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Barnum June 30. Dr. Hall has gone to Obio. Frank Irisli is home again. Oourt has adjourned until July 10. Dr. Polhemus went to Wisconsin.Monday. Wm. Karberg is doing a big view business. Prof. E. S. Greene has gone to St. Paul, Minn. Prof. Pettes' new house has been enclosed. Manyof the students are homeward bound' A. W. Harmilton controls the Hamilton block. Gov. St. Jchn at the M. E. ohurch this evening. The citizens are not quite ready for water works. M. D. L. Branck is rusticating at Stockbridge. E. Kempf, president of the F. & M. B., is in Boston. And now comes A. Wilsey, who is to have a talephone. Public schools closed yesterday for the snmmer vacation. Dr. Goodyear has taken rooms on Washington street. The town pump is again being extensively patronized. Wednesday evening the city band gave an open air concert. Mr. Shaw will build a house on Miller Avenue this summer. The new stairway in the clerk's office is a model of its kind. Raser, sentenced to state prison, is employed in the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs T J. Wrampelmerer sail for Europe to-morrow. Mrs. W. E. Henderson has gone to' East Saginaw on a visit. Jno. II. Wheeler has sol d his place on Jliller avenue to Mr. Shaw. Twenty men have joined company A within the last two weeks. Company A will elect non commission ed officers Monday evening. H. K. White and wife have been visiting several days in Hillsdale. The sparrows on our streets are increasing and make good scavengers. B. F. Watts spent Sunday with his old friend C. M. Jones, in Charlotte. All the bookstores wlll sell tickets ior the high school alumni banquet. S. P. Jewett has put his house on East Huron street in thorough repair. A large number of the boys expect to go to Toledo on the Fourth of July. Attorney Engalla, of Pt. Austin, was visiting friends in the city last week. T. Y. Kayne was away two days last week trussing people at other places. The corrected time schedule of the M. C. R. R. will be found on Fourth page. At Port Huron last Friday the score Btood Port Huron 22, university nine 2. Chas, and Theo. Hicks, are visiting their father, J. H. Hicks, on Lodi Plains. Rev. T. B. Forbush, of Detroit, will preach at the Unitarian church Sunday. Mrs. Ann Canwell is visiting her daughter Mrs. Carrie Whyrnan, at Ionia. Chas. Minnis who has engaged in painting will not open his shoe shop until fall. A. K. Spence, president of Fisk university, and wife, are visiting friends' in the city. Next week thu city will be filled with strangers, the occasion being commencement. Theo. Taylor has been taking in several towns in the northern part of the atate. During the show season 73 entertainments have been given in the opera house, The Misses Gilbert are assisting their father in copying in the register of deeds office. Dr. Darling has gone east on a visit to his old home in N. Y. state, Sullivan county. The senior pharmics have deoided not to accept flowers at commencement exercises. No one who posesaes the characteristics of a gentleman will heedlessly insult another. A new house is being put up on Washington street to be occupied by W. W. Douglas. County olerk Kobinsos and Begister Gübert have had their private offices carpeted . The assesed valuation in the first and second wards is gome $99,000 over that of last year. A great deal of work is bemg done on our streets and in some cases where it is not needed. Cougressman Eldredge has the thanks of The Democbat for valuable public documenta. Mrs. Prof. Teu Brooke left for Chicago Tuesday, to attend the wedding of her son Kinneth. Kitson & Co., will finish penciling the post office sometime this month - weather permitting. J. H. Hicks purchased last week a vahiable Hollstein yearling bulLfrom a party near Tecumseh. Since the flrst of April the oouncil have ordered down over three miles of new sidewalks. Geo. Buell, a former citizen of this place, is about to open a match factory on Fifth street. Song service last Sabbath evening at the Methodist church called out a large congregation. Wednesday nest is alumni day. There will also be re-unions of the classes of '63, '68, and '80. There will be a meeting of the Irish national league Sunday afternoon over C. Rinsey's store. On Wednesday evening next a reception will be given in univirsity hall by the university senate. Nelson Kyer has improved his resi(ience on North Main street by the addition of a new porch. Next Sunday President Angelí will deliver the baccalureate address in university hall at 4 p. m. AccordiDg to the new directory just published, this city has a population of 10,500 inhabitants. Prosecuting attorney Maynard, of Grand Bapids, was home on a three weeks' visit last week. Hiram Storms is fitting up a feed mili in the fifth ward for the purpose of grinding' course grain. Mr Dorland, law, '83, has gone into an office iu Detroit instead of goinghome as was stated last week. Jno. Ferdon has been making some improvements on his farm, costing