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Special Notices. Fob Sale. - A good top buggy for sale, or -will exchange for a horse. G. Cokwns, Corner 5th and Huron Sta. Pianos and Organs to rent and for sale on easy montbly or quarterly payments. Alvin Wilsey. Bplendid New Pianos, just arrived, t Wilsey's Music Store. See the wonderful new Pipe Clariona At Wilsey's Music Store. Bucklen's Árnica Sale. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Pever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requirud. It is guaranteed to givw perfect satisfation, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Por sale by Eberbach & Son. Gbigos' Glyoebine Salve. - The bes on earth can truly be said of Griggs Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, anc all ohnr sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Sat isfaction guaranteed or mone y refundec 0 nly 25 cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. " A Blessing in Disguise." 484 Adelphi st., Brooklyn, N. Y., ) March 20th, 1881. No fatnily should be -without All oott's Porus Plastees ; their healing powers are wonderful, and their efficac; far reaching and lasting. Por years pas 1 have seen and known them to cure am relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases of rheumatism, kidney complaint bronchitis, neuralgia, lumbago, inflara mation of the lungs ind throat, par alysis, asthma, spinal weakness, anc coughs and colds. In my own case the; have afforded me almost instant anc permanent relief. My friends conside them an invaluable and speedy remedy for all kinds of aches and pains. The; are a blessing in disguise; and no wife o mother should be withcut them if she values her peace and comfort and free dom from nervous exhaustion and othe ailments. As a strengthening plastei also forbackaches and weaknesses, the; have no equal. I have never yet founc a piaster so efflcacious and stimulating or to give so much general satisfactior Used in connection with Brandreth's uni versal life-giving and life-healing Pills no one need despair of a speedy restora tion to good sound health. MKS. E. TOMPKINS. ONE TBIAL. If you have been using other Piaster one trial of Allcock's Poros will con vince you of their wonderful superiority Take no other so-called porous piasters that claim to be better, they are al frauds, gotten up to sell on the world wide reputation of the genuine article. OhJyBack! That's a common expression and has a world of meaning. How much suffering is summed up in it. The singular thing about t is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver complaint, consumption, cold, rheumatism,dyspepsia,overwork, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iron Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and making the blood pure and rich. Wm. P. Marshall, of Logansport, Indiana,writes : " My wife has for many years been troubled from pain in her back and general debility incident to her sex. She has taken one bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters, and I can truthfully say that she has been so much benefited that she pronounces it the only remedy of many medicines she has tried." Leading physicians and clergymen use and recommend Brown's Iron Bitters. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure you. Estáte of Jesse W. Bradford. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. O ss. At a session of the probate court, for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 27th day of August, in the year one thousanc eight hundred and eighty-three. