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The standard dollars issued for the week endng September 1, 1883, aggregated $327,497, gainst $433,900 fur the correponding period ast year. Eedfield and Tuttle, two stage robbers, were hanged at Florence, A. T., on the 4th. President Barrios of Quatemala and Presl dent Soto of Honduras have fallen out, and, the prospects are that hostilities will be resumed. Davitt urges Irishman to be calm, resolute and self-controlled, and they will ultimately iaiu their cause. The Te'.egrapher8' Brothcrhood has dissolTed connection witb the Knights of Labor. The postal telegraph company has begun the construction of new lines whichwill cost $l,50J, 000. Some reraarkable Indian-relics have been dug up in Forrest Home cemetery, near Chi ■tl ir 1 m I 1 1 1 Hl VI tv n Tl' lï itii rrtli w nt ir j-t - nnnH lrrtA ttu, luciuuiu; a wuue UIUIUIUY, cuppcr iet , stone scalpers, etc. The Marquis of Kipon, governor general of India, has sent an vestigating commission to Java ; meanwhile Bubscriptlons are being taken in different places for the volcanic sufferers. An uninjured feather-bed was pieked up the other day on the farm of Mr. Baily, of Zumbrota, Minn., where it liad been blown from Rochester by the cyclone, a distance of over 13 miles. Ia the case of James Nutt, the slayer of Dukes, at Uniontown, Pa., it is expectedthe defenee will be insanity. Judge Hoadley, Democratie nominee for Kovernor of Ohio, is suffering from nervons prostration. A collision at Highland Park statioD, on the West Maryland road, resulted in the death of the brakesman, and the serious injury of several others. Gross negllgenee the cause. Thirteen persons were scriously injured by a colusión at Colchestcr, Vermont, the othcr day. England's apple erop is the best for many years. Over 150,000 people attended the Louisvllle exposition during the month ol August. Grace Courtland, knowa as the "Witch of Wall street,': has brought suit at Milwaukee to force her former husband to pay $1,500 alimony awarded in a divorce guit. The captain of a steamer which was in the strait of Sunda during the recent volcanic eruptions reports at Batavla that ashes feil on the deck of his vessel to a depth of 18 inches. He passed masses of floating pumice stone seven feet in depth. It is eetimated that 10,000 persons lost lives at Tjiring alone. Nineteen persons lost their lives by the recent gale at Provineetown, Mass. A farmer living near Erie, Pa., became insane over religión and attempted to crucify bis son, and sacrifice bis daughter. He was discovered each time, though the daughter was so badly frightened and burned that ehe has became a raving inanlac. Assistant Seeretary oL the Treasury, Hon. Jobn C. New, is soon to resign. Jobn Oonnelly, a watchman on duty in the treasury department at Washington, shot and killed himself in one oj the vaults a few days ago. An open switch at Crescent City, lowa, on the Chicago & Northwestern road, ditched an engine and six cars, killing the conductor and engineer and inj uring several others. Mr. Brooks, an astronomcr oí Phelps, N. Y., has discovered a tailles cornet, and the discovery is verilled by Prof. Lewis Swift of Kochester. Legitimists of France are agitated because the @ount of Paris took a back seat at De Chambord's funeral. Stirred up bv the reeent explosión oí the steuiner Kivcrdale, a treasury department circular has been issued, ordering steamboat inspectora to be more thorough )n their work. By the sudden ialling of a house near Naples, 11 persous were buried. The Chillians have so much confldence in the treaty with Peru, that they will evacúate Lima on tbc 15th iust. The New York policeman, ivho clubbed a man to death has been held ior the action of the grand jury. Several prominent men in the provincc ol Girgeutt, Italy, among theií a priest, have been arrested as brigands. I Tke small-pox hospital in San Francisco is filled with lepcrs. San Francisco papers counsel the building, by the government.of a lazaretto on an island, where leprosy cases could be removed íor treatment. Ten thousand people witnessed the inaugu ration of Güv. Knott of LouisvLUc on the 4th inst. Christian Jackson, a painter employed in the Grand PaciBc Hotel, Chicago, was killed by the elevator in that-building a few days ago. Hon. G. S. Orth of Lafayette, Ind., whose death occurred in December, 1882, left all of his property,unconditionally, to hls wiie. Now a son by a former marriage has filed papers conteeting the validity of the will. Geo. Rankin, convicted of pension frauds in the United States District Court at Philadelphia was refused a new trial and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Dennis Kearney has announced his intention to from another labor organization. The wife of S. E. Cales, a inerchant of Quebec,was anxious to be rid of her worthy spouse, having a younger man inyiew. She administered strychine in hi6 coffee. A tidal wave drewned 10,000 persons during the volcante eruption in the Malay Archipelago. The Germán Diet is blamed for the railroad disaster at Steglitz, because of the rejection by that body of a bilí to enlarge and improve the passenger depot. Marwood, England's hacgman, is dead. Freneh royalists have issued a manifestó recognizing the Count de Paris as the head of the house of Orleans. The coming report of the Hill investigation committee will ieflect periously on the Su pervising Architect. In the case of a manager of one of the southern lotteriee, brought against the Postmaster General for $100,000 damages for issuing an order preventing the delivery of mails to said compauies, the Postmaster General pleads not guilty, and denles any motive of malice, but claims that he simply acted accordinu to law. Supervising Architect Hill is making preparations to rc6ign. David A. Wells helped Villard drive ih golden spike in the Northern Pacidc. The first of Emersou's po6trumoua manuscripts to eee the light will he "Historie Notes nf Life and Letters in Masssachusetts" in the October Atlantic. A sister of Capt. Webb, recently drowned in Niágara rapids, became insane when she heard of her brother's