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Additional local on seconJ page. County fair Oct. 2d. Don't fail to witness the leap for life at our county fair Oct. 2d. A certain deputy they say is a going to- but mum is the word. Mrs. Thos. Silk of Detroit, was in the city Thursday visiting friends. Exposition at Chicago until October 20th. Half fare on all railroads. B. F. Bower is erecting a fine residence on Ingalls street at a cost oí 52,500. Soon all our county clerks pilotos will adorn the wal Is of our clerk's office. S. B. Thompson, our colored lawyer, is at South Lyons on legal business. The Register hereafter will appear on Thursday, one day later than usually. Mr. Dan Haley his bought a house and lot in the 3d ward. Price $1,500. M. H. B.hue has removed his f urniture atore from 4th street to Washington street. Benjamin Martin, au old Ann Arbor boy, was home from Bay City Monday visiting. Barney McAuley as Palstaff, at the Gtrand opera house, Friday evening, Sept. 21st, Peter Dignan, Jr., talks of going into another state. On account of his health no doubt. Mrs. Keron Costello has removed to Chicago where her son is clerking in a drug store. Eoller process tiour retails in Detroit for $6. Here it brings $0.25 per barrel. Sich is life. Kev. Wyllys Hall, rector of St. drew s ckurch, who was very ill, is slowly recovering. Miss Mrry Osius of Hillsdale, and Miss Eva Zockham of Stanton, are the guests of L. Gruner. Several warrants have been issued against parties for keepxng boy bar tenders under 16 years of age. An administrator is to be appointed over P. Winegar's estáte. For particulars see notice in tuis issue. John Weissart of Hastiugs, Mich., who has been visiting at Mr. Allaby's, raturned home Wednesday. Collision between two carriages on Huron street Monday. Buggies badly demolished but no liveB lost. James Hudler of Chelsea, was visiting the city Tuesday, prepartory to moving here a year from next January. The Evening Journal is a very . come visitor, if the number of copies sold here is anything to go by. Visitors to the state fuir nexi week should not forget to visit the art loan in Detroit. It will well repay you. State fair in Detroit next week commencing Tuesday the 17th. Half fare tickets issued by the M. C. R. K. The colored base bal"; club of this city and Jackson's nine are to try their skill October 5th, on the fair grounds. Don't forget Barney McAuley as Falstaff, in King Henry IV, at the Grand opera house, Friday evening, Sept. 21st. Con Cook arrested and brought before jústice Brennan for obtaining money under false pretences from a Polish lady. Drs. Maclean & Sullivan have leased rooms over the Farmers and Mechanica bank. Dr. S. will be here permanently. Don't fail to see the great international wrestling match, to take place in the near future. Particulars in our next issue. Mr. A. Deforest is making some needed improvements in the St. James block, and some thut adds to the beauty of the block. Ann Arbor has coal dealers enough, but the prioe of coal seems to remain the same. Competition don't effect prices. Justice returned, and a happier set than our-vou never seen. Smiles and kisees enlivened the occasion. But hush, mum g the word. Mrs. Maria Mead, tnother of ex-sheriñ John 0. Mead and Mrs. Cole, an old resident of this county for the last 54 years, died Monday. Mrs. Christian Shanahan held the lucky number that drew the barrel of flour raffled off by Miss E. Haley. Feil into good hands. Under the session laws of 1883 the connty treasurer is made a meinber of the board of jail examinera, in place of the circuit judge. Chas. Edwards might not rnake a cesa as a hotel man, but as a theatre manager he just filis the bilí- the right man in the right place. Peter Long has commenced overhauling the building recently purchased of Mr. Delaney on Main street, and fitting :he same up for a saloon. S. C. Lombard of Addison, Lenawee eounty, has bougbt the celebrated stook ram Gen. Dix, of Mr. Fellows of Manchester.'paying him $425. Thomas Leonard has vacated the Leonard house and hereafter will devote his attention in the service of the Lord. Pay better than hotel keeping. A great many Ann Arborites are at the tri-state fair at Toledo this week. Nicer weather could not be asked for, neither too hot nor too cold. The Savings bank was not to be out done by its rival on the op posite corner, so a large new sign attracts the attention of the public on Huron street. The university library building wil! le finished about the first of November, lts a magnifieeiit looking edifice, and must be seen to be admired. The Dexter Leader and Kegister favor old prices after January lat. We say amen to that proposition. Cali a meeting and abide by its decisión. John Brokaw, one of the oíd settlers oí Washtenaw cotmty, died at his residence in Northfield, Mondaj', aged 74 years. He had resided here since 1837. Mr. Joseph Parker, an Ann Arbor youth, was home last week to see pa and ma. Returned Monday to his work. Is switchman C. 8. R. R. at Windsor. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Dr. Heartlev narrowly escaped death by her horse running away and throwing her out of the buggy against Mr. Mack's fence. Rev. D. R. Shier of Hudson, will address the temperauce meeting at Cropsey's hall, Sunday evening, at 8 r. m. The change in time is only for this week. The Congregationalists of Dexter Laving put in one of I. K. Fink's beautiful ten-light chandeliers, and now claim to have the best lighted church in Dexter. Col. Deland and J. C. Bontacue are on the eve of fighting a duel. If they are not they ouglit to be, for they have exhausted the vocabnlary of abuse towards each other. E. J. Jolmsou's salary, when chief engineer of the fire department, was $9C0 per year- $895 in curses and 95 in money. Saliry increased no doubt since then. J. H. Slipper, agent for Appleton's cyclopedia, is stopping at the St. James, where he can be seen by all desirous of purchasing the work. It ïshighly spoken of the press. Our sidewalks seem to be taken up with boxes, barrels and other stuff, greatly to the inconvenience of pedestrians. No suoh nnisance is tolerated in any other city. Wm. Matthews is happy- a $10,000 boy arrived Wednesday morning. It tipped the beam at ten pounds. Boy and mother doing well. Congratulations are in order. The damage by the frost is the gre itest for years. Corn is a failure, and garden stuff all nipped. Tomatoes and eucumbers are gone up. The dumage reaches into the millions. Mr. T. F. Lavery, formerly in our employ, is in Detroit to vork for the cosmopolition press of that city. Terry is a good printer and we wish him success wherever he goes. Seven women arrested and lodged in jail by the deputy sheriff from Jarvis Bection, in one wsek. His love for the fair sex surpasses all nnderstanding. Particulars next week. Bishop Harria of Detroit, was here the 12th and tied the knot that made Mr. W. M. Thompson of Jackson, and Miss Kogers of this city, one. They will take up their residen ce in Jackson. Fred Schlanderer does a large business at his bottling works, employing 15 hands, who are constantly on the jump. Next year he proposes to enlarge his works to a capacity of 40,000 a day. Another paper talked of- a daily at that, to make its appearance in this city October lst. The young men who are embarking in the enterprise, desire for the present, thát their ñames be not mentioned. J. T. Raj mond, "In Paradise," drew a fair house in spite of thé inclement weather. The several parta were well performed and they were greeted with applause, and were several times encored. Messrs. C. Mack, W. W. Whedon ana Israel Hall always supposed they were good temperance inen until last school election thought tlieir temperance faith was too strong to be questioned, but sich is life. Owing to the absence of Judge Joslin circuit court will be adjourned to the 8th day of Oct., and jury cases will be on cali the 15th. Let all interested make a note of this and govern theruselves accordingly. "A Bunch of Keys, or the Hotel," Wednesday evening drew a fine house. Scenery excellent, and every one more than pleased with the play, as their frequent laughter and apilause abundantly testifled. Falstaff, the greatest comic creation of all dramatic literature, will be presentad by Barney McAuley, the only comedian in America who is equal to suoh a character, at the Grand opera house, Friday evening, Sept. 21st. Some of our republiean lawyers have a longing for congressioiial honors - and so long that they will nerer get there. That time has passed, never to return, in this district. Nominations are not equivalent to eiection. Currentiy reported that Mr. S., a prominent temnerance evangelist, goes around soliciting business for one particular justice. Ohickens may come