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Jesse W. Bradford , deceased. On reading and flling the petition duly verifled of Harriet Wint, praying that a certain instrument now on flfe in this court purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceasod, may be admitted to probate, and that she may be appointedexecntrix tthereof. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday. the Mth day of September next, at ten o clock in the forenoon, be assigned for hearing of aaid petition, and that the deTisees. legatees, and neirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appearat a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof ,by causing a copyof this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Demockat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks preveious to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. A true copy . Judge of Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Recister. MR, ga. TX. FITCH. HAIR-WORK OfTvERY DESCRIPTION. Huir Nets, Invisillo Crimps, Ehraicl, Curls, fcc. Hair-Dressing for Brides, Balls and Theatricals a Specialty. Hair-Jewelry Braided in any Pat'n Main St. - - Ann Arbor. One door south of Johnson 's hat store. &I will not be responsihle fnr any work eft IHrty tUíjK from notive of finish. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - 3DH.insr tile. All our Drala THe are made of Fire Clay, aro of uiiwnial strength and Uyht weiQht, whieh ma terially reduces the breakage and expense ot transportaron. The ditching for this class of tiling isless expen sive, as they do not require to be laid below f rost but onty deep enough to escape the plow. Whilethisis more economical it also aids obtaining#abetter "f all" or gradeto the drain. A full assortment of -Jl sizes, for sale la sm quantities, or car load lotF, at the FEBDON LÜMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT. Agent. "Tile, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To the Editor of TheCMcaao Tribune. Dwight, 111., Maren 16.- One of the strongest and mist convincing facts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out in the December report of the Apricultural Department of Illinois. It is this : ACREAGE. Acreage in corn in Livingston County, 1881 268,597 Aerease in ooru in Logan County, 18-1. . 140,859 Livingston over Logan 127,738 YIELD. Yield of corn in Livingston County.1881. .6,9&3,522 Yield of corn in Logan County, 1882 5,070,924 Livingston over Logan l,90B,S98 In other words. Logan County has raised near ly as much corn on 140,859 acres as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put it in another form, the farmers in Livingston County have been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (368,597), and have raised but a very small percentage of increase of corn over thetr brethern in Logan County, who only had to plow 140,8.39 acres. Let us give it anotlier twist! A A farmer who lias his land well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about as much corn as the man who plows 16U and takes all the risks of drouth and much besides. It is not fair, then, to conclude that the greatest labor-saving machine to-day of the age is the tile drain? From the same source of information I gather the following as regards the progress of tile-drainage in these two counties: Feet. Total number of feet laid in Livingston County upto 1861 1,140,793 Total number of feet laid in Logan County"upto 1881 3,K89,469 This table proves beyond all theory that owing to the f ree use of tile that one county has been able to produce nearly as much corn on 1 10.000 acres of land as another county has produced upon 268,000 acres, whieh is nearly doublé, and tbe beauty of the