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Gov. Bogoie has pardoned from the state prisou at Jackson John W. Moore, scntcuced August 23. 1SSO, by JudgeSwiftiu Detroit for larceny. His pardon was prayed for by Judge Swift, Prosecuting Attorney Caplis, ex-Prosecutitig Attorney Brevoorr, Mayor Thompson, ex-Congressman Lord and many others. The ground for pardon is present mfficieney of punishment. The pardon is conditional upon the abjmdonment of the old habit of drinking intoxicating liquors. John Rancoe, a young man employed in the Eddv cuHivatqr wörks atFlint, had anarniamputated by a circular saw. James Caball, a painter boarding at Chas. Ilunt's, in Battle (Jreek, vas found dcad In his bed having taken morphine. He left a note saying he could not pay his board. He had no relativos here, hi3 mother living in Pitteburg, Pa. Battle Creek is talking about a new county jail. Six bridges have been swept away in Tuscola courty this spring by the high water in the vitóö iiuu ii njui'iti u ... Battle Creek aut.horitics gtve Mr. Parker $10 íor searching last wmter for tho body of Annie Prosser, and íor his services in finding it thts Bpring, as he could not claim anything under the terina of the reward offered. More logshave been banked along the Cass river, in Tuscola eounty, this seaeon than in any ono season íor several years. There are at least 10,000,000 logs yet to run down, aside from a great quantity oí cedar belonging to A. C. YouDg, oí Caro. The bilí which originated In the Senate, and and which passed that body, providing an appropriation oí $80,000 for building an asylum for iusane conviets at Ionia, has created a deal of intere6t atnong the humanitarians. There are at present 68 '"insane conviets" in the state prisons and asylums, 29 of them at the Kalamazoo asylum, 20 at the Pontiac asylum, 16 at Ja"kson, and 3 at Ionia prison. Under existing laws of the state, insane conviets discharged from our penal institutions, and persons arrested on criminal charges and adjudged insane, must be admitted trrespective of the nature of their mental disorder or their prospecte of recovery, and often to the exclusión oí more hopeful cases. Many of the insane crimináis have spent a large portion of their lives in confinement, and are properly termed "hardened crimináis." Naturally vicious, always at war with constituted authority, degraded by evil habits and associations, as well as the inevitable course of their disease, they are placed upon the halls of the asylums, and are made the daily companions of respeetable men and honored citizens. Their presence is a menace to the quiet, good erder, and curative work of the asylums, to say nothing of their tendency to löwer its moral 6tanding. The friends of the bill claim that these with many other reasons justify the establishment of a separate institution for this dangerous cla6s. Every Michigan man who has been attacked with the "Dakota fever," ought to remember that while there may be fortunes to be made in Dakota, the same pluck, perseverance and energy will bring about the 6ame result in My Michigan." An otter was caught near Charlotte recent ly, the first seen in that neighborhood for years ; its skin brought $8. The adventists of Battle Creek are seckingto heal the differences of opinión which have kept their college at that place closed for a year.and reopen the same next fall. The annuai meeting 01 me inter-i,oiiegnue societv association of the state will take place it Hilïsdale the first Thursday and Friday in May. The eocieties represented are the Alpha Sru of the university, the Eclectic society of ;he agricultural college, the Erosopltian of Al5ion, the Star of Adrián, the Amphictyon of Hillsdale, and the Sherwoods of Kalamazoo :ollege. De L. C. Woodman, postmaster and promiaent physician of Faw Paw, is dead. The Common Council of Hillsdale decided that they had power to eleet a Mayor, vice VValdron, deeüned, and at a recent meeting 2lccted Hon. H. Rowlson to that office. James H. Briscoe, one of Flint's most prominent citizens, is dead. Sixteen young persons left the stations of Mason and Leslie last week for Dakota. East Tawas citizens have subscribed $1,500 3tock for a newspaper in their midst, and will 3o even better than that if necessary. Such snterprisa is worthy of being met by eome flrst ïlass newspaper man. The Hou6e committee on liquor trafSc have made favorable report upon a bilí to place the tax on sales of intoxieating drinks, in every village, town or city, in thecountytreasuryfor county purposes. Wm. Osborn, of Muskegon, was run over and cut in two by a f reight train. He was drunk. The suit of Elizabeth E. Watson against Daniel M. Watson, her toeter father, at Grand Kapids, charging him with seduction and claiming damages in the snm of $20,000, is ended, the jury awarding the voung woman $4,000 damages and the costs of the suit. The trial lasted nearly two weeks and the tcstimony was a series of denials and contradictions. Watson