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Business Locáis. BIinus paya cash for íive chickens. New Estey organs at cost at Wilsey's inusic store. See the new and elegant Michigan ottage Organs at Wilsey's Borrowers accommodated on real estáte loans. z. P. King. Try Donnelly ft O'Kane's 45 cent Japan Tea. EAerybody Jikes it. Fabm fok Sale.- The Glasierfarm, of 170 acres, one mile east of the city. Inquiro of J. F. Lawrence, Opera House block. Donnelly &O' Kane sells Groceries Lower than anyother house in town. Agent- I am agent for all the newspapers, periodicals and magazines in the fi'orld. Cali and see me. Boughton's ííews Depot. Fresh Fish evtry day in the week, at -uonneiiy Ac uuiane's. ISo. 11 Eiist Huron Stieet. KW Special attention given to eollections in the city of Ann Arbor and elsewhere, by Engene K. Frueauil", ittorney, Eoom 3, Opera House. Can Corn 12 cta. 3 Ib. can Tomatoes 12 els. Peas 12 cis. Beans 12 cta 3 lb can Peaohea 12 ets. Everytliing (Jood, Everything Fresh. Graas Butter and Fresh Eggs always on hand. I keep sonstantly on hand at my store in the Postoffice the flnest stock of Stationery and Blank Books in the city. Willis Boughton. Three dozen pickles in vinegar 25"cènTs Three pounds of English currants 25 ets at Donnelly & O'KaneV, Fob -Two cheap villaje lo ts ob Second street, enquire of Walker Brothers, builders, or at Walkers' Boardinc house, Arm Arbor, Mich. Three pounds of starch 25 cents. Goode delivered any time during the day at the old reliable house of Donnelly & ü'Kane No. 11 Hurou street. Those desiring aid in procuring pensions would do well to apply to O. L. Matthews, attorney at law, office over Rinsey & Seabolt's store, Anu Arbor, Mich. He has procured a f uil line of blanks for that purpose from Washington, and will attend promptly to all business eatruuted to bis care. Tte Traveler's Life and Accident Insurance Compant, of Hartford, Oonn., is the oldest accident insurance company in America and the largest in the world, and is now paying over three thousand dollars every day for death and disabling injury by accident. The lravelers also writes all desirable forms of life and endownient insurance on the low rate all cash stock plan. lts rates for life and endownient insurance are about seventy-ñve per cent. of those of other leading companies, ond offers security second to none. Mr. Eugene K. Frueauff is resident agent of the Teacher: "Can you teil me which i'a the olefactnry organ?" Pupil frankly answers: "No, sir Teacher: "Correct," Pupil goes off in brown study. The politest man in Iowa is a man who has a telephone in hia house and each night calis up the central oflice to bid the operators -'good night" before retiring. Testimony From the Press. To those afflioted with lung trouble, Jiear what W. D. Wilson of the Ottowa, flll.l Times says: "Af ter being disabled for three months with a cough, and lung trouble, often spitting up blood, can testify that I am oured permanently by the use of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure." A free trial botlie can be had at Eberbach & aon.s drug store. At tliis season of the year the beer-sellers hang out pictures of thefestive goat. This is done to attract the kids. " You are now one," said the minister. " Which one ? " asked the bride. " You will have to settle that for youreelveg," said the elergyman. A Tenne3see schoolmaster kissed the girls as punishment, and before long all the old maids were joining that school. Notice to Credltors. O TATE OF SIICHIQAN, County of Washtenaw Oss. Notice s hereby giveu, that by an order of the probate court for the coutity of Washtenaw, made on the 14th day of May, A. D. 18S3, six months from that date vveie alloweü forereditors to present their claims against the estáte of Philip Lutz, late of aaid county, deeeased, and that all ereditora of said deceased are required to present tlmir clnima t said probate court, at the probate office n the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or beforo the I4tli tlay of November uext that sueh claims wlll be heard before saii court on Tuesday the lnh day of August and on Wednesday the 14 th day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacli of said days Dated, Ann Arbor, May, 14th, A I) 1883 WILLUJJ D. HA.RRIMAN, Judge of Probate. Commissioners' Jiotiee. CTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtetj naw. The undersigned havine been upoiiited by the Probate Court for said county commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons agalnst-the estáte of Thomas H. Fuller, late of said county deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims aKainst the estáte of said deceased, nd that they will meet at the late resideuce of said de ceased, in township of York, in said connty on Tuesday, thn ütith day of June, and on Weduesday, the 2Hth day of September next al 10 o'cleck a. m., of oaob of said days, to reoelve examine and adjust oleims. Dated Marcli 88, 1883. JOHN W. BLAKESLEE, WILES DEXTEK, Oommlaflanen. Bücklen's Árnica Salve. - The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure burns, bruises, cuta, ulcers, snlt rheum, fever sores, canoers, piles, ohilblains, corns, tetter, ehapped hands, aud all skin eruptions. Ouarauteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. Twenty-flve cents per box. I'or sale bv H. J. Brown & Co. I'islmi tackle dosen't alwaya tackle ñsh. Fbee! Fiïeeü Pree!!!- New disco veiy for piles. A new remedy for this dreaded disease has been discovered by Dr, Deining-. A single application will convince me most sKeptical of ïts most wonderful healing powers. By calling on Eberbaoh & Son druggists, you can obtaiii a sample box f ree of charge, which will satisfy you of its curative qualities. . dream of fair women- liich men. Bbioht's Disease of the Kidneyg, Diabetes and other Diseases of the Kidnevs aiul Liver, which you are bein fri-'litened about, Hop Bitters is the only thing that will surely and permanently prevent and cure. All other pretended cures only relieve for a time and then raake you many times worse. The garment of a ghost mustbe a spirit rapper. TJseless Fkioht.- To wony about any Liver, Kidney or Urinary frouble, especially Bright's Uisease or Diabetes, as Hop Bitters never fails of a cure where a cure is possible. We know this. Ex-Governor Lirkwood, of Iowa, has given up the use of tobáceo, at the age of 68. " By askiiig too much we maj lose the little that we had before." Kidnev-Wort asks nothing but a fair trial. This given, it fears no loss of faith in vitsirtues. A lady writes from Orejaron : " For thirty years I have been afflieted with kidney complaints. Two packages of KidneyWort have done me more good than all the medicine and doctors I have had before. I believe it is a sure cure." 'Tou said, Mr. Jones, your umbrella had a straight handle?" "1 thought it did; but since it vanished I ám quite certain it ended with a hook." "It is easier to eonvinee a mnn against his senses than agaiiist his will." When a sick man lias given Kidney-Wort a thorough trial, both will and senses join in unqualified approval of lts curative qualities in all diseuses of the llver, kidneys and bowels. "I get an inkling of your thought," said the retreatiug book agent, and he neatly dodged the fiying bottle of writing fluid as he mnde for the door. ïwenty-four beautiful colors of the Diamond Dyes, for Silk, Wool, Ootton, Src,, 10 ets. A eliild can use with perfect success. Eiirthhasnothing softer Ihan a woman's heurt. "The best advice may come too late." Said a sufferer f rom Kidney -troubles, when asked to try Kidney-Wort. "I'll try it, but it will be niy last dose." The man got well and is now reccomending the remedy to all sufferers. In this case good advice carne jnst in time to save the man. "Julius seize her!" said Sanibo, aa Julius was oomtemplatingja fat putlet in the moonligbt. Fast, brilliant, and fashionable are the Diamond Lye colore. One package colora 1 to 4 lbs of goods. 10 cents for anjeólos it would be wrong to sing to a reformed drunkard, "Oh, smile as thöu -wert wont to smile!" "Dr. Benson's Celery and Ohamomile Pilis for the cure of neuralgia are a success."- Dr. G.H. Holman,Christianburg, Va. 50 ots., at druggists. Tte slowest man ever heard of was one who could not get out of his own way. "Five Dr's; no end of medicine: no relief. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure has driven away all eruptions and I'm nearly well." Ida C. Young, Hamilton, 111., Druggists keep it. $1. per package. An indignent landlord writes that lie wants no more fire escapes, as the boaiders can leave to handy without paying their bilis. All over the land are going into ectasy over Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption. Their unlooked for reeovery by the timely use of this great life saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asihma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarsness, Loss of Voice, or any affsction of the Xhroat and Lungs. Trial bottles free at H. J. Broivn & Co. 