whole is that it was done with half the work I Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Providence should lengthen out the spin of our days until we saw Illinois tnorouglily tile-drained, where would be put the corn that this State would produce, and what would we do with our "silver dollars?' ■ Samuel T. K. Phimk. „ S. B. THOMPSON, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, and Solicitor in ChanxV cery ; 39 years experience. Divorce and Criminal Cases a specialiy. All legal busines quietly and privately done. Office. Broadway LowerTown. Particular attention paid to obtain ing pensions and back pay for soldiers. P. O box Ü318, Ann Arbor. Mich. % bm f not, life is sweeping by ; go au U I I dare, before you die, somethin K F J I mighty and sublime ; cave be 1 1 m J I lünd to conquer time." Sixt dollars a week in your own town; five dollar ou fit free. No risk. Everything new. Capital no required. We will furnish you everything Many are making fortunes. Ladies make a much as men. and bovs and glrls make grea pay. Reader, if you want business at whieh yo an make great pay all the time, write for th particulars to H Halleit & Co., Portland, M átk m A WEEK, made at home, by the in U" m ■ 1 dustrious. Best business now befor _ ff Ê the public. Capital not needed; w f I t, will start you. Men, women, boy and girls wanted everywhere to work for us Now is the time. You can work in spare time o give your wnole attcntion to the business. JN other business will pay you nearly as well. N one can fail to niake enormous pay by engag ing at once. Costly outfits and terms free Money made fast, easlly and honorably. Addreaa True & Co. Aueuata Me. Risley's Witch Hazel. Cure, Headache, Burns, Sprains, Cuts Wounds, Kheumatism, Toothache, Earache, Blisters etc. Unequalled in quality at half the Price. 6 oz. 25 ets. Pints, 50 ets. Qts. $1. Richards' Teetotal Tonic, The great Summer Appetizer,$1.00 Have your druggist order, if he has not in stock, of C HAKLES F. KISLEY, NEW YORK O The Bitters1 Guide, Na 34, Fall and Winter, 1883, gives wholesale prices direct to consumera on everything you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. Tells how to order with exact cost, 216 pages- large ones - 3,300 illustrations - a whole picture gallerv. Contains information gleaned from the markets of the world. No other price-book in existence contains as mucli information. Sent free toanyaddress upon receipt of postage (7 ets). Let us hear from you, or visit us when in ourcity. Near Exposition Buildings. Respectfiilly, MONTGOMERYWARD&CO. 837 iV 239 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111 ADVANCED SCIENCE, Dr. Moses Dame's (of the oldMurray Hill Drog Store, New York City), Doublé Tbeatment for Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever, &c. Being the combined use of Dame'8 Balsam Drops (Pine Balsama, &c), taken internally, and the local application of Dame's Inhaling Powder (not patent medicines, as the formula is on every package). It is indorsed and prescribed by the Medical Profession. A ncat and convenient Pocket Package, with both Medicines inclosed, price 75c. Dame's 25c. (Balsam Drops) Kidney Cure, for Catarrh of the Bladder and all Urinary Diseascs. These are sold and positively warranted by Drnggists, or sent by mail upon receipt of price. Tes Moas Daüï Co,, Daflburv, Conn. CARTERS! CUBE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incident to a biliüus Btate of the Bystem, such as l)izziness, Nausea, Drowsincss, DistreaB after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable buccess has been shown in curing SICK Headflche.yetCarter'BLittleLiver