aeveral hundred dollars. To-morrow examination of candidates for admission to the university will be the order of the day. Chas. Donnelly has a position in the office of the Chicago and West Michigan railroad at Muskegon. There is scarcely a house for sale or rent in this city.which indicates that our people are prospering. Remember a large number of strangers will be in the city next week to attend commencment exercises. Prof. Perry entertained the students and teachers of the high school at his residence last evening. Geo. W. Cook, employed on the Toledo road, is laid up with a lame foot, caused by an accident yesterday. Jas. Hulbert is the father of a bouncing baby boy. The little fellow put in an appearance last week. E. W. Morgan, like a sensible man, thooght it best to put down a new sidewalk east of the post office. A. S. Noble of Port Huron, and Mia Cora Gray, of Dexter, were married Wednesday at the former place. The commencement exercises of the state Normal school at Ypsilanti will our June 24. 25, 26, and 27. Mack & Scmidt bonght on speoulation Friday at auction several lots in C. H. Millen's addition to Ann Arbor. There was an excursión Sunday over the Toledo road to Symaria, where a camp meeting was in full blast. Sed James is manufacturing for W. W. Wines, a handsome granite monument,to be placed in Forest hill emetary. Officer Preston made the arrest and Justice Clark sent Wm. Conway.a disorderly person to jail for ñve days. A. Eisele has the flagging on the ground for a new walk in front of the Fisher property on Huron street. The Ann Arbor city band orchestra furnisbes the music at President Angelí' reception next Thursday evening. Mrs. Osborn and Mrs. Worden eaoh sang solo at the M. E. church last Sundae evening dunng the song service. In Chelsea this season the following ñrms will purehase wool: K. Kempf, & Bro.; Gilbert & Co., and Taylor Bros. Hon. Geo. B. Remwick,of Detroit, and Hon. John F, Lawrence of this city, are trying their luck fishing in Clam Lake. James Harkins the well known oomedian has embarked in the tin and hardware business at 32 East Huron street. Will Tuite, formerly of Dexter, but now located in Detroit, called on many of liis old friends in this city Saturday. Dr. Newton of Toledo was in the city Tuesday and purchased several fine horses. C. H. Hendricks sold him his pony. B. J. Billings, route agent on the Toledo road, took a lay over Saturday and spent two days with his Chelsea friends. The street sprinkler posesses an able ally in the frequent rains that have sprinkled our streets free of charge lately. Mrs. Clara Frueauff, mother of Justice Frueauff, and his sister, Miss Frueauff, of Bethlehem, Pa., are ou a visit to the city. Sheldon Ide, for 49 years a resident of this county, died Monday, aged 70 yearg and 3 months at his residence in the fifth ward. Prof. E. C. Franklin attended the American instituto of homeopathy in session at Niágara Falls the first of the week. Michael Clark and O. F. Starr went to Mt. Pleasent Monday in company with A. Kearney to work on his new bnck block. James McMahon spent a part of last week in Muskegon on professional business. He thinks Muskegon is a lively place. I. C. Handy, earriage painter, has improved the appearauce of O. M. Martin's hearse, and also. one of Bobison & Son'e hacks. lietfistor of deeda Gübert haa appointed J. M. Wilcoxson to the deputy ship made vacaut by the resignation of P. W. Carpenter. Chas. Jones, agent for the Bloomfield oil company, sello kerosene to every groceryman in the city with the exception o one firin. The streets oould be made to present a much neater appearance if the aldermen in the respective wards would have the grasa cut. Wm. Jewett, formerly of Saline, died in Detroit last week, aged 25 yeare. The reniains were taken to his former home for burial. Bach & Abel bought a large looking glass at assignee sale Friday. The glass was cheap, the original prioe being about $200. The class day exercises of the department of medicine and surgery ocour next Monday. Banquet in the evening at StJames hotel. George Ragan, a lad seven years old, was run over by a hack in front of the firemen's hali Wednesday night, and geverely injured. The poor man would have to pay his quota of taxes for the water works.but he never could afford to use the water. The project is buried. Sed James is laying a stone sidewalk in front of the old Mills property on División street, for Mrs. Rogers, and a sidewalk in front of Wm. C. Stevens' place on Ingalls street. A. L. Noble has improved in balth since he went soitth. He spends a good portion of his time in crossing the mountains of N. C, on horseback. Jesse Booth, of Boone county, Mo., arrived in the city last week on a yisit to his old home. He is accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Horace Booth. The road wagon in which J. J. Ellis was riding Monday broke down by the breaking of the forward axle and the cupant thrown to the ground. The last hop of the season was given at the armory