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An untruth a day oíd ís called a lie ; a year oíd, a falsehood ; a century oíd, a legend. Buckmn's Abnica Salve. - The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure burns, bruises, cute, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, cancera, piles, chilblains, oorns, tetter, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. Guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. Tweuty-five cents per box. Por sale by H. J. Brown & Co. The greatest organ is the organ of speech in woman - an organ without a stop. Mr. George O. Denni, Roshester, says : " I have sold Brown's Iron Bitters for over six months, and find it gives entire satisfaction." A young lady just f rom boarding school, oji being told by theservant that they had no gooseberries, exclaimed : "Why, what has happened to the goose?" Mr. Charles McSloy, Ludinjfton, jviicü., says: "i can recoinmand ürown s Iron Bitters to an y oue needing a good tonic." The only way to have a friend íb to be one. "A coward can be a hero at a distance; presence of danger tests presence of mind." Presence of disease test the value of a curative. Kidney-Wort challenges this test always and everywhere, so far as all complaints of the bowels, liver and kidneys are concerned. ït cures all, nor asks any odds. Life is a book of but one edition. Explicit directions for every use are Eiven with the Diamond Dves. Tor dyeing Mosses, Graases, Eggs, Ivory, Hair, &c. Commi98ioners' Notice. STATE Oí' MICHIGAN. County of Washte_ naw. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court ior said county commissioners to receive, examine and adiust all claims and demandg of all persons apalust the estáte of Thomas H. Fuller, late of said county deceased, hereby give iiotice that six months frora date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims aeainst the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late resideuce of said deceased, in tou nship of YorW, in said county, on Tuesday, theS6th day of June, and on Wednesday, the 26th day o? September next, at lü o'claek a. m., of each of said days, to reoeive, examine and udjust cleims. Dated March 6, 1883. JOHN W. BLAKESLEE, AVILES DEXTER, Commissioners. ('oililiiisslitiK'i-s' JÏOtice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashteO naw. The undersigned havine been appointed by the Probate Court for said county commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of alt persons against the estáte of Owen Qallagher, iate of said county deceased, hereby give notice that six months f rom date are allowed, by order of said Proba te Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the Iate resideuce of said deceased, in the township of Webster, in said county, on Tuesdav. the I9th day of June, and on Wednesday.the ]9th day of September next, at 10 o'elock, a. m , of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Da teel March 19, 1883. PHILLIP DUNLAVY EDWAKD DUFFY, Commissioners.


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