Pilis are eqnally raluable in Constipation, curing and preventin? tïii s annoy ing complaint, while thcy atao correct atl disorders of the atomach, Btimulate the liver and regúlate the bowels. Kvcn ir t wj only cored HEAO Achelhey wonldbealmostpricelcss to those who euilVx from thiB distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodneas doea not end here, and those who once try them will flnd these little pills J ble in bo many wiya that thcy willnot De williag to do without them. But af ter all sick bead ACHE Is thebane of bo many live that here is where we ■nake our great boaet. Our pills cure it while Others do not. Cartcr's Littlo livor Pilla are vcry email and very easy to take. One or two pills makea dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or l purge, but by their gentle action olease all who use them. In vialsat25cents; fivê forti. Sold by druggists cvery wb-ere, or Bent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. ' c $C In tOflPer dar at home. Samples 0 10 4ZU worth$5free. Address Stinson I Sc Co.. Portland Maine. - ■ - - ■ ■ r r f f) A WEEK. 812 a da at home easily ) ƒ Z inade. Costly outMts_rree. Address True e Co.. Augusta, Maine. ADVERTISIIW ontractH made for TflIS PA PER, which is kept ou Ole witu LORD & THOMAS, AdverübiiiK Aeents, CIiUhko.IU. HV -ariliJourXi HOI SKIIOI.l AIÍT1Mlilgiimttggnij)-rK.s ,„„1 PLATFORM FAMILY Hjf t:aN!l8WKCAÏJE. Weipha up to VS Ibs. Price, tü I.5O. DoincsticScaleCo..Cra'ti.O. CHEAPSvT BIBLESSIÍ: r% feature. Ruth Vnlon Nw TrUnif ut ftpruOV Mf l Wrn ' O85HSB & MCMACKIM.Cincinnati.O. H""" f%RaiUV Sam. B. Revenaugn Is now takinK the Best ciéis oí Pttoailis In the City at Prices to Suit the Times (Iroiind Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOGK, East Side of the NEW COURT HOUNK J. HOFFSTETTEI Has improved hia PLACE OF BUSINESS! AND IS NOW HEADY TO ATTEN1 TO ThE MANY CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE PATRONIZED HIM FOR YEARS. E? ERYTHING NEAT Al CLEAI TIVOLI BEER, The only kind on TAP in the City." ALL KINDS OF THE BEST LIC UORS, WINES, TOBACCO, AND CIARS ON SALE AT J. HOFFSTETTER'S 34 South Mnin St., ANNARBOR, - MICH MAdNFnCjVjEDIGlÑT ÍKÜÍbraIH &ÑERVE FOOdSB Positively cures Night Losses. Spermatorrhef Impotency, Nervous Debility, Jjeucorrhea. Ba: reimess; and for all weakness of the generativ organs in either sex il is an Unfailing and Fos tive Cure. Tones up the debilitated system, ai rests all involuntary discharges, removes menta gloom and despondency,and restores wonderft power to the weakened organs. With each 01 der of twelve packages, accompanied with fiv dollars, we wifl send our guarantee to refun the money if the treatment does tot effect cure . It is the cheapest and best medicine i the market. Full particulars inpamphlet, whic' we mail f ree to any address. Sold by all drug gists. One package 50c ; six for $2.50, or sent b, mail on receipt of price, by addressing the Magnetic Medicine Co., Detroit, Mich. fGuarantees issued in Ann Arbor by C. E Holmes. Cook's Hotel Block. ebërbYh&son Dealera ín Drugs, Medicines And a flne lot of :rench Hair Brushes AND Ene;lish Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of hemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND ! 'ure Chemicals of our own Importation. A full Une of "iEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricos. re cordiallj invited to examine our stock as uality and prices. EBERBACH A SON. 3oal and Wood Yard. o-o-o The undersigned have openetl a oal and wood yard at the foot of luron street, and next to the Toledo ailroad. Prices as low as the lowst. Orders left at the office at the ard, or Sage's Music Store, in the )pera House Block, will be promply ttended to. Schultz Sc Schneider, Proprietors. ' CO a week in y our own town. Terms and $5 )DD outflts free. Address H. Hallett & Co., ortland Maln J. M. MARTIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offlce- Opera House Block. PAm No. 2, Ann Arbor, Mieh. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULThavinRbeanmadeln the conditions of a certaiuindenture of mortgage, executed by Harvey M. Wheeler of Pittsfleld, in the couuty of Washtenaw, Michigan, to Sophronia E. Wheeler of the same place, hearing date the I fourteenth day of February, eighteen hundred ' anti sevenly-seven. and recorded in the offlce of the hegister of Deeds for the said uounty of Washtenaw, inliber 52, of mortgages, on page 183, and assigned by written assignment to Henry R. Watson, on the 13th day of January, 1K82, which assignment is recorded in the offlce , aforesaid in liber 7, of assignment of mortgages, on page 304, and reassigned by the said Henry K. Watson to the said Sophronio E. Wheeler, on the eleventhday of July, 1883, by writtén assignment. which assignment is recorded in the offlce aforesaid in liber ?, of assignments of mortgages, on page 9a, and by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage having become operative, and no suit or proceedings at law or in chancery having been instituted to recover the amount due on said mortgage or the note accompanving the same, and there being now claimed to be due on said note and mortgage, the sum of seven thousand two hundred and seventy-flve dollars ($7,275.) Notice is therefore hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed on Saturday, the tenth day of November, A. D, 1883, at ten o'clwk in the forenoon of that dav, by sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county), of the mortgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as maj be necessary to sat isfy the amount due on said mortgage, with reasonable costs and expenses; which mortgaged premises are described in said mortgage as follows: All those certain pieces or pareéis of land sitúate in the township of l' the county P of Washtenaw aforesaid, and described as foï lows, to The west half of the west half of I the south-east quarter , and the east half of the east half of the west quarter, and the east half of the west half of the south-east quarter of section number thirty-two (32), in township number three, south of range six (6) east, containing one hundred and twenty lacres of land, more or less, Dated August 15, 1883. SOPHKONIA E. WHEELER, Mortgagee and assiernee. E. D. Kcnne, Attorney for mortgagee and assignee. Mortgage Foreclosnre Sale. ["4EFAULT having been made In the conditions U of a certain mortgage, executed by Martha A. Leouard to Amanda Rice, bearing date May twenty-flrst. A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-flve, and recorded May twentysecond, A. D. 1875, at 2 1-2 o'clock P. M., in tke office of the Register of Deeds, of Washtenaw county, state of Michigan, in liber 51, of mortgages, on page 507, and also recorded June 19th, A, V. 1882, at 9 o'clock A. M. in the offlce of the Register of Deeds, of Livingston county, state of Michigan, in liber 59, of mortgages, on pages 348 and 349, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceeding having been instituted at Law or in Equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of eight hundred cd flfty dollars being claimed to be due thereon at the date of this notice; therefore, in pursuance of said power of sale, notice'is hereby given that said mortgage will be f oreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises described therein, as : All those certaia pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in the townships of Northfteld and Green Oak, in the counties of Washtenaw aud Livingston, and state of Michigan, Land described as follows, to wit: Commencing south thirty-six degrees fortyr four minutes east. eight rods and eight links f rom astake, seven links in front of the northeast corner of Albert Stevens' tavern stand in the township of Northfiéld, in the county of Washtenaw aforesaid; thence south fifty-three degrees and flfteen minutes west, eight roos; thence south thirty-six degrees and forfy-four minutes east, four rods; thence north fifty-three degrees and flfteen minutes east, eight rods; thence north thirty-six degrees and forty-four minutes west, four rods, to the place of beginning, containing one-flfth of an acre of land. Also. the following described land situated In the township of Green Oak, county of Livingston, and state of Michigan, aforesaid, and described as follows, to wit: Being the equal undivided flfth of the west half of the north-east quarter, and the north-west quarter of section number twenty-eight, in township number one, _ north range, number six, east, containing in all ■ one hundred and eighty acres of land, said last description being the interest of said mortgageor, in the estáte of Thomas Tuthill. deceased- qr some part of said mortgaged premises at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the east door of the Court Honse, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the circuit court in said county, on the twentieth day of October next, ai eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated Ann Arbor, July 24th. A. D. 1883. AMANDA RICE, Mortgagee. l_ FiiANKLix L. Pakker, Attorney for mortgagee. lw ToÊacco Store! I have opened a tobáceo and CIGARSTORE! At No. 3 South Main Street, one . door from the Farmeis' and Mechanics' Bank, and propose to keep in stock all kinds of SfflOKERS' ABTICLES, And the choicest brandsof Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Cigarettes, etc, etc. -THE BEST- Five Gent Gigar : IN THE CITY. I Thanking those who have ; patronized me for the past 28 ! years n Saloon Business, I in1 vite them,and all others, who ; indulge in the weed to cali . and see me. IIENRY BINDER. No. 3 S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor. Watches and Jewelry ! J. H & Si, 40 Soutb Main Street, Dealers in the Leading AMERICAN WATCHES! In Gold and Silver Cases, iu Stem and Key Winding, Manufuctured by the Leading Watch Oomoanies GOLD WATCH CHAINS. üf Standard Quahty and Various tern3. A Lares and Complete Assortnu'iil of Lace Pins, Ear Rinsis, Bracelets Finger Rings, AndTStuds. Site Plateo W I From the Most Kcliable Manufacturera at I Bottom Prices. The Repalring of Fiu Watches is in Charge of Competent and A Skilled Wui'kmeu. at Fair Prices. - sl . ti ILYON&HEALYd S State & Monroe StsChicago.ák li: baIn'd'ca'tXlogije',61 o-JSi ror 1S63, 00 pases, ülO Kiignivingil "iiTt-TI f iDílruineiití, Suits, Caps, Ik-ll(' JODpons, EpauleU, Lam pt, #M1 U iuiid, Dnim Mjors Suffig nd ri' 4ati, Sundry Band OutftU, Rspaitivg Tl ; Haterlüiï, sUo InclUiies Instructlon ml f .1 K rcism for Amateur Band, mud ft CUlKuW JJIi W RAILROADS. ■JUTlCÖftiAft CENTRAL RAILROAD. - MAIH Time Tabte takinit effect June lOth, 1883. OQ1NQ B A ST. " i i m k fei f 3 .o Sis i lï'Iiiit? döSüia Ia.M.A.M.P.M. P.M. r.H.jP.K. Chicngo dep 7 05 9 20 4 OOI 920 10 20 460 Twt-nty-sei-'nd iüt T 17 9 321 4 121 ' 9 32 10 32 5 08 Kenslfigtón 7 55 10 10 i 4 30 10 10 1110 HO Hammond 8 0B 5 07 (iibaoii's 8 U: 6 5S ÏX!3t"" i w 47 lip; loWuai i lili? i '"üs5 Three Oaks 10 02 7 40 Avery's 10 05 I g A.M. Gtilien 10 15 7 52 1 32 Daytun 10 211 7 58 Buchaaan 10 9) P.M. 8 07 A.M. 149 Mies 10 45 12 S8 8 20 12 35 2 05 7 51 Pokagon 11 00 8 Si Düwauiac UU 8 45 i 32 tiienwooil 11 28 8 59 Decauter 11 38 9 OU 2 57 Luw ton 155 9 27 3 18 P.M. . Mattawun ia 03 9 48 AM. Olitemo 12 18 10 00 3 52 3 01 Kalamaeoo 12 32 1 66 7 10 2 05 Goleabnrg 12 Si c,L 7 28 AuiiusUi 1 03' Jb 7 38 BattleCrwk 123 2 :ü ■% a 2 4 37 9 Ceresco 1 38 g3 8 15 Marshall j fgj P 8 M 307! 