last evening. Those who tripped the light fantastic, danced to the musio of the city band orchestra. No ODe has yet been sesured to take J. W. Knight's position au cashier in the First National bank, who has sent in his resignation to take effect July 15. Mary Ann Carson, a disorderly person, was arrested last week by deputy sheriff Preston, and genteneed by Justice Brennan to 60 days in the county jail. An ice creain social was given at the residence of H. J. Brown Wednesday eveninp by the ladies and the "Little Builders," of theEpiscopal church. There is to be a piano recital at university hall Monday evening on whioh occasion Miss May L. Wood will be assisted by the Beethoven and Quintet clubs. New sidewalks are being laid and old onea repaired all over the city. The eouneil proposes to have several miles of new walks put down this tammer. Mrs. E. Wilson and family, who have been at the St. James tot several months, will leave Monday for Ooean Grove, N. J., where they will gpend the Bummer. Mack & Schmidt have purchased thug far only 4,500 pounds of wool, the price varying from 28 to 30 cents. The flrst clip was bought of a Mr. Kelsey, of York. Mrs. Alfred Fullford was arrainged before Justice Frueauff Friday on the charge of slandering Mrs. Wakefield. The case was appealed to the circuit court. Miss Flora Goodale, who has been teaching abroad the past year, arrived home Friday, and will spenófthe nummer vaeation with her mother on North Main street. If the sewer on Ann street had been put down from the court yard corner to the gutter adjoiningthe post office, there would have been a saving of $100 ormore to the third war J. Mr. Jno. Dolan of Chicago, and Miss Nellie O'Keeffe of this city, were united in matrimony Wednesday. The services were performed in the Catholic church by the Rev. Fr. Fierle. The Herald says that of 70,812 bushels of wheat marketed in this conuty in Mayi one third was purchased in Chelsea. We always knew that there was no better market in Washtenaw. Prof. Nichols yesterday presented a $10 oil painting to Miss Armstrong.s claas in the third ward chool,for the best claas in writing, considering position, pentmlding and movement. Howard Ayers, a gradúate of Harvard college and who componed the prize essay, with Prof. Reigard, lit, class of '82, now looated at LaPorte Ind., is in the city visiting Allfe Jenkins, lit. Henry Chamberlin,formerly with Keek & Co., who Las been West speculating, has concluded to engage in business in Omaha. He is now in the cityfc and expects to return in a few days. The graduating exercises of the senior class in the high school, took place this morning in the M. E. ohurch The speakers with scardely an exception acquitted themselves with credit. A house occupied by a man named Johnson, in the siith ward, caught fire Wednesday evening from a defeetive chimney. The roof was burned off and the building flooded with water. Bev. W. W. Washburn, of Detroit, will deliver an oration before the alumni association of the literary department in univeraity hall next Wednesday, and a poem will be read by C. JÍ. Qayley. Some months ago the First National bank of Toledo received a judgment for $2,000 against the Detroit, Hillsdale & Southwestern railroad, and they seek to recover the same by garnisheeing the M S. R. R. Rev. J. T. Sunderland, of this city, went to Chicago last week and delivei ed the annual oration before the alumni of the Chicago university. His subject was "The influence of Darwin upon science and thought." Mrs. J. T. Sunderland delivered a very interesting and instructivo temperance address before the] reform club Sunday afternoon. She adyanced many new ideas, which those eiigaged in the oause would do well to profit by. The street committee should compel Mrs. E. W. Morgan to lay a stone gutter infrontofherproperty on Ann street. occupied by Sed James. The filth is several inches deep and will breed sickness if the nuisance is not abated. I Friday eveumjí the fqüowing oflicers were elected by Ann Arbor encampment No 7, 1. O. O. F. H. E. Gidley C. P; David Allmendiníjer, H. P.; Wm. J. Miller, senior warden; E. J. Morton junior warden; O. Krupf. acribe; H. Krapf, treasurer. The horse and carriage of Mr. Ahnendinger who lives west of the city was unhitched from in front of Joe T. Jacob's store, and driveu off by someone Saturctay evening. The rig was found on S. G. Miller's farm on the south Ypsilanti road. We doubt if the cause of temperance cm be advanced by the publication and distribution of scurrillous circulara, similar to those put afioat in the last few days and scattered throughout the city. The largest threshing machine ever Bold in Michigan, was purchased of M. Hogers, by Wm. Brown, of Gettesburg, some days ago, and will be on exhibition the day of Barnum's show, in connection with a large propelling engine. Airs. Diadama Stocking.mother of Mrs. Moses Seabolt, died Sunday of inflamation of the bowels at the residence of her sou-in-law on Fifth street. She had been a resident of this