seriáis by Mrs. Bumett and W. D. Howells, E. C. Stedman contributes an essay on EmersoD, which will be the chief literary feature of this number, dealing main y with the poetic aspect of the subject. A fine portraitof thephilosopher, taken when in bis prima, aceompanies the essay. The April number also containa six full-pago illustrations, tho most notable being "The Sea" by Elbridge Kingley. This pioture has baon highïy eommonded by that connoisseur of art, Seymour Hayden. Together wlüi the other attractions of this numbe-r is an admirably written paporon the "Capítol ut Washington," ülled wilh remiuiscencos of eventa that havo occurredwithïn ita wal!s,as well as an authentic hiitorr of the building. This last artielo la ricldy illustrated. Among the piotures is a sketch of the sceno in tho House of Representativos during the Garfield Memorial Services and portraits of Randolph of Roanoke, Daniel Webstar, and others of Amorica's clistinguished men. Soene in oourt: "Novy, Mi-s. Blank, you say that on that day at noon you saw a wornan rido past your house at a furious paoe, and you have given us a detaucd tlcscnpUon. of her oostume. Please teil us what was te color of tho horse." "I do notremember." "Well, was the womau white or black?" "I id not noüco; sho wout o fast I only lacï time to sea hov sho was dre.wü.


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