insists that he is innocent and wül move for a new trial. Mrs. Gregory, charged with attempting to poison her hisband, has beenexaminedatlonia and held for trial before the Circuit Court. It is reported that at a meeting of mili raen at Muskegon two votes were taken on the ten and eleven hour movement. Those who voted for ten hours represented the largest milis and most logs on the lake, and those who voted the other way were largely mill-owners who cut logs on contract. Mrs. Judson Andrus of Inland, Grand Traverse county, tried to drive an ox from her door a few days ago, when the animal struck her with one of hls horns, breakmg tlirce of her ribs. iBaac Ramsey, one of the wcaltmest citizens of Fairfield, Lenawee County, was arreeted about a month ago, eharged with incest with his two grown up daughters. Kamsey is a wtdower, and it is alleged that illicit relations with his daughters have been going on for years. The aftair has been kept a secret, but tas now leaked out. Thelargebarn of Hugh Keyes, living in Keeler township, Van Buren county, was burned, together with 3,000 bushels of wheat. Six horses were rescued. Loss $4,500, insured for tl,900 in the Continental of New York. The flre is supposed to have been the work of a tramp whom Mr. Keyes had turned away. OfHcers have a clue to his whereaboutsand will probably secure his arrest. Mrs. AnnHill, for the past 12 years postmistress at Milburgh, Berrlen county and a resident of that couuty for 45 years, died recently aged 74. Some Decatur emigratits to Dakota report they were blockaded at Dodge City two days with 1,850 cars containing emigrants and their plunder ahead of them ; were two weeks on the way. The total number of immigrants lnspected at Port Huron during March was 8,747. Of this number 670 were fourd protected by previous vaceination, 141 by previous small-pox, and 34 by recent vaceination on board the steamers during passage. The whole number found unprotected and vaccinated during the month was 1,301. Of these 80 were adults and 55 under five years of age. They came almost entirely from lower Canada and the maritiine provinces. Francis Vorhees, one of the oldest and most prominent merchants of Adrián, dled suddenly of heart disease, while seated at the dinner table Allen Potter, only son of Hon. Allen Potter rí Kalamazoo, mefl6uaüenlyattneinier-ucpan bote!, Cheyenne, Wy. Ter. He was on his way to establish a cattle ranch in that section. SProf. O. J. Van Werner, principal of the Union sehool at Reese, died suddenly a few aaya since. lie waa a popular teacher, andhls dcath casts a gloom over the entire community. Gov. Begole has issued a pardon for Robert Garbutt, who was couvicted of inurder in the recoráer's court at Detroit, August 2, 1868, and sentonced íor liíe lor the killing of an oíd man naraed Amable La Plant. He was in jall at Detroit one year before sent to Jackson. Several days ago John Ferris, of Forester, Sanilac county, was exercising a colt when it lerked eo violently as to tear off one of his fin'gers and pulí 12 inches of inuscle out of his arm. Manisteis wiil expend some $30,000 for eeneral sewer and highway purposes, and f peclil taxcs will be asiessed to adjoining pro,jerty, so in'all probability $40,000 will be expended this season íor said purposes. Got Begole and Secretary of State Conant have so far bigned nearly ten thousand commissions for notarles public. Duriug the session of the Legislature the Governor and the Secretary of State are obliged to take up much time in this sort of work. It becomes yery irksome after the flrst few thousaud trials, and tho rectlemen are now discovering that the rose of authority has some dreadful thorns m the way of affixing their bifins manual. A close observatio of the wheat in Livingston, Ingham, Ionia, Montcalm, Lakc and Masón counties indicates that there will be a fait erop. The recent warm weather with refreshing and, in many places, copious showers, naj developed the plint very rapidly and diepelleo the fear whieh exlsted a few days ago, that nmch of it ae winter-killed. The top was eertalnly killed, but the roots were alive, and are now rapidly putting forth the green bladeB. In Motitcaltn, Lake and Mason count.ies, where the snow remained nn until about ten days ago, the what Is looking very fine, not being killed or injured in the least. licpislatlve Record. Sexate, April 11.- The following bilis were passed upon third reading : House manuscript bill, reorganizing the township ol Rcpuolio, Marquette Co. ; reincorporating Manistee; to protect the rights of laborera ; to provide for the purcliase and distribution of volumes containing the general laws of the state ; amending sectiou 7543, compiled laws, relative to the crime of abortiou ; re-incorporating üie schools of BattleCreek; amending sectiou 5973, compiled laws, relative to notice of trial of chancery cases ; relative to executions in judgruenta ineourtsof record: for laying a school tax in fractional district 2 of Plymouth and Novi ; amending sections 6030, compiled laws, relative to proceedings against corporate bodies ; to repúlate the iDcorporation of associations to hoïd and manage property for religious purposes The petitiona presented were but a repetition of those submitted every day since the eession began. House.