's Drug store. Large ' size 1.00 Joaquin Miller is to be cremated when J he dies. In these time 3 when our Newspapers are liooded with patent medicine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you. If you are Bülious, blood out of order, Liver inactive, or generally debiliated, there is nothing in the world tnat will cure you so quickly as Electrfe Bitters, ïhey are a blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle at H. J. Brown & Co.'s. Perfect Success. Those two words have a vast meauing when fully comprehended. A perfect success can be truly applied to Dr. Jones' Bed Oiover Tonic, which cures dyspepsia, billousness, coativeness, all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. It is a perfect tonic and blood purifier; it keeps the skin clear and bright, drives away pimples and makes the general health excellent. Price 5Ü cents, of Eberbacn & Son. Poor whiskey is the cause of most at the poor luck in this world. II IX EITHKIt LKjlID 011 DBY FOBX H That Acts nt [he sanie time oaT ItïïBUVBB, THMBOWIISM íl ÁVD TES BIDSB7S. M MWHY ARE WE SICK?y Y■ Becanse we allow these great organs toWÊ Itdtiecome clogged or torpid, and poisonoutWA W human are therefore f orce A into the Vlood U MíAa thouldbe expelled naturally. M T Wl LL SURELYCURE UKIDNEY DISEASES, II n LIVER CONIPLAINTS, j n BISEASF.S, FEM AI.F. WEAKNESSE8, I AND MERTODS UI8OUDER8, tM'Jcausingfree action qf thete organt o;i'U trestoring their power ío tirow qf dittatr. J Why snlfer Bllioas paim nnd achei? Y 1 H Why tormented wit h Pllea, Conttipatloni U kJ Wh y frightened OTer dlsorderod Kidnejil M PJ Why endure nrrou or slck headaches] ■ II Í7í KlDNEY-WORTaníi rejoice in health. j I Itlsputnpln Urx Tecetble Form, ín ti II IB cdiis one package of which makes six quarta ofBM ■ I medicine. Also in Llquld Form. vtrj II 2 trtedf f or those that cannot readily prepare ít. í ■ VV tv It acts wit h eqnal efficiency in either form. JÊÈ M üET II OF YOUK DRUOGI8T. TRICE, tl.OoH M V EI.LS, UICH ABDSON ('o. , Frsp'i, U II (Wiii íond the dry poit-paid.) BCUX1CT0.1, TI. Q TRUE Temperaice Is not signinga""plêdge or taking a solemn oath that cannot be kept, because of the non-removal of the cause - liquor. Thewaytomake a man températe is to kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that carry so many bright intellects to premature graves, and desolation, strife and unhappiness into so many families. I Itisafact! Brown'sIron Bitters, a true non-alcohol ie tonic, made in Baltimore, Md.,by the Brown Chemical Company, who are old druggists and in every particular reliable, will, by removing the craving appetite of the drunkard, and by curing the nervousness, weakness, and general ill health resulting from intemperance, do more to promote temperance, in the strictest sense thn any other means now known. It is a well authentícated fact that many medicines, especially'bittersarenothïng butcheap whiskey vilely concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with Brown's IronBitters. Itisamedicine, a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous, muscular, and digestive organs of the body, producing good, rich andstrength. Tryonebottle. PricegLOo. Griög's Glycerixe Salve.- The best on earth can truly be said of Grigg's Glycenne Salve, which is a eure cure for cute, braises, scalds, burns, wounds, and aü other sores. Will positively cure pues, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Satïsfaetion guaranteed or money refunded Only 25 cents. For Bale by Eberbach & Son. Tlie Shah of Persia has four hundred horses. xt F-Liepsner, A. M., Eed Bank ÍN. J.:I have been troubled with Catarrl so badly for several years that it seriously anected my voice. I tried Dr 's remedy without the slightest relief. One bottle of Ely's Creain Balín did the work iuj vtuce is muy leatored and my head feels better than for years. B. P. Liepsner. v We never speak as we pas by, is a popular song with mutes. On principie we never endorse a propnetary medicine, but we will say foi Ely's Cream Balm, for the cure of Caarrh, Hay Fever, and Cold in the head tnat ït is an article which gives the utmost satisfaction. H. J. Brown & Co , Druggists, Ann Arbor, Mich. Girla ifyou trould avoid having a moustache on your lip eat onions. Mr. Wm Finley, Ludington, Mich.. saj-s : " I denved great benefit froni the use of