home to roost unless that branch of the temperance work is dispensed with. Kev. E. K. Sutton, non of Eev. L. Sutton of Manchester township, who has been located at Ellington, Tuscola county, has received the appointment of financial agent of the Adrián college, his duties being to raise money for the college. The new compulsorv educatiou law took effect the 7th inst. All children between the ages of 8 and 14 must attend school four months every year from Sept. lst, tinless excused by the school board, owii_g to mental or physical disability. The prohibitionists only want $100,000 to start business with. Most any on e could engage in business svith that amount of capital donated. But let them hold their breath until they raise it. Their cheek is most " too funny for anything." Friends were trying to persuade judge Harriman to appomt a guardián for Mr. Lyons who lives south of Saline Wednesday. A host of witrjesses were present. How many friends would take suoh n deep interest in one's welfare if he was poor ? We pause for an answer. The luxury of boarding at botel de Wallace, judgmg frorn the price, can't be enjoyed by every resident of the county. One man's bill Monday ïiight, including supper and breakfast, only $13, and didn't have quail on toast either. " Too funny for anything." JMr. Dowling, a blacksmith of WoodJand Center, who carne here for medical treatment, died at the. residence of Mrs. Moe Monday. His remains were taken to Woodland Tuesday for bttrial, in uiiuiHc ui me manóme iraiermij or mis city. HÍ8 wife and son accompanicd liis remains home. We have oalled attention severa] times lo the condition our sidewalks are in. Will our city fathers neglect this business until it is too late and the city have to respond in damages to some one that may get injured by these defective walks. The mayor or some one ought to interest themselves in this matter. Prohibitionists and republioans in Okio don't sit at tbe saine table, eat off the same disk and drink scmp out of the same bowl as they used to. Wonder why? What bas happened to that old God and morality party? Rats leave a sinking sbip. Wonder if tbe prohi'a are moved by any sucb spirit? James Blytbman alias Blackburn, was genteneed to 90 days in lonia by justiee Breiman Tuesday moraing. Cause, eommon druiikard. Six wituesses were sworn, and more eould testify they had seen bim sober during the past frwo weaks "one da ."' His wife is sick and soon expeeted to becorne a mother. Geo. Ottley, the 19-years old youth, that was arrested for threats made against Mrs. Volland's girl, had his trial before justice McMahon last Tuesday and discharged. Evidence couldn't overeóme sympathy for the youth. Is that it, or was it, as the lawyers say, oonflicting. Any way the boy got the doubt. The new law prohibits justicea frorn issuing warrants for anv one without a written order from the prosecuting attorney. or upon the complainant giving security for costs. But it is doubtful if neoessity requires a warrant to be issued without it, if it wouldn't be valid. We wouldn't bejafraid to wager an appïe on it. Temperance fanática for years have been howling for local option law in this state. Now they have got it in over 80 villages in this state under the law of 'ast winter, they can prohibit the sale of liquors, but none have formally decided to do so. If a prohibitory law was passed it would remain a dead letter - never be enforced. Great cry and no wool. A white girl about 16 years of age, employed as a domestic at Mrs. 8., will see her name in the papers in anything but an enviable light if she persists in keeping coinpany with black men. She will go further than Jackson, so we hope a word to the wise will be sufficient. The oificers are on her track and she wants to ba careful, for the lock-up stares her in the face. Our jail is a disgrace to the county. Our public buildings, with the excention of the jail, are good. The erection of a good, suitable building for a jail would coat but little. Tax-payers would never feel it - wouldu't make but a few cents difference in their taxes. SoniB action should be taken by our supervi sors to build a new one. Let the press speak out. Dr. Donald Maclean next week will move his family to Detroit and take np his residence at No. 72 Lafayette avenue. This change no doubt is brought about by his connection as surgeon general for the M. C. K. R. However he