- In addition to a large nurnber of favorable reports upon single bilis, the following were submitted: By the Committee on Drainage : A bill to revise and consolídate the lawB providirjg for the construction of drains and to replace act 269 of 1S8I ; being a substitute for eight bilis to amend many different 6ections of the draln law. General order ; by the Committee on State Aff airs : A bül to rcVise and consolídate the several acts relating to the protection of game and for the better protection of elk, deer, birás and wild iowl; being a 6Ubstltute for fourteen bilis to auiend manv different sections of said existing acts. General order The following bilis were passed : To reorganize the Township of Kepublic in Marquette county ; to amend section 4734,compiled laws, relative to marriage, removing prohibition of marriage between whiteB and OJaCKS, IO ilUlüUU ötCUUU Itl V-liayui..i o "" seetion 4 of ctaap' er 12 of act 164 oí 1881, relative to public in truction; to appropriate $66,900 íor univereHy expenses in 188S and 1884; to appropriate state swamp laude for the benefit oí Kovlton Township, Tuseola co., and Whitefurd Township, Monroe co. ; to amend tbe act incorporating the Oíd Tire Department of Detroit, and to perpetúate the society ; to amend the act to incorpórate Corunna; to incorpórate Mon tagne Village in Muskegon co - The Governor by message annouuced his approval of the following acts origlnating ia the House : To establish a Board oL Foor Commissioners in Detroit ; to amend the Detroit House of Correction act, this being the Devlin measure ; to amend the act governing the inspection of illuminating oils ; to prohibit the catching of fish with nets in certain waters; to facilítate construction of eidewalks in Grandport, "Wayne Co., to amend acts relative to Incorporation of Mackinaw City, North Branch and Grand Rapids; to prohibit law partners of prosecuting attorneys írom defending criminal whom the .proaecutor prosecutes ; to authorize the f ormation of clubs íor social purposes ; to allow BOldiers' and eailors' associations use of certain tents ; to allow the State Libraiian 100 copies of "Michigan in the War"for excbauge; to legalize certain school district proc.eeding3 in Townstrips of Winsor and Fair Haven in Huron Countv; to provide for the payment of fees to County of Wayne in suifs and proceedings in the Circuit Court for said county ; to provide for the establishment of wills during lifetime of testator. Senate, Apiil 12.- Petitioiis were pre6ented from 50 business men of East Saginaw for the passage of the Bolger house of correction bill, and from 326 voters of Ingham county against the bill to give Lansing two terms of the circuit court... .Favorable reports were submitted on divers biils, one of them being S. B. 105 to amend act to provide an additional circuit court commiesioner for Wayne county. All put on eeneral order The governor by message commr.nicated his approval of the following acts : To amend section 6 of chapter 10 of the compiled laws relative to marriage; to amend section 1 and to repeal section 32 of chapter 170 of the compiled laws relative to divorce ; to discontinue a certain road in Troy township, Oakland county Over a score of bilis having been defeated in days past and afterward reconsidered and laid on the table for "another chance," Mr. Romeyn offered the iienate toat the action had at third readiug ïpon any bill or Joint resolution, alter coneid;ration of the tame by appropriat.e standing oinmittee and in committee of the whole Senite, should be treated as final, and that any jther course is injudiclous and involves an anwise expenditure of time and the public cuoney." The resolution was tabled The resolution propoèing a coustitutional proinbitory amendnient was mado the special order Eor Fridav. House.- For the pa6Bage of the bilis amendIng the liquor tax laws ; for the passage of a ten hour l&w for extending the time lor the completion of the Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon railroad. Aleo numerous petitlons tor the passage of the law establishing a board of poorcommisslonersof Wayneeounty - The Collowicg passed on third reading: Reincorporating Bay City ; legalizing action of elcctors of Elk Rapios in voting a tax for a town hall ; Bmending act 151 of 1869, relativo to skating rinks; for the incorporation of "the Grand Temple of Honor of Michigan ;"toregulatebusiness of pawnbrokers ; authorizing town of Kearney to seli land to Antrim county ; incorporating Emmct, St. Clair county The following bilis were tabled: Appropriating swamp land for an iron bridge over Grand Rivi'.r at Riyes, Jackeon county ; amendlDg act 193 of 1877, relativo to damages for sheep killed ; amendiug same act with reference to taxing dogs ; authorizing supervisors of Lenawee to purchasR lands for agricultural societies; appropriating swamp lands to improve inland navigation oí Emmet and Cheboygan counties. The above were reported without recommendation and the bilis were laid on the table. The House rnfused to concur in the Senate amendments to H. B. 180, to protect the rights of laborers, and a committee of conference was aeked. Senate, April 13.