place tor 34 years and was in her 76th year at the time of her death. The following officers have been chosen by the Adelphi literary society: 0. D. May, president; F. P. Blaekman, vice president; W. L. McDonald, secretar}'; C. P. Drummond, treasurer; E. 8. Clarkson, librarían; E. S Moaely, assistant librarían. There is soine talk of starting a subscription paper for the purpose of raising fuuds to purchase an easy chair for the court house janitor. In case the scheme is carried out we would suggest that Jeff Davis be invited to make the presentation speech. The thirty-ninth annual commencement exercises of the university will be held next Thursday. Prof. Jas. O. Murrny, D. D., will deliver the uldress. Af ter the exercises in the hall, dinner will be served to the alumni and guests of the university in the law lecture room, when a number of toasts will also be responded to. At the Unitarian chureh this evening will occur the seventh annual re-union of the high school alumni association. An oration will be delivered by V. B. Cady, '82; an essay, by Miss M. M. Curtis, '78; and a poem will be read by M. H. Breiman, '73. After the exercises i banquet will be held in the basement of the ohurch. The annual meeting of the board of regen ts will be held Tuesday at 10 a. m; business meeting of the alumni association of the department of hterature, science and the arts, at 2 p. m.; class day exercises at 10 a. m., eonsisting of an oration, and a poem on prophecy. In the evening a reception will be held in nniversity hall by the graduating class. Our atteution hns been called to the fact that boys and grown men are in the habit of bathing in the race below the dam, and on Sunday last several rowdies took special pains to exhibit themselves by standing on the bank as a number of ladies passed by in boats. Such conduct is reprehensible and the guilty ones should have 100 lashes on their bare backs. The second water works meeting was held at the court house Monday night. Several speeches were made for and against the project, but the audience couldn't see the pressing necessity of bonding the city in the sum of $75,000, about one quarte r what the works would cost when completed, and sat down on the proposition by voting to table the whole matter. Por the present we wil 1 hear no more about water works. Postmaster Spencer of Ypsilanti, was found a little short in his accounts, which he explained to the government agent by say ing that it was his intention to make the amount good from his salary. The cause of the shortage, Capt Spencer claims, was due to his assisting some of his relations. That there was no intention on his part to beat the government. His many friends will regret to hear of the cireumstances. The amount of the defiency has been rnade good. For eeveral days Jeff Davis has been putting the clerk's office in a presentable shape. The wood work, cases, and floors have been cleaned and oiled, snd the private office of Mr. Robison has been carpeted with a handsome brussels carpet at his own expense. When janitor Horton saw Jeff at work he was as mad as a hornet, and feeling fhat it would not dó to let the other offices about the court house go uncleaned any longer, he went to work and now the whole lower story has been coinpletely renovated. The Commencement annual this year pill be published by Noftzgaer & Hawley. The Annual, which is to be in pamphlet form, will be printed on fine book paper and will contain 120 p&gee, devoted exclusively to the exercises of commencment reek. It will be placed on sale next Thursday noon at the low price of 20 cents per copy. As Mr. Hawley is an experienced newspaper man, he will spare no bains or expense in giving to the studente and citizens a publication a little ahead of anything that has been issued on a similar occasion. Last Friday evening the senior pharmacy elass gave a banquet at the St. James hotel. The literary program consisted of an address by ahe elass president, C. 8. Coon.class history, J. J. Spencer; poem, O. L. Sedman; oration, E. O. Field; prophecy, E. C. Bassett. The oration was a scholarly effort and was well received by those present some 58 in all. After supper the following toasts were responded to: G. A. Kirchmaier offiiciating as toast Our lady Members, respumse by O. S. Koon; Our Profession, response by E. S. Le Feare; Our Faculty, response by B. W. Damon; Olass of '83. response by Miss Besa W. White; Medical Terms, response by C. P. Pengra, M. D.; The Press.response by W. M. Gibson. M. Condón who has been connected with the labotory for 12 years also made some appropnate remarks. F. T. Babbitt was elected corresponding secretary. It was decided to hold a reunión of the class of '83, in three years. Mrs. Malaprop: "So you're going to Paris to study art, are you? That will be nice When you come back you can take all your photographs can't you?" Some men are like an anchor. They are not useful until they are buried.


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Ann Arbor Democrat