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Plenty- wet weather. Pleuty - rain these days. Joseph Cook Tuesday May 29. Dr. Eose spent Sunday in the city. The Pennock road machine does good vrork. The pioneers meet at Manchester June 9. The students cleared $200 on the field day exercises. The premium list of the uext county fair will be ready in June. The May term of the circuit court convened Tuesday. Audrew Muehlig is now engaged in the hard ware business at Keed City. The post of the G. A. B. lately organized here numbers 36 mernbers. E. W. Morgan proposes to im prove his residence this summer. There is a young lady attending school here from Mexico. There are several opium eaters in this city. About sixty scholars are attending the telegraph school. Johnson, the prisoner who was shot by Fred Wallace will probably not recover. Many fruit trees have been plauted in this vicinity this spring. M. D. L. Branch goes to Stockbridge to engage in business. Many young trees frive been planted on our streets. The university ought to have a gymnasium. B. J. Corbin was in the city over Sunday. The country adjacent to the city was full of pedestrians Sunday afternoon, Joe Parker of this city is boss of a gang of men on the Canada Southern rúlroad. The fire department was called out last week by a fire in the Doty block in the fifth ward. Rev. Georg of Dexter spoke on temperance Sunday afternoon at Cropsey's hall. The indications are that there will be an increase in the nuoiber of students this year. Twelve mombera of the Methodist church have died during the past few weeks. Osborn, of the medical class of '83, smiles all over. It is a twelve pound boy. The court house square has been mowed at last and presents a fine appearance. Henry Yanson, for 53 years a resident of this county, died at his home in Salem last Sunday, aged 77 years. Prof. Peterson of the telegraph school has 69 scholars. He expects to increaee the number to 200 and possible more. Protection hose company will attend the firemen's tournament at Marshall this year. Prettyman and Geminel of the university distinguished themselves in the foot ball game last Saturday on the fair grounds. Dr. Flynu, a gradúate of the medical department, now located at WestBranch Ogemaw county, is visiting his parents in this city. Wm. M. White, owner of the opera house has directed A. J. Sawyer to make the students' lecture association a present of $50. Prof. Wagner, a city blacksmith spends three hours per day showing the students by example, as well as precept, the secrets of his trade. The cold weather will be of advantage to the fruit in keeping the fruit buds back bo that they may not be injured by the spring íroste. Joseph Farrell late in the employ of A. Kearney, and N. H. Wadhams with Joe T. Jacobs the clothier, have embarked in the clothing business at Dexter. Alvan VanDenberg, who veas a law student in the university a year ago, was arrested last Saturday afternoon ia Detroit "n the charge of stealing sheep from farmers in Superior township. When a case is carried np to the supreme court in -which the university is concerned the latter having two of its professors on the bench ought to get Justice. The dcath of senior Schafer of the medwal class as a result of the barbourout practice of bleeding, will be apt to put a "wp to that particular kind of rgioal Perations for some time to come. T.J. Hosack,of this city is notv builu'Og a house iu Detroit for J. N, Payne attorney, formerly of Ann Arbor. Thi 'Ue second house he has built for Mr. laJ'ne, having built one for him last seali011 on East Univereity Avenue. The Iolanthe trotipe will have a f uil rehearsel at the opera house on the first four nights of next week. The rehearsel Thnrsday evening will be in full drese with Speil's orehestra, The admission to Iülaiithe next Friday evening will be as folio ws: gallcry, 50 cents; general adraission 75 pents; reserved seats in parquet and lirst row of drees circle, 25 cents extra. Charles F. Dight, an assiatant in the medical departtnent has accepted a position as associate professor in the cal department of the umversity at Bayreuth, Syria, and ivill go there during the summer. Dr. Stanley R. Hokten, of Watkins, N. Y., and Miss Kittie Baker Eastman, of this city were narried Tuesday evenmg at the residence of Win. Hatch, Jr., Kev. Dr. Steele ofliciating. J. H. Moore, M. D., class of '81, department of medicine and surgery, ivho has keen employedin the practice of Ui profession at Hinesville, Ark,, is visiting his parents in this city. Wlien the university buildings were first being built, Peter Miller of this county lived in Ypsilanti and walked to Ann Arbor eyery day and did a full days work on the college building and went home eaeh evening. Who can beat that in these days? A unique little affair in the journaistic line is to be sold at the paper festival at the M. E. chureh to-night. It is called the "The Mayflowar," and is priuted on elegant tinted paper with broad margins, incut edges, and its contenta are coniposed of spicy little articles of interest to all. There is to be a paper festival at the Methodist clrarch to-night.


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