retains his position as yet in our medical college. We sincerely regret his departure from among ua, bnt our loss will be Detroit's gain. Our republican friends are consoling themselves about the success of their party in Ohio this fall. October breezes will waft news that will be cold comfort when the news flashes over the wires, 20,000 majority for the democratie candidate for governor. If that will inspiie their confldence in looking for success in the future, let them enjoy it. No accounting for some folks taste. Our temperance folks are creating quite a furor because beer is sold on state fair grounds. The contract prohibits the sale of liquors, and whoever sells forfeits their rights if the managers see fit to enforce it. But beer has always been sold and will go long as the present managers control things. Tliose that sell beer to minors should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If the repbulicans would only practice temperance in place of lecturing so much about it, every saloon in the country would be compelled to close in a year. Supp'y and demund is what controla their business. If you don't beheve it try it and see how surprised you will be. More surprised than the Argus editor was at the late school election. The whole thing would be "too funny for anything." The old commercial college on áth street is undergomg repairs preparate ry to ite opening on October lst, for the accommodation of student s who desire to enter for a full commercial course. The manager, Thomas Leonard, is too well known to need any introduction. He will be ably assisted by Prof. Jerry Walsh. Students can enter at any time. Principal studies- Phelan's history on billiards, Jaycox's & O'Conners treatise on best brands, and Bagley's treatise on Mayflower. The sad news reached us Thursday i rnorning of the death of Mr. John Lynch, an old resident of this county, who haB been ailirif tor some time, and his death was not entirely unexpected. He was formerly a farmer in the township of Northfield, amassed a large fortune, and old age creepmg on, he resolved to move to the city, which he did and purchased himself a home on Fourth street. For years he has been unable to do hard work. He lea ves a wife and one grown up daughter, the wife of John Smith, who will mourn hia loss. His remains will be interred in Northfild cemetery. Funeral Saturday morning at 9 a. m., from St. Thomas church. Specimen of Col. Deland's " back talk" to Capt. Bontecue: "Bontecue, the late temperance tramp, who is now masquerading as the self constituted grand tycoon and manager of the republican party, is terribly angry because the Herald bas unearthed the report of the late alliance and shown up the uses it has made of its mwiey. Froru that day to tliis has that vile spawn of an English poor house, this gradúate of the grog shops and gutters of the city of Jaekson, this rotten-hearted professor of christiamty and temperanee, spilied the vials of bis rottenness and abuse on our head and character unbeaded by us, because unbelieved by every citizen of the tate who knows either or both." Sich is life. Two young colorea gentlemen with their ladiea, stopped at the Detroit house in Ypsilanti, last Sunday and asked for quarters. ïhe lidies were shown to their rooms, and the young gents to their apnrtments, one story higher. This so enraged one of the females that about two o'clock she got up and interviewed the landlord, and declared it impossible to rest so f ar away froni their fellows, but the old gent was immovable. 80 flnally she started for the depot and oame lióme, leaving her beloved there, he not knowing anything of her disappearance uutil he asked for hor in the morning to accompany hini to breakfast. Jnst imagine his surprise. One oouple hailed from this city, the other were reaidents of Ypsilanti. "Too funny for anything." The only attraction on Main street Monday was Barney Morrison dancing a hompipe. First and only production of Shakespear's King Hcnry IV, in tliis city September 21st. Edward Duffy, Ksq., lias sdded to bis stock a full line of house furnishing goods, at pricee tliat defy corapetition. Street Janips out on some of our principal thoroughfarea last Friday nigLt before 10 o'clock. Can any one explain the reason of it, or is that eimply a reminder of wbst is iu store for us this fall and winter.


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