- The Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting the trafile in intoxicating liquors was laldonthe table pending it8 passage - The following passedon third reading: Concerning co-operativo and beneficiary asíociations ; appropriating $100,931 for the Industrial Home for girls at Adrián ; amendíng section 23 of act incorporating companies for mining, smelting, etc ; amending section 6439 of the compiled laws relativo to proceedings b" garnishment; to provide punishment for persons gettlng upon railroad trains while in motion Housk.- Among the reports from commit tees, those on the followingbills were unfavorable, and the satd bilis were laid upon the table : House bill No. 540, to prevent fishing with seines and nets in Lake Ene along toe Mictngan , coast ; House bilí No. 60, to amend Bection 7 of act259 of the session laws of 1831, to regúlate the sale of liquors, etc As per request, the , governor returned to the House the bill to , créate the County of Arenac out of the northern part of Bay ; and the House laid the bill , upon the table, instead of returning it to tho Senate, as asked to doby the lattcr body The followlng were paesed: To incorpórate i the village of Hesperia in the countles of I waygo and üceana, was passed ; to appropriate : 17,700 for improvements and repairs at the State Normal School, was pa6sed; to appropriate $50. 165 for current expenses at State Normal School, for 1883 and 1884, was paesed ; to provide for rebuildtng and ref urntshing the State Normal School buildings in case of loss or damage by lire, waspasBed; to amend section 6 of the Coldwater Board of Education act of 1877, was passed The Governor was asked to return to the House House, bill No. 95, to add a new section to chapter 19 of act 164 of 1881, relative to public instruction House bill No 21, to incorpórate the Villageof Bangor, In Van Buren County, was poetponcd in-ieönite]y House bill No. 265, to repeal act 103 of ï77 for the special prevention and punlshment of horse-stealing was killed, all after the enacting clause being struck out. Sexate, April 17. - Lütle business was done in the Senate.... The resolution providing for the ünal adjournment of the legislature on May 16th was adopted....8everal petitions were presented and discusued against the passage of the Bolger bill to prevent the reception of Uaited States prisoners at the Detroit houso of correction....The bill appropriating $131,150 for uew buildings, etc., for the Michigan school for the blind, was passed. House. - The petitijns presented were the usual ones The following bilis were passtd: Amending gection 3134, 3136 and 3138, C. L., laüve to incorporation of schools of learniug ; amending act 200 of 1881 relative to booming compauies ; amending act relative to suflerers by the great lire of 18S1 ; asking congress to build lighthouBes on Lake Michigan ; In ref erence to school inspectora of Crvstal Falls, Marquette county; to prevent fishing near flsh shutcs or ladders; to prevent destruction of fish in Eagle and Pleasant lakcs, Oass county ; amendlng act for incorporation of Holland Christian Refonncd ehurches; to próvido for a release of real estáte f rom Hens creatod by state levies of wrtts of attachment or cxecuWon The followtnjr bilis wrre referred back to the committee of the whole or to committees as noted, pending their final passagp : Amending act 161 of 1881 relative to contracts with teacher?; for an approprlation of lauda to im prove the Clio and Chesaning state road in Genesee county; amending sees. 3TS9, 3790 and 3791 relative to teachers' institutos. Edueation; repealing section 207 C. L. relative to progation of wbitefish ; relative to payment, of salaries to auditors of Wayne county The following were lost on final passage : " Making a grant of lands to construct a state road in Missaukee and Oawford; appropriating $1,500 to maintain the firc and pólice departmcnts of Lansing; both bilis were reconsidered and laid on the tabie. The bilí rclating to the sale of liquors was laid on the table, pending lts final passage. Anottacr Accident. An accident oecurred on the F. & P. M. railroad, three miles f rom East Saginaw, by v, iiich John Hewitt, cugineer, and C. L. Khodes firemen, lost their lives. The train wasthrown from the track, by reason of a broken rail. ïialpli ESy. Gen. Ralph Ely, formerly auditor-general of Michigan, died at his home in Redmond, Emmett county, a few days ago. Mr. Ely has been identified