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Parsons' Purgative Pills

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MJKE 1VETV RICH BLOOD, And will completely change the blood in tho nntire syatem In three nionths. Any person who wiU take 1 PM each nlght from 1 to 13 week, may be restored to sound hcalth tf such a thing be possiWe. For curing Female Complaints these PiHs have no rqnal. PhyütMans use them ín thetr practice. Sold everywhere, or oen, by mail for olght letter-stampe. Send for circular. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, MASS. ñiniSTIBPIIII CROUP. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS. mi I II JOHNSON'S ANODÏNE LINIMENTwïll instanVUj U W9 9U mg I ■■ tancouslv relieve ihf se terrible disensos, and win ros.lnrly Hal WP ITS I BH HtI H fel cure nirie cases out of ten. Information ttiat wil] save. 3 6 E H many lives sent free by mail. Don't delay a moment. B# 9 BI 11 8 19 BS ïilll Prevention is better thin cure. AnEnglishVete)inarySureeonndChemis ■ j jp ■ LS are1wort!i!essI'i'ósl;." He savsthatShcridan-s p f4 Iw ■ I IbhI BhÏX I L L ñmmm mm anu ikuw wukbui lfe ,llllMrrffmTrRESERVQ8R MIV j9x113: HL W1m1 These Vasesareespeciallyadaptcd Sk. ITMïïTJii" nTffl BS S ilir Cemeteries and Parks, and are tf HA i iBBrrll 11 much less trouble than the ordjnary M "" WÊa' m& vasca that require water every day. rA H W 2Í& he Reserroirs hold trom one to five V WB JËËr j(fiv gallons, accordiug to the size of tho N Hl Va se, and the flowers will keep SSH hrigbt and fresh without any aiJHjL ditional water, trom ten to fifteon rLEé=LSBta:- erally by Hardware dealers, Marhlo dealers and Seedsmeu throughout L (hO country. Do not bo induced to eet anythlng but a KtesorrtIi jt-fz: BHT 4 Vaso. We also manufacture a full f S'l l"""" i( j cj?yiL lino of gï ïiawn Furniture, Settees and Cliaii'E Both Iron and "Wood. W hú for the RESERVOIR Vasa. fff tUs!!, '■'aB If your Mercbant cannot supply fflcSS ji= you, send your ordern direct to us. fMMMggg"'"'''? Catalogues of Vases and Iawn Furnituro mailed upon appücation. .i.'.y s... lo Barnum Wire and Sron Works, DETROIT, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Democrat