5 02 10 O Maien" 2 23 E 8 40 Alblon 2 Si 3 41 8 50 3 20 5 25 Parma 2 KI A.M. 9 11 Jackion 3 25 4 25 7 25 9 50 4 10: ff 10 10 U Jackson Junct. 8 2!l 7 30 1 Leonl 3 43 7 42 (,rasl,ke SS 7 48 10 10 6 32 rraiclson 4 02 7 57 Chelsea 4 18 8 10 10 28 6 54 Dexter 4 38 8 24 10 .13 7 08 Delhi 4 45 8 33 Ann Arbor 4 57 5 27 8 45 10 53 5 22 7 28 1152 Ypsilanti 6 15 5 43 9 03 U 08 5 37 7 43 12 08 D.nlmi's 5 25 9 13 Wayne Junctlon ü 40 0 05 il 28 11 2 558 800 Wayno 5 42 9 30 Denrborn 6 00 9 40 8 20 a.m. üprinuwells 6 20 61 10 05 11 55 6 25 8 35 12 46 Detroit Arr f 35 6 50 10 20 12 10 6 40l 8 50 1 9) GOINQ WEST. r $ 3 SPI X$ -5 4 eg h Mfo .x- oS O? U M 8 g ïi L Ss STATIONS. 2 g 3 g Sk J L 53iOJi Detroit dep. 7 20 !) 55 6 15 4 26 8 20 10 10 7 20 Sininiiwells 7:15 10 10 30 4 40 8 35 10 25 7 35 earlmrn 7 55i 646453850 Wayne 8 13 6 58 Wayne Junction 8 15 10 44 7 00 5 06 9 06 1101 Denton's 8 32 7 15 Ypsilanti 8 43!ll 06 7 25 5 25 9 30 11 28 8 25 AnnAruor !) 0SU 20 7 42 542 950 1152 838 Delhi II 17 7 53 Dexter !l 28 8 03 5 69 10 14 Chelsea 9 45 8 18 6 12 10 33 Francisco 10 00 8 34 Grasa Luko 10 10 8 43 6 32 11 OOI Leoni 10 10 8 50 Jackson Juni fn 10 : P M 'JU! 1127IAM J cksun 10 :0 12 86 9 10 7 15 U S5 1 05 9 ü Parma 11 01i 7 : 11 55 Albion 11 21; 1 10 -L.X 8 00:12 13: 1 42 Maien;,-" 1 1 ; " g' 81212 26 SM ag Ceresco 12 X -28 37 Battiü ('reek 12 .l 2 15 SP 8 55 1 08 2 27 11 2S Auguata 1 (tl 9 25 1 30 Gaiesburtf 1 13 AM il 35 1 42 Kalamazoo 1 33 2 50 5 10 9 55 2 05 3 07 12 IS Ostemo 1 50! ó ti Mattaivau 2 01 5 W 2 32 Luwton 2 12 5 451 2 41 Decauter 2 27 6 00 2 ,V, Glenwood 2 36 6 10, DiiwaKlac 2 48 6 22; 3 21 Pokagon 3 00 6 35 - AM Nlles 3 13 4 20.7 051 3 47 4 35 157 Buch.inan 3 27 7 19 4 02 nayton 8 S4 7 28' 4 11 Gaiien 3 41 7 31 4 18 Avery's 8 48 7 O ■ Three Oaks 3 52 7 46 4 32 Kb Búllalo 4 07 507800 455 Michigan City 4 33 5 30 8 28 6 23 6 48 89 Porter 455553853 55ÜG17 41 l.ake 6 15 6 15 SI 14 8 11 6 38 Tolleston 5 30 9 29 6 26 Gibson's 5 42 9 41 6 37 llMMiiii'inil 5 52 9 49 6 45 Kenslngton 6 10 7 10 10 05 7 00 7 30 5 20 'l'wcntjSuc'ndst. 660748 10 43 738808 Chicago Arr 7 10 80010 55 75082060 rr.OLEDO, ANN AUBOR & G. T. 11. R. COLÜMBUS TIME. Througb time table in effect June 10, 1883. GÖÏNG NÓRTIL QOING SOUTH. ! ei -I dg oS, STATIONS. S, dg, ____KJ_ a5 & 5 2ÓP M 1 8 35AM Lv Toledo Ar 10 00a Ml 5 20ï 5 Xi " I 8 40 ■' Manhatten Jct'n 9 54 " I 5 13a. 5 83 " ' S 47 " Alexis Jcfn 9 45 " ! 5 04 6 08 " 9 29 " Monroe Jct'n 9 10 " 4 26 " 6 14" 9 40" Dundee 9 00" 4 18" (i 28 ' 9 51" Aiailla 8 50" 4 OS 6 44 ■' 10 00 " Milan 8 37 " 3 50" 6 55 " 10 19 " Urania 8 20 " 3 : ■ 7 05 "10 25" Pittstleld 8 08" 3 38" 7 17 " 10 M " Ar Ann Arbor Lt 7 55 " 3 15" 8 0J " !ll2ü " Ar South Lyon Lt 7 30 " 2 40 8ïi " 1159 " Arllowell Dl&NLv 7 2 00" 9 40 ' 1 LSPM LausiUL' ü 10 " 12 46" 11 05 ' 3 00 " lonia 4 ; " 11 00j 12 3ÜAM 6 04 " Edmore 2 J0 " 9 00 6 40 " Big Rapids 1 00 " 7 IS" 12 30 " 4 45 " Howard City 2 55 " 4 ÜO " 6 55" PetoskeyGR&I 8 H0AM 8 25 " Mnelnaw City 7 50 " I Connections: At Toledo, wíth railroads (liverírinK; at Mantiattan Junctlon, with Whecllng A Lake Ene K. It.: at Alexis Junction, wtth M. C. R. R., L. S. 4 M. S. Ry. and