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The Household

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To remove warts, apply bulloek s all two or three times a day. To relieve hiccoughs at once, take a ump of suoar saturated with vinegar. Toothache inay be relieved by the application of cotton, saturated with amnonia. When acid has been dropped on any article of clothiug, apply liquid animonia to kill the acid, then ajply chloroform to restore the color. To relieve a severe cold, nothing is botter than molasses, butter and vinegar, in equal parts. Boil together, and take a tablespoonf ui as hot as possible whenever the cough is troublesome. Tar and honey in equal parts is also considered excellent. J)ov ascaiuor Duin, appiy ïmmeaiaicly pulverized charcoal and oil. Lamp oil will do, but linseed is better, Cover the surface with New Orleans molasses, and then cover thiekly with ilour, is anofher good remedy, as is also tocoat the burn with ruucilage. The additionof three-fourths of an ounce of bórax to a pound of soap,melted in without boiliug, makes a saving of one-half in the cost of soap, and thrcefourths the labor in washing. It also improves the whiteness of the fabrics. It is also excellent to make the hands soft. To remove groase from carpeta: Aqua ammonia, two ounces, soft water, one quart, one teaspoonful of saltpetre, one unce shaving soap iinely scraped. Pour n enough of the mixture to cover the rcase, sponge and rub wel!. Apply ie second time if necessary. Wash on 'ith clear, cold water. A very pleasant perfume, and also a reventive against moths, inay be made y taking one ounce each of cloves, arraway seeds, nutmeg, cinnamon, mace and Tonquin beans. Add as much "lorentine orris root as will equal the ther ingredients put together. Grind tie whole together, and put them in .Ule fancy bags and distribute among the clothing. Charcoal poultices are necessary in cases of kidney complaints, diabetes, and such ailments. If you have no charcoal, take good, bright, wood coals f rom the stove ; quench them in. water; pound them up fine, and then mix with a teacupful of yeast in an iron skillet, and stir in Indian meal or graham flour enough to make a stiff paste; spread it precisely as you do the other poultice, and apply it to the small of the back or the abdomen, and change whenever it gets cool. It quiets pain very quickly. A mustard piaster is neat, quickly made, and one eau apply it for sharp pains, and still keep at work. Take the white of an egg, one tablespoonful of mustard, one of flour, stir well together, and spread on a piece of unbleached cotton; warm a trine, and apply to the place that aches. You can dry these piasters, and they will retain their strength for a long time. Dampen tñem well with warm water, and they are as good as whenjust made, and quite convenient to have in readiness in case of need. The Prairie Farmer says: The most careful cook is sometimes liable to spill hot grease on the clean kitchen floor. A good way to remove it is as folio ws: First, pour cold water on the grease, at once, to prevent its penetrating into the wood ot the floor. Then, to take out the spot, take a piece of ordinary blotting-paper, place it over it, on this place a warm flat-iron. The grease will be drawn from the floor into the paper - change the paper several times Af ter this treatment soap and hot water will remove the last vestiges of the ugly grease spot, and the housewife can affain be happy. For pleurisy or tightness ot the Iung3, a mustard paste is excellent. Take a pint of stale bread or crackers; soak them in milk or hot water till soft; spread it an inch deep on a thick cloth; spread a layer of pulverized mustard over the sürface, and lay it over the aohe. If it stays on long enough it will blister, but it generally ceases the pain before blistering. When removed, spread a soft warm ñannel over the place, and if a blister is started, sprinkle over a little dry flour to stop the smarting. Another way to make a mustard poultice is to thicken a coffee-cupfull of graham or i-ye meal with vinegar; let it scald; then stir in four tablespoonfuls of pulverized mustard; spread and ftpply. I like the other best, as it is made more quickly; it does not require as much mustard, and does as good exeoution. House-Cleantng Time. The Chicago Herald comes to the aLl of kousekeepers who are contcmplating the dread season of house-cleamng with advice whicli it will do well to rememjer. Here is some of it: For ordinary woodwork use whiting to rub the dirt off, and ammonia.- Copperas mixed with the white wash upon the cellar walls will keep vermin away. - Ceilings that have been smoked dj' a kerosene lamp should be washed off with soda water. - Good fires should se kept up during house-cleaning time, even though the doors and windows be kept open. - Drain pipes and all places that are sour or impure may be cleansed with lime water, copperas water, or carbolic acid.- A little chloride of lime dissolved in warm water, and left in a lamp or can wnicn ñas neiu Kerosene, will deodorize it very soon. - Salt liberally sprinkled over a carpet before sweeping will absorb the dust and dirt, and bring ovit the colors as fresh as new, - if stovo polish is mixed with very strong soap suds, the luster appears ïrnmediately, consequently there is less dust to breathe and blacken.- If the wall above the stove has been smoked by the stove, cover the black patches with gum shellac and they will not strike through eitherpaintor calciniine. - Papered walls are cleared by beingr wiped dosvn with a ílannel cloth tied over a broom or brush. Then cut off a thick piece of stale bread with the crust on, and rub them down with this. Begin at the top and go straight down - Furniture needs cleaning as much as other wood-work. It may be washed with warm soap suds, quickly wiped dry, and then mbbed with an oily cloth. To polish it rub with rotten stone and sweet oil. Clean on the oil and polish with chamois skm.- China is the best cleaned, when very dirty, with finely powdered fuller's earth and warm water afterwards rinsino- it well in clean water. A little soap may be adaed to the water instead of fuller's earth. The same plan is reeommended for cleaning glass. ïliiok brown paper should be laid ander carpeta if the patent lining is not to be had; it saves the wear of the fabric and prevents the inroad of moths, which, however, will seldom give trouble if salt is sprinkled around the edge when the carpet is laid. Before paintor ealcimine is applied to walls, every crevice should be iilled with piaster or cement. Tor the ealcimine put a quarter of a pound of white glue in cold water over night and heat gradually in the morning until dissolved. Mix eight pounds of whiting with hot water, add the dissolved glue and star togethcr, adding warm water until about the consistency of thick eream. Use a ealcimine brush, and i'mish as you go along. If skim milk is used instëad of water, the glue may be omittedj The Black Hand. - The "Black Hand," as the anarchist confederation in Spain calis itself, eounts in Andalusia alono 130 different centres and 38,000 members, of whom more than 1,000 belong to the town of Xeres. The destitution in the whole province is ed as very gwat. Tbr lorkiiip f ( ; ;r:.tion of Xeres mimb 1 1 p tx ui H 000. 1 '. o rat e of wagés aiorrgcs on!j Ivro tliillings a day, and werk is rot (o i i d for moro tkím fivi si morttg ; .' the ynar. Some portkm of the diatnsH i; attributed to the faling ( ÍT ii t! c (: mand for the vrine of li.p r"1 i...... '; consequence of t;: r merou imit&tiona of sherry now ttianofacfurtd in Germaiiy and in tho south ol Prance.


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