with the intarests of this state since 1846, settling at Ronald, Ionia county, in that year, from wlicnco lie moved to G-ratlot county, where he rc6ided until about the year 1866, when he removed to Emuiett county. He served throughout the war of the rebellion, making a brilliant record. At the close of the war he returned to his home and former occupation, but was ealled from private life by the vote oí the people electing him as state senator during the 6ession of 1873-4. He was eleeted auditor-general in 1874 and re-elected in 1876. He was a representative pioneer man, and by j a life of honest endeavor and uprightness of purpose, won the esteem of all. Crop Report. The Michigan crop report for April shows 13 per cent, of the wheat erop winter -killed and that alivc 87 per cent. as promising as 1382 at 1he same date. As to the percentage killed, the estímate may be correct, but as the report says "it is obvious that no satisfactory estímate can be made till the plant commences to grow." In 1882 the condition on April first was far above the average, ín f act was probably never excelled in any year eincewheat growing became a leading industry. IL 87 per cent. of the erop is still alive we must vet wait for the. season to 6liow itself before the result can be approximately estimated. The percentage of condition of winter wheat in the largest producing states is only about SOper cent. as compared with 1882. All kinds of stock hare wintered well and are mainly healthy and in rood condition. Apples promise 93 and peaches 67 per cen.t, but at this eeason it is too early to niake reliable estimates. To Protect Onr Game. The House Committee on State Aílairs has before it thirteen different büls for the protection of Rame, and out of the thirteen bave already agroed upon one whlch has been passed. It amends the general game law, and inakes a number of important changes tlie exact dates bave not beun fully agree'rt upon, it is probable that the season between October 15 and December 15 in each vear. The present law closes the 6eason Janüary 1, but the disappearance oí game is so rapid tnat the Legislrture leéis iinyelled to givc bctter protectiou to deer than lormerly. The present law closes the season in the Upper Península at a different date Irom the rest of the State. This distinction is aow to be abolished. The hunttng of deer with hounds will also be prohibited. It is forbidden to klll quail until November 1, 1886. It is evident tüat this game bird will beeome oxtinct unless absolutely protected for two or three years. The transporting of game by railroads or steamboats during the closed season is made punishable by fines and penalties. Protection is withdrawn from EngliBh sparrows and cherry birds, and thus their lives are made subject to the tender mercy of the email boy and pot-hunter. Mnch rejoicing will be feit by the enemies oí the Ensrlish sparrow- that pugnacious and irrepressible creature- -whose fortitude and daring are not an unflt type of the nation from whieh he takes his name - a nation that has a foothoïd in eyery quarter of the globe. A Law For the Laborer. After several trials to defeat the bill of Ropresentative Blacker for the protectiou of laborers, the Senate flnally took up the bill and passed it. The following is the substance of the bill: Section 1. The Pcople oí the State of Michigan enact, No propert y, except as exempted by ;he laws of the state, shall be exempt frcm levy or eale under an execution issucd upon a judgment obtalncd before any justlce oi the peace, for work or labor done or performed by any person. In entering such judgment the justice shall recite upon the docket that the same was rendered for the personal work and labor of the plaiatiff, and the same fact shall also be recited in any oxeculion Issued thereon. Sec. 2. Siich action may bc commenced by a summons or by a wrlt of attachment as in other suits, and when commenced by summons the same may bc served and retnrned as in other cases before justices of the peace, or plaintiff, if he shall 60 elect. may have such summons made returnable not less than two nor more than four days from the date thereof, and the same shall be served at least two days before the time of appearanee mentioned thercin. Sec. 3. Any judgment recoyered a3 aforesaid shall not be stayed, but execution may issue thereon as upon other Judgments of justices of the peace in actions oi assumpsit, which have not been stayed. Sec. 4. In case any such judgraent shall be nppealed irom to the circuit court for the proper county, and judgment obtaincd by the plaintiff. in such circuit court, the same rule as to exemptions shall apply to any execution issued thereon, and ti.e same recital of facts shall appear in such judgment and execution as herein before provided ia case of judgments andtxecutions of justicecourts, but coets Bhall in such circuit court be awarued as in other cases on appeal.


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