J3rown's Iron Bitters." Had it not been for the telephone the word "helio" wouldhave faded away aud commmgled with the musty echoes of the past. About two years ago slie commenced usmg the Taraxine, and I am gratified to say, smce then she has had no recurrence of those terrible pains. I attribute her restoration to health entirely to the use of Taraxiue, aud in conclusión would say to all who suffer that excruciatinír of all pains, to give Taraxine a trial. Truly Ion P' Fr SaIe by Eberlfi-h & Boston bntchers wear white apron trimmed with lace. I. Shipp Spbaks Op II w WiFE-Indianapolis,Ind.:Mr.A. Mv wife has for several years been a great sufferer f rom penodical attacks of Neuralgia m the head. Several of the most eminent physicians has been callñd ,.„. on to treat her, but tliey could onlv give temporary relief. " "The jack's trumped," said the cardpiayer as the train uncomfortably, "und the track's juinped," said his partner, as the train rolled into the ditch. Dr C. E. West's Nerve and Brain ireatment ia a never failing cure for Nervous Neuralgia, Nervous Headache, Overworked Brain, etc. Sold at Brown te Co. s drug store. "Bill, suppose you had $10 in your pocket and I should ask you to lend ir.e $5, how much would remain ? " "Why, ten dollars, sure." Now is the time to treat Catarrh f long standing. Elys' Cream Balm reaches old and obstinate cases, where all other remedies fml.Do not neglect procuring a bottle asín it lies the relief you seek. Pnce 50 cents. Apply into nostrils with little tinger. A little kiss, a little bliss, a little ring; it's ended. A little jaw, a little law, and lo ! the bonds are rended. " Pay as you go " is a good motto, bnt if some men should go as they pay, they would never get anywhere. Ca.arrh. For fifteen years I have been greatly annoyed with this disgusting disease, which caused severe pain in my nead, continual dropping in my throat and unpjeasent breath. My sense of smell was muoh impaired. By a Ï? fVr 81X nionths of JElys' Cream liaiin I have entirely overeóme these troubles. J. B. Case, St Denis Hotel, Broadway and llth 8t., N. Y. Why is a Zulú belle like a prophet of old ? Because she has not mueh on'er in her own country. A Report of Cleuk of Circuit Court -Clerk's Office, Johnson Co Ind.- Mr. A. Kiefer: During the spring and summer my wife wns a great sufferer f rom dyspepsia and indigestión, caused bya torp]d hver. About a nionth ago she began usmg yonr Taxarine, and the flrst two doses gave her so mnch relief that she conhnued the use of it until twobottles had been taken; and 1 take pleasure in sayin? that her health is entirely re?n . ",- Yours' etc.,IsAAo M. Thompson Clerk Circuit Court. For sale bv Eberbaen & ison. I 'T ft } WliEK. made at home, by the in f # Bert business now betore il I "'Public. Capital not ncedeU; w aSfl liri s,turt Men' o,„en. boys ?iv.ï v „,,. , f ■ on Va" work '" pare time or L }mii_lioleatt(!iition to the business. No AMnm Tku Jt Öa , Augïiita, Me. F. BETTICH, Jr„ cc O 5" i Jiz; s Uw H ! ■ ■ ■ a Cfi 1 A- % co ge f 50 SOUTH MAIN STREET. FOR Uil o A FINE FARM OF 60 ACRES, AND ONE HALF MII.ES FROM THE COXIRT I Houw, on the Soutli Yinilanti road. Or will sell thirty acres of the same. J. W. HULBERT. 1ÍEÑRY MATTHÊWST Has; the pleasure to nforni the public that heil ready to receive tliein in his new brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEOXARD HOUSE. Evi-rything in his line wiü be first-class, and At Reascnable Rates. He returns hls sincere thanks to all his oíd cus. tornera for their geuirous patronage, and cordl ■ ally invites them, and all new ciiMtomers CO liis new quarters, where he liopes by fair dealing tn jnlarge hls alreadv growins business RINSEY &. SEABOLT," No. 6 and 8 Washington st ., Have on band a ronrpletw stook of every thin intlte Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Cofiees, andSugai ( In large amounts, and at Oa,sIhL PriceB And can sell at Low Figures. The largo invoiee of Teas they Buy and Sell, í- good proof tliat ia Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They lioast their own Cofïees every week ai,. none but prime articles are used. Their Bake-turns out excellent Bread Cakc.and Crackers. Cali and see them. m m -ui To Rent. Farms, Unimproved lancls, and City Prope AL80 MONEY LOANED! F. L. Parker, Dealer iu Real Estáte. Office : Main Street, opposite the Court House, Ann Aihor Micli. C ATARRH A Positlve_Cure LMianA JffS-g jr jj AND nVY KEVER. B y Í H I Myuoïwi