death, and lias been found drowned in the river at Lady Smith, Naal. The nine Irishmen arrested in Glasgow, on the charge of being connected with attempts to destroy propertv in that city by dynamite, are known to the pólice as Fenians, aiid have been under surveillance for several inonths. boston and Cambridge aie anxious concerning their water supply, owingto the continued drought. An underground telegraph cable has been ex perimented with in Pittsburg, Penn. Telephones were attached. and a conversation was arried on over forty-three miles of cable-wlre rith as much distinctness as over any short circuit of aerial wire. John Kelly, the Tammany sachem, advocates larmony in Democratie ranks in New York in ïopes to carry the state. ühio and Iowa are the only ètates holding Jeetions in October this year. The metropolitan industrial league of New fork want both the Republican and Democratc state conventions to adopt principies of inlustrial policy favored in the league. Cincinnati's exposition is now open. An explosión of gas at Fair Lawn mine 3cranton, Pa., resultad in the fatal injury of iwo men. The boiler of a steam thresher exploded at Lancaster, Pa., instantly killing the engineer, md one of the threshers. Dr. J. R. Richley, of Mendota. III., whomurüered hi3 wife, and then attempted suicide, will recover. Franee has consented to settle the Tonquin iifflculty by treaty. Ex-president Hayos was elected president oí ;he National Prison Association at the last session of the American Social Science Associatioa. Reporte from all parts of Russia statcs that the cattle plague is spreading throughout the smpire with unabated fury. President Arthur and party have returned to Washington. Aecording to a report of the Utah commigsion, just issued, nearly 15,000 persons have been disfranchised on aceount of polygamie practice. lf the statement of Judge Lawrence, First of the treasury is to be believed there are a number of officials in the government employ, who take a vacation of nine months iu a year, and draw salary for full time. The New York Herald proposes Conkline and Blaine as a harmony ticket for the presldency and vice-presidency. Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., is menioned as a possible Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts. The Shelby, lud., Volunteer names 32 Democratie papers in that state that are opposed to Senator McDonald's pre6idential aspirations. The Toledo produce exchange has deolared tself in favor of a government telegraph. The New York Tribune savs some of the gorges in the Yellowstone country are almost as wide in the breach as the Democratie party in Ohio. An Atlantic ciblc is in course of manufacture in Eagland for an independent company which proposes to 6end messages from England to the United States for a sixpence. The silver coins to be made at the United States mint for the Hawaiian government correspond in tinenees and value to the correponding United States coins, except one and ;hat is an eighth of a dollar, or half of the Standard 25 cent piece. There are to be truck off $500,000 worth of $1 pieces, 300,000 halyeB, 125,000 quarters and 75,000 eighths. The national bank of New York has brought suit against Fayette Shaw and Brackley Shaw, of the suspended firm of Shaw Bros., of Bos;on, for $120,000 loancd on misrepresentatione íhat the Ürm was solvent. Other banks are :rinLing suits against the same ürm for similar advances. Neither Jay Gould nor any human beins connected with aay monopoly or Corporation owns one dollars' worth of interest ia the N. Y. World, nor have anything more to do with it than tbr Czar of Russia. Juh, Nana, and other Indian cut-throats are treating for peace with the Mexicana. J. L. Schevalier, of New Brunswick, N. J., has discovered a coating for telegraph wlre for underground purposes. He calis it "iscoInsulator." A large tract of land surrounding Shoshone f alls on Snake river, I. T. , has been bought by some epeculators who propose to build a hotel. put a steamer on the river and make a second Niágara Falls of the cataract. The nickel contributions at New York for a ■onument to Peter Cooper are proving a failure. Boxes opened about the city contained in mauy cases eums ranging from 2 to 29 cents. The schuine is not yet abandoned, however. The Wisconsln stati medical society, in session in Milwaukee, has adopted a resolution declaring coneumption infectlous and lecommending the separation of consumptives from well persons ia families and public institutions. De Chambord, the Frenen pretender, was worth $12,000,000. f Fourteen Mormon priests, by Parson Palmer, oí Salt Lake City, are holding meetings at Minneapolis for the purpose of obtaining convertí. They have been proselyting three months in Minnesota and seeured ten converts, one being a woman. Kobert E. Lee, youngest son of the late confedérate general, has declined a Democratie nomination for the lef islatureof Virginia, saying he has no taste for politics. A son of the late Speaker Kerr was the youngest member of tho last Indiana house oí representativos. He is eaid to inherit many of hisfather's traits, and isa young lawyer oí flnepromise. The Lansing Journal declare for the old ticket of ïildeu aud Hendricks. Independents of Massachusetts, numbering such ñames as Samuel Bowles, Dr. Win. Everet and John Quincy Adams, say that th foundation of a third party In that state can only be averted by a consistent advocacy oí civil service reform, tai reform, economy In state affaire and wisdom in legislation. The population of Japan is 36,700,110, made up of 18,5&S,9SS males and 18,101,112 female. From a statement just issued by the treaury department it appears that the revenue collected at all of the customs districts during the year onding June, 18S3, amountcd to $216,780,809, and that the cost of collecting the same amounted to $6,423,127'. The issue of Standard silver dollar for the week endiaï Septtmber 8 was $531,998 against $440,500 for the corresponding perlod of last year. Earthquake shocks are still part of the programme on the island of Ischia.


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