F. & P M. R. R.; at Monroe Junct.iun, wltll L. S." & M. 8. Hy.: at Dundee, with L. S. & M. S. Rj. it Milan, with Wabash. St. l.ouis & I'acitlc Ry.; I l'ittsticld: wltll L. 8. M. S. Ry.; at Ann Arbor, wlta MichlKan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lanslng & Northern K. K. H. W. ASHLBY, General 8ntit, W. II. BENNETT, Gon'l Pas. Agnt. T AKE SHORE & MiCHIGAN SOUTHEJïh YPSILANTI BBANCH- LANSINO DIVISIÓN. GOING WEST. LKAVE. MAIL. Ypsilanti 7 00 a. m. 9 15 a in Pittsfleld Junction 7 40 a. m. 84 a. m. Saline 8 27 a. m. il 4S a ni Bridgewater 9 15a.m. 10 OS a iu Manchester 10 23 a. m. 10 23 a m Watkine 10 55 a. m. 10 38 a. ra. Brooklyn 11 40 a. m. 10 55 a. m. Hillsdale 3 26 p. m. 12 O', p. m. Bankers 3 50 p. m. 10 20 p. m UOING EAST. LBAVK, MAIL Bankers 8 00 p. m. 3 10 p. m Hillsdale 8 80p. m. 3 25 1 Brooklyn... 1 00 p. m. 4 27 p. m Watkins 1 50 p. m. 4 42 p m. Manchester 2 50 p. ra. 4 55 p. 111. Bridgewater 3 25 p. m. 5 13 p m Saline 4 10 p. m. 5 29 p m. Pittsfleld Junction 4 40p. m. 5 89 p m. Ypsilanti 5 15 p. m. 5 55 p. 111. Way Freight goes west Monday, AVednesday and Friday eaat, Tuesday, Thursda} and Snturday. W. H. CANNIFF, SuDeriiitendrnt. Goo. W. Hall, Ticket Agent. 1 1 f I A f people are alvfaya on the lookout Illf IV L tor chances to increase their ■ ■ I il r earllirgs. and in time becuint■ ■ I W mm wealthy. Those who do not ini prove their opportunities remain in povertv, we offer a great chance to make money. We want mauy men, women, boys and girls to work for us right ir their own localities. Any one can do the work properly f rom the flrst start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinair wages. Expensive outflts furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare momento. Full Information and all that is needed sent free. Address Stinson&Co. Portland. Me O. L. MATTHEWS. Attorneylat Lawand Notary Public Real Estáte, Insurance and LaamAgehtru Deeds, mortgages and other papers carefully drawn. Have houses and lots for sale or rent, or to exchange for farm property, also farms for sale. Property looked after by the year taxes paid insurance attended to. and rents collectttd at reasonable rates. Have city property that can be bought on long time so that a small siini added to what you now pay out for rents will secure you a home of your own. I represent the Northwestern National Insurance campany, and the Mechantes and Traders of N. Y. Loases will be promptly adjusted and paid. Money to loan at six (6) per cent. Office over EinseyA Seabott's store, Ann Arbor. Mieh. 'For Sale Anfl To Bïïi Farms, Unimproved lands, and City Property ALSO MONEY LOANED! F. L. Parker, Dealer iu Real Estáte. Office : Main Street, opposite the Court House, Ann Aibor Mieh. CATARRH e-Y's PRaï&JÜ CREAM BALW W.HgEAM Bf , , gained an nvimWfárA'TIVELY tui 1 able r e p ut at i o 11 ■ WJARRH cLDSHFin I wherever k 11 ,. w n. L-. 1 zpoSQ Ém merit. El AM cures A FE VER SnUT f ipply by the little fingerinto the nostrils. It will e absorbed, effectually cteansing1 thenanal posages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secieions. It allays inflammation, protects the memranal linings of the head from additional colds, oniptetcly neals the 3ores and restores the sense f taste and smell. Beneficial results are rea zed by a few applieations. X Thorougli Treatiuent Will Cure. Unequaled for COLD in the HEAD, Headache. üd deafness, or any kind of nincus membranal ritation. Send for circnlar. By mail, prepar1, 50 cents a package - stamps recei ved ■ 3ld by all Wholesale and retail druggists, ELY BROTHEKS, Ovvego, N, Y.


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