for ( oi; __WB Headacheand DeafÊ&0s&t B ness, or any kind of HrsSöör? mucus ïnomljranul __L 1 iiritations, inflamed Av WiipíÍb or l0llgh surfaces. n T rCVEIr A preparation of nu ■ doubted merit. Ap' ply by the little flnger into the nostrils; It wffl be absorbed, effectually cleansing the nasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretlona. It allays inflammation, protecta the membranal linings of the head froni additional colds, oomptetely lieals the 3ores and restores the sense of taste and smell. Beneficia! resulta are realized by a few appücations. A Thorough Treatment Will Cure. Cream Balín has gained an enviable reputation wherever known; displacing all other preparations. Send for circular, containing full Information and reliable testimoniáis. By mail prepaid, fifty cents a package -stamps received. Sold by all Wholesale and retail druggists. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO.. Owego, N. Y. The Bad and Worthless Areneverimitated or countert eited. This is especially true of a family medicine, and it is positivo proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, best and most valuable family medicine on earth, many imitations sprung up and began bo steal the notices in which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of H. B„ and in every way trying to induce suffering invalida to use their stuff instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put up in similar style to H. B., with variously devised names, in which the word "hop" or " hops" were used in a way to induce people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures, no matter what their style or name is, and especially those with the word "hop" or "hops" in their name, or any way connected with them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealinsr in imitations or counterfeits. PWETICMEDICINE. bcTBrAIN &ÑERVE FOODfiili Positively cures Night Losses, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, Nervous Debility, Jucorrhea. bairenness; and for all weakness of the generative organs in either sex it is an Unfailing and Positive Cure. Tones up the debilitated system, arrests all involuntary discharges, removes mental gloom and despondency,ana restores wonderful power to the weakened organs. With each order of twelve packages, accompanied with five dollars, we will send our guarantee to refluid the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the cheapest and best medicine in the market. Full particulars in pamphlet, whicli we mail free to any address. Sold by all dragKists. One package 50c; six for $2.50, orsent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing tlie Magnetie Medicine Co., Detroit, Mieh . tS?Guarantees issued in Ann Albor by O. E. Holmes. Cook's Hotel Block. cTHE CREAT CURE I TOB. I - RH EU M AT I SM- I _ As it is for all thd painful diseases of the -g : KIDNEY8.LIVER AND BOWELS. (0 It cleansea th eystem of the acrid poison ï that causea the dreadful suffering which O O onXy the victima of Kheumatism can realiae. L THOUSANDS OF CA3ES J J of the worst forma of thia terrible diseaoe - dj have been quickly relie v&rl. and in ahort time 5 PEftFECTLY OUREO. Ö PRICE, $1. Mijl II) OR DRYt 8OI.D BY DRUGGISTS. iDry can be sent by mail. 3 WELLStBICKARDSON&Co.,BurlinirtonVt. " g HAS BEEN PROVED , The SUREST CURE for i KIDNEY DISEASES. I Boes a lame h&dk. or disordered urine indi cate that you are a victim P THEN DO NOT "O C HE3ITATE; use Kidney-Wort at once, L ' ffiats recommend it) and it will speedily . m como the disease and restore healthy aotion. I SHAO For complaiuta peculiar f MWIIWi toyour eex, such as pain -I and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort is unsurpaesed. iQ as it will act promptly and safely. EitherSei. Incontinence, retention of urine, o 5 brickduatorropydeposits.anddull drogRing c 9 paina, all apeedily yield to ita cura t i ve power 2 BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 1. IAlyon&healy} State & Monroe Sts., Chicago. sjé BAND CATALOGUE, (f M 'or IS-'i, VOO [mués, W Knpmvingi I 'li!tL;JH i'oinpou, Kptult-U. C)r-I,!in4, Xs, tfm ÏUuds, Pr-iiii Major! Siffs. mui FxK Uta, Smt.lry fauA OutbU, IïeiErin; Tl VIateriafi,aboÍDl'lu,t lutru.tloo bik! A I vdm for Amateur Itaudt, sod a 0tÍ0uHU f Chotea iïnil Muaic " TDVERTÏSINT oontracts made for THIS PA PEK, whioh is kpt ou filo witu LORD & THOMAS, AU vurUolliK Atenta, CUIcucu,-IlL


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